The Alphas - A story to fix the Alien Franchise - Those above the Engineers (Theory) Part One

The Alphas - A story to fix the Alien Franchise - Those above the Engineers (Theory) Part One

SciFi Explained

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@Bri-rb5lq - 25.03.2024 02:26

Somebody should straighten this out

@Dizguyzer - 25.03.2024 08:21

The species above engineers has already been shown in the film; it's their lord, Decon. You can find it in a mural.

@thenowwhatshow4142 - 26.03.2024 08:09

lol crazy how y’all think these people would look like this

@lesliemason6016 - 26.03.2024 11:21

No no no no!
The story is all over inside the juggernaut! Starting from the left side to the center and right shows whole story! The DECONS seeded life includes the 2 types of engineers. The decon used its gold blood (in beginning) creates life. They used it to make us. The decon had evolved so much that they are sterile like all dual sex life. It taught the engineers about sacrifice for life. When the gold blood ran out, they were trying to find their own way. The side room where shaw and boyfriend go in from the black goo room: there is a cup of the gold black goo in the left hand wall.
Humans were so violent, they tried sending Jesus to help but he was tortured. So the engineers tried to make a virus to pull out all the violent dna of humans. But it instead made it's own monster. They got infected themselves by accident and tried to close it all down. The full conversation on another channel has ALL OF THE CONVERSATION between David and the engineer. The engineers in the suits were made by the elder engineers in robes at beginning for safety in tests. They all lives for hundreds of thousands of years and are millions of years old as a species. The decon died and gave them all it's blood. The deconxsblood is in the engineers because that is what shape it resembles when it is infected at the end.
It's always been a nanovirus with cancer cells that was supposed to take out the evil but allow them to live. It's never been an egg. That's how it can grow anywhere and dependent on where it's at and what it's in. Like convent, the one in the guy's back, it had more sharp bone and spikes because spine is bone. The one that comes from the guy's throat is more tubal like the esophagus.

@dublakhan6121 - 28.03.2024 10:45

Came to see this truly great idea AGAIN, after watching the dumpster fire that is the Romulus trailer. Crikey, Why do they in Hollywood keep wasting their vital fluids and taxing their feeble brain cells making more junk? JUST MAKE THIS VERSION - in 4 to 5 installments, and be done with the prequels !!

@LeeFevGolf1977 - 05.04.2024 18:01

What a brilliant breakdown 👍🏼

@12345678927164 - 26.04.2024 00:23

The director better make all these films quickly before Hollywood makes the engineers non-white.

@joshehrhart1498 - 29.04.2024 16:42

What a perfect fix when is Fox gonna hire you?

@mattiuinternational276 - 30.04.2024 15:41

The alien franchise is a prequel to skibidi toilet

@ChimpingBulldog - 07.05.2024 21:51

I just ignore Prometheus and Covenant, just as i do with the Star Wars sequels. Much like the case with various snoke theories, fans give far too much credit to the creativity and diligence of modern hollywood writers.

There's no art- or heart- involved at any step.

@Frazful - 08.05.2024 10:30

I don't care. I loved Prometheus, no "critic" is going to change my mind about that.

@murilogoulart4935 - 15.05.2024 22:15

All ALIEN directed by Ridley Scott are absolutely brilliant. Masterpiece 1 by 1. If the idiot don't agree, alright. Keep being an idiot.
Greetings from Danmark 🤜 🇩🇰 🤛

@jeffreyatlee8785 - 21.05.2024 15:29

Alphas as clumsy an idea as it is, would at least explain why Engineers are so pissed off. They are stuck in a loop and know it. That's why they commit self-destruction.

@jeffreyatlee8785 - 21.05.2024 15:32

Alphas wouldn't be found on planets but on satellites, rocks and orbitals. At that size gravity control becomes vital.

@dungeonkeeper42 - 13.06.2024 23:50

It was actually the xenomorphs that created the engineers so they wouldn't go extinct

@frontalwind - 16.06.2024 19:47

Why are all the aliens naked or lightly clothed. Except for the predators.

@funnylumpy - 18.06.2024 08:25

Main problem is that most newer shitfi movies replace alien races with humans and human bio wpns. Because there is no aliens really, everything is human. Prometheus doesn't fit at all in the alien universe. Its a cheap uncreative cgi horrible movie. It is filled with morons as crew and is not interesting or even thrilling.
Here is how the Alien franchise is to me.
Alien and Aliens is canon add in predator + predator 2 in the latter which you can see the space jockeys skull in the thropy collection of the predators. AVP had some cool interesting ideas which was matching up with many of the comics and some of the novels.
Some of the comics and novels is not fitting in good either.
There is several of the games which are also very fitting with the story of Alien and predators.

There were a good script for Alien 3 but it was scrapped for the horror we got.
Ridley Scotts prequels was just a cash grab nothing more and he are not able to fix it.
On a positive note there is many people making fan novel, short stories and movies which are quite decent.
Edit: phone froze..

@chrisliu805 - 20.06.2024 18:02

Big spoiler: Xenomorph was also an AI, but biological.

@LastRedStar - 23.06.2024 13:55

Honestly, this isn't bad. But it still doesn't fix the absolute downgrade in lore Ridley added in with Prometheus & Covenant. It's not cool knowing the Xenomorph's were created by some stupid, crazy android. Thats not at all as interesting as what was previously established (i think). I believe there was the 'All mother' whom controlled every Xeno Queen, and was basically a Xenomorph god. Or maybe im moxing up some info. It's been too long since I've been invoved in the alien/predator lore.

@GatCat - 10.08.2024 09:41

There’s two great Alien movies. Beyond that, it’s like any other series of sequels.

@Monkey_D_Luffy56 - 16.08.2024 07:36

If the Alpha saw that Black Goo in a world that has civilization and looks like it got attacked, who created that Black Goo and what are those civilizations?

@RichardAlanNaggar - 18.08.2024 20:44

Very nicely shared thank you. You also explain it very well AND have basically captured the essence of the Alien franchise by not only complimenting it but supplying closures as well as a natural wanting for more. There must be a way to get this story to Ridley. What governs this concept of yours is that it is plausible. You not only would FIX the series but propel it. Well done

@TheGreatBaronOBeefDip - 21.08.2024 22:57

The alphas would correct the size discrepancy, as the space jockey and engineers are different heights, which has always bugged me.

@von675 - 22.08.2024 02:12

Wonderful theory!

@dzod - 24.08.2024 03:43

Looks like the hybrid creature at the end of Alien Romulus.

@lorenzoolvera9225 - 24.08.2024 22:08

Yall can never be happy with anything 😂 like shut up and enjoy the movie(s) damn lol. “This shoulda been like this!” “I don’t like this movie cuz it made my pussy hurt!”

@arpegius81 - 27.08.2024 00:44


@cronus7500 - 29.08.2024 20:18

"No retconning needed" If The Alpha race met with Humanity, but Prometheus explains The Enginners made Humanity...? What gives...?

@lecherojr - 31.08.2024 00:33

I think the introduction of the black goo and the deacon killed any hope of resolving the issues between the prequels and the good Alien movies. Now had the engineer birthed a queen… granted that would require changing most of the rest of the story of Prometheus and I think that would be for the best

@SirdancPeredhil - 01.09.2024 12:28

Much better than anything Ridley Scott presented - so far. Thank You.

@gecko7005 - 02.09.2024 03:59

In my head it’s just Alien 1 and 2. I so much preferred the mystery and theories before Prometheus came out. The idea that these creatures can evolve naturally is far scarier and the original movies in general had this kind of lovecraftian feel to the alien. Sometimes questions are best left unanswered

@aliray7833 - 02.09.2024 19:24

So the one at the end of Romulus…..was that an alpha?

@youcanhandlethetruth4695 - 03.09.2024 21:36

The Prequels will never make sense. They should have stuck with the Alien Predator Lore, just better. Predators should be beings, that reached there Peak Evolution (because like us Technology, took away Natural Selection), so they started to use other Live forms DNA, to make themselves better. Thats why they make Hunting Tournaments, Test if the new DNA Upgrade their Natural Abilities. But on their search they found one Species (alien) wich was so different from Natural Live forms (Acid Blood), that they could never combine with them. So with their superior Technology, they decided, to use These Swarm Creatures as the Ultimate Test, for their own Perfection Goals. (the Human teaching, Anunaki, Pyramid story can stay).

How did they meet the First Alien Swarm Weapon? They where in a War (just look at their tech), with the SpaceJoky Beings, who used the Aliens on Many of their Planets. The Predators, are the Ones who Shot down the Bio Weapon Space Joky Ship, wich Crash landed on this Moon, 100thousand years earlier. That is when they won and as a Punishment, they used the Alien Bioweapon on the Last Joky to start the Breading of Aliens for themselves. Thats what started the Whole "Human Ceremony Tradition" later on.

So they made Humans Better with DNA Manipulation from Apes, to get better and Smarter, Aliens to battle with. We have bin the Used for a long time.

Until One Day the First Humans Started Beating Predators, at wich Moment they saw us Worthy and left us Alone to Evolve. Wich leads back to finding the Joky in the First Alien Movie. From wich Point on we kind of try the same thing they have done so long ago, combine our DNA with that of the Alien. Wich also never works out as Planed.

Now Where did the First Aliens, the Jokys Used come from? I think that should never be answered in the Movies, to keep the same Mystery going.

I think the Best Idea, to explain why they are so different, why they can use us to Mix and be in control. Jet when we use them to mix, they are still in Control. Is because they are from a Parallel "Dark" universe, hence Zero Emotions/Remorse. Brought over by this Alien Goddess, to clence this Universe from Light.
Wich would give them a Much Sinister Purpose, then just being Mindless Ants. They to have a Hive Objective.

@yerossyle - 09.09.2024 13:45

The problem with alien covenant is that it tells us that David created the Xenos as we know them from the first alien movie. But it was established from the start that the alien which was dead in the cockpit was already fossilized. And yet the alien xeno eggs were already there. Did David bring them there? I think not

@DrayseSchneider - 10.09.2024 02:08

Honestly, your explanation of why the Engineers DNA matches human DNA so well makes more sense than the canon explanation. Using one's species DNA to seed a planet is unlikely to result in an intelligent species that looks like the sacrificed being.

@stevenirizarry1304 - 10.09.2024 06:40

I would ditch the “alpha” title

Just call them “Mala’kak” as an homage to dark horse

@C0MPLEXITY - 10.09.2024 09:00

Alien timeline is a delusional shitshow

@stinkymccheese8010 - 12.09.2024 10:49

No we’re just pissed that the whole franchise wasn’t handed over to Disney.

@DrivingDoctor82 - 16.09.2024 04:03

The Alphas drawing’s are amazingly done.

@kevinha9734 - 04.10.2024 06:14

This is genuinely amazing!!! The developers need to hire you asap. Keep up the good work

@meows_and_woof - 10.10.2024 16:00

You got almost everything wrong! The golden goo that engineer had in the opening scene was to create new life, they show how the cells of engineer broke down and his DNA reassembled into different forms to create new type of life.
The people on that planet LV not engineers, they worship engineers that means they were either created by them or they are level below the engineers . Even their clothes, faces and surroundings are too simple to be an advanced civilisation like engineers are

@alltheflavors9673 - 23.10.2024 00:38

Scott doesn't know what he's doing. And doesn't care either.

@alltheflavors9673 - 23.10.2024 00:49

The goo is the laziest most shameless deux ex machina in sci-fi.

@DadBadGaming - 27.10.2024 16:23

Prequels are esoteric, Ridley Scott is too busy preaching to actually entertain

@DadBadGaming - 27.10.2024 16:24

black goo Fucks it all up, they should have just made a completely unrelated idea for that that concept, unrelated to Aliens

@numbernine5044 - 27.12.2024 23:56

I think trying to link the engineers and have them mutate to xenos is a poor and very limiting choice for the writers and designers. One, they look darn right stupid and look like they have hats on. Elongated head mutation serves no actual purpose other than some designer decided that it just worked. Nope. Where there is no logic to it, people should look else where for inspiration on how the xeno came about. hey, how about HR Giger?

@fred89pj - 30.12.2024 17:11

I think the fact that some stuff are not clear gives room for imagination and wondering

@MitchellRoberts-dk2mb - 15.02.2025 11:36

The non-cannon name for the Alpha is "Omega engineers."

@kengilmore2563 - 26.02.2025 22:12

The history is in the novella voyage of the space beagle by A E Van Vogt written in I believe the 1950s.

@scifiexplained - 10.06.2017 23:09

Hi guys, I love the movies as they are, but I did some story telling of my own to see how I would tie the franchise together, and fix some stuff that I and many others didn't like. Its just a "for fun" story, only about 3 days of thinking here, no major theory, hope you enjoy! I will note that the Alphas aren't meant to be related to the Engineers or the humans, they would be ancient and Engineers and Humans don't happen til much later.
