Does Evangelical Support for Israel Come with An Agenda?  Former Christian Zionist Gavriel Sanders

Does Evangelical Support for Israel Come with An Agenda? Former Christian Zionist Gavriel Sanders

Beyneynu - בינינו

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@ashenafiwolde8982 - 06.11.2023 13:42

Take it or leave it. Baggers can not be choosers. We have our own way of believing and you have your own way of believing. If you think Judaism is the truth, why are you afraid of Christianity. Let zionists see the truth themselves and learn about other religions. Have faith on them. You do not have to be defensive about it. Besides, Nothing comes free. Israel is surrounded by arab nations that want to kill every zionist in the middle east. America is doing everything in its power to prevent that. And this guy is worried about someone preaching Christianity to Jewish on the TV. That fake religion that he thinks (Christianity) has over 2 billions followers. It has brought them peace, comfort, hope and joy. Because of that, they try to help Israel. Jesus is Jewish. He was crucified and died for our sins in Jerusalem. Do not bite the hand that feeds you. There is no Israel without America. If you disagree with Christianity, at least be respectful and say that you respectfully disagree with bible instead of saying Christianity is a joke. You could bring hate to zionists. Now it is not the time to criticize Christianity or its teaching. You should worry about forming a peaceful Israel state first. You are not in the position to question their motive. For example, Zionists say west bank is their land. God promised them the land and 700, 000 zionists have moved there. And only Evangelist Christians are saying West Bank belongs to Israel while the world say it is Palestinians' land. Evangelist Christians continue to lobby to make West Bank part of Israel. Trump has already recognized Golan heights as part of Israel. Please, do not insult Evangelist Christians' intelligence. They gave you a country. Be grateful instead of complaining about that their god (Jesus Christ) is fake. Who cares? You are putting thousands of lives in West Bank in danger. Without the christians support, the international community will ask zionists to leave the area. The government of Israel might be forced to remove them. That means Civil war in Israel. The last thing that people want in Israel is zionists fighting the government of Israel. They do not care about a man in the TV talking about Jesus. They want peace. They want their land back. They do not want to be divided like Kingdom of Israel and kingdom of Judah. They want to see 1 Israel like how king David ruled it thousands years ago.

@ilana0507 - 27.10.2023 08:26

I honestly believe that every religion, including judaism, is a cholent of motifs, themes, ideas, etc. borrowed from predated religions or tribal-like traditions.

@snrosh - 09.09.2023 14:27

Day star channel needs to be removed immediately from israel's tv sets.

@guymoe81 - 17.06.2023 23:34

Every relationship has a motive Israel needs to embrace every friend it has. But at the same time we need to set boundaries.

@Vendola3 - 29.03.2023 17:55

Taking dirty money is causing your problems. Reject it.

@Vendola3 - 29.03.2023 17:52

What is the fear in calling out idolatry for what it is? Do we trust Hashem? These people need to be told what the consequence of idolatry is without repentance and then leave them alone.

@Bittzen - 18.03.2023 16:23

You're not understanding why they do it. It's because Paul, the author of 1/3 of the Christian new testament, paraphrasingly said, "he's a Jew when with the Jews, a gentile when with the gentiles." He advocated changing your identity and appearance to deceive others, or as he'd say, "make them believe."

He also wrote that everything in his writings, so 1/3 of the new testament, is written so that it will make people believe. So it's written to make people believe what he believes, so Christianity is inherently a deceptive religion. They don't follow Leviticus 19 about lying. They think Jesus fulfilled the law of Moses, so they can lie now I guess.

@Choosehappy182 - 16.03.2023 13:29

Thank you for all you do.

@shmuelzetham8368 - 05.03.2023 06:55

Rabbi kahane was a grate man and we need to watch who we let give us help

@shmuelzetham8368 - 05.03.2023 06:49

I dont want no christain help they are untrust worthy

@BYJOB - 02.03.2023 14:53

The most important contribution is rejecting Muslims as 'Palestinians' after 2,000-years of their hating this name. This name robbery is a covert extermination doctrine of both the history of Israel and Christians.

@annetteregner9954 - 23.02.2023 21:36

Simple message. Excellent. Thank you

@miriamlevinson185 - 23.02.2023 16:36

If a Christian tells you he's not evangelizing, that's a lie. Jews need to know that proselytizing is what they live for. They want Jews to convert to Christianity because they think that will bring about the "second coming." They need to be taught that the Torah is forever, for all Israel, and this is all over the Tanakh. They also need to know how destructive conversion is, and that's provable by history.

@robertsansone1680 - 21.02.2023 02:33

Most, if not all Evangelical people believe that the Jews will "See The Light" & convert to Christianity before the Second Coming of Christ. I've worked with many. They are good people, but yes, they have a playbook. Very interesting video. Thank You

@glenanleitner2606 - 21.02.2023 02:22

Yep Christianity and paganism merged

@phyllisbarr4766 - 20.02.2023 20:51

they aren't being culturally sensitive, it is wolf in sheep's clothing

@phyllisbarr4766 - 20.02.2023 20:49

so true and on point

@a.m204 - 20.02.2023 18:51

Even if xtian have studied Hebrew, they manipulate it into jc/yeshua. Messianic so called Rabbis are the huge culprit for it.

@a.m204 - 20.02.2023 18:45

100% with an agenda

@carrielaurenti5815 - 20.02.2023 18:00

There is Only One G-D, and if you truly read scripture He tells you that very early on, and also He says I AM NOT A MAN, THAT I SHOULD LIE, I know Christians truly love the Israel nation, but it is “ Not your job to change anyones mind, just to love them, I am not Jewish was Christian for most of my life, until my Father got a hold of me, PRAISE HIM, and now I follow the Tenach, and only HIS WORD.🙌❤️

@RabbiTuviaBolton - 20.02.2023 08:33

The very essence of their religion is to destroy and replace Judaism. They will not rest till every Jew believes like them and hates the Rabbis like J.C. did.

@sylviasolomon2241 - 20.02.2023 04:47

חזק וברוך 🙏

@flyingcat7975 - 20.02.2023 01:35

You see Christians how rhe Jews feel about you? So you should stop supporting zionism. It should be obvious by now that the zionists hate Christians. What more proof do you need??? Do you ever see them condemn Islam or any other religión? You are "Edom" and "Amalek" to them.

@Shoshi2048 - 19.02.2023 19:46


@siannarino - 19.02.2023 19:06


@RAK_EMET - 19.02.2023 16:33

Thank you!
Really fascinating! What a wise and intelligent man

@-td4abba4truth40 - 19.02.2023 15:52

Well said

@Ogofor3913 - 19.02.2023 15:27

MANY of those specific Christians the Rabbi is mentioning are bad news. They fought for slavery and supported the KKK and Jim Crow AND JUSTIFIED ALL WITH THE SCRIPTURES INCLUDING LYNCHING PEOPLE. The truly don't care if people are dieing in the holy land. Its all about THEIR PERCEPTION. Anythings else, don't care.

@bookmouse2719 - 19.02.2023 14:48

Ha ha! The borg!🤖👾🤡

@bookmouse2719 - 19.02.2023 14:44

I had to worn my son in law that christians aren't good for us Jews. I set him straight, they are dangerous gits and I wish they and the Other nameless gits were all out of our land.

@melchior-chr.v.brincken8006 - 19.02.2023 14:36

Israel was created by fascists zionists (Jabotinskys "Betar") which trained from 1934-1936 by Mussolini in naval base Civitavecchia. In 1948 they murdered whole villages (google "Deir Yasin") and threatend 700.000 Palestinians with murder to ethnically cleanse a territory to found Israel. Albert Einstein and Hanah Ahrendt called them fascists akin to the Nazis (google "Einstein Letter NYT 1948").
So "christian zionism" is defakto "christian satanism".

@yorunya438 - 19.02.2023 14:04

🔥🙏חזק וברוך !
Strong and blessed !

@celiaowen2444 - 19.02.2023 12:27

Wherever Christians go and have gone since inception death pain and destruction follow Nowadays it’s hidden but they have one mission and that IS to evangelise. To take Jews away from Torah It’s just underhanded now. They may generally believe but they believe lies. Yes it is pagan idolatry. They study Christianity but not the source of the lies. They forced their religion on others and still do but without torture and death now. We do not force Judaism on anyone never have never will. It’s Greek Roman Egyptian and all those sources formed into one. I will never understand how so many follow

@amiraabadi4715 - 19.02.2023 12:15

Here’s a novel idea rely on the support of HaShem and forget the idolators and their support with a “ hidden agenda “ by this man’s own admission. Accepting xtians support is as ignoramus to me as knowing someone has poisoned your tea. But you are still going to drink it!!!!!!

@Eddie.Wretch - 19.02.2023 07:17

I was having a similar conversation over Shabbos at the home of one of our Kollel Rabbis.

@Helen-ls8ij - 19.02.2023 05:47

Such a lonely word honesty.

@freedom4all581 - 19.02.2023 05:33


@cohenlabe1 - 19.02.2023 05:22

I Would like to see him on the streets of Israel with a folding table a bunch of bibles and sign ' jc is not the Jewish messiah prove me wrong.' Film it and show it

@celiaowen2444 - 19.02.2023 04:40

Sorry but they are extremely dangerous

@Motorhead1 - 19.02.2023 04:32

They are sneaky..
PS Rabbi Kahane was right a hero!..

@martinmaidenbaum5159 - 19.02.2023 03:48

The only agenda of the Evangelical support for Israel is to convert all of Israel into Christianity. The whole truth and nothing but the truth.

@shmuelzetham8368 - 19.02.2023 03:40

I am buying 2 38 ackers of land in Arizona and i want to build a yeshiva there

@shmuelzetham8368 - 19.02.2023 03:38

I have lived around christains all my life and they dont understand why i dont want to hangout with them there is a fine line between being jewish and knowing Ha shem and a christain that prays to a dead man

@fearfullyconfident2333 - 19.02.2023 03:37

Jewish Voice Ministries

@shmuelzetham8368 - 19.02.2023 03:36

Yes i think we should not take money from christains they want to convert us and i do not ever entend to convert
