These Ravaana Theories Will BEND YOUR MIND

These Ravaana Theories Will BEND YOUR MIND

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@sandipteli6449 - 22.11.2023 07:21

I just want to know answer asked in the beginning, did Ravana had 10 faces side by side? If yes, How many ears he had?

@ChoBoTa - 20.11.2023 03:40

It's sun wukong (from Chinese) in the thumbnail not raavana , just FYI

@yaswanthreddy5913 - 12.10.2023 23:46

so the remake culture was prevalent from long time

@ALC0A021 - 20.09.2023 10:30

Foolish people are coming to ranveer's show now

@sankarpadhi3409 - 10.09.2023 19:01


@dkboss2315 - 05.09.2023 21:26

Only in muslim ruled invaded and cross pollinated states ram is big hero and ravan is evil.. 😂

@dkboss2315 - 05.09.2023 21:25

Valmiki was ancient version of bjp i.t cell... Spreading bhimari janata party version of fake hinduism 😂😂😂😂

@mojii4946 - 20.08.2023 20:58

So nice to see Raavan himself explaining about Ramayana in beerbiceps

@ObscureManifesto - 27.07.2023 20:01

Hilarious how hindus today don't know chit about their own religion but christians and Muslims ALL can recite lines and stories from their holy books by MEMORY. Its shameful.

@sibtainabbas7751 - 23.07.2023 23:47

Please tell me i have a question
Hanuman saw mountain of rings
This means this hanuman came after lots of hanuman
So this mean there will be beginning where first hanuman must have come
So when first hanuman came there was only one ring
Why he didn't took that ring
If first hanuman took ring
Next hanuman will see only one ring
And cycle goes on
So every hanuman will see only one ring and its easy to take one ring
So there cant be mountain of rings
Please help if anyone can

@Boss_TopFrmDa0 - 26.06.2023 18:41

Ahh i dnt know why but I'm realy really obsessed with this so called hero ram....And his younger brother laxman right?? Bruhh whenever i read Bible there are no hero like ram just jesus healing people or nahh let me stop......I im really really obsessed with ram and laxman❤❤❤❤

@kapilanperumal7766 - 24.06.2023 20:14

Kamba ramayanam is first version where it illustrates lord ram. Avatar of Krishna and Vishnu

@Vamp-ed8yt - 24.06.2023 19:43

What is this guy saying, these people make adhipurush , he was just blabbering anything without any sense "multiverse" this is so disturbing to listen please go and get some knowledge and then speak please

@rvs2023yt - 22.06.2023 09:27

Edit the part

@bronzremix - 17.06.2023 06:44

When Ravana married was enamoured with Mandodari and engaged to wed her they succumbed to their passions, then Ravana went off to conquer. Mandodari realizing she was with child planted the child that was found and became the Princess Sita. This is why Ravana, albeit cursed and so learned, is drawn to Sita.

@triparnahalder907 - 03.06.2023 20:35

I have heard a story like ravan just wanted to sita to be in his place (as sita is avatar of god laksmi). As he wanted that his country should always be prosperous. Ravan consider sita as maa.
Along with that ravan was also a devotee of lord Ram, he was a gate keeper of god Vishnu. One day Vishnu told that make sure no one should disturb me. That time laksmi came to meet Vishnu,and the gate keeper refused to give her entry. Then laksmi gave curse to that gate keeper.. like this and some related story also ...

@PrateekJain-pi9jc - 29.05.2023 16:37

Valmiki ramayana is the one and true version.

@ravichaudhary4892 - 29.05.2023 10:19

Kuchh bhiiii......

@YuvrajWithAGuitar - 25.05.2023 00:13

They are talking about multiverse!

@mineshpatel3709 - 21.05.2023 16:48

I am from Malaysia
When I went to Bali in Indonesia I saw "Wayang Kulit" which is a beautiful version of Ramayana.....this Wayang Kulit is performed since ancient times over there and the best Character I liked was Hanuman
Dangerous and fierce looking Hanuman

@completewhackjob - 12.05.2023 21:37

Muslim ramayana 😂 now some one can come back and say this is where Sir Tan Se juda comes from in the context of Ravana.

@rrchandra5 - 12.05.2023 15:05

What is the Name of the guy who is the speaker...

@ra1asura - 12.05.2023 13:54

Don't be amazed if they tell U Vishnu is Allah n Rama is Phropet Mohamed... 😂😂 Who is Shiva... 🤔 Satan😂😂

@hrithikka3843 - 09.05.2023 21:50

now this is how a person with no knowledge about certain things talk. Ramayana is our history not mythological or fictional stories, just because u don't know how it happened doesn't mean it didn't happen. please call people who have proper knowledge regarding subject. yes there are many versions of Ramayana which happened in different kalpas. This clearly shows that he does not know how our timelines work according to our ancestors. The person who does not properly about our history how can he give opinions on Ramayana?

@savnazi - 04.05.2023 00:19

Guys don't distract your mind. In the supreme court Sri Ram's birthplace has been proven through Ved. There were 436 pointers out of which almost 430 evidence matched during archeological survey.

@astrokeecity7146 - 01.05.2023 23:23

Many versions of Ramayana in Urdu where they all pray Allah...isn't it islamisation of's not a version,it's a henious act of making a fool out of religion

@khajazakirhussain9611 - 30.04.2023 00:28

Facts of religion
. Peace and patience here and salvation hereafter
. Do good be away from bad deeds
. There is life after death good ones are awarded and bad ones are punished
. Recognise????? Creator of this beautiful universe and be grateful to him

@Rocky-ip2tg - 25.04.2023 13:22

Please only listen and believe in Valmiki Ramayana...🙏🙏🙏

@ai77716 - 30.03.2023 18:49

Time is prana ~ surya siddhantha ♥️🇮🇳

@23367388 - 29.03.2023 02:21

Islamic Ramayana is a tool to convert

@rohitm5774 - 25.03.2023 02:42

This guy is shit

@MavenAssassin - 23.03.2023 08:49

Sita talked about ‘parallel universes’.

@AL-sz6xy - 21.03.2023 20:57

Kya phunk k aaya be yeh.

@indianvoyager9305 - 21.03.2023 16:03

This telling about litreture which is bended by people of different origin of thw world...this is not what real ramayan is what he is telling...

@PredatorZ-007 - 20.03.2023 05:28

This guest just talked so much nonsense . 🤮 🤮 🤮

@manojbhat1440 - 18.03.2023 13:51

It's just a GUESS I'm not sure of the timeline either but this seems logical to me. You all know that Rama set his arrow to dry the entire ocean but then Samudra dev begged him not to and redirect it some place in north. Yes that place is more likely Indus-valley civilization. It might have spread in some part of Rajasthan( current one). Samudra deva also mentioned that they drink his water . As ocean water is salt he is referring to lake or river. It is known that this civilization was on the bank of Sarasvati river. Again it's just my guess . Please comment down below and stop commenting "proud to be Sanatini" we don't desreve that.

उत्तरेणावकाशोऽस्ति कश्चित्पुण्यतरो मम || २-२२-३१
द्रुमकुल्य इति ख्यातो लोके ख्यातो यथा भवान् |

Towards my northern side, there is a holy place. It is well known as Drumatulya, in the same way as you are well known to this world.

उग्रदर्शनकर्माणो बहवस्तत्र दस्यवः || २-२२-३२
आभीरप्रमुखाः पापाः पिबन्ति सलिलम् मम |

Numerous robbers of fearful aspect and deeds, having the sinful Abhiras as their chief, drink my waters there.

तैर्न तत्स्पर्शनम् पापम् सहेयम् पापकर्मभिः || २-२२-३३
अमोघः क्रियताम् राम तत्र तेषु शरोत्तमः |

I am not able to bear that touch of those wicked people, the evil doers, O, Rama! Let this excellent arrow with out vain be released over them there.

तस्य तद्वचनम् श्रुत्वा सागरस्य महात्मनः || २-२२-३४
मुमोच तम् शरम् दीप्तम् परम् सागरदर्शनात् |

Hearing those words of the high-soled Ocean, Rama released that excellent and splendid arrow towards that place as directed by the ocean.

@deepaksingh-wu7hx - 18.03.2023 12:04

Multidimensional reality is Reality.

@SUNETRAGANGULY - 17.03.2023 12:13

Dude it's quite funny to see such straight face misinterpretation just to falcify history as story..
Better things have come here .

@surajpatil7895 - 16.03.2023 00:32

Well.There are more than 15 versions of Kuran. That means Islam is also mythology?. Same with Bible.

@RS20065 - 14.03.2023 11:01

This makes no sense . Ramayana characters as muslim , Ramayan happened thousands of years before birth of islam and even after having written proof of Ramayana by Rushi Valmiki saying it as mythology not History.
Not to offend you sir but I want to know - konsa maal phukte ho .

@dheerajsah - 11.03.2023 14:33

In southern parts of India someone got drunk before writing all the bs, Islam as a religion is not more than 1500 years old, how can someone with a sane mind write what this guy speaks of

@diptarkaraay2729 - 11.03.2023 12:59

The Mopala Ramayana is nothing but an Islamic representation in the line of Allahaponisad ... These are evangelical tactics

@diptarkaraay2729 - 11.03.2023 12:58

Wrong interpretation. The repetitive nature shows its History
History repeats itself

@tusharniras - 11.03.2023 09:14

Multiverse of Ramayana 😮

@Cinemauncut916 - 10.03.2023 23:50

Fake story spread
