Reasons to Remain Single

Reasons to Remain Single

The School of Life

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@Harmonious-jm3sy - 27.01.2024 23:14

My ex narcissistic wife (or so called wife) couldn’t keep her pants on at work. Single is better.

@Nnmtes - 25.01.2024 01:14

Sadly I felt more alone in my marriage than i do living on my own.

@Operations-rc5el - 20.01.2024 07:42

Singlitude is freedom and purity of body, mind and spirit.

@JohnMoreno-dq6mq - 17.01.2024 00:20

I have numerous, fine, celibate relationships with men. I value their insights, strengths and humor. Sex would mess all that up, so no.
I prefer to associate with multiple personalities. I learn new stuff that way.

Singlehood offers a life of less hassle, better companionship, minimal weird expectations. I DO miss the vacations and the money that marriage provided, but as Kipling said: "there is no price too high for the privilege of being yourself."

@isabellaveloso886 - 16.01.2024 03:40

I kind of think each person alucinates her own sense of reality, and people collectively alucinate we have a shared and common reality. Well, we don't, and romantic relationships show just how challenging is the negotiation of justice and what reality really is. Because each person thinks THEY are correct and THEIR reality is the real one. Pretty hard. I at least have a hard time defending my rights and perception over someone elses. No wonder I've being single for a while now. And we are not weird at all for remaining single, maybe we are a bit too sane 😅

@adrianace1725 - 09.01.2024 22:43

Being single has so many positives. Much more than negatives. Embrace it! 😎

@tumbleweed4026 - 08.01.2024 16:01

I will beg to differ and this is largely based on one special book I have read (written by Helen Fisher, who's a leading neuropsychologist in matters of love) even if there have been others, which however do not discuss solely on 'love'.
1) Romantic love is NOT an illusion - there are so many research about that, and the idea that it's only 250 years old is severely misinformed, and absolutely dismissive of the ideas and stories of love in other cultures.
2) While I will give it to you that Romantic love can last for a short while given that its intensity might be fiery and unsustainable in the long run, but again, research posits that love is NOT literally displaced or eliminated, but rather cohabitates with deep feelings of attachment with the person you have been with (for so long). On the other hand, the flame of love can also be continuously stoked up through couples doing activities together, especially new ones, trying to break from the stagnancy of monotony, or even experimenting with new stuff.
3) 'We aren't sane enough to be in relationships'... Seriously? I'm gonna stop, right here.

It is quite appalling that you dared to share this kind of misinformation which could lead so many people astray, or even validate their inactions, and delusions about 'love'.

I don't know where you are 'psychologically', but it does not feel like you could had been at a right place at that time, for you to have professed so much venom, and even spewed it on others' minds (I'm especially wary of the effect this might have on Incels - even if I hate this term). While there will always be philosophical arguments that might support your premises, your 'lecture' still abhorrently dismisses cultural relativity, conceptions of love, evolutionary psychology and biology... and what else not, to such an extent that I feel that it's dangerous. I legitimately feel awful, thinking about the things you could had been through for you to go as far as publishing this kind of video. I hope that you have found, or find the help that you need.

PS I am a mental health professional, in his mid 30s, who talks with people who are in love, or falling out in love on a regularly basis, or people who live together but hate each other, or even people who love each other but can't be with each other, among others. Pertinently, I have actually never dated in his life, even if I have fallen in love twice and which sort of broke me (too?). But I did my research about it in order to understand if there was something wrong with me, or to understand what love is about, or to know if someone like me could love, and expect to be loved back... and more.

@amanda-clairebennett6132 - 05.01.2024 02:57

There are many advantages to being alone/single. I didn't realise this until after my divorce. I think people who choose to be alone/single are stronger, more mature, and more emotionally stable. They become more self-reliant and don't care for another person's opinion of them. You really can simply do whatever you like without the consent/approval of another person, it is very liberating and empowering. Not shameful or or socially awkward at all.

@swadey2.017 - 02.01.2024 14:31

The worst part of breaking up with someone isn’t losing them, it’s losing yourself.
- Some homeless drunk guy at the bus depot

@thepanman8 - 02.01.2024 01:12

Co-worker of mine was in a relationship with someone for just about 8yrs, they broke up, and she went after his pension, he ended up getting a loan for 125,000$ half of his pension he couldnt take out now, to give to her to make her go away. Common law partner, and they were probably madly in love at one point. Love is dangerous.

@thecrazydisneyparksfanatic921 - 31.12.2023 10:35

I’m 40 and to be honest here I’d rather take my time and find someone that I’m willing to spend the rest of my life with over just having the fact that I’m dating someone

@autokey187 - 31.12.2023 09:00

Rather make money than waste it on freeloaders 😂😂😂

@islanddon865 - 29.12.2023 22:14

The researchers looked at more than 2,400 twin pairs (about 1,600 female pairs and more than 800 male pairs). They found that those who were married drank less alcohol and drank less often than those who were single or divorced.
-CBS News Report

@petrostezapsidis2484 - 29.12.2023 02:51

Haha... Good, funny video.

@halftimedeus8871 - 27.12.2023 23:34

Let's all appreciate the quality and quirkiness of the animations :)

@tinazaccagna1459 - 26.12.2023 23:13

Being alone is better than trying to parent a child alone . Growing financially , spiritually , physically, and mentally with a partner is so important . If with a person who does everything to inhibit your growth. A person who, in fact has no ability for their own growth, and does everything in their power to diminish you. I will never ever feel the need to be in a relationship again being in love is wonderful being in love with the wrong person is a kind of hell I never wish to be in again.

@halimothman2010 - 25.12.2023 20:37

Being alone requires ultimate courage -with ultimate rewards

@commonsenseisntcommon1776 - 24.12.2023 02:55

I enjoy my single life.

@gabrielletanner5339 - 23.12.2023 20:00

You can be alone but not lonely...lonely people have usually depended on others and things to make them happy....

@vonDrouver3000 - 23.12.2023 18:34

Being single means no more dirty dishes, laundry , ironing, drama, and you have all that time to self develop and be the best version of yourself

@trfgshdtg4577 - 22.12.2023 06:57

Huge trap for women.

@deadreckoning6288 - 21.12.2023 18:54

I had to learn the hard way about romantic love and human nature. It's all good....until it isn't. Romantic love with humans is conditional and if the one you love gets a better deal along the way, you'll be out the door. Thats been my experience.

@rosemarietolentino3218 - 20.12.2023 02:58

Things have changed in the past seven years.

@granthill2980 - 16.12.2023 19:11

Marriage is for procreation and raising the kids to not be mass murderers!!! Thats it!!! After that, marriages fall into a state of disrepair because they've lost their main function. Sad but true.

@granthill2980 - 16.12.2023 18:16

Reasons to remain single. FREEDOM!!! Freedom to do what YOU want to do when YOU want to do it!! Being content and being at peace in your life. Being happy!! I've been maried twice for a total of 25 years of my adult life and can say with my hand on the Bible that I've never been happier and have Never, not once, in the last 15 years, felt any kind of lonliness!! I think to be happy being single you have to be a confident person and truly be your own best friend. I've got friends I can hang with anytime I want, and do, just by picking up the phone. But truthfully, most of the time I truly enjoy my own company. I think a single life is a privileged life! I've known so many men that are to insecure to live on their own. They would rather be in a loveless marriage and live a life of misery than face living alone! My Brother is one of them!! My Dad was another. I see them and they live a life of self imposed confinement!! It's really sad. Yes, being single and living life on my terms is the ONLY way I can live!! Everything I have has been paid off for years, beautiful home, two vehicles, and a good stash put away. I have'nt had a credit card in 20 years! Don't need one. My life is totally stress free and tranquill. I can't desribe it any better than this...

@TylerVogel - 12.12.2023 04:04

I'm fucking done being alone I don't want reasons justifying this worthless lonely existence. I want the answers to know what I need to do and change in myself to finally get the universe to let me have love!!

@daktraveler56 - 10.12.2023 02:55

I'm 56, single and childless and enjoying my life. When I meet a woman who makes being coupled more fun than being alone, I'll get married. No woman is more beautiful than freedom.

@JustChill_1031 - 08.12.2023 02:40

I always hate it when people tell me the insult, "I'd be single too if I had to look like you!" Like, that is such a biased and shallow-minded response. They should realize that there are countless people in this world who are super attractive, but have no interest in being in a relationship, and then there's people who are the opposite, and they actually are in a relationship, they're married and have children, or they're at least going steady with someone. I can be one of the sexiest men on the face of this world, and I still would not feel it in my heart to be in any kind of relationship. If anyone out there ever gets told the insult, "I'd be single too if I had to look like you!", give them this rebuttal, and tell them how biased and shallow-minded they are, and you will see that they will regret saying such rubbish. 😉

@alainacommander2657 - 07.12.2023 06:20

Very helpful.😁

@user-ti3fe6gg4s - 05.12.2023 14:37

Shes never yours , its just your turn .

@tonyp9313 - 04.12.2023 03:08

Those are stupid reasons. You should have just said it's a waste of money, time & effort.

@davidpitchford6510 - 04.12.2023 00:51

A modern feral feminist woman will spend your money, waste your time, drain your energy and divert your attention. F. that.

@steveelam2310 - 03.12.2023 15:23

Besides combating lonliness,it a fine life

@benhartart9487 - 03.12.2023 02:29

I’d like to correct you…. It’s Women who are terrified to remain single, especially as they age ( over 30-35)
Because they in most cases want a man to protect, and provide for them financially and giving her a child/ children.
Or she remains single with many cats…no man to protect and financially provide.
What lady wants to work in the labour market til age 65? I’ve worked over 22 years it’s not that fun 😂

@user-cb7zj3uy2e - 02.12.2023 17:36

Just let people do whatever they feel like… being single, getting married, getting a divorce, we’re all learning by doing and it’s fine!! 💜✨

@chacha04241981 - 02.12.2023 16:04

Been single/alone a decade and I couldn't be happier💚

@mangisty1007 - 02.12.2023 08:05

I lost my husband 2 months ago and yes we had our problems, just like this video mentioned, but after almost 19 years married we worked thru so much and what we ended up with was truly special, having a relationship , if you are self reflecting, can help you work thru your issues. having someone share your life with is something beautiful, but I also know there is power and peace in being single…some times I think people use loving being single as a crutch because they are afraid they won’t find someone, or afraid they don’t trust their own judgement in picking someone compatible? It is easy to say you don’t care or need someone…especially since it seems the options are bleak out there…my hubby and I got to a deep love, that you can only experience after making it thru the tough stages of marriage❤🙏🏽 either way happy for those who are happy in their marriage or single life…which I am now a part of✌

@andyroyal4039 - 02.12.2023 02:36

Great video! But am SINGLE by choice, but certainly not LONELY, i do date...😂...

@chuachua-hj9zd - 30.11.2023 08:30

Being single is just bored compared to couples drama sometimes

@jdbroome8125 - 29.11.2023 23:00


@LADYZEE702 - 29.11.2023 19:46

I love being single. I dont miss being in a relatioship. I thought there was something wrong. I love my freedom. 😅

@firepatriot42 - 29.11.2023 14:48

After seing my parents marriage decay over the past 10+ yrs, and repeated attempts by my father to reconcile, her not allowing it its turned me off. He stayed with her until his passing last yr, myself having seen it and having to endure hearing her constantly complain about whenever I'd come to help with my fathers care, cancer, drained me of any last remaining desire. She's (my mother) constantly clingy having attempted to treat me as a surrogate spouse which is a living nightmare to deal with.
I relish peace and quiet and not having someone constantly go on and on not realizing that it can cause extreme emotional trauma due to not giving someone their space.

@thevijaykumar - 28.11.2023 12:00

Loneliness is a treasure which is present within everyone but only few are fortunate to unlock it.

@bobzacamano658 - 28.11.2023 00:48


@santos016 - 27.11.2023 05:20

----- Audience---
The most prolific statements I've ever heard was 20 years ago and it is still strong till this day..
" I'd much rather be alone if the alternative is being w/a shrew of a bitch... referring to American female..
Tom Leykis

@ahmedabadsinglesoulsahmeda2198 - 25.11.2023 04:54

Stay single stay happy. Today's relationships are materialistic. Marriage is a defunct institution.

@Carolinettw - 21.11.2023 23:40

I love the art of this video!
