马来人和华人能聊出共识吗?【#不同温层 Ep7】

马来人和华人能聊出共识吗?【#不同温层 Ep7】

BBK Network

1 год назад

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Ezra'Ell - 06.11.2023 10:38

Why not???... We are all Malaysians... The question is can we tolerated each other enough to keep the peace between us??...if we keep this tolerances to the highest level at all times, harmonies nation are highly possibles.

K Khalifah
K Khalifah - 06.11.2023 07:19

My wife is chinese. We don't have issues and you know why? Because we steer clear of the politicians in our families. Malaysian politics only encourage you to become an extremist, a bigot and a racist, because that's what helps local politicians become billionaires.

Yes, some of the policies and practices we see are dead unfair... but if you understand that they exist purely to benefit and even *PROFIT* the shameless shysters we call politicians, you learn to focus on yourself so that you can beat the system on your own merit.

san nam
san nam - 06.11.2023 03:54

See one time laugh one time

Soon Yew Liow
Soon Yew Liow - 03.11.2023 02:08

Indians are missing

拼裝客MAKER - 02.11.2023 14:04


Kamarul Ariffin
Kamarul Ariffin - 01.11.2023 07:15

Well, every race thinks that they are discriminated. During school years, non-bumi feel discriminated. While in the workforce, the malays and indians feel discriminated. so how to solve this issue? my answer is, stop discussing about the quick solution, just need to think about how to promote mingling between races, as early as in childhood. One school system is needed. at least prejudice can be eliminated. And for Chinese always looking down and ridiculing the Malays is not helping finding the solution. this will always increase the racial tension and reduce the possibility of having any solution.

admiya parames
admiya parames - 31.10.2023 18:32

My take:

SJK and secular school should be abolished. Hear me first; There should only be 1 type of school where everyone mixes around and goes to. Now I agree the quality of school is quite questionable since some sjk is better or some smk is better. But if we want to focus on getting equal rights, we should not segregate our community at the lowest level: school. We could also reasses capabilities of SMK and work our way towards better education quality.

I believe this approach is better for the long run; children will mix around and have sympathy and empathy towards each other. These experiences themselve will make younger generations advocate for an equal opportunity environment. This will also change the way they vote when they get older. People will want more equal policy. And that's not only on SJKs, but with SBPs and MRSMs too. Open everything for everyone. We are too segregated to see each others' suffering and needing help.

Policies of equal employment should follow suit. We know certain ethnicities have better opportunity in the industry, so we need to apply equal policies also.

P.S: Please don't go down the slippery slope: the school should also have all of the SJKs subject like Bahasa Cina, Bahasa Tamil. I'm imagining the utopia: complete racial harmony, and Malaysian being able to speak up to 3 language minimum, everyone advocating for each other.

Waterbug - 31.10.2023 14:56

It's such a shame that nobody brought up the Israelis vs Palestinians issue, the Bumiputera special privilege is exactly a mirror image of the status quo where special privileges are provided to the Malays the same way they are provided to the Israelis, just not on the same scale of severity, but the concept is basically the same. The Malays acknowledge the unfair treatments experienced by the Palestinians but not those experienced by their fellow Chinese and Indian folks. There's a layer of hypocrisy there.

jnvnjdnvjsdn - 28.10.2023 17:14

how is it not discrimination when someone literally makes reference to zee how's race and asks him to scram back to his "country"? That's an overt/hostile form of discrimination because you treat someone differently based on his skin colour, and express it in a hostile manner. This is regardless of whether it is insulting.

PL - 27.10.2023 04:11

A lot depends on the attitude of the persons we meet despite government policies. I was once in a restaurant in KL and shared the table with a Malay man and his wife. He initiated conversation and we had a pleasant time talking to each other. At the end, he paid for my meal. I've given towards charity activities that benefitted all races. Wrong teachings instill wrong behaviour and attitudes in people. As Gandhi once said, "We must be the change we want to see in the world."

喵喵 - 26.10.2023 03:33


Isaac Elone
Isaac Elone - 25.10.2023 17:30

This is by far one of the best insights in a video I've seen on our issues regarding our cultural diversity.

potsu - 25.10.2023 08:13

To first participate in the debate of discrimination, the government must first allow all races, not just Malays, to be able to become part of the government body.

Tan Yen
Tan Yen - 24.10.2023 15:40

I'm feeling disappointed after watching this video, not towards the topics of discussion but the views and expressions of malays aka bumiputera who are prioritized and given special preferences. First is using the wrong example to compare Malaysian Chinese or Indians with foreigners in European countries, second is asking more Malaysian Chinese or Indians to join the public service, which makes less sense because these races only made up less than 20% of the country population, definitely less of them will be involved in the public sector. Although it can be seen as a way to improve the equal rights enjoyed by the Malaysian Chinese or Indians in Malaysia, the roots of the solutions are not there. And, to improve the productivity of a country, the most simple way is to ensure positive competitiveness, which can rarely happen under such circumstances where minorities are not given chances to compete equally.

King_Alfred - 24.10.2023 13:41

a quick question about how many language subject is provided in a malay school, for chinese school it's 3, being chinese english and malay

subonium - 20.10.2023 09:27

the lawyer is forgetting that there are many ways to circumvent the housing policy quota for bumiputra by developers, even the quota shareholders of companies are mostly Malay elites who are forgetting their roots, not helping much to bumiputra community as a whole....I am suprised that both of them do not know this

Mark Tan
Mark Tan - 19.10.2023 02:41

You believe every races have equal rights in Malaysia ? girl, you’re dreaming😂😂😂😂😂

yueqingman - 18.10.2023 07:55


agip - 14.10.2023 06:15

I dont believe.... racist is still been practice.... everywhere i work.....this two department will be held by your people....HR and Administration....
Salary always different...bonuses alway less then them....every department only you are promoted ...
