Fluffy Meets Arnold Schwarzenegger | Gabriel Iglesias

Fluffy Meets Arnold Schwarzenegger | Gabriel Iglesias

Gabriel Iglesias

4 года назад

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@garyssimo - 08.03.2025 13:35

A friend in Fairfax met him at a house party in San Rafael and absolutly loved him for his warmth and comgeniality. Arnie visited my San Leandro gym Manor Health club in 1975 or so.
He took the owner Art's daughter to dinner at the Blue Dolphin at the Marina.Arnold had the waitress in stiches with his humor and charm I heard.

@sipapito - 04.03.2025 15:37

I use to work on a Hotel when I was a security officer in the Hotel my job was to make sure all employees or guests did not bother Arnold by asking autographs, Arnold was staying in our Hotel while filming Terminator and he happened to go out with his bodyguard to the pool when we cross paths I said Hello Mr Swartzenneger . How is Cristina ? He immediately stopped and spoke to me telling me she was great and she was coming to visit that evening for those that know who that is , it’s his first daughter’s name . That and other conversation with him was the best experience meeting my idol, instead of “can I have your autograph “? Very nice man and actor !

@damienthorneyoung6623 - 16.02.2025 10:45

Arnold Schwarzenegger is also my hero too. I love cigars to him smoke cigars.

@Mike990920 - 29.01.2025 09:08

I absolutely love your comedy!!! ☮️💕

@AcidAroma - 28.01.2025 07:14

If you have a problem with Arnold Schwarzenegger, then something is seriously mentally wrong with your head.

@chunkyhoey8649 - 26.01.2025 23:45

Who doesn't love Arnie in "Terminator".😂😂😂

@rorosnusnu2035 - 12.01.2025 05:30

The woke political comments are on the wrong side of history.

@void2258 - 11.01.2025 06:44

Arnold is one of the only famous people I have ever run into in real life. Literally. When I was a kid, my family was in LGA going to Disney world. It's crowded, everyone is in a rush, I am not paying attention. Suddenly I get knocked over, but the one who did it grabs my arm and makes sure I get a soft landing so I don't get hurt, but keeps running. My parents come over to help me up, make sure I am ok, and I looked and I see it was Arnold Schwarzenegger (I hadn't seen Terminator yet,I was too young, but I knew him from stuff like Last Action Hero, Twins, and Conan which was camp enough my parents let me watch it) running for his gate looking back to at me. "Sorry, kid!" he yells and disappears into the crowd.

@ForevernoobID - 10.01.2025 12:40

i am strongly suggest avoiding fluffy videos after you got stomach surgery..... it is really painful.... HAHAHAHAHHA

@myrnarutkowski8961 - 10.01.2025 04:52

You are so freakin funny! Love your voices and body language Your sound effects crack me up too! Your authenticity grabs our emotions so quickly , we don't even realize we have become Fluffy too😂❤!!

@erdem_ozkir - 25.12.2024 22:55

This guy is very funny

@Neellssoonn1 - 10.11.2024 04:59


@DonaldAdams-d8l - 03.11.2024 22:15

It seems like his handler is resetting a robot

@philipdupont9106 - 25.10.2024 18:46

I love Arnold

@MichaelReed-l1w - 25.09.2024 21:56

Naaaa El chapo

@MichaelReed-l1w - 25.09.2024 21:56

Elijah met him too,he was with child that was in a wheelchair and Elijah jumped on his back and hit the floor .then he got tossed out . At least ,by your description of him he must have been ready for him .I'm glad you came instead fluffy

@NeonLion95 - 10.09.2024 05:38

I really felt that HEEEYYYY!

@user-rn9pt9er5z - 08.09.2024 17:09

Please when I see you in Winnipeg do the Arnold Schwarzenegger's impersonation...

@jamesgarner2103 - 05.09.2024 03:11

yeah, but what happens when you Arnold the Arnold? use his accent when it's your turn to say: I leeft teengs up and poot dem down!!!

@ericwong4213 - 04.09.2024 09:49

Wrestling legend, Sting on his last match in Wrestlemania shook hand with Arnie. His reaction is exactly like Fluffy. Frozen, freakout, amazed. and this is wrestling legend with one of highest popularity.

@dakota-rt8kd - 09.08.2024 23:34

So did i once at LAX Airport and I was at the waiting area, just where the passengers, we're to exit from the flight.

I was waiting for a shipping colleague from NYC and he was waiting on someone else's; whom named happens to be, Maria 😅❤i🎉
He looked very handsome
and all in white slacks and an awesomeness of a White and flowery; Hawaiian shirt.
We, just looked up and acknowledging each other, we smiled.
I never have liked intruding in famous people spaces, or when they seem to be having a personal, lifetime moment in the processes of such.

@piehound - 21.07.2024 10:00

I know what you're saying.

@lindablumenthal1595 - 04.07.2024 02:52

Fluffy is the best! Love him!

@aayushwable1337 - 03.07.2024 14:55

One episode with or about Bollywood & filmstars must be produced,it will go Superhit.

@monique-y6o - 31.05.2024 23:37

You put a huge smile on my face 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💎💎💎💎💎🙏🏼

@robleary3353 - 20.04.2024 13:35

Bril!. Love this guy!. Nuff said!. 😂😂

@FINALLYOUTAFTER7 - 19.04.2024 10:47


@jenkinsfamilyo5471 - 19.04.2024 07:27

I wonder if he ever got the chance to give him his phone number.

@15mhercury - 01.04.2024 13:31

Thats Sir Sean Connery impression😂

@theblackcoat4615 - 30.03.2024 00:37

"I recognize you."
Coming from Arnold, it sounds like a threat lmao.

@frankreese6776 - 14.03.2024 04:18

I liked him in movies but I didn’t like him as a politician

@thomasholt6897 - 13.03.2024 06:46

This young man is gold! I enjoy his comedy very much

@JZLKRZ - 11.03.2024 18:51

Bro 😂😂😂
Arnold- “give me your contact- excuse me”

Fluffy “HEYYYYY!!!” 😂😂😂😂

@waynewilliams839 - 07.03.2024 21:51

I met Arnold in Palm Springs in 1982,very nice guy!

@zekeiirodriguez9514 - 05.03.2024 02:32

When Arnold came on tv telling us: fuck your rights get the vaccine!
That was it for me!

@megsmysteries8968 - 24.02.2024 19:27

Lol 😂

@johncrawford5225 - 12.02.2024 03:39

He was great as a politician. The last decent Governor California's had.

@eduardo_g.r. - 04.02.2024 04:45

Muito bom 😅😅😅!!

@IulianaAndronache15 - 31.01.2024 17:31


@janehampton2866 - 27.01.2024 23:08

Since I heard this. I think about this. I want to meet him so I can talk a lot

@juncabrera7258 - 05.01.2024 15:17

Oh my G... Fluffy I hope I could meet you and say this to you MABUHAY 😅

@chrisrodriguez7351 - 31.12.2023 22:44

My little brain could not fathom meeting Arnold.

@GregoryRamadu-qq5zb - 26.12.2023 13:48

It's so refreshing that Gabriel doesn't use foul language.. his voice impersonation is tops. God bless you abundantly 🙏

@46rambo49 - 24.12.2023 21:43


@SimplyDavid78 - 24.12.2023 16:50

I adore Mr Iglesias with an " I" 😂😂. Every new story is an experience and lot of fun. Great artist !!!!

@narinerampersad9804 - 20.12.2023 23:03

Arnold schwarzenegger does not talk like a Mexican. You need to go to the gym.
