How to Optimize Your Water Quality & Intake for Health | Huberman Lab Podcast

How to Optimize Your Water Quality & Intake for Health | Huberman Lab Podcast

Andrew Huberman

1 год назад

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Andrew Huberman
Andrew Huberman - 07.03.2023 08:58

Please note that there is some confusion: I stated covalent bonds for the bonds between Hydrogens & Oxygen of a single H2O, not the bonds between water molecules which, as many people pointed out are hydrogen bonds. I will post a clip to social media and elsewhere to further clarify.

Rotor Cell
Rotor Cell - 23.09.2023 19:18

What about registered water using magnetic fields…..

kevin - 20.09.2023 14:32

I used to work at Dream Tree in Houston, who has subsidiary locations called Water Tree, and they have a really good alkaline antioxidant filtration process, and also have hydrogen water which is pretty cool. Highly recommend. I like the Water Tree in San Marcos (south of Austin) especially, because I think the municipal source is an aquifer, and they do not fluoridate as a city. .I have a counter top water distiller at home, and drink a lot of distilled water that I remineralize with pink himalayan salt, and take kelp(iodine supplement), I'm not sure if that's sufficient, but I'd really like to work on improving water quality in general, it's really important, it stemmed from just avoiding fluoride, but there are so many different aspects. It blows my mind when some people say, it's just water, that doesn't even make sense, water is the most important thing you put in your body and on earth, I'm not sure how people mistake the significance. But they probably just aren't very concerned with the performance of their body, and that's different from my purposes. I believe that fluoride lowers consciousness, by calcifying the pineal gland, it's just really dumb to dump chemicals in the water supply, so stupid to screw around with the basic life necessity. I can tell a difference between fluoridated and non-fluoridated water in a blind taste test, I'd like to film it for proof, I can actually feel the difference in my head. That would be a wild experiment to perform, how much would that blow people's minds if someone could detect fluoride by feel lol. It'd prove that it actually screws with you.

TheCoyotemonster - 19.09.2023 23:00

I wish I would have watched this 6 months ago, because I have a lot to say here, and no one will ever read it now. I have well water at home which I do not drink, despite it being triple filtered, because it has a slick, slimy feel to me. I guess that means there is a lot of Calcium and Magnesium in it...I suffer from frequent muscle cramps which I treat with LyteShow, an electrolyte additive. It is very cost effective. Just 3-4 drops in an 8 oz. glass is probably a serving of it. I find however, that if I take this on a regular basis, I become over-fatigued. I have had this effect from other Magnesium supplements. I have naturally very low blood pressure. I wonder if the magnesium lowers my BP into an undesirable range. I wonder if Inside Tracker would help me determine my magnesium levels, or I suppose I could use my guy's BP cuff to see if when I have my over fatigue what my BP has dropped too much. Speaking of my guy, he does not eat pork, or shell fish etc. per the Old Testament, because he says it adversely affects the body's PH levels. Shwew. It was worth getting on the PC to make this comment...I guess...

TYSM - 19.09.2023 04:35

2+2+2+2+3= 11 my numerology number. 05/03/1992 tHANK YOU hUBERMAN!!

DommyBoy Smith
DommyBoy Smith - 17.09.2023 15:35

Tap water fully depends on where you live. Some cities have terrible water. My city happens to have the best water in the state.
I drink over a gallon of it per day. For years. I'm fine 😄
My buddy has terrible water though, you can barely wash dishes with it.

Step g
Step g - 13.09.2023 20:28

Thank you for sharing so much information to everyone. I love catching these and listening to the information you share.!😊

Bob Pemberton
Bob Pemberton - 13.09.2023 18:33

I was advised, years ago, that minerals contained in drinking water are inorganic in nature and not able to be adsorbed by the body. I was also told that the minerals we can adsorb are organic and found in meats, vegetables and fruits. I've used a reverse osmosis system for drinking, ice, coffee, tea and cooking for over thirty years. Although it does demineralize the water and lower the pH, the removal of other solids and Volatile Organic Compounds which can be carcinogenic, is very beneficial to one's health. On the pH issue, I believe the pH of the gut is 1.5 to 2.0 so could you explain why a higher pH water is beneficial? I was recently looking at the specs on a refrigerator with a water and ice dispenser that claimed that the on-board water filter could remove up to 95% of "pharmaceuticals" from the incoming water source. I was surprised to see the manufacturer actually use that word rather than "contaminants". Would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks!

Austen Velarde
Austen Velarde - 12.09.2023 09:01

two n half hours to tell me about water intake

Atulya Kumar
Atulya Kumar - 11.09.2023 20:08

@hubermanlab What happens if you consume too much water? Is there a drawback/demerit of drinking too much water except for excessive urination? Also, is water intoxication a real thing?

Janset B.
Janset B. - 09.09.2023 15:42

Thanks a million for this ❤

Minnick Family Farm
Minnick Family Farm - 07.09.2023 21:13

What about the pharmaceuticals that are not filtered by the city water treatment plants that city people are reinjesting?

Alice Adams
Alice Adams - 05.09.2023 08:05

you did not mention any thing about iron in your water.

A Person
A Person - 04.09.2023 04:42

What Calcium levels should we look at in our water?

Adeline - 03.09.2023 02:41

I have a water distiller and drink mostly that. I put colloidal minerals in it. Good stuff.
That way my water only has healthy minerals in it.

Tanya Boyd
Tanya Boyd - 02.09.2023 23:22

There is research on structured water and since the 1960's... If scientific community is forbidden to study structured water then one must take personal testimonials and do scientific historical research.

Tanya Cragle
Tanya Cragle - 01.09.2023 01:12

Thanks for what you do to better the lives of all humans.

David Bliss
David Bliss - 31.08.2023 18:24

Ridiculous. Nobody can drink that much water.

Silvia Rollano
Silvia Rollano - 29.08.2023 22:21

I have been using the regular jars but i after listening your podcast and other related to water, I realized that i need another better. Thank you for your great lecture.

Stephen Lawley
Stephen Lawley - 29.08.2023 02:17

Just a lire

Stephen Lawley
Stephen Lawley - 29.08.2023 02:14

what a lots off bla bka shie just read healing water Edmond shelkey

Liz - 28.08.2023 02:53

Amazing information _you are so generous to share this vital information. (A thought:: for those serious about the health of their body and water - consider reviewing “Lymph massage” - this helps release water effectively through the body! Also - those with loved ones who are going through radiation - increased water intake is vital!

Health Paradox
Health Paradox - 25.08.2023 20:05

The water company for out town informed us that levels of PFAS are higher than allowed and they seem to not be able to lower it. We use reverse osmosis filter for drinking and cooking but tap water is still used for showers, dishes and clothes. Can the forever chemicals still make their way into our bodies through these routes?

Adrian Ott
Adrian Ott - 24.08.2023 16:02

I have to ask an obvious question: as there is acids in the stomach, wouldnt slightly alkaline water be acidized in the water, ending up at pretty much the same pH anyway? I mean a slight deviation on water will not effect the end result at all if you add some strong acid?

Tony Geravesh
Tony Geravesh - 23.08.2023 09:10

What if the equation for exercising yields a number smaller than the recommended baseline? For ex. I’m 150 lbs / 30 = 5 oz. Vs the 8 oz of baseline.

Felix Vasquez
Felix Vasquez - 22.08.2023 00:53

thoughts on kengan water machine?

Elisabeth Ei
Elisabeth Ei - 19.08.2023 07:20

i’ve been usualy a clearly filtered pitcher for about 5 months now and i would highly recommend it. there are only two people in my house and i feel it filters fast enough to keep up with our demand but if there are more people in your household you may need two. other than that the water is clean and tastes very pleasant. the design is easy to pour as well

jiuyoo - 19.08.2023 00:05

Buying water filters rite now

Wutang Doom
Wutang Doom - 17.08.2023 17:30

I’ve recently heard from some other credible sources that another benefit of adding a cup of lightly salted water, as you suggested, to your diet weekly is water retention. Is there validity to that?

russari cote
russari cote - 17.08.2023 15:34

My concern of cold water showers or baths are during the winter months. My area gets to -30 for over a week. I personally have a very hard time feeling warm enough to function on some days. I would be worried cold baths and showers would make that worse.

Matthew Chen
Matthew Chen - 16.08.2023 22:34

Can someone please summarize this 2+ hour podcast on water for me please, hah.

Lora Gibbs
Lora Gibbs - 16.08.2023 19:16

Don’t women tend to carry excess weight on their hips and thighs and men on their waists? Older and out of shape people seem to look like a man with a big beer belly and a pear shaped woman. I rarely ever see a woman with a beer belly so there’s not much to lose on women’s waist. I wonder if women lose hip fat while the men are losing the belly fat?

Heidi Blindauer
Heidi Blindauer - 15.08.2023 23:52

Hello! I just started listening to your podcast on my way to work as I just started commuting. Huberman labs podcast is helping me TREMENDOUSLY with my adjusting to my new job and commute! Just the sound of Dr. Huberman's voice immediately cheers me up! I am fascinated by the content and have made some life changes due to having additional knowledge regarding (Alcohol and the effects on the brain) CBD and THC, what that does. The neuroscience regarding leaning neuroplasticity. You say that you read all comments, I hope you enjoy this one! My son is a NAVY SEAL and he has mentioned one of your podcast that talked about mind set and the like. I actually recorded it.
Thank you for sharing your brilliance and knowledge with so many! You are making an invaluable difference in my life!!

Eddie D
Eddie D - 15.08.2023 23:07

Andrew - how is the hydrogen water experimentation going? Some brands of hydrogen generators are starting to get a lot of exposure in the health scene. Any thoughts?

Demi Mardiri
Demi Mardiri - 15.08.2023 20:54

Great podcast! I don't know if you will see my comment or if anybody else can answer... 1. Is there a negative effect from consuming higher doses of magnesium when used to adjust the pH of the water? I understand that some tap water could naturally contain higher concentrations of magnesium and calcium, but is there a limit to how much we should consume? 2. There is a big discussion over acidic drinks like having a lemon water in the morning or adding vinegar to water to reduce the glucose spike - what is your opinion on that? Thanks, Demi 😊

Courtney Coulson
Courtney Coulson - 15.08.2023 09:12

My problem with water filters is that they're all made out of plastic. So I'm filtering some chemicals by passing it through different chemicals?

kathym - 14.08.2023 23:18

Enjoyed this episode! Still some questions in my mind (I'm an Environmental Engineer please excuse my geeking out on this one-it's a topic I've been meaning to do more research on solutions for, especially testing).  

How do current drinking water filters/systems deal with not knowing when "breakthrough" of the contaminants of concern has occurred (or even what the contaminants might be in a given water source)?

For example, for respiratory protection, OSHA doesn't allow a cartridge filter on a face mask respirator (half mask, full mask) if there isn't a signal to the wearer when breakthrough starts. Odor is the usual signal for face mask respirators. More positive respiratory protection is required where such an exposure hazard exists. It's why there isn't a face mask respirator for metals-no warning signal of breakthrough.

Filter replacement for pitcher type water filters would ideally be based on the concentration of contaminants (which most of us probably haven't tested for or know) 

Do you know of any companies workkng on this/looking to add this capability to their products?

Love the podcast! I've changed a lot of behaviors from listening to it-sleep, omega 3's, protein to name a few. )

Hully316 - 12.08.2023 20:23

2hr video and spoke about all these water types BUT NO MENTION OF FIND A SPRING WATER! What the hell? The most original way we drank water. Such conflicting opinions with all these health nuts and bio hackers. Idk what to eat or drink anymore

DKGaming - 10.08.2023 20:37

Following up on my clear ice question. Doing a little test with a TDS / EC measure.

My Tap water: 395 TDS / 742 EC
Distilled water 2 TDS / 4 EC
Melted clear ice 23 TDS / 46 EC ( I used my Tap water to make the ice. )

So it seems the process of making clear ice does indeed push the crap to the bottom filtering it a bit. Hence the white stuff at the bottom when I'm cleaning the silicone out.

Emma Lobster
Emma Lobster - 09.08.2023 14:24

You are impressive in how you explained chemistry to a layperson. I have a PhD in biochemistry and loved this podcast …. water notwithstanding, your explanations were sheer brilliance

DKGaming - 08.08.2023 16:44

Would the process of making clear ice purify the water? It seems it pushes the crap and air down leaving clear ice at the top and i see white chalk like residue when im cleaning it out at the bottom.

C D - 07.08.2023 09:38


George Stiffman
George Stiffman - 05.08.2023 08:57

How does bottled water compare to tap?

roycehan521 - 04.08.2023 15:41

Is water wet?

Mind YourBuisness
Mind YourBuisness - 04.08.2023 03:53

These podcast are for people who want to feel smart that have 0 common sense

i am the bean
i am the bean - 03.08.2023 20:22

This podcast about water is like when you're trying to extend your word count on your essay

Vahagn Melikyan
Vahagn Melikyan - 03.08.2023 11:06

Reverse osmosis expensive $160expensive 😂 I've started using it for two days and I'm already experiencing the benefits, my mind began to clear up. My focus returning. So there are some toxic ingredients in these bottled waters that can turn you into a zombie. Only downside is that it makes you pee a lot.
