Cases With The Most INSANE Twists You've Ever Heard | Episode 7 | Documentary

Cases With The Most INSANE Twists You've Ever Heard | Episode 7 | Documentary

EWU Crime Storytime

2 года назад

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@colorbugoriginals4457 - 28.03.2022 16:23

Really love that y'all take the time to educate the listener. One reason I started watching true crime is bc it feels safer to know what's out there and what someone should or shouldn't do in terrible situations. I bet I'm not the only one. But those extra lines are potentially life-saving for any of us. Thanks for all you do. ♥️

@Mysteriousaudio - 31.05.2024 14:16

He looked so scary

@will_beck - 28.05.2024 16:56

How tf did the prosecution even get away with that russ case. He had an alibi and they somehow managed to convince the jury that russ had a friend bring him his phone and a receipt to cover for the murder. Pam was the last person to see her and would get a lot of money when she died the fact she wasn't the number 1 suspect is insane.

@a.azazagoth5413 - 28.05.2024 05:25

His picture looks like something is very wrong him which proved to be true.

@fxthe1st - 25.05.2024 11:59

Hmmmm, life is unfair, why would one find pleasure in killing

@AsifSarker-lq1vk - 23.05.2024 17:13


@tutuhamburgergamer4540 - 17.05.2024 16:49

It was pretty clear in the last case that it wasn’t the husband. His reactions seemed sincere for a person in grief, and it would have made sense that a “friend” would get the insurance money when the husband was loving. No, it’s not the I knew it all along phenomena

@jeph3016 - 14.05.2024 03:53

The Russ case is the most incompetent one by far. Went directly for the husband with an alibi with the only evidence being the word of the last person to see the wife who also got massive financial benefit. How incredibly stupid.

@richardcranium5801 - 14.05.2024 00:01

I haven’t seen acting that bad outside a Johnny wisseau movie..

@ellesquishy - 12.05.2024 16:47

Phil looks like a Who straight out of Whoville

@michaelbrownlee4857 - 07.05.2024 12:22

how wasn't the first plastic surgeon skeptical

@matthewhensley5165 - 06.05.2024 22:39

Does anyone else have an issue with videos and shows like this are always assuming what a dead person felt said or did?

@yodatrucker420 - 06.05.2024 07:45

Poor russ the "investigators" went into with a preconception that he eas guilty and twisted the evidence to fit their view instead of letting the evidence show them the way.

Nothing about it added up but they were so convinced he did it they took any basic logic and tossed it out the window

@gershomnelson5776 - 16.04.2024 03:08

She gave him 900 dollars to kill him?🤦🏽‍♂️

@SevenGC89 - 16.04.2024 01:47

Pretty sure the reason Japan's death penalty is handed out so infrequently is because they actually execute their death row inmates unlike the US where they get 3 meals and a bed for literal YEARS!

@Dr.Cosmar - 10.04.2024 23:26

I was hearing Betsy's story, and thinking... "How many people plutonium or cesium poison their insured spouse?"

@Sciencenerd11 - 10.04.2024 01:08

i love how not only is this true crime, but educating. Knowing the signs of someone saved my life from watching this. I had a bf that used to strangle me and was a narcissistic sociopath ! anyways, i left him had to get cameras and my LTC , plus a restraining order. Do you know 3 months later he killed a woman then himself ? I was mortified !! i feel every woman needs to do background checks on men, as well as men doing them on women. It's easy ! you can do it online, or go the police station to request one. Anyways if it weren't for me watching these videos i don't think i would've left him. The videos scared me , but in a good way.. it made me understand that this isn't love or normal. So thank you EWU ❤

@antonioaaronosabel9574 - 08.04.2024 09:18

🇵🇭 1: 🙏 Pretty Lucy Dead. Not advisable really for a Girl to be alone in a Far Away Strange Country. Just got killed by a Creeper Dork who maybe is a loner coz he's a Dork.

@matthewpetersen4417 - 04.04.2024 20:00

what did she expect! You cant safely live in another country as a white person.

@usafschue - 23.03.2024 03:56

Japan does it hon mono style

@BritKayeMamaOf6 - 20.03.2024 00:38

Didn’t you guys do a video of an interview of Pam EWU?

@bryanmastalish4595 - 19.03.2024 05:00

Why did he kill his wife when she's already dying..

@linzymarie7 - 12.03.2024 00:20

Love the red flags section. It’s hard to remember all the rules all the time. I live in NYC, I feel like I’m in The Warriors most days at this point.
-Lindsay A

@BJCR1980 - 09.03.2024 02:24

I want a sweatshirt that says “what is up EWU Crew” so so bad! I should have one made! Or a T Shirt. 👚 you guys are my absolute favorite hands down. I wish I could voice and do a EWU post, with my voice! I think I’d do awesome!

@Kaviranghari - 06.03.2024 01:07

russ's lawyer is a G, an absolute unit, a machine. yeah

@sirweebs2914 - 25.02.2024 21:23

After reading up on what an "Alford Plea" is, I am convinced now, that America is run by and for criminals. Everyone living there is a joke.

@TheForgottenTainted - 23.02.2024 15:11

The reason Pam went for her neck and wrists when she tried to kill her self was because she knew that could kill someone
As she killed Betsy in a simaler way

@monsterman4496 - 23.02.2024 08:18

He blended in so well because all Japanese people look the same lmao.......

@jonathanconnor7920 - 09.02.2024 20:14

Tatsuya Ichihashi did a pretty damn good job with his DIY face alteration. But one thing he missed is the ears. Apparently the ears can be used to identify people who have altered their appearance through plastic surgery.

@Brandonjkwilliams - 07.02.2024 08:08

My step-father’s first wife passed away due to health complications about a month after they were married. The coroner stated her death was due to medical reasons but the district attorney was convinced my step-father killed her. He fabricated so many lies and stories to keep him held in jail. Hell, even the wife’s family begged the attorney to stop, but he wouldn’t relent. The judge finally had enough and ruled my step-dad innocent. I do not trust the legal system. If they think you did it, no amount of evidence will save you.

@agemoth - 04.02.2024 18:26

Do the Prosecuting attorneys have to pay their awards back if their winning case turns out to be false??

@mcdouble7778 - 03.02.2024 22:18

Russell got 2 million dollars for the wrongful conviction

@jay-ostar8494 - 02.02.2024 16:37

In the story with Pam, you can see how easily the police can gather an idea together of what they think happened and then make all the items fit together in a story to accuse someone of a crime. It’s really quite scary.

@Alucard45000 - 29.01.2024 16:52

Imagine coming home to find your significant other dead with a knife still in their body, calling 911 frantically for help just to be charged with their murder..
I get its not that uncommon, but that must have left some serious mental scars on the poor guy..

@texasbeaver8188 - 28.01.2024 19:52

Russ's lawyer a G for that one 😎

@Shreddittrading - 23.01.2024 05:12

Im from Saint Charles and I used to work for Pam's ex-husband he's actually my Step-Dad's nephew which Ive always found funny because he's younger than my Step-Dad. He owns one of the biggest Construction Companies in the St.Louis Area and he ended up divorcing Pam before any of this stuff happened but apparently none of these tv shows have ever done it justice as far as demonstrating just how crazy and spiteful Pam actually was. Never met her personally but heard about how their divorce went and she could have easily tried to end my old boss like this and some people were pretty surprised she never tried to knowing how spiteful and vengeful and full of hate that she could be. She was basically just the embodiment of poison from the things I've heard about her both from family and from the reports. They do a pretty good job of exposing her but from what I've heard you really had to have experienced it personally to get an honest and true perspective of just how bad she really was.

@DabNaggit - 20.01.2024 12:09

The Yakuza don't care about consequences. The Junko Furaka story proves that. They're all walking free.

@jessienegron3266 - 16.01.2024 08:32


@bilbobaggins-zy4zj - 14.01.2024 06:15

Are you kidding me ? He doesn't bring the money with him to the coffee shop for English lessons , and she agrees to go back with him ?.. She asked cabby to wait ,she couldve waited downstairs for him with the cabby ??? She showed uneasy feeling immediately yet she went up with him !!!! Come on people...stop the stupidity

@marcusm663 - 12.01.2024 11:43


@MegglesEST1983 - 28.12.2023 08:24

Pam did it for the Money

@hanzosuzuki9091 - 26.12.2023 13:24

Pam's imagination is commendable
Truly a crime worthy of a Columbo episode

@kimsomniac2144 - 23.12.2023 11:45

Pam also killed her invald mother. She was thrown off a balcony. Betsy trusted the wrong person. The third man was somrone she set up to vindicate herself of betsy's murder. Pam is a special kind of evil. The elderly, the sick and infirmed, and a mentally divergant. Horrible

@georgecavanaugh8757 - 18.12.2023 01:39

You see, this is how our country is now. “White men are evil.” This innocent man was convicted, and thrown in prison without proper evidence. There couldn’t have been proper evidence, he didn’t do it. However, no one in law enforcement, court, or in the jury cared about that. Evil white man killed his wife, case closed! Derrick Chauvin is yet another example. He was protecting us from evil animals like George Floyd, and we threw him in prison regardless of the evidence against him. We’d better wake up or we’re in real trouble.
