How Culture Drives Behaviours | Julien S. Bourrelle | TEDxTrondheim

How Culture Drives Behaviours | Julien S. Bourrelle | TEDxTrondheim

TEDx Talks

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Valerie Tan
Valerie Tan - 10.09.2023 20:07

As an international student doing placement in Sydney, this video is absolutely amazing. I’ve been in the country for 2 years, literally struggling to understand how to interpret what people is saying, understanding social norms and cues. This video would have been great if I had it in the beginning 🎉😂

Coastal Reaction
Coastal Reaction - 07.09.2023 04:46

Deeply subversive, many of these pro-diversity talking points have aged like milk.

A Guerrero
A Guerrero - 07.09.2023 02:35

Here I'm watching the video for my homework 😁

Bird Law
Bird Law - 17.08.2023 18:50

A friend who's 2 meters tall? Hm. Fellow Americans, I think we can narrow that down to being somewhere between 3 feet and 10 feet tall

Andreia Neves
Andreia Neves - 10.08.2023 13:07

We don't need to go that far to see the cultural differences, just put a south european with a north european and you will still see the 'dance' happening.

Alex Tot
Alex Tot - 01.08.2023 19:25

This video could be the beginning of an interesting study related to the sociology of emotions. It could be research about how people use them to label other people's emotions and determine their relationship to a conversation and (maybe) the cultural paradigm in which they grew up.
To be honest, I have never thought about how the ideas of equality of opportunity and result correlate. Might be worth reading/seeing more on this topic.

Wildman of the Wynooch
Wildman of the Wynooch - 15.07.2023 05:48

However when everyone is adapted to this way of thinking a new culture is created so then one needs to bring in those who are of the old culture otherwise it then becomes unbalanced once again

FreakyLesbianBetch - 11.07.2023 14:55

Every American need to learn this.

Dan Baker
Dan Baker - 09.06.2023 08:14

What is the difference between culture and stereotypes? People have minds of their own.

William Carter
William Carter - 01.06.2023 21:23

In NYC natives generally do not speak to strangers. Some of us don't talk to neighbors. I have been told that in rural areas, small towns speak to each other. Rural=homogenous. Urban=heterogeneity.

Third Culture Music
Third Culture Music - 04.05.2023 14:36

Haha what a great talk Julien! 😄 The rebels among us I'm sure love playing with this... If it were me at the bus stop and the guy stood up when I sat down I'd stand up and watch his confused little face. It's so funny these cultural practises - I just wanna sit down! It's my right. Thank you, if we clean these "cultural lenses" we will all be better off!
👓 🚿 🌎 👐

kuyamaRV's_ifern - 21.04.2023 17:39

For me perspective is the key
Thanking this man for this so much informative video so much awareness and enlightenment for me loving my friends so so so much because of this muahhhhhhh😘

DavidProductions - 01.04.2023 03:54

I have glasses on now, primed for metaphor. Cleaning off the smudges of misunderstanding.

wildman0228 - 27.03.2023 06:41

Wow! Great video. We are moving to another Country - this was SO useful. Actually, even if we were not moving, I would still find this video extremely informative. THANKS!

Tomoki-K - 21.03.2023 04:02

Great lecture! Thank you, Julien.

I find this idea very interesting. It's something that I've often overlooked when encountering cultural differences. We all see the world through our own cultural perspective, which can lead to misunderstandings.

Recently, I have been learning tips to apply cultural anthropology to businesses.

I could receive a lot of tips from this great lecture!

James Henry Smith
James Henry Smith - 16.03.2023 05:45

It didn't have Heaven culture.

Newfoundland Bound
Newfoundland Bound - 07.03.2023 14:39

I must say that was explained in a very simplist easy to understand manner....well done!

Taha_Teach - 07.03.2023 14:17

You know what?
We doesn't have that social distance in our country. Although we have lots of people from different cultures and different citites and countries.
Juat thanks for the video😊

just_vimto - 01.03.2023 12:48

why i am here '-'

Siobhan - 08.02.2023 14:37

Great Video with an excellent perspective :)

Krisandrea Lee
Krisandrea Lee - 08.02.2023 12:07


Tara White
Tara White - 31.01.2023 19:58

Excellent speech and great examples!!!

Laila Biley
Laila Biley - 26.01.2023 09:07

Ok. In your culture when you say you are going to break a woman's eggs what does it mean? In my culture it means to finish her confidence.

Olivia - 07.12.2022 13:31

Welcome to TCK (third culture kid) reality. We live it.

buruguduystunstugudunstuy - 07.12.2022 09:51

putang ina mo tolentino tapos na school may ipapagawa kapa

Euge P
Euge P - 28.11.2022 01:25

I am actually experiencing culture shock, and this Ted Talk is worth watching. ´´It´s not about what you see, it´s about what you perceived,´´ well said.

Satish Baviskar
Satish Baviskar - 23.11.2022 17:55


Saira Nikhat Imam
Saira Nikhat Imam - 23.11.2022 14:02

Key word: Cultural glasses!

Dakota Peters
Dakota Peters - 10.11.2022 15:54

He forgot to mention actually there are 5 ways so he missed 2. #4) observe and continue being yourself and #5) be yourself still but show gratitude when you see the behavior you like seeing and ignore the behaviors you don't like seeing. Then eventually they usually conform to adapt into what you like.

Elena Mayson-Davis
Elena Mayson-Davis - 13.10.2022 10:21

Trying to quantify human qualities is too difficult. Not that we shouldn't try but ... in all of these examples an important factor is how genuine the intent behind the communication is regardless of culture. It makes a huge difference.

Davison Payero
Davison Payero - 20.09.2022 16:08

why do i have to watch this, i hate school

Somebody whoCares
Somebody whoCares - 24.08.2022 08:34

In the end, culture is the consequence
Of habits.

Godwin Efobi
Godwin Efobi - 01.08.2022 01:40

well said

Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese - 26.06.2022 06:06

Multiculturalism will be the doom of the West. When a collective singular "us" stops existing, countries splinter.

Chathu Subodha
Chathu Subodha - 23.06.2022 12:14

Supiri bn ❤️

Jenefer Lazar
Jenefer Lazar - 15.06.2022 15:29

What a brilliant way of understanding 👏

Aman Kumar
Aman Kumar - 13.05.2022 06:46

Wow what a beautiful words thanks for making and sharing this extremely extraordinary amazing video about Human Connection. I am very very grateful for your all kindness words and support 🙏 ❤️

Usagi - 16.04.2022 21:45

came here to find ideas for my assignment content

E-G Gears
E-G Gears - 16.04.2022 13:21

Chào ⭐⭐

Mike - 05.04.2022 00:34

Everyone sees the world through cultural glasses. "Its not about what you see. It's about what you perceive."
Cultural glasses filters our reality.

Alec DiLoreto
Alec DiLoreto - 01.04.2022 12:13

The automatic mini-skirt perplexingly last because limit behaviourally sparkle on a skillful hovercraft. impolite, unadvised perch

Daniel Moore
Daniel Moore - 25.03.2022 19:54

Sorry to say that's not good enough.

Why am I not surprised "disability" is not mentioned?
Because cultural norms are designed without disabled people in mind which results living in an inherently ableist world making "cultural glasses" cultural prejudice and discrimination.

Why is "disability" not even included in The Social Justice System?

Why is the world trying to rid the world of disabled people with divine gifts as well as profound challenges?

The problem is the concept and idea of "normal".
What is normal?
How do you define normal?
What validates your perception of normal?

Alec DiLoreto
Alec DiLoreto - 25.03.2022 00:53

The zippy verdict histopathologically obey because pollution regionally promise to a lowly humidity. unwritten, cheap stitch

bizarte - 15.03.2022 02:26

Behavioral problems create wars.

HALOO_ANTON - 13.02.2022 20:41

Thank you for an amazing content

BearlyMHere - 05.02.2022 20:24

We are independent but not selfish. This is a flawed point. Western civilization tends to be the most generous.

Alexandra Giselle Chavez
Alexandra Giselle Chavez - 02.02.2022 03:16

Here South America !!! present, what Julien says is true.. if your friend seats with you and does not talk at all.. that is not YOUR FRIEND LOL it is so strange not to talk to your friends.
