The Secret Connection Between The Law Of Attraction And Non-Duality

The Secret Connection Between The Law Of Attraction And Non-Duality


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@LoveLeigh313 - 20.12.2023 02:24

It’s like a transcript of Abraham hicks 😅

@TheLadyFl3x - 04.11.2023 16:21

Im happy to see this being said; to me they always felt naturally as one. The dividing them which so many took for intrinsic to me always seemed not-there. Perhaps because so many who use and preach LOA do it for exclusively selfishly egotic ends, which runs anathema to the heart of many Non-Dualist philosophies; and thus perhaps many Non-dualist practitioners dismissed it as egotic.

But even as a Non-dualist, the understanding of self's truth as everpresent awareness only reveals to me the illusion of mundane reality; but I still participate in the illusion. And if for example one were on the Buddhist path of the Boddhisattva desiring freedom for all, does that mean one does not actively involve themself in the illusion for the benefit of others, "desiring" (perhaps not egotically, but still, having an aspiring will) for this illusion to progress in a particular direction. Is the law of vibrations not a term for the means for us as pure energy-awareness to exert subtle control over us as body-still-here-in-illusion?

@alexandrezavascki5686 - 19.10.2023 04:46

I’ve never heard about the law of attraction. Could someone suggest to me a good text, book or video?

@infinitylot - 04.08.2023 10:59

Necessity is the mother of invention( manifestation or evolution).
No need to think or create mind..
Live with flow and ur need creates energy which is absorbed instantly by oneness or universe into manifesting ur needs...
No mind means no effort, no chattering simply flow..

@harrymckenzie3725 - 20.04.2023 22:40

And then there is A Course In Miracles. It states that this world of suffering and the ego's in it, is based on a mistake that the Son of God (our real nature) once made, namely that we are separate from God. And that it can be corrected because it's totally false. And that we are really creators as mighty as God himself. But that, once waken up from this mistake, this false world and ego can actually be used to bring love and light, which also includes creation and manifestation

@obscureesoteric7213 - 16.04.2023 16:55

Me and a friend had a long conversation about duality and nonduality. I tried explaining that nonduality could exist without duality because it does, but he thinks they coincide almost but not quite like Ying and yang. He acknowledges that nonduality is the entire symbol not just the two sides but said there would be no symbol without the duality meaning nonduality cannot be, and that's where I disagreed. What do yall think?

@Adubz84 - 15.04.2023 08:05

Once you are aware that you are all that there is. The search for things to manifest dissipates. there is nothing to desire. You are it!

@dikshaanand9191 - 10.04.2023 05:57

Thank you Asangoham for enlightening on this subject. The way Law of attraction has been presented in the modern society tends to ignite the desires & greed of human. Inevitably it also brings fear of failing in our approach and hence attracting unpleasant things.
This video however completely changes how I ever thought about Law of attraction. Thankfully like all things of the universe, it too is a subtle, divine & beautiful phenomenon.

@yoanaayucar5900 - 05.04.2023 22:31

This law of attraction is the maximum of human madness. How self important we think we are?
I can't believe it.
When existence is so magnificent and same importance is given to the solar system as the ants and the magnificent way they operate... Who are we to think we can make any better than existence?
We live in one planet and it is above to crush 😅😅
Evolution or extinction, please!😂😂😂

@davidalbro2009 - 20.03.2023 01:38

Really good video, but I think an important concept is missing. The Law of Attraction is an impersonal force of the universe just as gravity is an impersonal force of the universe. The LOA just matches like with like. If you emanate an undesired vibration, you will receive back things and experiences that match that vibrational state.

The very purpose of LOA is to be a mirror to our state of consciousness. By being a mirror to our state of consciousness it ultimately brings us to the awareness of non-duality.

@pareshprajapati7916 - 02.03.2023 23:30

Thank you asangoham

@kylefenrick9168 - 02.03.2023 15:14

Meditation is not stopping thought. Only death presents a state of no thought.

Meditation is about not being effected by thought and exercising our true freedom, choice of reaction.

Someone can not be “triggered” and talk about free will at the same time.

Those who do, should be avoided, until they realize their own wrong view, and stop exerting their frustrations externally, towards the place where the issue is not.

Also please do not go to any meditation teacher who says, “meditation is stopping thoughts “
They are harming you, and the results of entering a state perceived as no thought, has many grave consequences.

@justbreathevibe - 17.02.2023 15:01

is it just me, I feel like listening to Abraham Hicks

@BVMKANTA - 26.01.2023 15:27


@christianthompson1473 - 14.01.2023 22:48

Non duality describes the expression of godhead (singularity) and law of attraction describes the expression of spirit (creative source). Man is the third part of the trinity: father son and holy ghost.

@romainleonidas7352 - 14.01.2023 19:45

Non duality is the speciality of tantric shivaism, monotheism religions and perso asyrian religions are extremely dual in their main forms, the tantric Buddhism learned this concepts from shivaism, and in particulary from the himalayan Yogini, but they continue to claim that the last earth incarnation is necessary masculine (and after they will prey Green Tara?) Said there is no impure material, there is not impure beeing, there is just impure thinks is a revolutionary affirmation even in India, and it's the own of Shivaism tantrism. The very popular mantra Om Mani Padme Uhm isn't a condensed shivaist mantra? Shiva and Parvati? the mystic Lingam and(the mantra said in:) Yoni. Old Taoïsm can be considered like non duality too, because the polarity is built toward the non duality. In this two systems the Harmony is never a quiet lake, it's a dance, like the Shiva Nataraja. Iti Shivam. Har' Madeva !

@discoverhinduscriptures - 03.01.2023 20:34

Law of Attraction was not created by Abraham Hicks. They just named it. It goes back to writers at the early century, including the 1948 book The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol. I read that book 30 years ago and was wow'd by it. Does it work? I'll leave that for another comment. I didn't know A-H. When I discovered her a few years ago I was laughing - it was just a knock-off with only slight changes of what Bristol wrote. Literally just enough changes not to be hit by copyright infringement. Its well known Abraham Hicks are not the inventor of the law of attraction, so using that as your source of info disregards a lot of writers and a century of "magic" "believing" literature. But, sadly, this is where we are taking new age ideas and trying to make them fit into Sanatana Dharma, but is that a good thing. This is what Christian missionaries did in the 1800's with Christianity. They tried to equalize everything to draw folks away. So, doing this now means in years from now will Law of Attraction be an official Hindu doctrine and idea? Many things that were invented by the west in the past century or more have become welcomed by Hindus and seen as part of Hinduism, even called Vedic, when they are not. Its a slow corruption of Hinduism. So, essentially taking an idea stolen by a woman a few decades idea, twisted to avoid copyright infringement with no real spiritual insight, you're now saying is the same as our great well proven traditional Hindu ideas.

@Tallulah.1121 - 25.12.2022 10:46

The source is stillness and formless. And from that, it is experience itself through everything that is created, through separation, preferences and keep expanding. Both are true, i believe 😊

@quinndepatten4442 - 24.12.2022 09:43

Source is actually unmoving from our perspective. This makes sense. We somethings, so we can only see source through our opposite. The space between something and nothing can only exist in the presence or non-presence of something and nothing. As somethings we are always moving.

For a second I was confused by the perspective presented here.

@afternoonshred4866 - 24.12.2022 03:01

I realized this, having had and still have, non dual glimpses starting g from a couple of years ago. People would understand the law of attraction better and would work faster for them if first they understood and experience their non dual selves. I mean, there is no self to experience, once the seeker discovers he was never seeking and never searching, and never was/is. Manifestation happens faster once this is seen.

@kroneexe - 17.12.2022 00:22

Neville Goddard brought both together.

@tategatsby - 13.12.2022 10:32

I love the connection therewith!

@franciscosifuentes3007 - 13.12.2022 09:21

what is
what should be

@bywaterman6745 - 13.12.2022 08:52

Marvellously articulated! Thank you for clarifying this quandary.

@isacvlad - 12.12.2022 23:27


@VipulAnand751 - 10.12.2022 20:43

Beautifully compiled ❤ great content

@nepalikto1232 - 10.12.2022 18:49

Just my existential crisis dose while am high as fuk

@nepalikto1232 - 10.12.2022 18:49

Just my existential crisis dose while am high as fuk

@Me-nh3pt - 10.12.2022 14:07

Great Video seriously , I subscribed both of your channels with bell notification turned on

@FrancisGo. - 10.12.2022 01:21

I will now demonstrate that the Law of Attraction is the same as nonduality: In the beginning was the word. And the word was With God, and the word Was God.

I prefer to call it the law of assumption, but it's the same thing with different baggage.

To the extent that a metaphor functions as an analogy, the analogy presupposes a formal system of axioms that can never be proved to be either consistent or complete.

Incompleteness is the legacy of the Einsof that cannot be signified. This is to prevent the infinite regress of self reference that both Bertram Russell and Patanjali discovered independently of each other, in a sense.

@eessa1727 - 08.12.2022 20:16

Intro music is so soothing ❤️❤️❤️

@TheGuiltsOfUs - 08.12.2022 19:47


@nannue - 07.12.2022 14:45

Alignment at its best. Thank you. Divine timing ⏱

@tem5200 - 06.12.2022 19:22

These two should be the same teaching.
We can find traces of that teaching in the Bible, in the Emerald Tablets, and in the teachings of Neville Goddard.

@jayshripandit1940 - 04.12.2022 21:53

🙏🏼 अहम ब्रह्मास्मी 🙏🏼

@voodoohack7704 - 04.12.2022 00:38

If it's true non-duality then there's nothing opposing it so what other laws?! It's constant evolution of wisdom do this don't do this it's doing it by itself. You can't force yourself to think this or that because there's no you in reality and only disturbance might arise if you torment yourself about what to think. There is no right View/Understanding/Effort/Livelihood/Wisdom/etc. Because the only right one would be not to crave after any particular View/Understand/Effort/Livelihood/Wisdom/etc.
Then concentration and awareness collect by themselves without YOUR effort. How can you do any real effort when there is no real you? It's up-to who you are, your skill base, your strengths, etc. Therefore not everyone can become easily enlightened. Some people maybe not in this life, as I know what fools are going around nowadays...

@punkrockcompound2754 - 03.12.2022 20:01

Thank You (us, me, this)... ❤

@leelele5673 - 03.12.2022 17:10

Indeed Devin play and ‘I’ play/ create ‘mine’s existence of multi dimensional ‘reality’ endlessly timelessly.
In gratitude and unconditional love

@Degen_Damsel - 02.12.2022 17:39

I knew it...sauce is the creator of worlds!

@PaulAVelceaVSC - 02.12.2022 15:57

law of attraction confuses people because there is no comprehensive teaching. in the west, individual grasping of spirituality is admired, so many different opinions and understandings are formed. There is no.. totally separate view point of deep understanding is reached. Yeah.. it takes a lot of navigation and discernment to get the good stuff out of the vastness of incomplete understanding. But ultimately Everything comes into being from the Great Attraction of the Atma. Of the Nondual nature. So even this teaching derives from it.
A valuable point of view and teaching often popularized in the west is this, purifying one's mind centered around one particular theme or concept to achieve freedom in that field. For example, get the theme of love, see all seed concepts you have in your own mind related to it.. what is love, what is loneliness, what is being with someone, what is desire, what is fulfillment, are you needing, are you deserving.. etc and work with all of them to release anything that does not correspond to the spirit, that is not in completeness, so actual purifying of the mind but focused on one subject. The way it is taught in the west is highly efficient. For this it is outstanding.

@dharmendrajadhav4907 - 29.11.2022 22:12

We want this in hindi.🙏🙏

@spbuk2359 - 29.11.2022 14:52

Not the best picturesque sport. ? So?
🛼Tired products right now. 🎽🤸🏽🏈🧉🍾
Tired of finding the booth.

@theredpill3177 - 29.11.2022 10:05


@kaelgonzalez1969 - 29.11.2022 07:37

Beautiful video

@Banahwinn - 29.11.2022 03:43

This is a really great video, and very accurately sums of the teachings of Abraham Hicks. Well done!
Thank you. I've found those teachings and ideas to be very beneficial. And a key part of those teachings has been to honor the great value in the many points of view that exist on this planet and in this universe no matter how different or similar they may be to my own. All in love. ♡

@quinlansee1 - 29.11.2022 02:28

Really cool vid, are you writing these and then getting them narrates or do you do both?
