Investing for Beginners UK - The ONLY Vanguard Index Fund You Need

Investing for Beginners UK - The ONLY Vanguard Index Fund You Need

Chris Palmer

2 года назад

161,303 Просмотров

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Henrik - 29.09.2023 10:09

Good morning,
which etf exactly follows the S&P500?

I am not looking to beat the index. Neither am I looking to underperform. Just follow the S&P500. Nothing more. Nothing less 📈

Dylan Moris
Dylan Moris - 24.09.2023 23:07

Investing prospects of a minimal sum of money can be both exhilarating and baseless. With the right approach, there’s a potential for significant wealth growth, Judging by this i'm still in search for suggestions as to a way to improve my retirement portfolio of $580k

Sarah mangal
Sarah mangal - 24.09.2023 17:06

Online trading is one of the most reliable online global wealth creation, Highly profitable and safe when you work with the right guide. Thanks Mr Ramakrishna for being my guide to wealth.

Nicolàs Martínez
Nicolàs Martínez - 24.09.2023 17:04

I'm from Germany I used to take loan from the bank for survival but after trading with expert Mr Ramakrishna, He changed my financial status for real.

Gerard Boswell
Gerard Boswell - 24.09.2023 16:56

🌎Successful people don't become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance- wealth, a great career, Purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life with the help of Mr Ramakrishna.

Skullking Gaming
Skullking Gaming - 17.09.2023 17:31

why do you hate trading 212 jeez

Ash Gray
Ash Gray - 07.09.2023 11:20

Hi, I’m going to be opening a stocks and shares LISA, do I invest into a index fund every month with my monthly payments that I pay into the account? Thanks

Tylergacyy - 02.09.2023 04:10

Impressive video. I started a bit late (graduated from my doctorate program at age 30 in 2016 with 170k in school loan debt). Managed to pay off my debt by 2019 and currently have a house and 250k total in investments (combo of profit share, 401k and a brokerage account). I'm not very knowledgeable in investing, so I just have my investing currently in index funds mainly voo, but have been putting a lot into schd the past few months. I dunno if that's the optimal strategy, but psychologically it is very set it and forget it, and prevents me from obsessing over individual stock performance anyway credits to my FA Olivia Rene Reyes, without her I would have been clueless

Hollie Mchale
Hollie Mchale - 19.08.2023 19:54

Hey mate! I have just opened a Vanguard account and its my first time investing I have just started off low and I am depositing 20% of my monthly salary I am scared because I don't know what to do now :D

Tomas Agustin Sanchez
Tomas Agustin Sanchez - 07.08.2023 12:10

Let's say that you invest in your pension and you put as much as you can but you want to reitre at the age of 40.. You'll have to pay 25% on the amount that you have been saving for lets say 20 years (If you started when you 20).

So now you basically loosing the extra money your employing was matching and maybe even loosing money value. Is it actually worthy?

llamu dos
llamu dos - 02.08.2023 22:13

No dollar cost average?

Loff liff
Loff liff - 29.07.2023 20:28

Is there any hope to start investing at age 45 at all.?

Sanae Fes
Sanae Fes - 22.07.2023 00:10

This is financial advice and I never give financial advice: DONT LEAVE DURING THE BEAR. If you don’t want to invest…learn. If you don’t want to learn…build. If you don’t want to build observe. DO SOMETHING…other than leave. There is so much opportunity here. Take advantage!

bluegtturbo - 09.07.2023 15:37

You only live one life. Do you really want to just drag along with a low return tracker or do you want to put the work in and get Buffett type returns

Cameron Lee Horace
Cameron Lee Horace - 08.07.2023 20:32

What is the amount your recommend to invest into VWRL as a first trial?

Stone Cold
Stone Cold - 17.06.2023 17:54

ETFs are less volatile with much less downturns then stocks and over 5 years beats most stocks. I have 2 ETFs and handful of stocks like aaple, msft, Google.

Fitness Food Recipes
Fitness Food Recipes - 29.05.2023 01:26

I took action after watching this video and I’ve bought 1 share of the FTSE VWRL - hope it brings me luck!!!

So what do I do from here? Just Lee putting money into it monthly?

The Long & Winding Path Towards Femininity
The Long & Winding Path Towards Femininity - 20.05.2023 15:16

😅Great video Chris I think this will help a lot of people. I use the Vanguard platform but have also selected the index you mention. Thank for the information.

Ray Williams
Ray Williams - 14.05.2023 11:26

Blah Blah Blah y

WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY - 12.05.2023 19:46

you may like to know im earning about 10% a day crypto copy tradeing on bingx

Kirils Pomirancevs
Kirils Pomirancevs - 10.05.2023 11:46

Does this gona work even in 2023

Unika Dance Events
Unika Dance Events - 06.05.2023 15:15

Great x

carlson joe
carlson joe - 03.05.2023 08:00

The correlation between Bitcoin's price rally and the latest inflation data, along with banking sector instability, is quite fascinating. It's interesting to see how the growing appeal of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, as an alternative asset during times of eroding confidence in traditional banking, has attracted retail investors. The permission less and autonomous nature of cryptocurrencies offers a sense of safety and value in the ever-evolving world of finance. This context further highlights the significance of Hamish Grizzard's excellent trading strategy, which has enabled me to amass 15.5 BTC in just three weeks. In the field of cryptocurrency trading, Hamish has proven to be a true visionary.

Ali Rose
Ali Rose - 13.04.2023 15:00

Can you not buy part shares on freetrade?

Neil Richardson
Neil Richardson - 04.04.2023 11:51

Great video, really enjoyed it but one question. If inflation goes up on average 2% a year how does the VWRL beat that when it pays a dividend or 1.41%? Does it pay that every quarter and therefore does beat it...something like that?

tim porter
tim porter - 29.03.2023 18:14

I get really confused with tax if I was to invest say 20000 today then take 18000 out in Sep this year how do I declare tax or is it done when you withdraw or if I dont take any out for 5 years say then what happens do I pay tax only once I withdraw and on a side point you say use Freetrade what happens to your money if they were to cease trading and company didnt exist

cjpash1 - 15.03.2023 02:23

You recommended a couple of books on a previous video, can’t remember which video or books they were. I’m just starting out and follow you’re great content, could you please point me in the direction of what these books may have been. Thanks

HavenCat - 14.03.2023 18:12

all the global indices and ETF have wayyy too much american shares, over 60%

Steve - 05.03.2023 18:37

What do you think of this combo

VWRL and U.S equity index Vs lifestrategy 80 ?

My thinking is although I like LS 80 for diversity and bonds for safety it's UK weighted whereas if I get the other two mentioned I will be diverse and weighted towards USA with emerging markets too

Adam Stewart
Adam Stewart - 26.02.2023 21:12

I've just opened an account with Vanguard - is it possible to transfer to free-trade? Sounds more appealing.

Zee A
Zee A - 06.02.2023 02:15

Is investengine a good platform?

Zee A
Zee A - 06.02.2023 01:56

I a m considering selling my funds and putting into VWRL with Investengine as the HL fees are so high. Thinking should i buy VWRL now or wait if prices might drop a bit.

Mikey - 03.02.2023 03:18

Apart from free trade is there another good place for trading It is not available in our country😭😭

Kathleen Apodaca
Kathleen Apodaca - 02.02.2023 22:44

Over the last 122 years, global equity returns have beaten inflation by over 5%. £100 invested in 1900 would now be worth over £38,000 today AFTER INFLATION.

Build generational wealth for your family. Look into these 5 ETFs before you invest your first $100:
(1) VOO 🇺🇲 or VFV 🇨🇦
(2) VTI 🇺🇲 or VUN 🇨🇦
(3) VEA 🇺🇲 or VDU 🇨🇦
(4) VIG 🇺🇲 or VGG 🇨🇦
(5) VWO 🇺🇲 or VEE 🇨🇦

I tallied my dividends for the previous year; £87k. Blessed, grateful, disciplined and focused.

Darren addyman
Darren addyman - 29.01.2023 21:27

This Video has been so factual and helpful. I set up a S&S ISA with AJ BELL almost immediately after watching your video. This is something I have always wanted to do but had no idea where to start as a 22 year old who has worked full time since I turned 16 and has no higher education, it has became immensely important to me to try and build some sort of wealth for the future so this in combination with a very good works pension gives me great confidence for the future. Thanks again!

NotKnownGuy - 27.01.2023 10:27

I've been mulling this over for a year! 2023 will be an investing year. Going with Vanguard UK.

Andrei Demyanchuk
Andrei Demyanchuk - 18.01.2023 18:53

Love the content. Where did you find information that if you have a £1mil stocks and shares ISA that you can avoid tax and have £50k a year for retirement? I've never heard this before? Would love to learn more about this

Mark Dillon
Mark Dillon - 10.01.2023 15:36

Ill stick with the S&P 500 fund for now. The US market is still in decent shape compared to the rest of the globe. If China takes over in the future (and that's a BIG if) then I think we'll have bigger problems to worry about. It'll be easy enough to switch funds at that time.

Jenny's Relocation-Hub
Jenny's Relocation-Hub - 17.12.2022 02:15

The Best video by far on this topic...Thank you so much

marmite chicken legs
marmite chicken legs - 25.11.2022 03:29

Best video ever

H H - 24.11.2022 00:46

So beautifully explained Chris... Thanks a lot my friend

Bettina Ellul Vincenti
Bettina Ellul Vincenti - 19.11.2022 13:20

Hi I really like your video, I'm just curious if you would still recommend Freetrade? A lot of people no longer like it.

GrumpyBullen - 13.11.2022 22:09

Hey Chris, Great video and i have "liked and subscribed" I have a spare £2500 and £150 per month. should i put this all on s&p500 or split it over a few different ones. thanks

billy robinson
billy robinson - 25.10.2022 23:52

so at 62 am i too old?

hsk 3000
hsk 3000 - 17.10.2022 15:22

Sorry Chris, can you just clarify, in making the purchase that you demonstrate, investing in that index fund, is it a one off purchase/payment, or would I be actually agreeing to keep paying the same amount recurring every month?

harvin luchmun
harvin luchmun - 03.10.2022 00:21

Is too many S&P 500 on Freetrade which one is the right one?
