Why The End of WINDOWS 10 Could Be a Huge Problem

Why The End of WINDOWS 10 Could Be a Huge Problem

CHM Tech

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David - 24.09.2023 03:28

Microsoft said Windows 10 was "the last version of Windows". Then they changed plans. That's THEIR problem.
But here's what will likely happen: the EU will step in and legally force Microsoft to extend Windows 10 support.

As for me, I REFUSE to update to Windows 11. I hate the UI and the UX. And unless Windows 12 does a 180º on that front, I will NOT upgrade from Windows 10. Regardless of support. And yes, I absolutely will look into Linux then. Or just keep using Windows 10 with additional non-Microsoft protections. And things like banking etc... Well, I can do those on my phone already. If Microsoft pushes me to use my phone for more and more things, well... I have a Samsung phone with DeX. Guess who will have no issues moving most of my work flow to Android?
It's their choice. I've been using Windows since Windows 1.0 but I WILL jump out if I'm forced to.

Axyr - 24.09.2023 02:43

I'll just do as I did back then with XP and stay on Win 10 until I am phisically forced out of it. lmao

OutFreak28 - 24.09.2023 02:00

I guess linux its the next step, i don't like anything microsoft did with windows 11, and according to all the leaks, windows12 will be worst.

Gae Bren
Gae Bren - 24.09.2023 01:51

Linux? Unix?

Skunkster - 24.09.2023 01:08

The simple fact is that computers have been more than powerful enough to do the tasks that 90-90% of users require for well over a decade. An operating system should simply make it all work while preventing outside attacks from getting to your stuff. Windows 7 did this really well (as XP did before that) and Windows 10 is almost as good. I haven’t had a reason to upgrade my PCs, most of which are over 10 years old and still handle my daily tasks quite well, thank you.

Zband - 24.09.2023 00:34

Does anyone else besides me see the serious danger of using a version of Windows that uses AI?

M B - 24.09.2023 00:28

Is my opinion makes any difference? Surely Linux is an option on a table.

Alex_TR - 23.09.2023 23:37

İ hate that microsoft is ending their support to their systems microsoft is started to getting bad and even their system windows 11’s microsoft edge is broken!
İ was entered microsoft edge and it started to spam the login windows and it doesnt lets me close it like a virus i needed to spam alt+f4
And my computers file manager is just eated the my computer !
İ cant find it lol
İ think microsoft started to getting bad :(

DudeSicko - 23.09.2023 23:14

Can't care at all.

Michael Singletary
Michael Singletary - 23.09.2023 21:42

Can’t' everyone see this is collusion between Microsoft and the PC manufacturers? Microsoft makes an operating system that will require the purchase of new devices from the manufacturers. PC manufacturers in turn keep Microsoft as their base operating system instead of moving to Linux. One hand washes the other. Collusion at its finest.

jksoftware - 23.09.2023 20:54

If your machine is not compatible with Windows 11 your machine is old trash that should be replaced anyway due to the age of the hardware. Windows 11 is perfectly fine and is not a 1/2 baked product like it was when released.

Angry 84
Angry 84 - 23.09.2023 19:20

Windows 11 forced me into gaming on Linux and I'll never go back because my system is so much more useful.

Aranyak Maitra
Aranyak Maitra - 23.09.2023 18:02

MS is holding the world hostage. It's time somebody did something about it.

Mrlucky - 23.09.2023 17:15

Win 10 should be a version that just always get updated

Willard Fasto
Willard Fasto - 23.09.2023 17:01

If only Linux could deliver something not engineered for insufferable think they know it all script kiddies.
There's a reason outside of specific usage scenarios Linux always failed as an PC and laptop OS.

Billy Gamer
Billy Gamer - 23.09.2023 16:59

Big box machines running Windows might be a thing of the past when 10 dies. Can we not visualize SBCs, like RPi, running a flavor of Linux as the future? How about a small array of such machines for real muscle and without Bill's greed?

bscabl - 23.09.2023 16:55

There are plenty of ways around the TPMS requirements for 11...which technical users at least, can avail to upgrade when the time comes to be able to get more life out of "legacy" hardware.

Filip Kubíček
Filip Kubíček - 23.09.2023 16:52

Microsoft will blink and extend Win 10 support. They like to put this date of 2025 just to make an argument for people to switch to Win 11 now. There will still be tens of %, if not like a half, of user still running Win 10 in 2025, it would be a really bad situation.

Dipendra Rana Magar
Dipendra Rana Magar - 23.09.2023 15:50

Most desktop still using intel core 2 duo and about 2 gb ram used in office, schools

Will Beason
Will Beason - 23.09.2023 15:22

This behavior is why I switched to Linux this year. Haven't looked back.

Desel - 23.09.2023 14:07

I changed from win7 to win10 3 months ago, i dont care for win 11 or 12 ir whatever. I want win7 back, with support for the next 20 years, no ai and shait like that.

GoldenPandoria - 23.09.2023 13:43

This is so shitty. I love 10. I have literally no interest in 11, much less in 12 and it's stupid AI.

I dunno. Maybe it's finally time to move to Linux. Bleh...

Terry Rocheleau
Terry Rocheleau - 23.09.2023 13:43

it's heading in 2 direction, those who go along with it, and those who drop it completely. i'm gonnna drop them completely, my pc will be a paper weight and i'm fine with it.

Technofire - 23.09.2023 13:06

Windows 10 is bad but it’s features are so cool like live titles 😢 rip

Underwraps - 23.09.2023 09:58

Microsoft biting off of Apple with the center taskbar and the killing of old PCs by force. I know people who still run windows xp reliably (offline)

Verma Mae Rodriguez
Verma Mae Rodriguez - 23.09.2023 07:34

soo uhmmmm I'm stuck on Windows 10 21H2 :(

Noah Hill
Noah Hill - 23.09.2023 01:30

Microsoft has become horrible, i would still be on window 7 if it was supported

AlwaysEast_UK - 23.09.2023 01:18

It's entirely dependant on the user's personal values. Do they like privacy, do they like being advertised to, do they like having their data sold.

Sebastian Lastname
Sebastian Lastname - 23.09.2023 00:15

Tiny 11 may also be a good alternative. Not sure how good it is but it runs on potatoes.

Steve West
Steve West - 22.09.2023 21:30

My take is: MS is just using this date as a scare tactic to pressure people into updating. Closer to that EOL date they'll extend it. How long it's extended will be based on the size of the remaining W10-only machines.

Fluffsune Gaming
Fluffsune Gaming - 22.09.2023 20:50

Haha yeah, upgrade to Windows 11, that's hilarious. When Windows 10 reaches EoL I'm moving to Linux.

Michael Gmirkin
Michael Gmirkin - 22.09.2023 19:46

The main barriers to Win11 adoption are:

1) TPM 2.0 requirement.
2) "Supported CPUs" list.

As I recall, there are a number of systems that satisfy #1, but not #2.

However, given that users were able to hack Win11 to run on those systems, and they do run perfectly fine, because Win11 is basically just Win10 and so apparently runs fine on the hardware Win10 ran on [CPUs, etc.], Microsoft could open up Windows 11 install eligibility on machines meeting #1, but not officially meeting #2, fairly trivially by simply supporting older CPUs, etc. Given that Win11 can clearly run on older hardware just fine (and Microsoft unofficially supports it [with a disclaimer that it's "unsupported"] if the user uses the media creation tool), they could simply add in official support for "older hardware," with the caveat that it may not have the "best user experience" if installed on said "older hardware."

That would certainly clear up *some* of the upgrade issues by clearing a path for some users previously ineligible for upgrade, due to hardware issues, to migrate to Win11.

It seems to me like they could also Work around #1 by in some way "segmenting" features into those that actually "require" TPM 2.0 to function, and those that do not. I suspect that most features don't actually "require" TPM 2.0 and could run just fine without it as if you were simply running Windows 10. No? Or, could they rejigger Win11 so that if you have TPM 2.0 it uses TPM 2.0, but if you only have TPM 1.0 it uses TPM 1.0 instead [whatever minor difference that means to security or whatever], or if it doesn't have TPM at all, it's simply a "less secure experience" version (which nobody [no end users] really cares about; it has, for instance, never once crossed my mind in the decades of using windows whether or not I have a TPM-capable chip/system or not; I still use antivirus software and try to practice good computing / security habits).

Seems to me like they *could* alleviate *some* of the issues if they so chose...

Key Fluid Music Art and Edits
Key Fluid Music Art and Edits - 22.09.2023 18:22

Or you know you businesses could class action sue them for not supporting a product with a monopoly. They’ll have to provide support for longer if they’re smart.

jack black
jack black - 22.09.2023 17:23

I have never been happier to have moved away from Microsoft.

yellowice0 - 22.09.2023 15:44

Of course, big companies suffering from disassociation to the entire whole, you rely on your users to use it, if they can’t use it or make it so bad that they don’t want to use it, why would you? It’s like the whole unity issue, gonna shoot yourself in the foot

Anthony Thompson
Anthony Thompson - 22.09.2023 14:52

when Linux gets better anticheat support im ditching windows all together

Nick Craciun
Nick Craciun - 22.09.2023 06:32

The whole point from their eyes is to push people to the newer stuff, same way apple did with old iphones slowing them down. This is what they do

Pr FunTech
Pr FunTech - 22.09.2023 06:10

Microsoft always work in this fashion for years...Windows 95 Begin Cool ,Windows NT 4.0 ok,
Windows 98 garbage,Windows 98 Second Ed Fine,Windows 2000 ok,Windows ME Pure Garbage ,
Window XP Begin of Greatness,Windows Vista GARBAGE shouldn't(DISASTER) been made,
Windows 7 GREATLY MADE,Windows 8 and 8.1 GARBAGE shouldn't been made, Windows 10
Great and accepted, Windows 11 PURE GARBAGE should never been made....Now we PRAY
Microsoft bring Windows 12 ENHANCED with a litte of Windows 10,7 and XP features built
inside....GREAT!! VIDEO CHM Tech...you have NEW SUBSCRIBER

Harley Speedthrust
Harley Speedthrust - 22.09.2023 03:36

lol idc what microsoft says. I'm sticking with windows 10 until they come and pry my computer out of my hands

hmmmnz - 22.09.2023 02:48

windows 10, jesus we still have hardware on trains that can only be accessed by a shitty old laptop running windows 98. i shit you not, and these arent old trains, but the components that run on them have been around forever and although they get get regular updates, they wont run on anything newer than 98

Someone - 22.09.2023 01:40

Yeah when security updates end I'm switching to linux

K C - 22.09.2023 01:20

Vista. The OS that smart people ignored, skipped, and possibly never even saw.
And my guess is that the next version of Windows won't be called "Windows 12". Microsoft will name it "The Last One". (You may need to be of a certain age to fully get that joke!)

LinuxWill Rise
LinuxWill Rise - 21.09.2023 21:17

fear not windows 10 users, there is another

I M - 21.09.2023 20:49

first thing I do is disable windows and all app updates unless something breaks. nobody cares

Brian Fleury
Brian Fleury - 21.09.2023 20:13

It was my understanding at the time, that Windows XP support was extended because of its ubiquity among ATMs. A registry hack was provided to allow user to receive updates after end of support. I actually used the hack.

Ninaran - 21.09.2023 18:21

Been using Win 11 on a powerful machine for months now and I barely notice it. The only thing that absolutely fucks me off is the taskbar. Why do I have to download a separate tool to have it on the secondary monitor ONLY? That is such a big issue.

postblitz - 21.09.2023 16:52

Hahahaha fucking microsoft windows <number>

RKcuddles - 21.09.2023 15:05

I swear if windows 10 gets dropped before I get my never combine task bar apps back….

Thedarkangel_97 - 21.09.2023 13:40

I will switch to linux once the win10 support ends
