Growing up "Ugly" & pretty privilege is REAL | journal entry ep. 3

Growing up "Ugly" & pretty privilege is REAL | journal entry ep. 3

Via Li

1 год назад

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@wimpula1791 - 23.04.2023 18:01


@keiomi_ - 31.12.2023 06:08

you explained clearly my thoughts about this topic (coz dis is me also 😫) like oomg tysm 🤗🫶🏻

@skidzoskunk - 30.12.2023 21:59

theres no "ugly" theres just ugly. and im ugly

@ambika828 - 30.12.2023 18:13

You are so beautiful 🩷😍❤

@yousra_j - 28.12.2023 22:07

Hi i just wanna say thank u ❤

@KamilleBidanApologist - 28.12.2023 11:33

“Oh this is not what I imagined myself to look like” LMAO SAME GOSH I LOOK EVEN WORSE than what I expect every time someone else takes my photos. And I’m humbled and humiliated every time. Anyway thanks for sharing something really vulnerable and so thoughtful and pretty empowering

@bugzpudding - 28.12.2023 01:49

um so pretty privilege exists but ill never acknowledge i have it even if other people do.

@jana_2451 - 27.12.2023 18:11

Trust me...I'm still ugly and my sister gets all the pretty privilege cuz she is beautiful. Been there, felt used to it and fine with it. So pretty privilege is real ....I agree with it 100%

@kimrou682 - 24.12.2023 15:08

only 1 thing changed when I had glow up and its people they started to talk to me and wana be friends with me and tell me compliments and I learned how much people care about what do u look like more than personality and that's kinda sad to know...

@cobraskenpo2299 - 22.12.2023 23:50

I think you are completely normal. There are many guys who would like your personality. Also you are very beautiful. Us men dont look at girls using a microscope so dont worry about microscopic details about your looks.

@Nao-ow3rr - 21.12.2023 11:35

she got that 2k17 video editing goin on

@WeiQi-pb5ee - 21.12.2023 04:44

love your smile in the end

@Lycari674 - 20.12.2023 14:15

nothing personal just general comment: youwentsformcute tosexy

@urmom-vi3oq - 19.12.2023 10:11

Omg the dress thing is so based, I didn't wear a dress until my prom because I was so uncomfortable with my body and how I looked

@elisapenn - 17.12.2023 21:25

you've literally described my whole experience, my entire life LOL i agree with everything you said !! also, another thing that has helped me gain much more self-confidence (and having more self-confidence makes me "prettier" if it makes sense) was stop compairing myself to others. i think comparison plays a huge role in why someone feels "ugly" and only focuses on their flaws. sometimes i still do it but the thing is, now i do things for myself, because they make me happy. if i wear a certain piece of clothing is because it makes me feel good, not because i want other people to perceive me as good-looking. same thing with anything else

@decrazysweet - 16.12.2023 21:25

If the problems don't come from health or finance, nothing will ever matter. I wasn't born with this thought. But since that year, when I had to go through it all, all by myself, yes, all by myself. But see, I'm still here today, that moment I realized, oh I totally can count on me. I'm so grateful if there are people who stay with me for the true me, but if there's no one, that not really matters.

@brycepardoe658 - 16.12.2023 07:29

If a woman is dead ugly as a kid and fine af as an adult like the lady in this video she has a superpower. Internally she's beautiful. That's the kind of woman a man should strive to wifey in my opinion.

@parthgamingworled3142 - 15.12.2023 21:16

hey sis idk why but this beauty got me crying i m 16 and very overweight i do think wht u saif is true its really hard to give up

@liyuan2654 - 15.12.2023 03:55

I’m way too drained/lazy to write much right now. But I really wanted to just tell you how much you’ve inspired (and comfort) me to live a self as you’ve built and still building to become a happier and healthier version of myself. You’re so genuine and I can literally connect so much with you, so much and it really gives me a lot of positive feelings while watching your videos and reels on instagram. Thank you and so proud of you for so much mature realizations because it’s really important. Hope you have a nice day Via :) ❤

@morticialechatnoir6884 - 12.12.2023 04:56

You know the world is hopelessly f**ked up when someone who looks like this thinks she's ugly. Wow. I was reading the comments and I only saw one that mentioned the race issue. I am Asian, and i definitely think that was a factor in how I was treated at school and everywhere else. And also, I truly was aesthetically challenged . Now, I DGAF.

@td7116 - 11.12.2023 16:16

What if we are kinda ugly but still idk people are kinder to us? I dont think I'm pretty but I have noticed ppl being nice but idk I'm shy and introverted too

@nicknamess232 - 11.12.2023 08:01

i did think i was so ugly growing up, sinds i got called the 'ugly sister'. i did everything with my older sister. everywhere i did go, she got compliments and i did not, because she was more beautiful then me. it really put me down hearing my parents say how beautiful my sister was and how much uglier i looked. my parents never did realise how sad it made me feel.

@annasyfable - 10.12.2023 23:09

Grew up pretty but never could see it. The pandemic happy and I gained so much weight which I feel completely changed my face. Definitely see a difference in how strangers interact with me. I unintentionally shifted into being the funny friend. Not knowing what you look like is such a pain. In the mirror I feel good then in a picture I see something completely difference. The feeling is enough to make you want to hide away from the public

@user-ub7iz3ik9p - 10.12.2023 19:50

How did u got rid of spectacles?

@itsjussforfunn - 10.12.2023 12:04

When... normal good looking girl says she's ugly wtf..dude

@ccconfusionslays - 10.12.2023 03:03


@margieightl3991 - 08.12.2023 16:57

I'm a total introvert and got bullied for being a nerd before but when I got accepted in the highschool I wanted, I started acting like an extrovert and funny person. it worked but whenever I can't be cheerful and hangout, everyone would suddenly be so pissed like they can't get my true nature. I'm kinda worried if i can't find people who make me feel comfortable and accepted. but seeing this gave me much comfort. I also am a late bloomer. my schoolmates are mostly rich brats who always had what they wanted in their life. as someone who had so many failures and tried so hard to get there they think my insecurities are extra and toxic. I'm trying to be more passionate with myself and don't give a fuck

@pravishaabajpai2858 - 05.12.2023 08:54

I think beauty doesn't make person attractive..the main thing is that neat and cleanliness, how much ur hygenic,your clothing ,nature(behaviour) and at last confidence.All these things makes u attractive and a person with cultures.❤❤❤💙💙💙

@user-ps2oy6jb1h - 03.12.2023 13:47

Рекомендую к прочтению мангу "Истинная красота". Ситуация главной героини точь-в-точь как у тебя. Может быть, это будет интересный опыт посмотреть на себя ещё раз со стороны

@sarahweichel546 - 03.12.2023 13:21

Thank you ❤

@Blue.clouds - 30.11.2023 20:30

This was such an excellent video love

@Mostlikelee - 19.11.2023 18:21

Never had a pretty era but at least people dont see me anymore. its nice being invisible rather than getting made fun in pubic spaces. I can go to work, go home study etc. Downpart is I want kids in the future, but i value personality and commitment which is quite rare in this day in age. No offense to anyone but the dating pool for us "ugly girlys" is very dificult because "ugly bois" want beyonce or an OF star so they can degrade her for wearing bikinis at starbucks. So some days are hard knowing ill probably never be able to have a family of my own.

@MrSexysPizza1 - 14.11.2023 16:44

I'm STILL the ugly one because racism to Desis is so fucking acceptable. Fuck the u.s.

@Heyor69 - 13.11.2023 20:42

at this point of my life, i cant really do anything only with my self!! im working currently on it + im getting more confident at telling people they look pretty, or idk i like smth about them and the smile i get is really nice !! :D

@laurettedeborne6179 - 10.11.2023 13:08


@lovesickz207 - 09.11.2023 21:11

where does she gets her dresseess theyyy r soo beautifullll
also i would love to hear her podcast

@sharos.d2323 - 09.11.2023 02:52

I think that just few people is what we could call ugly, because the majority of us is average without production and almost everyone can look really well with the right clothe and makeup. Natural Pretty people is just a minority but for some fuck up reason everybody demand others to be something they arent. Imagine that suddenly everybody say that to have 7 fingers in each hand is pretty, well it would be VERY difficult to persue that estandard. I grew up ugly, in quotes, and like you did Ive become more confident around 18--20, but in my case what have helped me a lot was body neutrality, hope more people that couldnt sympathize with body positive or love yourself culture could learn more about body neutrality, it was a change of mindset about many things.

@dublancdedinde - 08.11.2023 23:26

i think also as a poc, growing up in very white spaces had a huge impact on the way i looked at myself. i was seen as 'ugly', i was the token nerdy/weird black girl in the group of popular pretty white girls, and i've been invisible all my life, romantically and platonically.

now i'm in uni, i started wearing makeup, dressing nice, i feel better about myself ; and i think people see me as pretty now too. i get compliments from people, and i feel a lot more "seen" compared to before.
but the ghost of the racial bias linked to being a black girl remains. do they really think i'm pretty? do they think i'm ugly? am i really ugly or am i just black, therefore invisible to them?
man this is confusing

@Alina-kw7jm - 07.11.2023 11:41

When I was a teenager, I was not just 'ugly', I was weird. My hobbies were different from the hobbies of people my age. And people didn't want to be friends with weird hard-rock fan with short hair and Instagram dedicated to her cosplaying her favorite videogame characters (and Dean Winchester). I've had my glow up when I was like 18-19, maybe even 20 and suddenly a lot of people started thinking of me as if I was the most interesting person alive just because I am pretty. Suddenly I am not 'weird', but "she is interesting and she knows her worth". I'm 22 now and I am still not used to being conventionally pretty. I have the fear of commitment and serious trust issues and that is why I haven't even had my first kiss because I still think that "oh what if people are just joking and they want to embarrass me?". It never goes any way further than the simple cafe date.

@lilian5583 - 03.11.2023 20:27

I can't forget the day my high school classmates made a list of the ugliest girls in the class and i came in 1st place... that was devastating for a 16-year-old teenager, and the worst part was that a "friend" ' ' from childhood who read the list and my name out loud to the whole class... Being bullied in high school ruined my life, i never had self-esteem again and i feel like the ugliest person in the world all the time..

@hanakob4563 - 02.11.2023 09:29

Love your videos, thank you for sharing these stories

@gaelalmaguer479 - 01.11.2023 02:08

I wish one day we all get treated the same

@maryelizabeth1394 - 31.10.2023 18:41


@laurayt3 - 31.10.2023 18:25

Growing up ugly is so weird. Just like you said, people don’t treat as a human being.

@99breyerproblems13 - 31.10.2023 09:06

I can relate to this video so much. Being ugly and overweight all of my teenage/young adult life it’s really hard to accept yourself when you do change. Being able to accept compliments yup nope still struggle with that.. not knowing what you look like yup I agree. More people need to hear this! I love your videos seriously. I wish more people were honest like this ❤ keep being you!

@BlackKanoli - 31.10.2023 06:58

You are very pretty to me😊

@Hi_im_Nar - 30.10.2023 16:41

Sometimes i can't express my self much but i find things like poems, music, other people speech that can fit all the feelings and words that i couldnt express like this video, the message overall is so wholesome. Thank you !

@rosiesworld7497 - 29.10.2023 13:56

I have one thing to tell you and that is you are gorgeous:)

@randomeevee6048 - 28.10.2023 18:04

Pretty privilege is SO real.

I changed drastically last year (cut my hair, new glasses, my style also changed) and honestly, I don't know if it's me becoming more extroverted and confident, but now I get regular compliments from people, they pay attention to me more, I also feel like people notice me more and I'm allowed to take up more space.

Also, all your "weird" and "nerdy" personality traits suddently become normal, or quirky. If "ugly" me would tell people I play video games and watch anime, they'd always take it with a weird look or even mock me. Now people are more open to me about their interest in the same things aswell.

I also still get made fun of by some people from my old class that find me annoying or something, but they rather act like I'm annoying or that my insecurities and shyness (that I still have due to being bullied alot) is silly, instead of making fun of my appearance or literally everything I do.

Not to mention, that confidence gain likely only happened because I now looked "better"

@ft.jackjimmy7282 - 27.10.2023 20:33

Although pretty privilege is very real and most common, I would say there's also outgoing and fun privilege. In high school, I do see myself and others gravitate to non-conventionally pretty people because of their outgoing bubbly personality that people find it easy to talk to them. I guess their fun personality makes them prettier in a way. However, I became the closest with a more introverted friend instead while I always feel lonely and ignored when being around a bubbly personality, which is sad because a bubbly person prob also feels very lonely due to keeping up a facade of fun to keep people around. IDK, I just don't like it when people easily dismiss introverts as shy when in reality, they don't like to have a large entourage of people 24/7.
