How To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle At The Same Time (Specific Steps!)

How To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle At The Same Time (Specific Steps!)

Ivana Chapman

2 года назад

208,578 Просмотров

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Ivana Chapman
Ivana Chapman - 06.06.2022 22:30

Thanks for watching! What's your current fitness goal? ⬇

John Woods
John Woods - 24.10.2023 08:24

Wow! Clear, concise and common sense! To job.

end the fed
end the fed - 21.10.2023 23:48

Use creatine

katrin - 21.10.2023 16:05

I'm tying to eat healthy and I workout 6 times/week since 4 month but I don't see progress and I can't understand what is the problem

Colin Harvey
Colin Harvey - 13.10.2023 22:56

Great video - as usual.
I’m a newbie and have dropped from about 25% body fat to about 16-17% in the past 3 months while maintaining/building muscle through weight training. I think I’m getting to that stage where there’s little point in more fat loss and then start to up my calories to about 100-200 above maintenance (currently they’re around 400-500 below maintenance and I’m loosing about 1-2 lbs a week).
I guess the question is when to make the change!
I’m very happy where my body is heading - I’m enjoying having abs! I think I’d like to hang on for a few weeks more, just to get better definition around the abs and banish the last bits of the love handles - or would you recommend making the switch now?

Jane05 - 13.10.2023 01:37

I'm only +7kg from my perfect weight; well it work?

Chloe Vollmar
Chloe Vollmar - 03.10.2023 04:57

Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to lose just belly fat without dieting as a 14 year old female at the height of 5 feet and the weight of 120 lbs. I do not believe that I am not very overweight but I am trying to get a flatter stomach. I do not want to do dieting. I also do not have any weights at my home, so I was wondering if I would still be able to lose that little bit of weight without each of those things?

Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith - 29.09.2023 22:58

I'm really tickled I found your videos. Just straight honest guidance that isn't trying to sell me a pill, a diet, etc.

Hanin Boukhris
Hanin Boukhris - 18.09.2023 21:30

get enough protein
train with weight (even with body weight) 3-5 sessions a week, hiting each muscle groupe twice a week will maximize muscle growth or doing a fullbody workout 3 times a week is ideal for a lot of people however if you already do 3 sessions a week you should increase to 4-5
expend calories with physical activity aka 20-30 min cardio 3 times a week or just walking
it's fine to track or to not track your calories
if you have access body fat (30% or higher body fat) do a calorie deficit
if you're about 20% body fat stay at your weight maintenance calories

DelusionDispeller - 02.09.2023 15:27

I weigh about 179 lb right now and I am 4'9 so as you know that's overweight. I've been on the weight loss journey since I was close to 250 lb back in 2012. My goal is to put on muscle so I can burn more fat and not to lose muscle in the process of losing fat. This is why I came to your channel and no I don't have money to pay anybody to help me do it I'm doing it on my own but I would like some advice as to how I can avoid losing the muscle when my weight drops

Holly Vipond
Holly Vipond - 02.09.2023 02:48

Hi, Im a 35 yr old female who is 5'7 & 125lb. Im currently doing a mixture of weight training & cardio. Im eating a lot of protein (around 110g a day) & my caloric daily intake is around 1300. Am i on the right track for burning fat & gaining muscle?

Colleen Drake
Colleen Drake - 30.08.2023 04:56

Hi @IvanaChapman! I have been strength training about 1-2 days a week and training for a triathlon as well. I just completed the Tri on Saturday. However, I’ve had no weight loss throughout my journey. I love how my body feels but would like to slim down even more without loosing my strength. I’m 5’4 and a solid 175. Any suggestions for me? I wear a size 8 and would love to loose another dress size!

toringo_kaii - 25.08.2023 20:43

I’m at 45 kg at the moment, and want to loose fat without loosing weight, and I can’t down my calories for private reasons (I’m eating enough calories to maintain my weight, but not to loose or gain weight). I want to look a lot skinnier, though. How would be the best way to approach this and how long does this take on average to do? Also would this be possible to do without my weight on the scale changing?

Mona - 25.08.2023 07:03

What workouts should we do in strength

Elizabeth teshome
Elizabeth teshome - 22.08.2023 16:37

Hi .i have hio dislocation and pain on knee and hip.i just want to build my muscles and get fitted .How can i start Please ?

Rebecca Diaz
Rebecca Diaz - 19.08.2023 10:07

I am a woman on the scale my body fat percentage is 24% i weight 140 I workout 4times aweek i do resistance training and i walk alot im 5'7" i eat healthy but i dnt see alot of change any advice u can give me? I want to be lean

omghi95 - 18.08.2023 21:15

The protien always confuses me. Does the same rule apply if youre overweight/obese? If someone weighs 300 pounds - 300g of protien sounds wild.

Realtor Pays You
Realtor Pays You - 08.08.2023 03:19

I want to loose fat and retain muscle and get to 15-20 percent fat. How often do I reduce my calories and how much grams of carbs and fats should I be aiming for along the journey as we all know how many grams of protein but I never hear on how much fat and carbs when being in a calories deficit. Please help

Kristy - 31.07.2023 01:49

Is it healthy to just lose fat before gaining muscle, or is it best to do both at the same time?
Also, on days off (no exercise), should you reduce the calorie intake, or keep the calorie intake be the same?

HeliRy - 29.07.2023 17:06

One thing I’ve never been clear on with protein targets, is do I factor in my current weight… or my target weight, and just adjust it with the rest of my macros as I lose weight?

Love Leigh
Love Leigh - 28.07.2023 20:41

Counting calories is so old school 🤓
