Jordan Peterson on the meaning of life for men. MUST WATCH

Jordan Peterson on the meaning of life for men. MUST WATCH

Alex Swan

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@loganpeck5084 - 04.10.2023 13:06

I saw this video about 6 months after it was uploaded in 2018. After years of counseling and medication for depression, I realized that I didn't have a truly challenging load to bear.

So my wife and I stopped preventing and got pregnant with our first child that very month. Within 3.5 years, we had several more. My wife and I now have 4 sons ages 1-4, due to twins in the middle.

I haven't been to counseling or had medication in years. I did my best to be the most responsible person at my brother's unexpected funeral in 2021. I planned it all and gave the eulogy.

I gave up my personal "dreams" for my career in order to stay closer to home for the wife and kids.

These are the best decisions I've ever made. I'll always be thankful to Dr Peterson and thankful that this clip got uploaded. I believe God led me to it.

@junevandermark952 - 14.01.2024 01:41

If one man marries a nasty witch of a woman ... can his "meaning" be compared to a man who marries a woman who is a saint?

And if somebody tied Jordan's hands behind his back ... would his speeches have the same impact on his "followers?"

@meganeffy1 - 12.01.2024 13:54

I love JP's advice on man's agency and goal setting, but I feel like he oversimplified the female experience here.

@user-px5pq4pg8v - 17.12.2023 23:16

I am considered disagreeable by just about everyone even though I don't intend it and I have always been female, so I dunno ...

@ELIASGTR - 01.12.2023 05:59

This video is revolutionary

@YourMomXD1337 - 21.11.2023 14:36


@YourMomXD1337 - 21.11.2023 14:35


@YourMomXD1337 - 21.11.2023 14:35


@YourMomXD1337 - 21.11.2023 14:35


@YourMomXD1337 - 21.11.2023 14:34


@YourMomXD1337 - 21.11.2023 14:16


@YourMomXD1337 - 21.11.2023 14:14


@YourMomXD1337 - 21.11.2023 14:12


@YourMomXD1337 - 21.11.2023 14:12

I am aimless and meaningless 😭😭😭

@YourMomXD1337 - 21.11.2023 14:11


@YourMomXD1337 - 21.11.2023 14:11


@YourMomXD1337 - 21.11.2023 14:10

Idk what to do with my life 😭😭😭

@scotthughes7440 - 19.11.2023 00:14

I listen to Peterson and appreciate his insights. I wish he wasn't so obsessed with being famous though. I don't know who he is now as a result. He seems overly touchy and emotional when people criticize his rants. He is less psychologist now and more of an egotistical vainglorious snob.

@JosephMcG - 15.11.2023 02:39

Women know what they have to do (motherly impulses). Men have to figure out what they have to do. Doing (taking responsibility) provides meaning.

@LadyEvangelist - 12.11.2023 03:28

Where will you go when you die? The choice is yours. Jesus Christ loves us and gave His life to save us from sin, and to give us an eternity in heaven. It does not end here on earth. Please repent from sin and accept His gift of salvation today. Jesus loves you and will save you if you call on Him. Please read John 3:16 and accept Jesus today. No one knows when their last breath will be. "It is appointed unto man to die once, and after this, judgment". Hebrews 9:27

@JazzyGinger1 - 08.11.2023 00:42

Hello,🐥🐣 May I share an Old Testament Verse with you from Daniel 7:14 "And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a Kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should SERVE Him; his dominion is an Everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom shall not pass away, and His Kingdom that which shall not be destroyed." Also, can I share Isaiah 53:5 " But HE was WOUNDED For our TRANSGRESSIONS, he was BRUISED for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His STRIPES we are HEALED."
God the Father loves you so much that He sent Holy Sinless Jesus (His Holy Son) to earth to be born of a virgin.Then, to grow up and die on a cross for our sins. He was in the tomb for 3 days, then Father God raised Holy and Sinless Jesus Christ (Y'shua) to Life! He appeared to people and went back to Heaven. We must receive Sinless Jesus sincerely to be God's child(John 1:12).After we get saved by grace through faith in Christ, if we truly love the Lord Jesus Christ, then we will obey Jesus(John 14:15). Mark 1:15 "And saying, the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: Repent ye, and believe the gospel." Jesus said in John 14:15 "If you love Me, keep My commandments. "There's a real hell. It says in Revelation 21:8 "But for the cowardly, & unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, & immoral persons sorcerers & idolaters & all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire & brimstone..." Please sincerely receive Holy Jesus and put your true faith and trust in Him today and please repent. Will you have a Real encounter with Holy Lord Jesus (Y'shua is His Hebrew Name) and stay in a Genuine relationship with Him daily please?

@andrewleaming3049 - 05.11.2023 21:52

More than 90 of his viewers are men

@SeyhawksNow - 02.11.2023 01:11

Society wants us to forget what Uncle Ben said to Peter, and to us as an extension: With Great Power comes Great Responsibility

@goin817 - 31.10.2023 06:38

Where can i find tis lecture?😊

@biggerminds523 - 30.10.2023 19:40

He learn people how to be a man? He need to be a man to learn it to others. He is just a fraud

@diogoaluai2 - 26.10.2023 02:22

I still remember when I watched him for the first time, such simple thought that I hadn't digested: "Grow the hell up and do something useful".
He nails my mental reaction at the time as well, that's so funny.

My life has changed substantially as a consequence of his message.

@paulorobinson4431 - 25.10.2023 06:56

"Story of 'The Fall.'"
💡J. Cole album?

@shavais33 - 24.10.2023 00:03

".. maybe you're leaving out the meaning of life."

A Biblical point about this came to mind again today, so I looked up this video in order to post this comment. I wonder if I've mentioned this already in some other comment?

The Bible says that God created humanity "for his pleasure." And it gives us an example of what that looked like: He brought the animals to Adam to see what he would call them. This appears to me to be an example of God enjoying humanity. So the whole purpose of life, the universe and everything was simply to be enjoyed.

I feel like that's actually a perfectly satisfying purpose. There's no need for any more or higher purpose than that. But then Satan got people to rebel, and humanity was cursed - only by the sweat of your brow shall the earth yield up its fruit, and all that. So it seems like the need for responsibility came about as a result of rebellion against the divine. But Christ came to save us out of all that, and it does seem that civilization has been allowed to bring about the potential for escaping from that to a substantial extent.

Maybe the reason capitalism and free markets work as well as they do, to the extent that they do, is because and to the extent that they require their participants to fulfill the needs of others in order to fulfill their own needs, thereby aligning themselves with the divine:

"Therefore if you have any encouragement in Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being united in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."

..thereby positioning themselves to receive the escape from the divine curse purchased by Christ's sacrifice. I know that "by grace you are saved through faith," but the scripture absolutely does promise rewards in this life and in the next for the act of aligning one's actions with the divine will. Faith itself is an example.

It seems observable that enjoyment is enhanced greatly when what is enjoyed requires effort and something like developed skill or talent to achieve and bears the obvious mark of a successful effort having been engaged.

I think I would say that the meaning of life is truth and love, and that the purpose of life is to be enjoyed. Maybe in this life, currently, a stable state of being able to enjoy it may be best achieved by taking responsibility.

@Sageoftheforest7 - 23.10.2023 12:12

A man's responsibility is his own. There's no need to blame women for the failures of men. I don't see anyone forcing young men to choose a life of video games and drinking out, as opposed to getting an education. The educational system has not changed much since the days only men participated in it, children were always expected to be obedient, sedentary and quiet in class, in respect to authority. Blaming women in that regard is a blatant show of weakness.

@matthewbyrd2329 - 18.10.2023 16:04

Absolutely fantastic!! Beautiful lecture, and 100% accurate. Share this with every man you know.

@aakk1502 - 17.10.2023 08:07

This same guy hates Palestinian kids and wishes for them to be dead. I used to follow him but he is a cold dead heart

@Intension123 - 15.10.2023 00:52

Women are doing better, because most women are living life on easy mode. Not having to put effort and still getting all they desire.

@FluffySylveonBoi - 11.10.2023 12:54

I play video games almost daily and I love it. I am a gamer since 1993 and that will never change, it is my lifestyle and I am happy with it. I have what I wanted already and it is the best. Don't need motivation to do anything else, because I fought hard for this lifestyle in the past and now I can live it.

@farooqakash6874 - 10.10.2023 22:30

I was always a big fan of yours but after your tweet on the Palestine issue, you are nothing more than a zionist to me. I'm subscribing you.

@arvin_bnv - 09.10.2023 09:50

How lucky all his students were…

@dgpsmusic - 07.10.2023 12:43

The biggest issue i have found in my life experience is that jobs dont appreciate the labor of a man, and the jobs that do are usually not the healthiest jobs, have no benefits but pay well. I LOVED fixing trucks and getting people going down the road again. But i cannot pretend to be okay while being over worked under paid and under rewarded. Ive had 4 career jobs and all of them were tough physically, which is fine. When the work being done is not being rewarded justly, the desire to be responsible turns to jade. I want to work! and feel useful, but not at the expense of my mental sanity. for the last three years ive been LOW. depressed, sad, feeling worthless. When i analyze the jobs market in america i laugh. the wages they offer compared to cost of living is laughable and not in a good way. it all feels like a rotten joke. no one should have to give more than 40 hours a week to live comfortably and i mean bare essentials.. the times we live in are more crushing than inspiring to me. Not trying to be Nihilist but what the hell are humans working towards so fiendishly that ledger balances mean more than humanities sanity, hospitality and care. it just baffles me how the whole of the population is seemingly at a struggle and the people who could do something do nothing but belittle and shame. Im disagreeable to the Nth degree, but from a moral standpoint. You can only kick a dog so many times before it bites or runs. living in a world where company owners think its okay to take 80% of a companies profits and run of to the bahamas is just deplorable. specially when your employees are on the cusp of homelessness. Oh well its the choices you make that have you homeless. nonsense. housing market is upside down. rent prices are astronomical. healthcare is being ravaged by insurance companies and drug providers. Healthy food is unaffordable. the greed is unyielding and gross. It saddens my heart to live in america. And the people who think its the best place to live were not born here, or have nepotism to riches or are drunk, or got lucky in the stock market. so many business's are started off theft and lies. just the land of bankrupt of morals. Hard work in this country will get you next to nothing if you are an agreeable man. Nice guy finishes last. Im not going to work if my basic needs cannot be met on the jobs wages. i can be unemployed and miserable rather than employed and miserable. if misery is the end result ima take the path of least resistance.

@cclark3 - 07.10.2023 09:50

So basically I get to live as a donkey until I die. Only valued based on what I can do for others and nothing inherent I obtain. Yeah, no wonder so many men are suicidal.

@guitarmusic524 - 06.10.2023 04:08

Jordan, spend a week at my house with me, and I'll show you the meaning.

@caleuxx9108 - 02.10.2023 13:55

the meaning of life.... am about 45 now, traumatic childhood, mother schizofrenia, picked a medical career...... Have worked in healthcare for over 20 years....mostly with the elderly..... night-shifts, lots of stress, 60-80 hour work weeks, -- lead to autoimmune disease..... I have no children. Is that really supposed to be the meaning of life... to sacrifice the life and health of a younger adult, so that a very elderly old person can live another perhaps 1-2 years, or not even that...... is is even moral? is is moral to sacrifice the life of a younger adult even for the purpose of hospice care, pain managment, etc.... ? Since 2020 (covid pandemic, watching who got seriously ill, war in Ukraine, ... etc... + my mom's severe mental illness) and now since spring 2023 watching Jordan Peterson and learning from him.... I have come to believe that there is a biological meaning to life and a spiritual meaning to life .... the BIOLOGICAL meaning to life, is to help survival... survival of the individual, survival of the clan/family, survival of the nation/culture and survival of mankind as a species.... some people have childen and raise them, some adopt children and raise them, some people are pediatricians and helps kids be healthy, etc. teachers, etc.... some people care for the parents so that the children will survive (children without loving parents are often times more traumatized, have worse outcomes and less productive as adults, .... ), police officers, fire-fighters... keep us safe, children and their parents safe.... BUT where to place the very frail elderly who are no longer able to take care of their even most basic needs.... where to place them in the context of this basic meaningn of life (survival of the generations).... The whole western world is aging, less children are born, seniors are living to and older and older and older and frailer age (80+, 90+, 100+)..... and it takes a lot of money, care, resources to manage a decent quality of life for the very elderly and frail...... and then the depression they get is called pathological... most countries do not allow euthenasia even for the most severly illl..... modern western thinking just prolongs end of life suffereing (so it seems to me).... And then, what is the spiritual meaning of life? Is it in conflict with the biological meaning of life ???

@billkotas9049 - 02.10.2023 06:28

Total crap

@georgenedelkoffnedelkoffu833 - 29.09.2023 16:02

Peterson speaks for all men , l don't think so !

@daltonclifford5106 - 27.09.2023 21:47

It’s not responsibility directly but underlying that what’s meaningful enough for someone to be willing to suffer for that “responsibility”

@karenhere9327 - 27.09.2023 16:14

this sounds like a very helpful symposium for both men, women, mothers and fathers, daughters and sons. This is worth sharing with all.

@iridiansanchez1560 - 24.09.2023 10:25

Reality is so pathetic when you really think about it

@dabigbaby7193 - 21.09.2023 15:58

this works people! after a decade of severe depression, self loath and being suicidal, when my father left us, i picked up the responsibility and my mental health has only been improving...i'm feeling i've got so much better to the point that i'm gonna ditch all my medications (consulting my doctor, of course), and to my own surprise, for the first time in my life i'm not feeling like a piece of filth. RESPONSIBILITY WORKS. PICK YOUR LOAD

@OnlineWarlord876 - 16.09.2023 19:23

Everybody wants to be treated like they have value until they realize they need to be responsible to actually have value

@LAUDER7 - 16.09.2023 02:26

@monicadabney8471 - 10.09.2023 03:12

Please do not say Gods name in vain. I love to hear him but that is not right.
