Nuclear Engineering Slander

Nuclear Engineering Slander


1 год назад

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@mung_pi - 07.10.2022 16:47

How good is this video?

54 seconds. Not great. Not terrible.

@T4nkcommander - 12.01.2024 16:33

Nuclear Engineers - aka mechanical engineers with a cooler name but shittier job prospects.

@bearlogg7974 - 01.01.2024 22:36

Solar punk nerds be seething when you tell them Nuclear power is a little sun boiling water

@altaris6593 - 16.12.2023 20:30

I belive that decentralizing energy production and scaling down reactor size is the future
I also belive that we should invest in developing direct heat to current and radiation to current technologies which allow avoiding energy losses in using turbines and steam and scaling down reactor size even to making them car battery- sized ( or even smaller)
Such device should have 4 layer casing:
Neutron deflector ( probably berrylium)
, depleted uranium ( best radiation shielding but toxic), lead and stainless steel ( to protect from lead poisoning and from scratching lead cause its soft)
This op version of high power nuclear battery should have a safety and controll circuitry that in case of emergency or power loss would shut down fission and pump it with liquid nitrogen from detatchable small tank

@pufocina - 14.11.2023 11:51

As a random kid that is interested in this domain, I can't tell you how many people (both adults and children) have no idea what nuclear energy is.
They misunderstand this domain ENTIRELY and all they know is Chernobyl.
We should do something about this, I can't hear one more time "but nuclear reactors are very unsafe and can explode every second"

@TheNefastor - 13.11.2023 01:27

OK, that pyramid scheme joke is golden, I'll be reusing it next time I have to explain nuclear fission to a cryptobro.

@Poulo-ex7uq - 12.11.2023 00:55

Hello, nuclear physicist here (will be after graduation). I totally approve that

@Idkmanihatethis - 10.08.2023 17:05

Nuclear power plants are awesome, the problem is that a melt down can be catastrophic but if you think about it, other types of power plant like coal may have had far drastic negative impacts on people just gradually and not suddenly. It’s like would you want a strong earth quake that happens once every 10 years that kill 100 people or weak earthquakes that occur once every 1 year killing 20-30 people or more. At least that’s what nuclear energy is for me.

@muhammadrafaysajid5520 - 09.08.2023 22:19

Oppenhiemer after inventing the atomic bomb
"Now I'm become death the destroyer of world ."

Yeah he was a physicist though.

@amatoyoichi8468 - 05.08.2023 14:36

If human is some kind of hive mind then we probably able to realize the nuclear energy in the world . But a human is a singular mind you cant change them all

@NikhilKumar-xu2hn - 05.06.2023 07:05

Saying ops as nuclear engineer

@blackgold754 - 30.05.2023 23:55

If I were a nuclear engineer, I’d be a nuclear arms trafficker.

@zyphergaming3187 - 29.05.2023 21:16

nuclear boy scout after buying 13 tons of smoke detectors and glow in the dark objects from 1900's:

baby don't hurt me

@BetUDidntKnow57 - 28.05.2023 14:17

this is very relatable 😶‍🌫

@g00sepocalypse - 26.05.2023 16:16

"They lower my wage, i will lower the coolant of the nuclear reactor" MFs be like:

@normi9033 - 26.05.2023 01:50

imagine inventing nuclear technology to power an entire world, which is far more clean than any other energy production - only for climate activists that barely studied any bits of science to tell you that it needs to be shut down.

@thelastbathbomb023 - 24.05.2023 01:49

It would cost a lot of money to change out infrastructure to nuclear

also big oil in politician pockets so… yeah

@nightmareshogun6517 - 22.05.2023 13:55

The Young Anakin’s thrusters on his pod already exists. It’s called a turbojet engine and has been around for quite a while.

@IronClique - 21.05.2023 23:36

Does that mean Hiroshema and Nagasaki were just weaponized pyramid schemes?

@bgthereformer - 20.05.2023 23:36

The idea that ppl working in a nuclear power station shitpost is both highly amusing and deeply terrifying

@bananesalee7086 - 19.05.2023 19:27

also, be jobless after graduation because of said eco-activists

@naturazpolski9213 - 19.05.2023 09:59

As an ecologist, I'll tell you this. Nuclear power might have possibly be the biggest harm to the environment if it explodes, but the hell, Charnobyl was over 40 years ago and it still exploded because of russians ordering Ukrainians to push it, despite multiple warning. Of course it will be great if renawable energy will be more sufficient than it is now, together with the birth of thermonuclear energy, but right now, nuclear energy is the biggest blessing for this sucked out for carbon planet. 1 nuclear power is bigger than multiple of carbon and the procedures that are right now, to prevent from explosion are so far bigfer than it was with Charnobyl. Something like this will not happen again (unless you are stupid russian slut like these that are right now on Ukraine, who will threat to bombard it like if it wouldn't kill them too)

@leftistadvocate9718 - 13.05.2023 04:55

okay but the real reason why renewables are better than nuclear is because they're just so much cheaper and faster to build.

@john_doe668 - 10.05.2023 10:00

unironically, we now have gotten a surplus of power from a fusion reaction

@yashvardhan9293 - 08.05.2023 08:32

Can you please make one on neet aspirants

@speuler785 - 02.05.2023 08:08

LFG. incoming UMich NERS

@Miliradian - 27.04.2023 15:51

Lmao this was actually good

@velvetthundr - 26.04.2023 15:47

Nuclear power plants are actually very green and clean. It's only when you have a whoopsie, then it's a problem. So don't cheap out on construction, labor and personnel = safe profit

@Mutraxation - 23.04.2023 12:10

i still love how people claim nuclear energy is dangous, because "well chernobyl and fukushima was bad!", although both were caused by human stupidity
nuclear energy is very safe and clean compared to other energy sources, because its amount of greenhouse gas pollution and deaths pr TWh is much lower than the other sources like coal and biomass

@jerimaiag71 - 23.04.2023 00:54

These videos aren't funny lmao

@jonharrison3114 - 14.04.2023 06:47

We just put the waste where we found the radioactive stuff in the first place, nothing lived their and nothing ever will live their

@curtismiller5254 - 08.04.2023 04:51

That's the beat called

@SatchelChannel - 06.04.2023 13:56

Soviet engineering was the best. No planned obsolescenve. Im a chemE btw, i love their engineering

@Jupiter-rs4zl - 06.04.2023 07:21

They lower my salary I lower the coolant level in the reactor.

@MrSam2497 - 05.04.2023 12:10

Nuclear physicisians in 1986 °_°

@Manofpeas5639 - 05.04.2023 05:37

I was wondering if I’d see a Chernobyl meme in this and there was none.

@ayomri1914 - 05.04.2023 03:15

Well you see the concept of Nuclear Fission energy is quitte simple. Take a material that doesn't wanna exist if it is near enough of itself. Spark that reaction which causes heat by harassing it with small particles causing all of the aformentioned material to blow itself up causing adjecent ones to do the same releasing the energy that held it together in the first place. Heat up water. Use vapour to spin turbine, and boom kinetic energy that through an alternator will give you electricity. Fusion energy however is basically recreating the reaction inside the fucking core of the sun which has a way higher efficiency but yeah how do you go about creating a micro sun and make it a net positive in terms of energy spent and gained?

@BrokenLifeCycle - 05.04.2023 01:23

If I could describe the pivotal reason why nuclear power hasn't become a main source of power in the world...

Dumb shits.

From the anti-nuclear activists making wild claims and exacerbating the false-narrative to the people who operates and manage the powerplants.

Dumb shits.

Nonono, let me explain. So Chernobyl is a funny one; they ran their reactor beyond its safe conditions. Three-Mile Island was poor maintenance and management running the plant leading to a combination of failure of the safety system and incompetence of the staff during an emergency. Fukushima was poor design choice and failure to meet safety standards and risk assessments after prior, multiple instances warning of the VERY THING that happened during 2011.

Every single reactor incident of this magnitude has all had one thing in common: human error whether in the design, operation, or management of the spicy rocks.

Dumb shits.

@KozelPraiseGOELRO - 03.04.2023 09:35


chain reaction is the reverse of a Pyramid Scheme.

@sayori3939 - 03.04.2023 00:26

You didn't see graphite

@trashyink2132 - 01.04.2023 03:58

Lise Meitner after watching a raindrop: Guy with Whiteboard

@pollball598 - 27.03.2023 19:46

Respect for the author of video for creating time machine and traveling to 1950

@miketacos9034 - 25.03.2023 05:16

Climate change activists when you tell them they hate nuclear because of fossil fuel company propaganda:

@mikaba4201 - 06.03.2023 04:13

It's ok to make mistakes
Nuclear technicians:💀💀
