Pros and Cons of Embedded Software Engineering

Pros and Cons of Embedded Software Engineering

Greidi Ajalik

1 год назад

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Greidi Ajalik
Greidi Ajalik - 20.07.2022 19:01

Leave your pros and cons of embedded software Engineering in the comments section! Cheers!

Master Stirner
Master Stirner - 05.09.2023 19:22

I loved coding in C in College but as soon as he said few opportunities of remote work.... like video and good bye

Herculean Hijinks
Herculean Hijinks - 03.09.2023 20:16

I have zero regrets about going into this field. Something I might add is that there are a lot less young guys going into firmware/embedded software development. This field requires a very low level understanding of hardware that most newcomers never needed to develop. As a result, the average age of an embedded software engineer is somewhere around 40, compared to that of a conventional software engineer; around 30. There are a lot of old guys in this field with dated paradigms that are retiring, leaving a ton of opportunity for young guys to get in.

As for salary, you absolutely can be earning more than a conventional software engy. Just ask for it. There is an ever shrinking supply of firmware guys and demand is still very high. There have been job postings in my town that haven't budged for 6+ months because there is simply no one to fill them. You have a lot more leverage in this field than you might think.

Farid Nubaili
Farid Nubaili - 27.08.2023 19:07

The most annoyed part is we cant focus on programming, we should ensure that the hardware, jumper etc. Installed properly, beside doing programming.

Farid Nubaili
Farid Nubaili - 27.08.2023 19:07

The most annoyed part is we cant focus on programming, we should ensure that the hardware, jumper etc. Installed properly, beside doing programming.

Tr F
Tr F - 03.08.2023 07:23

I'm working as an embedded software engineer in korea. and trying to get master degree and get a job in US, and found that you said it's hard for non-american to get a job in this field, how could you go through with this?

AmeliaBuns - 02.08.2023 05:32

Pros: AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
cons: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Thủy bảo thùy
Thủy bảo thùy - 18.07.2023 09:11

I am a fresher embedded software engineer in VietNam. The salary about 550$/ month.

unknown error
unknown error - 22.05.2023 06:12

Thanks for sharing your experience, I'm a freshman considering career options

UNKNOWN - 06.05.2023 15:21

Brother i would like to know about studying embedded system developer i have studied CSE and is now preparing to study embedded system development so i would like to know whether it will be difficult for a CSE student to study embedded system development and also whether its related to IT industry

Gustavo Delgadillo
Gustavo Delgadillo - 19.04.2023 17:34

A pro is being constrained makes You a better programmer and the problems are closer to the CS You learn at school imho, compared to fullstack dev wherethe cloud makes You falsely believe resources are unlimited, I enjoy problem solving but I do consider a shame it is under paid compared to fullstack jobs which are overpaid imho

sinduja krishnan
sinduja krishnan - 09.03.2023 19:44

I am hiring for Embedded Engineers in USA, any idea which sites would be a great pool for sourcing embedded engineers?
I am trying DICE, its not helping much.

R2D2 - 22.02.2023 16:53

In most cases embedded developing is pain in the ass (mainly caused by management). But I still like this job, because of interaction between hardware and software

zyrious ly
zyrious ly - 17.02.2023 02:25

Is it possible to get a hardware related job with a CS degree or do they want somebody with an EE degree? I did not really get any hardware knowledge through my degree. How much Physics is needed?

Amir Hamzah
Amir Hamzah - 08.01.2023 20:15

I'm newbie and i have might be stupid question, just dont know where to ask.
I want to making personal fun project like interactive led lights via sensor.
Does learning C and use Arduino is way to go as beginner?

Thank you if anyone here answer it.

Krish MJ
Krish MJ - 01.01.2023 20:51

Pro's - Can we strat a company or small scale start-up ? While compare with other industries like IT or VLSI!!! Is it wothy? Pls tell me. I am planning for it

V4 GAMING YT - 30.12.2022 15:27

sir i am going to start my carrier i have 2 it jobs offer and 1 embedded job which one to select
(it salary is=4lpa to 6lpa) (embedded salary is 5LPA) which one to select 😉😉

엘리콩 - 19.12.2022 16:05

Wow, this helps me so much, thank you so much for making this video! <3

Usman Qasim
Usman Qasim - 01.12.2022 12:48

@Geidi Ajalik
I am a Javascript developer.
I did BS in Computer science.
My love is to work with Low level Languages(Some how) like C, C++, RUST or Assembly Languages.

Now i have to choose one of these field
ML, AI or Data Science.
Embedded Software Engineering.

Last thing i have some basic (matriculation or Grade 10th) knowledge of Physic.

I am working as a software engineer but there are many of my colleague working as a Embedded Software Engineer.

Dale - 29.11.2022 05:13

I have to disagree on the pay. Unless you are working at a silicon manufacture as an embedded software engineer, expect to be 20K to 80K below someone who does back-end server work for example. Cloud computing jobs have really allowed software engineers to make significant salary compared to someone doing embedded or application development.

Nanda Kishor
Nanda Kishor - 31.10.2022 22:08

Please stop derailing students, I am a graduate student and did my Masters in vlsi and embedded. All my batchmates got into embedded companies without any issues. PS: you need to work hard :)
