How To Make Gains At Every Fitness Level (ft. Picture Fit)

How To Make Gains At Every Fitness Level (ft. Picture Fit)

Jeff Nippard

2 года назад

787,532 Просмотров

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Alan Deli
Alan Deli - 07.09.2023 07:02

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13:5)

Luis Bauer
Luis Bauer - 07.09.2023 02:00

So i was just going to the gym regularly for 1,5 years but I do not like my form as inward eating at maintenance all the time… did I waste my newbie gains?

Ankit Akash Kalita
Ankit Akash Kalita - 24.08.2023 19:04

never in my life have i thought that I would see Jeff and PictureFit together. This was indeed a surprise!!

Aethyl Wulfe III
Aethyl Wulfe III - 22.08.2023 07:58

Trying to figure out how to maximize strength without gaining much weight is much more of a challenge. But I think strength rep range with drop sets to the hypertrophic and endurance rep ranges is the way to go.

Alexander 7U
Alexander 7U - 14.08.2023 23:28

This is the best fitness easy to follow related video of all time.

Preston Chibana
Preston Chibana - 13.08.2023 04:41

Thank you so much for making this video!!!

Vikash Sohun
Vikash Sohun - 02.08.2023 01:59

I'm at 25% body fat according to a health check. For starting weight training and gaining muscle would I still need to be in a caloric surplus or maintainence in order to gain muscle effectively? With the loss of body fat at maybe a slower pace.

ssonicdeafmonkey - 06.07.2023 12:31

I love cartoon Jeff ❤

Bri Cuen
Bri Cuen - 05.07.2023 17:12

I love both Picture Fit and Nippard, HOW AM I ONLY SEEING THIS NOW?!?

howard condoman
howard condoman - 04.07.2023 02:58

HAHAHAAHAH! You did a colab with picture fit! You guys think/sound exactly alike btw. ALways thought you knew each other. I think he's your asian training partner from many years ago you showed in a videos...

TheSoleCrusader - 02.07.2023 19:44

So I’m kind of curious if y’all would do a study on what happens after you stop from the gym and come back. I had 4-5 year of experience but I stopped for about 6 months and was on and off for about a year. It’s been about a month and while I’m 30 pounds heavier my lifts are still generally the same. It’s fun for me re teaching myself throughout this and would love to know if I’ll get newbie gains again lol.

aemittt - 07.06.2023 11:08


HM Studio
HM Studio - 02.06.2023 16:11

You both are the best👏🏼

Petri - 25.04.2023 21:36

This animation thing was nice and all, but to be honest I like your usual way of putting a video together even better. You just do it so freaking well.

Large Uselessnes
Large Uselessnes - 22.04.2023 08:13

Minecraft Jeff when (no

zach rabatin
zach rabatin - 11.04.2023 16:42

This video makes me so happy two awesome mother fuckers !!! Thank you :)

Flower Flower
Flower Flower - 05.04.2023 22:31

Loved it. So cute!

Haut Couture
Haut Couture - 10.03.2023 09:38

I did not like the format in cartoon style but the video was as allways great 😊

Matias Agudelo
Matias Agudelo - 06.03.2023 04:11

Technically I am a begginer but I already bench my bodyweight for 2 reps and squat 1.5 times my bodyweigth, also, 1.8 times deadlift

Matias Agudelo
Matias Agudelo - 06.03.2023 04:11

Technically I am a begginer but I already bench my bodyweight for 2 reps and squat 1.5 times my bodyweigth, also, 1.8 times deadlift

Maarten - 02.03.2023 11:58

This was a great surprise! I was expecting another informative Jeff Nippard vid, but I missed the part of the title where it said ft. Picture Fit. I love Picture Fit!
Excellent collab! You guys should do it again sometime.

Nathan Pilote
Nathan Pilote - 21.02.2023 03:08

Am a beginner at intermediate and i don’t know how to count my macro but the thing i know its that i like to go beyond my maximum and to do a bit more rep after each set.

Hector Salamanca
Hector Salamanca - 11.02.2023 18:38

I’m really confused on how training to failure is good because if I train specifically for hypertrophy and I go over the 8-12 rep range I’d be training for endurance. So I’m guessing that I would just train with a weight that’ll make me achieve training to failure that also falls into the 8-12 rep range?

Douglas Gonzalez
Douglas Gonzalez - 18.01.2023 08:54


antotizwell - 09.01.2023 02:19

Idk fat kinda cool you can be a strongman until the cut

Paul Christie
Paul Christie - 02.01.2023 22:12

I'm trying to increase my poverty squat (130kgs). I do 4 sets of 4 reps at 85% each week. Anyone got any ideas ??

Rita Allerding
Rita Allerding - 29.12.2022 08:17

I've been doing drop sets for months now and see gains in muscle definition and strength. I'm an advanced level female 💪. Lifting for over 42 years now. Addicting.

Mr. Gren
Mr. Gren - 08.12.2022 06:41

I really liked this video. As a beginner lifter, it helps to have videos like this one that just break the fundamentals down in a simple and concise manner.

Manly Stuffs
Manly Stuffs - 02.12.2022 17:46

Awesome video, thanks. I struggled to break a plateau I was in for a few years, during which I couldn't add any reps to my pushing movements. The way it finally broke was when I added about 30 grams more of protein to my daily diet. So that might be the case for other hardgainers.

LauOnly - 28.11.2022 17:37

Does anyone what to do, when just lifting for a couple of months I am already getting onto platous? Should I already move to intermediate strategies, or still too early.
I am 65kg female, I bench press 5 reps 35kg, squat 5 reps at 65kg and deadlift 5 reps 70kg without compromising my technique too much.

Whispers - 09.11.2022 04:31

I am really looking foward to any other form of collabs. This is fucking fantastic. As someone who does a lot of sport but just started wiegth training it is awesome. I can bench press my weight after a month but I still had no idea how to mesure my progress and improve. Thanks you soo much.

꧁Christopher꧂ - 30.10.2022 11:55

Didn't expect PictureFit to be this expressive

Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith - 30.10.2022 06:50

What happened to just doing strength training coupled with light weeks when u stall on hypertrophy progression instead of just this infinite hypertrophy crawl

Trevor Floyd
Trevor Floyd - 29.10.2022 13:48

Loved the colab!

Zack Kadera
Zack Kadera - 25.10.2022 20:55

“In your first year of training you should have learned what failure looks like” Yup, that’s me 😂

Sentadilla búlgara hater
Sentadilla búlgara hater - 25.10.2022 02:51

Im watching this video and my best friend is touching me!!!

Kier Harris
Kier Harris - 23.10.2022 02:07

What a charming idea for a video

Chiseled Freak
Chiseled Freak - 07.10.2022 18:27

I'm in the intermediate stage

Anupam Bam
Anupam Bam - 07.10.2022 10:48

Hi Jeff. I am a beginner with around 6 months of training under my belt. I have found dynamic double progression to be more intuitive (hence easier to adopt) than linear progression. What are your thoughts? Thanks.

Scott Cassidy
Scott Cassidy - 21.09.2022 11:54

Had a great laugh over this cartoon version of Jeff.

Mary Franks
Mary Franks - 15.09.2022 06:37

This is the best explanation of progressive overload I have seen. Not always about only increasing the weight. Thank you.

Jose Carlo Lemus
Jose Carlo Lemus - 13.09.2022 01:04

No bc this is all I wanted from life ever. Two LEGENDARY fitness teachers coming together. Wow. Thank you.

Brett Peer
Brett Peer - 12.09.2022 23:34

Need more collabs with picture fit!!!

Christopher Doiron
Christopher Doiron - 10.09.2022 03:12

heres a question then. lets say you're lifting with form and getting 6-10 rep but if you muscle it, you can rep out 16-20. BUT, if you increase weight, with form you cannot do 6-10. What's better. form 6-10 with Progressive OL, rep out volume, break plateau with heavy weight, or increase weight and rep out a viscious 6-10 with bad form?

marty owens
marty owens - 31.08.2022 11:28

Best collab ever

ElegyVio - 31.08.2022 03:57

Jesus Christ is the truth reach out, nothing but respect.

ElegyVio - 31.08.2022 03:56

Jesus Christ is the truth reach out, nothing but respect.

nitsanbh - 31.08.2022 01:39

This is the video I’ve been looking for.
There are literally thousands of “how to fit” videos out there, so glad I found this one
