10 Reasons NOT to get a Samoyed

10 Reasons NOT to get a Samoyed

Wanderlust Samoyed

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ModelFun - 19.09.2023 01:38

All true, of course it may vary based on the specific dog character, but my Samoyed matches most of the points 100%. Still, I love him so much. He is the gratest dog on the planet.
Greetings for you guys, thank you for sharing your videos.

Steve B
Steve B - 18.09.2023 16:28

Umm, agree with most of this but i still did it three times. Disagree about their intelligence, theyre very smart but just very stubborn, my two seem to know what im goi g to do before i do! 🤣

Em Mad4Tennis
Em Mad4Tennis - 18.09.2023 02:51

I am looking to adopt a Samoyed x husky and came across your video. How wonderful you made this to inform future owners. It's so sad when people buy pets without much consideration and the poor animal ends up in a shelter or gets neglected... and there are sooo many on the rescue sites. Your video is so very shot and enjoyable to watch at the same time ❤

Sorin Turle
Sorin Turle - 18.09.2023 00:22

The only thing can happen if a Samoyed attacks someone is to lick that someone to death.

yayayayayaya - 17.09.2023 22:45

after growing up with a husky mutt who was the alpha of his litter... i think a samoyed will be a nice easygoing time lol

R EFS - 15.09.2023 09:49

Totally agree! We have two beautiful Samoyeds and they bring us so much joy. ❤

Vanessa - 14.09.2023 22:09

He is so lovely. My samoyed died in July after 14 years and I miss him so much. 💜

William - 13.09.2023 17:34

My Samoyed is 9 months got him at 5. A lot of these are accurate! He is stubborn, loud, and pulls. He however loves food. We got a trainer early on because we have two old dogs and it helped so much!!!

Denise C
Denise C - 10.09.2023 22:57

Samoyeds are my favorite breed and the only breed of dog I would own. I've been wanting one (female) for decades. They are expensive, because you have to get one from a breeder. You won't find one at a humane society or SPCA.

Eric Tremblay
Eric Tremblay - 09.09.2023 18:31

ok, you were not lucky because I had 3, still have two, and they were all "eating machine". They will eat anything...

Cowboy Irish
Cowboy Irish - 09.09.2023 15:11

I seem to be the different one here, but all throughout the early part of my life, my family had a total of 13 Samoyeds, and we never had any of these issues, only one was problematic, Nuuka, and his only issue was being loud and hyperactive. Every other one was well behaved, never had health issues, never barked, only the occasional moan, it may be the different way they are being bred, or in fact used. I for one can't agree with most of these things, other than the wool being all over the house

Lieke Esveldt
Lieke Esveldt - 09.09.2023 11:28

I have a Samoyed and a Samsky. They are not stubborn, very smart and obedient. You do need to know how to train them, they really don't like a firm and hand. We use a lot of shaping to teach them and that really sticks.
Hunting is one of our biggest challenges. The Samsky is pretty good and reliable around Wildlife. We Used the book from Simone Mueller Hunting together. The Samoyed has still a way to go in that department. We are making progress.
Exercise is why we got these rescues. We love canicrossing (running with your dog attached to you on a bungee line) and Step Jøring (kick biking with your dog attached to your Kick bike with a bungee line). They can pull their little hearts out and they will be chill the rest of the day. I wouldn't get a sled dog unless you have plans to let them pull. Otherwise they can be very enjoying to walk. Our dogs don't pull on normal walks, only when they are wearing their pulling harness.
Grooming is a lot of work. I can't live without my K9 dryblower :) Buy an expensive one, it will change your life!
Food is not a problem for our dogs, they eat about anything. Fish is the big favourite.
The sounds they make can be annoying. I got used to it and try to keep it to a minimum. When they are exited to go for a run they are loud :).
The Samsky likes to be scratched and pampered. The Samoyed thinks he is a lapdog and snuggles with us all day.
If you live a a very warm and humid country, don't get a Samoyed. It's really hard for them to lose the heat. You can not exercise them properly without risking heatstroke. They are also at greater risk to get skin problems when its to hot for them.
I think they are great dogs, very sweet and kind towards people. I find them really silly and full of personality. They make me laugh a lot.
If you want the fluffy looks, but not the all the running and pulling you could consider a Eurasier. Calmer and easier to train too.

Goose Honk
Goose Honk - 08.09.2023 01:34


james - 07.09.2023 13:11


Ben Shelton
Ben Shelton - 05.09.2023 18:49

Samoyed owner here

Definitely agree with…
1 stubborn - oh yes, big time!
3 hard to train - as above & treats only work so much
5 hair everywhere - weekly brush minimum
7 picky eater - took a while to find a brand she likes, and even then she sometimes skips a meal
8 pack dogs - can’t leave alone long, maybe 2-3 hours max and only if she’s already had a longish walk
9 attract lots of attention - all the time!

However, we haven’t had these issues…
2 pulling - not an issue, she walks well on the lead
4 barking - not too bad, only when very excited
6 cuddling - she loves it
10 exercise - ours likes to play more than walk

shino88 - 05.09.2023 04:23

An individual mind shows intelligence, it's not that they can't learn tricks, it's that they might not want too.

Frank - 05.09.2023 01:26


Binteh - 04.09.2023 20:23

I have a samoyed...
- Stubborn? Yup.
- Pulling? with daily training it's gotten better, but I basically have to train it with him every day (he's almost 4 years old and I'm still training him)
- Training? Ours was actually super easy to train (Potty/basic commands). But that's because he really likes chicken. So he'll do anything for chicken. If we don't have chicken then we're not training.
- Barking? YUP YUP YUP.
- The hair? YUP YUP YUP!!!! I brush him every day for 10 to 20 minutes to avoid knots/matting and so nothing "builds up". He also got turned down by a lot of groomers because they just couldn't be bothered with a Samoyed.
- Cuddling? Yeah it gets way too hot for him so he doesnt enjoy it. He comes to the couch to get his pets and then leaves quickly.
- Picky eater? Mine, luckily, isn't. He also never over-eats. He eats exactly how much he wants to and leaves the rest. Thankfully he's a good boy with that. I randomly found he really like tabasco sauce, so when I think he's eaten too little, I'll just add a bit of tabasco to his food.
- Pack dog? Yeah, definitely. Luckily I work from home so he's never really alone much. I can however, comfortably leave him for about 3 to 4 hours alone without too much worry. The issue is, he "misses me so much" (aka anxious) that he refuses to eat or drink within those 3 to 4 hours. So I never leave him alone on a hot day. I can not leave him alone at night because if I'm not home by my usual bed-time, he gets worried and starts barking (and the neighbours hear it).
- Attract attention? YES definitely. My dog almost caused a car crash because a family stopped their car in the middle of the road to let the kids out because they wanted to pet the dog SO BADLY. I don't mind it, except when I'm trying to train him. Actually, this was a huge positive for me because I had just moved to another city and I've met lots of new people (mostly other dog owners or dog lovers), thanks to my dog.
- Active? Yes, but it's not as bad as a husky or a belgian malinois. He does enjoy his long naps too. I've found that he's usually satisfied with three 45mins to 1 hour walks per day. During the weekend I take him out on longer hikes and he's super super happy. This is a plus for me because my dog has also improved my health by getting me out more. This is one of the main reasons I got a Samoyed, they're actually pretty adaptable to a semi-active life. On rare occasions I'm not able to take him out on his 3 walks, he's pretty leniant with it and accepts it. As long as I take him out again for 3 times the next day.

Now.. if you ask me, would I get another samoyed after him? the answer is no. The hardest part for me is the HAIR. I'm a bit of a neat freak and I am CONSTANTLY cleaning. I think my next dog would be a short haired dog. If anything, the most annoying part for me is when he gets sick because he ate something he shouldn't have. Imagine this type of dog... with runny poop... yup... have fun cleaning his hairy bum. But I also wouldn't replaced my current Samoyed (His name is Gerry) for anything in the world.

tin quirante
tin quirante - 04.09.2023 13:50

the samoyed is cute

thewkovacs - 04.09.2023 08:36

1. dont get a samyoed if you want to train them

Erlend K
Erlend K - 02.09.2023 23:39

We just adopted a male Samojed, 5 weeks ago, 3 years old, to join our male Alaskam Malamute 16 months old, and we approve everything said in this video. Soo true. But we knew it beforehand, and they have the best life together now.

June Chan
June Chan - 01.09.2023 05:47

Hello from Hong Kong! I got a samoyed as well, what you said is 70% of my Mochi! Except she loves to eat and loves to stay at home alone

Malinka Margolcia
Malinka Margolcia - 30.08.2023 02:43

I have a jack russell and I am considering a 2nd dog. It feels like Samoyed is a fluffier copy of my full bread pooch except the size and the hunting urge 😂

fuzzywzhe - 29.08.2023 11:49

I used to do dog fostering and rescue for these dogs. The main reason not to get one, is they shed more than you can imagine. I was well known at work at the guy that had a Samoyed because I left hair everywhere. My desk chair was covered with it, no matter how careful I was. I never wore black.

They are sweet and wonderful dogs, but don't underestimate how difficult it is to have such a dog. I vacuumed everyday. The hair weaves into your clothing. When you see somebody displaying this dog online here, it's right after after they vacuumed, I guarantee it.

The reason rescue existed for these dogs, is predominately how much they shed. It's enormous. You can't underestimate it, they are the worst at shedding that you can imagine. They are beautiful and gorgeous, but people get overwhelmed. I spent several hours every week combing them out. People gave up their dogs because of the work in having them, and they still loved them.

You can make these dogs relatively non-shedding by blowing them out with a leaf blower or something, but that only lasts a few days.

I adore these dogs, but I don't recommend them. You better really really really love them to have them. They are very sweet, but so is a lab. So is a mutt.

I know they are adorably cute, and they have a personality to match, but you pay for this. They are super hard to own just because of their shedding.

2DogsVlogs - 27.08.2023 08:00

I have a Husky girl. 1. Stubborn, hell yeah, 2. Pull oh and competitive. 3. pretty smart, 4. barking nope, Tikaani doesn't bark but talks a lot, 5. Hair, not having hair in your food isn't normal, 6. yep huggy time is cold time, 7. She's picky and a pain, 8. She needs a pack which is why I'm looking at adopting a Samoyed, 9. Husky's LOVE pats and attention, 10. active, that's why I have a large yard. Well from this it looks like we are ready to move forward and look out for a Samoyed puppy.

Coffin - 27.08.2023 03:36


Laura Gieg
Laura Gieg - 26.08.2023 04:47

Who doesn't want to be introduced to a fluffy cloud ;)

Zethu Majeke
Zethu Majeke - 24.08.2023 14:51

This is do helpful because i want to get one they are so cute

lootom - 23.08.2023 10:02

Didn’t mention:
Terrible guard dogs;
V Expensive to buy and own;
V attached to owners;
As a big dog it’s cost prohibitive to air travel (authors travel in a minibus.

Hristofor Baramov
Hristofor Baramov - 22.08.2023 14:24

Having a Samoyed for almost 3 years now, watching this video I had the feeling that I was looking at a description of mine. Nice to know that all this is kind of normal for Samoyeds. Now I love her even more. (if this is possible :-))

Ujjwal Tamang
Ujjwal Tamang - 21.08.2023 09:16

My favorite breed 😍😍🤗 it depends on owner 🤟

LiLi1234 - 20.08.2023 17:06

They are a like me

naream sin
naream sin - 20.08.2023 08:29

i have one
ur wrong
there cute

Tindxc - 20.08.2023 03:27

Not crazy

Brian Godfrey
Brian Godfrey - 19.08.2023 19:19

my friend plans on getting one white monster

TromTrom - 18.08.2023 06:59

Best. Dog. Ever. Seriously.

TromTrom - 18.08.2023 06:54

I DO have a samoyed… he’s amazing… beautiful… and so nice to everyone. Little annoying at times but I love him and wouldn’t change anything.

Giant - 16.08.2023 14:08

Samoyed dogs are like half cats and half dogs at the same time.😂

Trust me i had one before.

Alvaro Correa
Alvaro Correa - 16.08.2023 12:22

Im in love with Felix

ddubmomo - 10.08.2023 13:42

I stayed with a friend when he was dog sitting a Samoyed. She was the mouthiest, cuddliest, snobbiest, sweetest, biggest jerk ever and I loved her more than words can express.

kazvtora - 10.08.2023 07:17

theyre basically cats in short answer jaja

Christian Cruz MDPD
Christian Cruz MDPD - 08.08.2023 08:13

Samoyed,Siberian husky and Alaskan malamute are diesel engine Dogs

sunburnsam - 07.08.2023 07:26

Thank you. This is such a precious video for potential Samoyed owner like me :)

Angela Mayfield
Angela Mayfield - 06.08.2023 23:19

Thank you. I'm considering getting a Sammy puppy at some point and want to make sure it is the right decision. I appreciate you stating the bad with the good so people can make educated decisions on the breed.

Tayler Suedekum
Tayler Suedekum - 05.08.2023 21:57

I want one bc how they look but I know I couldn't give it proper care they look so cute tho

Clare Graham
Clare Graham - 05.08.2023 02:30

The man owner is horrible just pushing through those ppl like that...

Donald Graham
Donald Graham - 03.08.2023 22:25

I have a 12 month old Samoyed called Vincent, our fourth Sammy. Looks a lot like Felix. I think you are wrong about their intelligence- they look sharp to me. Loved the clip.

PROFESSOR - 03.08.2023 05:37

Same wolly coat husky😂
