ОтветитьThey hold guns so funny!
ОтветитьI love Bandidas extremely 2 beauties
ОтветитьBoth beautiful ladies are my favorite and lifetime crush, enjoy all their movies and interviews.
ОтветитьКруз и Хаек это роботы, они были убиты давно и клонированы в роботов.
ОтветитьIt's impossible for a Mexican not to love Penelope Cruz, she's really pretty, she has very strong latin european features, and she's an incredible actress.
ОтветитьDinamic duo🎶🌹🆒
Ответитьwhat a beautiful friendship! The kind you dream of ❤❤❤
ОтветитьLa mexicana y la española ❤❤❤ juntas hacen historia
ОтветитьWhat happened to your friendship with Ashley Judd? Ashley and Salma were best friends for years and years and years. Nothing against beautiful Penelope... just wondering.
ОтветитьSalma Hayek hands down beautiful😊 Penelope Cruz Certain angle pretty.
ОтветитьPenelope Cruz all time favorite girl crushes a beautiful sprit
ОтветитьAll time most stunning women 🌹🌹🙏🏻
ОтветитьThey're both so beautiful and genuinely good people.
ОтветитьYou know I've seen so many Spaniards shitting on Mexicans anf Salma and Penelope are the great example of not caring of nationality/race and just being there for a person regardless of where they came from love these two
ОтветитьOf only all of us could be so blessed to have a friendship as theirs😊 ❤
ОтветитьSexiest women in this world 👍
ОтветитьPure Latin loveliness ❤
ОтветитьA lot of this friendship has to do with Salma. She is very confident and is not threatened by other beautiful women. Salma is also very good friends with Ashley Judd and Angelina Jolie - probably others that I don't know.
I recall Penelope saying previously that when she was in Spain, she turned on TV and there was Salma on a talk show saying all kinds of nice things about her acting and they hadn't even formally met. From this video, appears they connected and when Penelope called Salma to tell her she would be flying to Los Angeles, Salma not only agreed to pick her up at the airport, but had her stay at her home. Mexican people tend to be very hospitable. I know this first hand because of family members and friends.
To friendship ❤
ОтветитьLe più belle bandidas❤❤❤del mondo insieme ♥️
ОтветитьWould love to see Selma & Penelope working together in a film❤
ОтветитьLove these two. They could rule the earth
ОтветитьThank you for making this montage. I was looking for the Punk'd episode because I remember seeing it awhile back and laughing at these two best friends. And then I stumbled on this video, and it was awesome to see their friendship has lasted all these years. I appreciate the time you put into this!
ОтветитьI've yearned for a best friend, an eternal sister, and twin flame like this my whole life.
ОтветитьLove them both
Angelina Jolie and Selma are close friends. The three of them together are Epic.
I want a BFF 😁😇
ОтветитьPenelope Cruz is much prettier.
ОтветитьToo bad the uploader is racist against white people.
ОтветитьSalma da buen rollo. Yo también intuyo que es muy buena persona. Creo que es mexicana, no? Una de las nacionalidades con las que mejor conectamos los españoles (a excepción de los negrolegendarios😂)
ОтветитьSalma Hayek 🇲🇽 and Penelope Cruz 🇪🇸
ОтветитьPenelope mother is Hana Garcia.
Filomena mother is Sara Rivera..
Maybe their husband is English America..
ОтветитьI don’t care about celebrities, but there’s just something about Penelope (and she’s of course a great actor!) I’m so happy she’s had a friend like Salma from the moment she arrived in Hollywood - love their friendship
ОтветитьThe Punk'D episode with the two of them is one of my favourites. Salma's reactions were hysterical!😂😂😂
ОтветитьI'm sure at one point of time Hollywood did try to pit them against each other, just like how they did to Tyra and Naomi. Forunately they did not fall for any of their tricks 👏🏼
ОтветитьSalma being chill and only realizing something was wrong during the flight because Penelope had stopped talking for a moment is hilarious, that's real friendship right there
ОтветитьMexicans are all so energetic ❤️🔥
ОтветитьShe’s married to a billionaire.
ОтветитьLos españoles somos los más hospitalarios y solidarios del mundo. Y nos reconforta saber que algunos de nuestros países hermanos siguen conservando la cultura española de la hospitalidad, como hace México.
España es el único país del mundo donde atienden médicamente y operan gratis a cualquier individuo de cualquier nacionalidad que enferme en España, lo pagamos todos los españoles con nuestros impuestos.
Salma .sofia.n Penelope.a comedy.with this beautiful women❤
ОтветитьSalma Hayek here seem Liezel Martinez..
Probably they could be a schoolmate during their college years in Escolta or Buendia..
What a beautiful soul Salma Hayek is. I have so much respect for her especially after I came to know how she embraced Linda evangelista and her son who was fathered by Hayek’s now husband. The world would be so much better off with a lot more people like her ❤.
ОтветитьWeaa is da bahhhr! Lol 😂that should be part of a movie.
ОтветитьI think there was a moment at an award show where Penelope had won the Oscar that night and Selma was presenting onstage and she had a fangirl moment for her friend winning. That wasn’t included in here I don’t think