Tik Tok, Tik Tok BOOM, LIKE CLOCKWORK Track Nr. 9
Time for a minute of fun, But Time takes time, and time takes everyone
Time can be an enemy or friend
Time heals wounds, time is the life you spend
A year, a month, 24 hours in a day an Hour, half an hour 15 minutes, a second a millisecond
a billion years for our Milky way, and our universe for eternity
Use your time for the better not for the bad
Time can make you happy and time can make you sad
Now may i take the time to say, forever i will be your Sol, your bright and shiny lad
I incapsulated time in this song
Greetings from your friendly Neighbourhood Child in time
"Clockwork" ©Soldesign72 productions 2022
from the Album Electric man
#illustrations #design #tutorials #drawing #art #digitaldesign #handdrawn #Dennis_Solinger #Electric_man #Clockwork #time #years #days #months #House #Techno #ambient #Music_video