Why Helldivers 2 feels horrible after new update

Why Helldivers 2 feels horrible after new update


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@SleepyMatt-zzz - 30.03.2024 06:04

They still haven't fixed the Spear either. I can't even lock onto anything with it most of the time. Very frustrating.

Also weird that a gun that does explosive damage, like the auto cannon, just straight up bounces off armored enemies. I get it, autocannon would be pretty op if it did do armor damage, but couldn't the devs have figured out how to balance around that?

@SanFranCelano - 29.03.2024 09:17

I’m level 50. Have all strats all modules. And definitely consider myself an extremely good player. Solo I have no issues with damn near everything. With my squad we still run through shit even on helldive mode. Myself and my main friend that plays is also level 50. We both also have gotten all the trophy’s in the game

@SanFranCelano - 29.03.2024 09:15

Stop…it doesn’t feel horrible. This title for the video is just ridiculous.

@costwalt - 29.03.2024 00:42

No I do agree, when you increase the accuracy of the enemy, where they headshot you more, and headshots completely ignore armor, yet the helmet for heavy sets does not have extra armor? I understand the dilemma there because somebody could use a heavy armor helmet with light armor and kind of manipulate the mechanics. But they could also make it to where you have a buff for a certain armor set like the only way to get the armor bonus on your headgear is to where heavy armor body armor too and then your helmet has extra armor as long as it's a heavy armor helmet. But if you wear a heavy armor helmet with light gear you don't get the bonus it's just a regular helmet.

@oceanrat4570 - 28.03.2024 18:46

railgun is still good

@wafflezz52 - 28.03.2024 10:14

Fire hot

@UnleashedDaemon - 27.03.2024 21:10

lower difficulty ?

@brucereynolds8008 - 27.03.2024 19:52


@landonevans818 - 27.03.2024 08:05

Stop being a bitch bro the game is supposed to be hard.

@RagesSyn - 26.03.2024 21:12

being stuck on the ground prone still happens and its honestly infuriating, ive all but stopped diving because it is the dumbest shit not being allowed to stand up and dying because of it.

@TorinSparks - 26.03.2024 07:39

All of you please stop playing this game. Super Earth needs heroes, not soy bois who whine and complain because a video game got harder😂

@SliceOfRandom - 26.03.2024 01:30

TL;DR- Not every game needs to be as hard as Dark Souls, unless the ONLY people you want playing your game are the try-hards who don't play for fun.

@lilpain1997 - 25.03.2024 22:53

I have no idea why people defend objectively bad game design... 2.6k dislikes tells you all you need. I still play helldive and can still do it fine as well but overall its become far more boring overall.

@tomino5201 - 25.03.2024 14:24

If they change meta it is for those who did not payed for premium bundle

@Anthony-mc8ye - 25.03.2024 13:13

Bro they definitely f*** things up I'm glad you're pointing that out because they group on a horribly and I don't know if anybody's noticed but when you die they huddle around all your stuff so it's harder for you to get it

@TheMightyAyegor - 25.03.2024 12:56

Man, I really hope the CEO sees this. Been trying to figure out what happened and this video + lots of Reddit posts about armor, Hunters, headshots, hazards, etc. have confirmed my suspicions. Since then, the War Impact has been severely bugged and Hellpods have minds of their own...this game is severely broken and a LOT of it seems intentional.

@jesmcalli - 25.03.2024 11:41

I feel stuck now that I'm playing 7+ for the super samples. It's nearly unplayable in most matchmaking groups I've been in. I get how a well coordinated team can make quick work of the higher difficulties, and I've certainly had that experience a time or two, but playing with randoms? You have no idea a person's skill level, in some cases we don't speak the same language, then there's the guys who just teamkill and troll. That's just starting out. Also, I don't know what the hell they did to bile spewers, but they're tanky as hell now. I've mag-dumped into the side of them and they're still there, dropping blobs all over the damned map that one shot people. Takes an AT weapon to quickly deal with them.

@Kr4v3rd - 25.03.2024 10:12

Wlecome to helldivers where if you dont want to get swarmed? Work as a team! The whole concept of the game! And if youre trying solo? Well. Food luck on hell dive

@drbkd1144 - 25.03.2024 09:00

I think youre meant to play with peeps

@thomasmogensen4989 - 25.03.2024 02:54

this went from a 9 out of 10 stars to and instant 3 out of 10 after the patch...I have no faith in these developers if they already screwed the balance up so much in such a short time. Learn 2 balance a game before consider adding PVP is all I can say

@Auvas_Damask - 25.03.2024 00:32

The thing is, sometimes I somehow get 9 shots into a charger's leg and sometimes it's actually only two. Can someone please tell me whether I should pull up or down?

@AyrtonotryA - 24.03.2024 21:14

The stratagem cooldown increase would be ok if it was 10 or even 15%, but 50 is insane, you might as well not play while that is active.

@aslightlystablefootsoldier9838 - 24.03.2024 20:06

Patrols feel a lot more magnetic, I get that having a game without encounters isn’t fun and them coming to objectives makes sense but it gets silly. They always take the path towards you and seem to have a lot more distance to dissappear. Not only that Explosion distracting (Throwing grenades to make them go where it exploded) rarely works anymore as they’ll either don’t care or immediately use unpatriotic sense to go after who threw it.

The only way to dodge patrols is by running the long way and going super far hoping the patrol doesn’t casually turn a 180 and follow you to where you are going to add onto the objective waves.

@TrumpFailedJan6thHARD - 24.03.2024 19:47

😂 its gonna die off soon.

@KawaiiPotat0 - 24.03.2024 13:50

"just use stratagems" they say as i load in and see 4 negative modifiers all affecting my stratagems

@revolverjesus98 - 24.03.2024 09:13

Dark Souls 2: spams enemies
"This game is garbage."
Lords of the Fallen 2023: spams enemies
"This game is garbage."
Helldivers 2: spams enemies
"Oh, you're just bad at the game."

@AP-bc7mg - 24.03.2024 09:07

One thing that kills me is how the SPEAR is one of the best Anti-Heavies in the game, but its basically muted because its a 50/50 shot you can actually lock on to target, regardless of interfering targets.

@bigsadge747 - 24.03.2024 06:26

hunters feel horrible to play against

@seandohe9979 - 24.03.2024 06:12

Honestly what they need to do to counter the difficulty is add some way to help deescalate things on the map. Believe it or not and I have tested after watching a video. But apparently enemy patrol spawn rates increase the more bug/bot outposts you destroy (On top of completing the main objective.) which makes no sense to me at all. You would think that destroying outposts would make it easier but no.

@Jerry-196 - 24.03.2024 05:52

Before the update I was having the most fun with the game. I was running HellDive difficulty during every mission. The missions were tough but completely manageable. Now if I run a helldive mission I'm running in to 5 Bile Titans and 4 charges within the first 3min of the mission starting. To deal with the increased Titans and chargers I started running with the Recoilless Rifle. The charges will go down with a single hit but the Bile Titans will tank 3 rockets to the mouth, an orbital strike, and a 500kg bomb. Dont know what the dev's did but the game is starting to feel like a chore to play since the update.

@thirtythirty9054 - 24.03.2024 02:36

1. crashes 2. crashes 3. crashes 4. crashes etc. etc. and crashes. 6. server disconnetcs ingame 7. server disconnetcs ingame 8. server disconnetcs ingame 9. server disconnetcs ingame 10. crashes 11. crashes etc. 12. server disconnetcs ingame. that's Helldivers 2 since 160 hours playtime. really a 9 out of 10 pffff

@user-xe7nc9zw7g - 24.03.2024 02:08

I absolutely agree that they have ruined this game. Just like Diablo IV, DON'T FIX WHAT ISN'T BROKEN, ESPECIALLY if your game is skyrocketing in the market and gamers are causing a positive uproar about it.

@Masterbaiter1000 - 24.03.2024 01:30

Sorry m8 game was never that good and got boring quickly

@Involves - 24.03.2024 01:22

so tldr your complaining because the game is hard I gotcha.....

@Nick-fc4wu - 23.03.2024 23:51

I don't think anyone asked for an increase in mobs. They changed all the wrong stuff.

@Enonymous99 - 23.03.2024 20:16

The hunter spam at the end of games is why i stopped playing

I can play a mission solo on level 5-7 and be perfect up until mission complete and then it spams 50 hunters every 20 seconds and I die over and over again within 1 minute after playing completely flawless throughout the whole first 35 minutes of the game

Makes it feel rigged and makes it so I can never extract my samples

So I stopped playing

@Jyesus - 23.03.2024 08:45

Dude they legit fucked a good game

@jwilliams703 - 23.03.2024 05:55

dont put that evil on me ricky bobbie!

@themodfather9382 - 23.03.2024 03:32

people who say "expecially" are blocked for life, learn to speak

@user-ks2xq7rv9y - 23.03.2024 02:20

I'd rather fight 13 bile titans than all these absolutely insanely fast and high dmg hunters. when tf did this happen? I have never ever ever had a problem with hunters before, in fact I LOVE spraying into a big group of them and seeing that beautiful yellow number go up at the bottom of my screen. Suddenly I'm getting one-tapped left and right by them. a knockdown and a lickatongue attack and it's gg

@enigma9315 - 23.03.2024 01:48

They overall fucked the game, it was so great when they released it and had plenty of potential but to listen to little boys who cry about getting kicked is absolutely insane. They are in space traveling to Planets killing bugs and robots , your telling me they have these shitty simple weapons let alone limited strads ? It isn’t about using other weapons or strads it’s the fact that they are all weak and garbage against “bugs”. Don’t even get me started on that useless ass robot that doesn’t do shit. The backpack system is completely shit, I thought they would be focusing on more missions or different types of missions , but nah let’s just listen to the little nerds that don’t have friends to play with which is why they are in random lobbies

@DezGaming666 - 22.03.2024 21:53

Maybe the game is more popular than they want so there forcung people to rage quit for the servers and ect?

@stitchperlo9639 - 22.03.2024 20:57

from time to time I come back here because a hunter just oneshoted me, Im now an automaton player only, because they feel easier aftter all those patches

@dariuscleary1354 - 22.03.2024 20:00

This doesn’t make sense. Not every support weapons needs to be able to take out every enemy. The autocannon takes out most of the bugs by itself. It has only one enemy it can’t easily take out so now it’s trash? That’s ridiculous. Each weapon is meant to have a specialty. Having each support weapon being a jack of all trades I don’t think fits the game

@stonedgaming7900 - 22.03.2024 19:44

Side note.
The mech's rocket pod needs to be able to fire a little bit lower. There are no safety guards for anything except for the mech not being able to shoot down. I have wasted over 20 rockets already and you get zero indication that you can't aim that low. I guess too bad, ya just wasted 1 or 2 of your 14 rockets and you ain't getting it back.
Also, do we really have to buy a new mech just to get the weapons on its arms. Just let us customize the mech.

@lapetitepatate1 - 22.03.2024 17:05

Ur bad gitgud betabazuzzersemimale

@gringadoor5385 - 22.03.2024 14:28

The arc thrower doesn't need ammo, can kill chargers in around 6 shots, doesn't overheat, doesn't require a back pack, can deal with trash mobs...

Let's nerf the railgun.

@gringadoor5385 - 22.03.2024 14:16


@SlimKognito11 - 22.03.2024 14:02

Game just sucks big time after first balance patch it’s been going downhill ever since it’s so sad cause until then despite the crashes and connection issues we all kept playing it was one of the best gaming experiences everybody was joining in now everyone has left it has become super boring idk what the actual f these damn devs are thinking they just destroyed their own game out of ego or just stupidity

@madmartigan8119 - 22.03.2024 05:16

Got this game like 3 weeks ago loved it, play mostly on level 3 till I get the mechanics and weapons etc. I found level 3 to be fun sometimes challenging but starting to get boring. This week I started playing level 4 only one more level on bugs and it's been miserable especially with the Chargers (I played a lot of bots). I like using a multitude of the weapons options and I don't want to have to play a certain way because of one overpowered boss. This game has not been fun and that's what I care about not being a pro helldiver. One level shouldn't be so drastic. I played DRG for long time, they struck a much better balance between skill, challenges and fun. I don't expect to be able to play the last level it'd be cool but why would I if I'm already finding it not fun for most of the reasons mentioned in the video.
