TNG Sickbay Ambience (w/ doctor conversations, stress relief, calming)

TNG Sickbay Ambience (w/ doctor conversations, stress relief, calming)


3 года назад

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@nummingsworthforbiddenda-mh6tz - 29.01.2024 19:54

Black blood infection killed everyone in the world except for 5 other people yours is probably 100 000 and your bragging and good though thats good u like that but the millions dollars of savings worth of it you have any idea how much black blood infection is worth in immunity over killed free healthcare longer only forginers use the doctors offices not racist either just true - willy 0

@nummingsworthforbiddenda-mh6tz - 29.01.2024 19:44

Got money and work and stuff to - willy 0

@nummingsworthforbiddenda-mh6tz - 29.01.2024 19:44

Immunity dance worth 1 million every four childreh in immunity medical bill savings trust me thats not just my women dead thats like 6 different tribes women dead eyyyyyy some other tribe need man worth it in immunity - willly 0 0

@nummingsworthforbiddenda-mh6tz - 29.01.2024 19:12

See they block what our women said about your providing men see thats why they only have rape babies or are dead - willy 0

@nummingsworthforbiddenda-mh6tz - 29.01.2024 19:05

But the automatic teacher comes from sadly our men being with your women - willy 0

@nummingsworthforbiddenda-mh6tz - 29.01.2024 19:05

Your trying to farm really good ones first so i just said no to all bitches I went to grade junior and high school with and when you finally found my bitches ahhh we was waiting - willy 0

@nummingsworthforbiddenda-mh6tz - 29.01.2024 19:04

But ima male so i can breed a bit more i suppose but theres a genetic sink hole for the women who had babies in a row just the way you give a fuck way less about not giving the sexual pleasure they want that comes as benefit from education subjugation but i already noticed what your doing with it - willy 0

@nummingsworthforbiddenda-mh6tz - 29.01.2024 19:03

So really i know i crave systems in a society that provude for marriges not some players education subjugation sexual reality of housing - willy 0

@nummingsworthforbiddenda-mh6tz - 29.01.2024 19:02

Its just sad you won't see my tribe for a long time - willy 0

@nummingsworthforbiddenda-mh6tz - 29.01.2024 19:01

I can tell i have babies in a row for health reasons with the same women if i was to pick a baby stab its obviously the one with very few left which would be well probably me consideiring the immunity ability - willy 0

@kx4532 - 29.12.2023 22:33

Other channels are reposting these videos.

@kibo8772 - 22.12.2023 17:55

It's the NCC-1701-D where I feel the safest. The flagship of starfleet, with Jean-Luc Picard as the Captain, what could go wrong?

@karasuchrono - 01.12.2023 11:28

Oh my goodness gracious. Thank you, thank you, this is perfect!

@Joeypeeps-le3xw - 23.11.2023 03:01

What if you dubbed in Rykers trombone down the hall. Nightbird.

@AndrewComstockOfficial - 29.09.2023 20:16

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 6, Episode 22 "Suspicions" - you can hear some of the dialog at times on the right audio channel. 🙂

@Cawshes - 27.08.2023 17:33


@davidgraflex2065 - 12.08.2023 13:42

I would love this with voyager and have the emh sing and chat in the back ground

@turloughobrien4867 - 04.08.2023 11:07

Love your videos, Deana troi relaxing therapy session next pls😊❤

@davidgraflex2065 - 30.07.2023 15:02

Very cool. Good work. I would like to hear a version of the voyager medical bay with the emh talking in the back ground

@bamboothelion446 - 16.07.2023 12:31

So how you guys get here I managed to factor my ankle mid mission

@God.Almighty - 29.03.2023 04:17

given a choice, i'd go see dr. pulaski for a serious illness. she was a lot more skilled, pragmatic and professional than crusher. crusher was too much of a drama queen.

@tiff8683 - 16.03.2023 03:28

Would there ever be any chance of a TOS one of these? Bones is my comfort character and I would adore one of these sickbay ambients with him and Chapel or other sickbay scenarios! (I know these are a lot of work though so appreciate all of these regardless!)

@kilgoredoubt535 - 31.01.2023 08:05

You’re brilliant 😩

@ollyusha - 28.10.2022 06:23

I'm addicted to it, thanks

@gachanguyen7154 - 20.08.2022 02:53


@BenDiaz - 16.07.2022 16:35

Got COVID this past week and this video was greatly appreciated! Thanks so much for the soothing and comforting ambience!

@62202ify - 28.04.2022 04:09

We were in Space when I fell ill, fever, chills that had me shivering, malaise, it started with a sore throat two days prior, I didn't think much, thought it just a cold, my Wife took control of the space pod, I talked her through how to operate everything while trying to stay awake, but she has no idea what she's doing and I know we're going off into space. "Honey, I'm doing the best I can, but these displays are confusing me and I'm trying to get help". After a few minutes she says "There's a ship ahead...a big one". My Wife says. "How big"? I ask "Fucking big". She replies "Could be a Starfleet ship, they operate around here all the time". I say, then there's the hailing sound. "What is that"?! My Wife asks semi panicked "The ship you see is hailing us, press the button above you, you'll see the person and can talk to them, be nice too hon, it's likely to be a high ranking officer". My Wife presses the button and a stern-faced bald headed man appears "This is Captain Jean-luc Picard of the Starfleet U.S.S. Enterprise, we received your distress signal, what is the nature of your emergency"?! He asks, I smile, "Enterprise, good girl Carmen". I say in a horse voice, my voice strained by excessive nasal drip. "Captain, please, help me, my Husband is sick and I don't know what's wrong with him"! Captain Picard's stern, piercing glare doesn't change, "What symptoms is he exhibiting"? Captain Picard asks "101.5 fever, chills, and he's very weak, can't sit up. He's felt sick since Friday"! My Wife says. "Hmmm, sounds like Laboa virus, alright, we'll have a medical team standing by, stand by for transport to sick bay"! Captain Picard says, at that moment I slip away. Slowly I awaken to beeping sounds around me, I see a woman standing over me with some reader device. I jump up startled. "Please, mister Manaro lay back down"! The woman pleads, "I am Doctor Crusher and you are aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise in the infirmary, your Wife Carmen and you were brought here, you have a mild case of Laboa virus". Doctor Crusher says. "Where's Carmen"? I ask "Over here". She says, I look in the direction of the voice and see her sitting in a bed. "I'm in 10 day quarantine because they're afraid you infected me, so far I am negative. "How long have I been here"? I ask "About 3 hours". Doctor Crusher says, "Good thing you found us when you did, another day and you'd have been in a far more serious condition". Doctor Crusher says. "Now just rest and we'll take care of you". Doctor Crusher says. I nod and lay back down, my body burning from the fever.

@bl8388 - 19.04.2022 22:06

I would drag my neural regenerator off my face, roll out of bed, and go launch myself out of an airlock. Or at least I'd try to get some sleep in the engine room. This noise keeps me from falling asleep, especially with that hot Dr. Crusher walking in on me, neural regenerating from my holodeck accident after taking off the safety protocols.

@KeeperOfThe10 - 28.01.2022 04:10


@emma_r74656 - 24.12.2021 04:17

Just listened to this for the first time. I love it. The hum in the background is sooo soothing along with Dr Crushers occasional comments. If you could make a Voyager sickbay with some of The Doctor's one liners that would be brilliant. "I'm a doctor not a ..."

@TheJovialBrit - 19.11.2021 03:50

I never thought I'd feel sleepy to this but I do lol.

@cjdfv - 09.10.2021 06:01

Do I have to be sick to listen to this?

@BookOfFaustus - 07.10.2021 23:01

I scanned myself and I definitely have a prion.

@thENDweDIE - 15.09.2021 13:07

Why oh there a void in the ambient world, and me heart..!!??

There is (as far as I've seen) no ST Voyager / Infirmary ambiant video w/ the Dr. and orhers..??

The doctors have been some of my favorite characters... Like on Enterprise and Voyager, with as I've always referred to him as Dr. Gram..!!

Get it...get it..?? in hologram haaaujhsdvggvhahaha

@mayaorlik4360 - 12.09.2021 23:34

Pleees do seek bay dr phlox star trek Enterprise

@funguy6844 - 27.08.2021 09:28

This one bruv.....SAFE!!

@user-fl4hn5cq7b - 17.08.2021 20:04

Doing my homework to this makes me feel like an ensign trying to catch up on my reports but I caught some alien virus so I have to write them in sickbay.

@MindHunger - 17.07.2021 11:34

I like Pulaski better. But then again I'm also a fan of Jellico.

@doyourownresearch2789 - 13.07.2021 10:30

Thank you doctor, I just so burned out from all the away missions I've been doing lately. And I think I'm becoming a burden to my team.

@michelleschaefer683 - 25.06.2021 04:57

Revolutionary request: This but make it... Voyager!

@richardcranmer7733 - 18.06.2021 17:36

These ambiance videos are impressive. I'd like to see a; "The Outer Worlds" version. The followers have a fair bit of dialog, including conversations among themselves, could make excellent source material.

@asmolbean9300 - 14.06.2021 01:50

Dr Crusher is looking after us 😴

@kittycatdays8719 - 03.06.2021 07:37

Yesss exactly what I needed! Thanks my man) I’ll head off to sleep now :)

@susannabenmark160 - 09.05.2021 05:15


@ericbarner6137 - 24.04.2021 19:19

🤘😁 ...😴💓🙂

@Mike_C-79 - 22.04.2021 04:21

I love TNG regardless, but I used to love watching reruns late at night just to hear the ambience sound, which I always referred to as the life support system, like air handlers recycling and supplying fresh air.

@nojunkwork5735 - 07.04.2021 02:00

Is there nowhere on this ship you can go without hearing the engines making noise in the vacuum of space?

@MM-op6ti - 18.03.2021 06:54

When your fantasy is to be in space, and sick

@jonmyers8046 - 02.03.2021 12:53

Ohhh I don't know....I don't feel so good lol
