Why I Don't Talk About My Hallucinations

Why I Don't Talk About My Hallucinations

Living Well with Schizophrenia

1 год назад

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Garsto - 21.08.2023 03:07

This is the first time ive disagreed with you. I just tell people i dont want to repeat what im hearing

Hope Jurgens
Hope Jurgens - 16.08.2023 13:53

If you dont say it or discuss it, its not real. Stay strong

Heather Smith
Heather Smith - 28.06.2023 22:23

Weird that you’ll talk all day about what isn’t appropriate to talk about

cjolena - 28.06.2023 07:00

Because it's embarrassing and i don't know if it's medication related and I'm afraid the listener will use it as evidence that I'm paranoid

Elle - 16.06.2023 09:03

I agree that’s not something people should expect you to share on social media. This is your channel and you do what you feel is safe and appropriate.

mycommetisaboutmeWhy? - 14.06.2023 03:24

Nobody CARES

Bipolar Person
Bipolar Person - 03.06.2023 20:23

I talk about my hallucinations, it's a symptom I shouldn't be embarrassed or afraid of. I wish people would ask me what mania feels like. If they said do you want to talk about it I think that is showing compassion.

Robin Mennuti
Robin Mennuti - 11.05.2023 03:43

I just love the intro 😂😂😂

Sono piemontese, non francese
Sono piemontese, non francese - 03.05.2023 18:44

I really appreciate your channel and the videos you create and share with us💓. Talking about a disorder you have is not easy, especially if that disorder is very stigmatised and I recognise the importance of your work💝. Your content is incredibly informative and educational and it can help fight the stigma surrounding schizophrenia❤️. Wishing you the best💓!

Alex - 29.04.2023 10:25


walking by faith
walking by faith - 19.04.2023 02:06

You're ABSOLUTELY right, it's not one's own thoughts,
Listen we are SPIRITUAL beings, housed in a fleshly body, and the voices we hear are from Satan, yes that's right! It's demonic,
Deliverance is Needed
Blessings to Everyone 💯 ❤️

Worrier to Warrior
Worrier to Warrior - 31.03.2023 03:02

Your views are the reason why no one talks about schizophrenia and we have to take ''dirty'' drugs and suffer in silence. Ah well at least we have Van Gough...

Ng Wei
Ng Wei - 18.03.2023 22:30

Hw do u knw is yr hallucination? Becos my friend dun realise that n is getting serious kep warning her neighbours etc...

samuel andrade
samuel andrade - 18.03.2023 21:43

you are beautiful and i want to french kiss ya.!

Jonathan Craig
Jonathan Craig - 08.03.2023 20:13

Interesting... just wondering does anyone getting these check their b vitamin levels? Near sure more b vitamins are needed

Miss Christine
Miss Christine - 18.02.2023 04:27

I recently had a hallucination that I thought … really believed… that the police were talking about me over the scanner. I heard them describe me and say they were tracking me through my phone and planning to pull me over. I got so scared that I put my phone in airplane mode and started to look up how not to be tracked by phone and searching for lawyers. It was only over the next few hours that logic told me there was no way it had really happened. Over the last few days I’ve realized there’s really no way that that happened and it’s really scary because when it was happening I totally believed it. I know I heard the words. Did I twist something they were really saying or did I make the whole thing up? About a year ago I caught myself in a delusion…

I realize some thing I believed I could not logically be true, and the fact that I thought I knew a secret the whole world is too dumb to recognize was in itself a sign …
Not only did it scare me, but it makes me question everything in my life . What is true? What is made up? Both occasions seemed absolutely completely real to me. What is wrong with me? I’m really scared.

Just so no one worries I’ve never heard or believed anything that would harm anyone or myself.

Harry "Nic" Nicholas - 18.02.2023 00:42

surely it depends on a lot of factors, everyone's experience is unique, and even within my support group (for carers) each person has a different experience. so to be asked about hallucination depends on why someone is asking, if it's idle curiosity - and people can be remarkably insensitive - then sure, f*k off is appropriate, but for me i wanted to understand the nature of the hallucination in order to understand the others point of view, and to understand if this was auditory, visual, what might have triggered, just to get a grip on what the other person is experiencing in order for me to understand and hopefully deal with it appropriately. so if someone is sympathetic, and i guess you trust them, then i would suggest sharing would be a good thing. but if people are just being nosy, then by all means, say whatever you feel.

"what are you thinking". i recal the first time is said "you're acting a bit strange today, have you taken your medication" and i got a straight answer - for about three years if i'd asked that i'd be in trouble for a long time.

Ryan M. Ol W.
Ryan M. Ol W. - 29.01.2023 03:47

I also have schizophrenia, was diagnosed in 1994 , hospitalized in 93 , diagnosed with paranoid/drug induced skitz " I'm comfy with that term " , nice and short ;)

I also have ptsd ,

I have observed people trying to relate a vivid lucid dream the moment after they wake up .

To the dreamer , in the moment .
It really feels very fit together , may be prophetic feeling or at least very profound .
But for anyone, " no matter if unfortunate to be labeled " sane ;) " even .

Can come across bat doo crazy when trying to describe it .
I find this observation a great way to articulate what experience of any skitz sort phenomena " symptoms "

I also really appreciated the line in the movie " inception " when the actor asked " have you ever had a dream that was so real you didn't know you were dreaming untill you woke up ? "

I find that a perfect way to respond to anyone asking me why I " cannot catch " my relapses .

Also I'd like to say I am loving your videos! " am an artist too :) "
I often can get very dark delusional thinking, and have found a few friends who I can talk to them about .
As for myself , I often feel it gets worse to hold it in .
As the symptoms only get more intense and I start feeling like a shook bottle of ginger ale.

I always feel better when i let it out ... lies are shadows, the truth is a light that can chase them away .

Whatever that truth is to you .
But it is important to understand much the difficulties in understanding our conditions , is that they may vary so much between each individual.
And speaking for myself .

I got diagnosed with skitz at 20 , the condition hit at 18 and I was wandering the streets , mountains and forests till I got picked up by my Mother and Grandmother to be brought into the hospital in the early fall of my 19th year .

So nearly 50 now.
And med free at last for close to over a year .
Took a lot of work .

Fired all doctors and social workers .
It's how " I " had to do this.
I do not recommend to all , know thyself ! Honour thyself!

I've good people in my corner , a beautiful life , am filled with gratitude and wonder .
Live with 24 , 7 sensory flooding and I'm pretty okay with it .
For myself it's like someone left the pchychidelic mushroom lamp on on permanently.

Been living like that since before 18 years of age .
Just finnaly come to terms with it.

Its shit in the city after a couple of weeks , but I finally found a corner far and away off the path.
With a wee cabin and no power to run to when I need to recharge .

My path .
Every path that leads to healing .
If it doesn't harm others .
Is sacred and valid .

And love and be gentle with yourself for that matter :)

no name
no name - 26.12.2022 07:49

I saw this one schizophrenia video this guy I think his name was like schizophrenia hippie and it was a short and he got up cause heard something and I heard it too caught on video quit opening fucking portals

no name
no name - 26.12.2022 07:47

I experience meth telekinesis aka aliens

no name
no name - 26.12.2022 07:42

I don't care that i said that on your post you're beautiful

Adam W.
Adam W. - 24.12.2022 16:43

How much do people hallucinate while on antipsychotics? Trying to figure out how much is normal and when I should talk to my psychiatrist.

Godly Love
Godly Love - 19.12.2022 21:36

Hallucinations are real they talk and have feelings and their own thoughts

Dyre Fate
Dyre Fate - 19.12.2022 02:41

I'd much rather have someone ask me about my experiences rather than rely on the media to misinform them.

n0t_her_sist3r - 06.12.2022 05:43

I have had hallucinations relatively frequent since teenhood, I'm usually quite open about them because I'm comfortable with it and I'd like people to know its "normal" in a sense that stress can induce hallucinations in anyone. I feel like talking about it minimises its impact for me, cuz usually its something I'll laugh about. Maybe because I have OCD I'd rather talk about it as if its nothing otherwise I'll only be obsessing over it in my head.

Dauntless Dev9n
Dauntless Dev9n - 03.12.2022 17:08

"how to talk to your psychiatrist"
Video please Lauren and Rob.

1oftheJ’s - 30.11.2022 19:23

Very very accurate😢😅😮😊

halfmoonjoker - 29.11.2022 19:24

I talk about mine a lot (usually observe them verbally in real time), but I genuinely get furious when people tell me that it’s demons(which happens a lot). I know they probably believe that, but I need to not believe that.

Phillip Morris
Phillip Morris - 28.11.2022 20:35

The symptoms sound very similar to clairaudience and clairvoyance, which mediums “use” to connect with spirit, it appears that it’s the same, but you’re communicating with lower vibrating spirits, those who are earth bound and sometimes negative

Steven Filmco-85
Steven Filmco-85 - 13.11.2022 11:12

You know what gives you dilusion's is online dating. It is a delusion and not a delusion.

Sara Rao
Sara Rao - 10.11.2022 06:17

I have thoughts to go to the streets to hurt myself

Sara Rao
Sara Rao - 10.11.2022 06:16

Your symbol, emblem,for this looks like half an anus not a 🧠 brain

Sara Rao
Sara Rao - 08.11.2022 09:02

One time at a lobby two tvs same channel but one tv a second off so I almost freaked out there listening to madness to me

April Dunn
April Dunn - 01.11.2022 13:57

I have a question. I hope you don't mind me asking. When you hallucinate does the hallucination look darker and more shape like than what it would be if it were real? I've been struggling and last night I thought I saw a spider on the roof but it was all black in more of the shape of a spider. Everything around it looked like it poured out as if it were ink then disappeared and I thought I saw someone quickly look at me from behind a door. I'm waiting to see a psychiatrist because it's been reaccurring but not exactly the same helucination everytime. That's just a description of my most recent. I don't have them all the time. I think I'm just struggling at the moment because of stress. There's been a death in the family

Doc Bailey
Doc Bailey - 31.10.2022 18:04

Very helpful video! I watch this channel to learn, and you teach us a lot! My idea of a hallucination is seeing Russell Crowe talk to nice people who aren’t really there.

Eloy Lopez
Eloy Lopez - 27.10.2022 23:22

Thank you

Melan Choly
Melan Choly - 27.10.2022 02:37

I don't know if it's a hallucination or what, but if you see an old message from your loved one with prodromal schizo (undiagnosed then) and about age 14, she wrote that one food was placed on a plate too close to another food like it was the crime of the century ...what would that possibly mean? (And the loved schizo was SERIOUSLY disturbed by this placement of chicken and rice, on a plate, which was baffling to everyone.) Is it offensive to ask THAT?

I suppose if she had voiced her thoughts, we'd have just thought she was being picky, but to write about it over and over like it has a meaning, along with a strange drawing or scribbles, I just don't get it. Why can't loved one with schizo just MOVE the food over?

Michelle - 23.10.2022 00:57

Your right👍 i can imagine too, it could kick them in more, telling others…. kinda like a ptsd effect…. I could be wrong, but it would make sense, to me.

Aetherous Official
Aetherous Official - 22.10.2022 17:47

Dead parents and murmurs is why I don't tell anyone that I what see. Its horrible to see tourtureses images of my deceased parents. And then I hear voice and have phantom pain like being poked with hot sharp glass. Aslo my schizaffective disorder make the walls and world and objects grow and shrink strech and color and shapes. I pray to lord evevryday for a sound mind.

jp - 21.10.2022 03:54

I liked the short answer best. Yes you went into detail for the video none the less the short answer was best.

zz z
zz z - 21.10.2022 02:09

In some cases, it's not exactly schizophrenia but being possesed in a way or seeing things in 4th demention. Listen to 'supersoldiertalks'

Adam Kline
Adam Kline - 15.10.2022 21:05

The only hallucinations I have is when I believe I am a high person of importance when I know I am not. I hear voices at night when I try to sleep but I don't during the day or night.

Vulcan Firepower
Vulcan Firepower - 08.10.2022 19:34

I think everyone is probably different in this. Some people will want to share a lot. Some people are private.

Molly Hunter
Molly Hunter - 08.10.2022 00:30

I mean the first 3 seconds are good enough for me

Conor McKee
Conor McKee - 07.10.2022 20:40

This is interesting, and I'm wondering if you can answer a question for me about auditory hallucinations. I'm neurotypical, and I can conjure up sounds or voices in my head by thinking about it, but it's not quite the same as actually hearing something in reality. It's difficult to explain, but imagining a sound is somehow lower fidelity than experiencing a sound in reality. Are audio hallucinations indistinguishable from reality, or are there any qualities about them that tip you off that they exist exclusively in your mind?

loosecannon - 07.10.2022 07:16


Enoch - 06.10.2022 19:18

Sometimes my comfort level changes due to other symptoms.
If someone wants to ask, maybe use the phrase "do you want to share what you're experiencing?"

Yoram Alon
Yoram Alon - 06.10.2022 18:54

Glad to see you have personal boundaries . You have the right.
