Worst MMO Ever? - Aion

Worst MMO Ever? - Aion

Josh Strife Hayes

2 года назад

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Benchaak vam Demer
Benchaak vam Demer - 24.09.2023 21:07

I haven't played AION in about 10 years. I remember it quite differently. It is sad to see, what it has turned into.

Jokoko2828 - 23.09.2023 18:01

Man, I love the line "hardcore PvP", it helps me know I should avoid the game.

edwin caballero
edwin caballero - 23.09.2023 16:55

Ive recently discovered ur videos and am enjoying them alot, though im curious as to why u think that having silly mounts like cars is bad? i though it would be fine to have silly mounts and shit. I get the cars are weird and break immersion but i feel like that lil bird was relatively okay? I know nitpicking is part of the content but im curious of the logic because i like ur opinions and how you approach these reviews alot and im curious if the silly mount hate is just cuz its the trope of cosmetic driven Kmmos or just cuz this specific game is clearly a cash grab so the silly mount is like a symbol of that?

Juan Rivera
Juan Rivera - 21.09.2023 05:31

Was one of the greatest and morphed into a horrible whatever this is and genuinely robbed players of money

Juan Rivera
Juan Rivera - 21.09.2023 05:12

Pronounced eye-on

Iamafro - 20.09.2023 19:52

Day 2 of commenting until Josh adds French mmo wakfu to his list

Firepulser - 20.09.2023 17:01

I've seen the Aion private server community and it is thriving ;-)

SotheAlbion - 20.09.2023 17:01

Sad to see such a great game butchered by GameForge. Once again...

Jerry Didrik
Jerry Didrik - 19.09.2023 15:28

This is not the game I played back in the day, is it?

poika22 - 19.09.2023 07:26

What's with anglos and their fear of foreign languages? I understand that localizing the voice acting would be nice, but if it's not in the budget, how is disabling the voices better than having the originals? If you watch a subtitled foreign movie, do you mute the TV?

bloodrunsclear - 18.09.2023 10:22

I expected your sister at the beginning to say at the beginning ‘You’re finally awake!’

Erik J
Erik J - 13.09.2023 23:33

My god, this game actually went backwards, it was great when I first played it...... 15 years ago......
P.s. Is it me remembering wrong? I would swear the NPC's all talked english back then, not corean.

nymfen - 11.09.2023 22:50

It still hurts that people think it's EY!!!-on and not Eye-on

B L - 07.09.2023 10:26

Because of the gfx I remember hearing games like Aion were going to quickly put games I was playing out of business. Nope.

Cap'n Snackbeard
Cap'n Snackbeard - 06.09.2023 15:39

Soon, MMOs will be three flashing bars of colored light with coin sounds.

Napishtim - 06.09.2023 02:49

Aion is a bit special to me, because it's the first MMO I betatested. The closed beta itself was pretty fun. But the open beta, that's when the problems started... nothing was handled correctly. Servers were unstable, progression was just completely chaotic. I can see that basically everything changed since then, and not really for the better...

Ethan Buttazzi
Ethan Buttazzi - 04.09.2023 21:28

ok im gonna say his here, but it relly doest matter if they didt record the voice lines in english, since the demographic they were most likely aiming for, generaly prefer that way, me included, i do not play the game thought, but whenever i can hear the original dubbing i do.

Zhe Fu
Zhe Fu - 03.09.2023 21:02

Koreans have pride in their culture so forcing you to listen to Korean voice lines is intentional. Same reason some Koreans now put Korean consonants in their name so it can't be written in Chinese/Hangul.

Kyle Plante
Kyle Plante - 02.09.2023 03:20

I remember when Aion launched and it was the #1 reason City of Heroes died.
I was too into WoW when this game first launched to give it a try, plus 14 year old me was salty about losing CoH.

Kaldrim72 - 28.08.2023 22:41

How much I wish I could play the original releases of some of these games. Back when they were subscription based they felt like much better games. Tera, Aion, DDO, EverQuest, all originally P2P ruined when another company took over the game. I was still able to tolerate Everquest and Tera because they gameplay was still pretty much the same, as well as private servers for EverQuest pretty much giving you the original game.

Everquest is also still a very active game weird enough. It had 18 Expansions as a subscription based game, and another 11 with 1 coming on this year as a F2P game. Total of 29(+1) It is the longest running supported MMO to this day. Ultima Online may have been running longer, but they haven't really added much to the game since 2010? And then an update in 2018, which is still an 8 year gap. EverQuest on the other hand has pretty much release new major content at least once a year since it's release in 1999.

Either way, I miss Subscription only MMO's, It's the only reason I pretty much only play FFXIV and OSRS.

Alistair McElwee
Alistair McElwee - 28.08.2023 19:47

I played Akon when it first came out. So boring and cutesy.

Gabriel Stein
Gabriel Stein - 28.08.2023 18:01

That's funny about the skills, it reminded me of Black Desert Online. I've started the game and I had like 10 skills at level one. I've played 5 min, I unstalled the game.

Nanashi - 26.08.2023 00:04

Aion was quite impressive when first released and had a large player base. The problem is over the years it's been morphed into some terrible f2p mmo plagued by every shady business practice possible. Everything from the tutorial , opening cinematic has been changed over the years

Lucian Dumitru
Lucian Dumitru - 24.08.2023 21:19

Funny bit, after playing so much Aion thinking Asmodeans are evil...surprise surprise, they're the good ones

Timothy Hansen
Timothy Hansen - 21.08.2023 21:53

If you think two abilities having the same animation is bad, Fire Emblem: Three Houses literally uses the same animation for EVERY SPECIAL ATTACK that uses the same weapon. No matter which character is using it. There are some differences between characters when a Critical Hit during a Combat Art happens, but the Combat Arts themselves are exactly the same.
Go ahead. Play it on your 2nd channel. You'll see what I mean. Even when a Combat Art says it's supposed to be super-effective against a specific class, the animation is exactly the same.

I am that guy
I am that guy - 19.08.2023 14:28

Lol i got an aion classic ad while watching this

Jackie Mag
Jackie Mag - 17.08.2023 09:00

Got my baby chin pet right before 99 hunter while watching this video, rngsus be praised

DrScott73 - 17.08.2023 04:59

125$!!!!, seriously ok why am I surprised people would actually pay for level ups in a game like this! Or any game actually!!! Listening to the few whale Diablo immortal fanbros talk was eye opening into another world of stupidity. I’m rarely surprised but finding out the $$ charged and at least sometimes bought in all these MMO’s surprised me- I had assumed they all did the nickel and dime thing 5-10$ at a time and you lose track , seeing straight up prices for more than any AAA game is crazy .

Vilhj - 13.08.2023 09:41

Pretty sure i played the beta, didnt you have wings where you could glide?

Queen Keriti
Queen Keriti - 12.08.2023 09:21

I know I'm a million years late to this review lmao. Also, forgive me if my timelines are off. Time is weird, and I've lost track of when things happened because I played from launch to about 2018.

The game at launch was GRINDY af. Later, some servers/factions had to deal with unrelenting gankers, which made leveling take even longer and made the game super unenjoyable because sometimes you couldn't even leave the city without going 100ft and being stabbed to death. :/ Eventually, in NA at least, NCsoft had to introduce a mechanic that super nerfed OW PvP in certain zones because it was so out of hand.

2.X was decent. 3.X was acceptable (went F2P, and the F2P in NA wasn't awful at the time). 4.0-4.6(?) were my favorite times when it came to maps, but the faction imbalance issue was really starting to spiral on multiple servers at that point, and Aion is GREAT (/s) for locking you out of gear progression if you're the losing faction. After 4.6, NCsoft nuked entire zones, and it just careened off a cliff from there. 5.X was 1.X grind with new skins and tons of P2W (and I think they LITERALLY got rid of our gear either in 4.7 or 5.0...we had to grind new gear and lost access to a TON of old skins). 6.X nuked zones AGAIN, and I think that's when they changed the opening scene because of some really stupid lore points that I THINK killed off your "character" in 5.X, and all these lore and plot points were deleted with the old zones and had to be summarized in that god awful opening clip. 6.X had RNG and P2W so bad that I finally quit and haven't gone back; the transforms were garbage and RNG and overpowered to hell and back. Oh, I think 6.0 was also when they "deleted" crafting, trading, and some other stuff.

RNGesus was an ASSHOLE in Aion. Probably still is an asshole. And it's P2W HARDCORE.

MrAqminor - 12.08.2023 06:29

So, i was a big wow guy from vanilla, hardcore endgame stuff until around....i want to say Cataclysm but memory may not work. My guild didn't much care for the expansion, so a group of us kept looking for another game. I remember trying Warhammer online for a time, not enough content there. Rift at some point, that kept us all for a time. Also Aion, which everyone else in the guild made fun of us for. We were all in on wow, you had some guys who played original Everquest or Ultima Online, but Korean Mmos weren't huge yet. We didn't know Aion was a korean mmo, and we didn't know the playstyle. There was no cash shop (it has a sub fee at the time), but it was the most horrificly grindy thing we had ever played. It wasn't fun. You had to group to do some of the low level quests, or be a certain class, which was odd for the time. Leveling was SOOOOOO slow. PVP was what we wanted, but the game ran horribly when fights brokeout in the void. We were so excited to try it, and found a couple things. Ranged had a massive advantage, because you could fly, and some classes didn't have charge abilities or they had long cooldowns. And again, it ran really bad, and this was server slowdown. I assume some of this was actually fixed before Free to Play created...what this video describes. But it was never overly good. It was grindy and looked like a generic jrpg.

Solkefra - 12.08.2023 04:00

Thank you for savings me hours of game time. Appreciate your review.

Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 11.08.2023 12:46

Hey Aion was my favorite game! Well... before they screwed the game with free giveaways and gifting you level 60 within a couple of hours. But Aion classic is good! But... They make you pay monthly for it.... 😢 I miss the old Aion days... The voice thing is weird, cause it's in English in America. That's odd..

Grinu - 10.08.2023 20:50

thats so weird i remember playing this game back in 2013-15 and im pretty sure all voices were localised including the ones in character creator.. why its not anymore?
And i Played on Polish server, it even had polish dubbing which is very rare for games like this

Curt Wrighy-Owens
Curt Wrighy-Owens - 10.08.2023 20:29

"and no not loot we can wear" every mmo gamer knows what it's like when another classes equipment drops off a boss

zalin2000 - 08.08.2023 17:48

Aion is a perfect example of a great game destroyed by the developer not knowing what to do with it after it became popular. When Aion first came out it was a hard as balls fun experience, that got worse with every new major expansion. So in other words it went the way of the WoW.

Celline - 08.08.2023 08:04

Wow so the clown game I played was actually a thing lol I thought I only dreamed it XD speaking about pandemonium

Mike P
Mike P - 07.08.2023 08:02

I came back to this like 5 or 6 years ago when they were hyping up the new classes they were about to release, and while it was a lot different from launch Aion, it still was definitely the same game, this is completely unrecognizable.

Majeszczak - 06.08.2023 12:19

i agree with most of what uve said but the combat system. Go watch some not aion pvp compilation instead of standing there pressing skill no kite no weave just complaining like a nob you are

mas é que
mas é que - 06.08.2023 08:06

sadly it was too late for me to play this, i loved everything, the world, character creation, gameplay, the game runs on my potatop, but in less than 1 day i was already on lvl70, only one of much more other reasons

Thereal MVP
Thereal MVP - 04.08.2023 14:38

I still remember when Aion wasn't even released yet ,my colleague was crazy ,he was buying all the magazines to read about the latest games ,it was exciting even tho we didn't even have some good PC's to play such game ,after it was released I heard about it everywhere and people were hyped ,my colleague got his expensive PC and of course played it till he got his pair of wings but after that the game kinda faded away like it wasn't even there to begin with .It was nothing compared with the competition from what I can remember .

Rusa - 01.08.2023 22:40

I admit. I enjoyed trolling Aion players on the forums just to get them mad.

SpillDeBeans - 01.08.2023 22:39

Where's Tutti?

Boris Gaganelov
Boris Gaganelov - 01.08.2023 16:07

People saying AION used to be the best are forgetting the:
- Endless waves of people abusing movement speed hacks - flying faster across the abyss than the max flight speed
- Animation cancel hacks that meant lvl 40 gladiator and kill 5 lvl 50 gladiators without said hack before they have cast a single skill

Game was good but the amount of hacks and abuse made it pointless.
Also - no one above rank 6-7 would fly out to PvP because the reward was not worth the risk.

Gasp Tis
Gasp Tis - 30.07.2023 01:10

I watched my favourite childhood game Hero online get raped and destroyed by Netgame years ago, now im watching how my other belloved game aion got the same treatment by gameforge... Disgusting greedy corporations seeing great games just as an easy source of money makes me sick... They take away the soul of a game and actually turn it to something that is not playable, not even worth mentioning.

farangthony - 29.07.2023 03:39

I remember playing this back in the day when it launched and I definitely don't remember it being this bad. This looks like a whole different game.

Alucardd0117 - 28.07.2023 13:09

Woah I remember when Aion came out. I played WoW and everyone was saying it was going to be the WoW killer. That didn’t age well.

Songhunter - 28.07.2023 08:28

What in the seven hells happened to this game? Why did they even bother to call it Aion?? It looks and plays nothing like the original! Whatever happened to free flying and some pretty frenetic pvp in the abyss. What about those races against time with the other faction in the Dredgion? Farming for extendable weapons in the Fire Temple. Sneaking in the opposite faction's territory for exploration and plunder?? My heart bleeds looking at what Aion has become. RIP
