Time to REROLL!? Asmongold Reacts to "Warriors in TBC Classic: Any Better?" | By WillE

Time to REROLL!? Asmongold Reacts to "Warriors in TBC Classic: Any Better?" | By WillE

Asmongold TV

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WillE - 01.04.2021 02:16

Honestly, i'm just here for the thumbnail LOL

david marshall
david marshall - 07.09.2022 01:11

asmongold worst tank in the game the end

david marshall
david marshall - 07.09.2022 01:08

this guy thinks he is the best player in wow omg almost every raid i have watched he dies and blames it on other players also keeps gear for himself he is always bitching at other players in the group they make all the mistakes and he is perfect what a joke

freeman lee
freeman lee - 26.08.2022 18:21

Yeh,,, what ever at least warrior is top a lot of the time. RET PALLY NEVER EVER in the whole duration of 15 years of wow. XXXX@&%$&%^$ blizzard.

unsub me
unsub me - 15.08.2022 05:00

There is no way he thinks hes saying meta, clear as day he is saying meter.

SaltWorth - 02.07.2022 19:28

tbc warriors are so ass in every aspect of the game, you need friends or premades in order to even get into a group or a raid, pvp arena even more impossible unless you got premades, pathetic how they ruined the whole class.

Erin Hardick
Erin Hardick - 21.06.2022 06:19

I have always leveled and mained a holy pally, in early expansions i literally eat while auto attacking and occasional now in TBC holy shock. Slow as hell. NO i am never going ret. :P

Joseph Skinner
Joseph Skinner - 20.06.2022 21:27

Wotlk Prot war DOES do a lot of damage. its why they do so well in pvp

Dan moore
Dan moore - 18.06.2022 10:01

While I wish he would have continued playing tbc the fact he didn't take a shit ton of loot from better players and then quit is probably a good thing imagine dual wield glaive asmon just letting his sub expire

Kurt Slavain
Kurt Slavain - 06.06.2022 23:09

Professions in WotLK gave you passive bonuses, like extra stamina for miners and crit for skinners.

Christian Hooper
Christian Hooper - 25.04.2022 19:21

Don’t shoot the messenger asmon

Ignatius God
Ignatius God - 07.02.2022 09:47

warriors in tbc are the shit.. seed of destruction is only good on huge aoe, and no1 cares about those packs anyway since they are most likely not a threat to anyone. a fury war will beat a lock all day on elite packs if theyre tanked together. boss dps well, it takes more work as a fury war but you can be up there with anyone else

Elvis Garcia
Elvis Garcia - 03.02.2022 06:24

i miss the old asmon

sickNsane Official
sickNsane Official - 02.02.2022 08:34

Don't need hamstring when you one shot them 💪

sickNsane Official
sickNsane Official - 02.02.2022 08:11

But wait.. Can't you write a macro for stance/Weapon swap simultaneously? Or was that not until WOTLK?

Bosco Bosco
Bosco Bosco - 17.01.2022 19:19

this aged well

Facob A
Facob A - 29.12.2021 15:09

Furrys and girls🤣🤣🤣

Mavriiicks - 16.12.2021 14:10

TEAM Warrior <3

HAGESHIKU - 16.10.2021 10:57

Try to find a guild as arms warrior i dare you

Roger Gustafsson Valencia
Roger Gustafsson Valencia - 13.10.2021 08:13

so what is best spec for warrios in tbc pve?

Logargon - 04.10.2021 14:12


Cody Rockwood
Cody Rockwood - 01.10.2021 07:01

Asmon gets confused with more than 3 buttons lmao

David Geldner
David Geldner - 21.09.2021 19:42

Asmogold is like a cult leader, it’s so unfathomably clear that he’s a humongous douche. But his followers love him, so within that vacuum he’s respected you know like a literal cult leader.

Dugolk - 16.09.2021 16:36

I would love to see the egocentric fuck play warriors in wrath on warmane, he would fail so fucking hard in every bit of the game, especially PVP

Jack Grove
Jack Grove - 06.09.2021 01:29

gg get wrecked

Paul Read
Paul Read - 04.09.2021 00:35

Warrior dmg as a tank isn't relevant for wrath. the meta was shaped years ago and is reflected on every private server. You get a bear maintank they can survive an extra attack between holy light slapping their hp pool. You need that extra HP with Saurfang or LK, Algalon slapping your face.. then you get a Paladin as your offtank because Ardent is over powered and Holy shield CTC caps them in Ulduar/ToC gear. DKs are niche good for fights to click AMS in, and Warriors only good fight is Anub'arak because you can block tank the adds with a unique gear set and get Reflective Shield to have your tank doing 10-20k dps to kill the adds. Retail difficulty it doesn't even matter though. Stuff like that only got shaped due to privates serv buffs to the fights really.. Past that there isn't ever a purpose for a warrior to tank. They take more damage, have worse CDs and don't have Auto Ardent the broken.

Johan Ottosson
Johan Ottosson - 19.08.2021 18:10

-druids are for furries and girls.... no what do you mean "toxic community"?

Game Jedi
Game Jedi - 19.08.2021 11:07

Mage? Wrong. Mages are still in 3rd place in TBC Classic behind Warlocks and Hunters. To my knowledge, the biggest hit warriors took was the removal of world buffs for raiding, which provided much of their dps numbers.

Alphascrub - 18.08.2021 04:11

With Phase 2 on the way and players not being shit you will see top guilds using Fury warriors for sure. It will happen. There are plenty of high end guilds that have healers that can keep dps warriors up as well as players good enough to avoid the mechanics. The ptr right now is showing it. Honestly mark my worlds the best guilds will be recruiting and using fury warriors in phase two. Warrior cleave is just to strong not to. Every raid will have a few.

Quad Rax
Quad Rax - 11.08.2021 14:54

Oof, I remember prot war tanking through wotlk heroic achievements for the red proto drake. Good times man..

Renato Azurduy
Renato Azurduy - 03.08.2021 00:06

We believe in Warrior Supremacy

Ihavenoidea - 30.07.2021 02:48

so much miss info. the kills r like 30 sec rn, and not what these morons thought. Fury is still great w the Death Wish build. So is Deep prot DW build. I don't understand this weird pre release mentality. Just look at top guilds, and that will eventually be the meta. Speed running and 30 sec kills w bursty specs.

Plague Bringer
Plague Bringer - 19.07.2021 06:50

Didnt know tom green was so into wow

SurgicalGlitch - 17.07.2021 09:19

"If I don't get that sword I'm quitting the guild".

What are you, "And I want that, and I want that if I don't play with that I can have this and I need that, but that's also what I need"... Your persona is exhausting.

Ino145 - 05.07.2021 22:18

Lol, Prot Warrior is great.

Vinny Orzechowski
Vinny Orzechowski - 05.07.2021 17:04

i want dat one, and dat one, and dat one, and dat one, and dat one, and dat one

Nizaru - 29.06.2021 16:27

better raid with your fans u aint ninja looting us that's why no one wants to play with you besides your simps

Roel Helmond
Roel Helmond - 29.06.2021 04:51

You slipped up asmond.. proffesions can not be done solo.. almost probably every proffession need another proffesion to do their crafts.. Spellstrike pieces need primal mights. enchanters rods needs Blacksmiths etc.

Tux Northpoler
Tux Northpoler - 28.06.2021 19:24

I hate when warriors get utility abilities, because then warriors have to BRAIN. Warriors don't wanna BRAIN. SMASH. SMASH. SMASH.

Дилян Росенов
Дилян Росенов - 26.06.2021 20:54

in fact the warrior is the most useless class in the game in terms of teamplay and all the warriors believe the world revolve around them

Krombopolus - 24.06.2021 15:59

I'm still lovimg fury. I can top dps on some fights like curator and i still destroy 5 mans so it's kewl

jim t Belfiore
jim t Belfiore - 23.06.2021 04:58

is it just me or does he sound drunk?...

Hoang Quynh Phuong
Hoang Quynh Phuong - 20.06.2021 15:35

The obeisant barbara peroperatively tumble because lip cytopathologically grab vice a glib lier. amusing, nosy timer

Master-of- Frogs
Master-of- Frogs - 15.06.2021 13:51

The beatings will continue until moral improves

Honzo - 15.06.2021 13:07

Salty asmon is fun

Geraldo Costa
Geraldo Costa - 14.06.2021 15:17

Prot tank in wrath is literally the WORST tank, they are good for pvp and nothing more

EZ - 13.06.2021 10:35


Z Zz
Z Zz - 12.06.2021 00:33

That thumbnail is hilarious!
