继上次点燃全场成功逆袭之后,陈梓铭又添新鲜舞台,带来《国风美少年》有史以来第一首粤语歌曲《西关小姐》,还展现了粤语rap实力,唱起家乡歌的陈梓铭自信轻松,而且举手投足散发着玉树临风的气质!After successfully igniting the studio and coming up from behind last time, Chen Ziming added another fresh performance. He brought the first ever Cantonese song on the stage of THE CHINESE YOUTH, "Miss Western Gate", even showing off his ability to rap in Cantonese. Singing a song from his hometown, Chen Ziming is confident and relaxed. He's even effusing the character of "a jade tree erected against the wind" in every gesture.
#iqiyi #国风美少年 #TheChineseYouth #陈梓铭 #chenziming