Well now if this is not prophetic Me Townsend you sound to the Future quite well Bravo Sir thank you
ОтветитьJust the right song for these times.
ОтветитьSong of today by God
ОтветитьThe favorite músic of Steve jobs
ОтветитьThey plan for the next one while the current one is still going on .
ОтветитьThe official end to the revolutionary ethos of the 1960's is encapsulated in the line "meet the new boss, same as the old boss". Someone had to say it and of course Pete was the one guy with his head screwed on straight. This is somewhat ironic because Pete almost went psychologically off the rails trying to bring the Lifehouse project together just before this song was written.
ОтветитьV H 1. big Washington fan
ОтветитьSource didn't get fooled at all 😊😅😢🎉😂❤
ОтветитьOne of the monsters of the music industry
ОтветитьThis song is now even more relevant than ever.
ОтветитьPfft.. seems so appropriate for today right.
My brother listened to The Who CONSTANTLY when I was a kid.. I'm very grateful... It gave me an appreciation for good music ❤️🕊️🇦🇺
you got to Iearn, boy
ОтветитьPlease Please, Y O U ! . . . GOD BLESS ALL 4 I AM AND I WILL VOTE TRUMP ! ! ! !
ОтветитьSimply super.
Ответить"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss". Truest words ever spoken or sung.
ОтветитьThis song is one of my favorite Who songs. It is amazing to me that this song is still relevant today. For me it spoke of the change in the Republican party I had begun to notice in the seventies and how that change has manifested into what we see today. The Democratic party isn't immune either. But for my money the change has been most drastic among the Republican party these days.
ОтветитьThis song will teach you more about what is going on than all the news channels out there
Ответить2020 USA election. Mail in vote fraud all over. You got fooled again. Biden got 15 million more votes than famous Obama ever got. Millions of fellons and illegal aliens voted for Democrat Party. Fact. You got fooled again.
Ответитьis it me or he sounds like jack black ? maybe jack black sounds like him. pretty close to school of rock theme song even.
Ответить“Good morning aviator, this is your captain speaking, as briefed today exercise is dogfighting. Guns only no missiles. We will no go below the hard deck of 5,000 feet.”
ОтветитьThis song is giving me csi Miami vibe
ОтветитьI say this puts sunglasses on rocks
ОтветитьWhat a revolutionary song! It is genuinely genuinely genuinely meaningful!
ОтветитьTraduction en français please 1000 fois merci beaucoup 👍 🎹🎸🥁🎤👍 rip ⭕❌🌗 Guy platteau Marseille France 😎
ОтветитьThis was on the trailer for Robots (2005)
ОтветитьThe Jackal himself recommended the song to me 🔥
ОтветитьTo change, you gotta do something that divides the masses. Every sigh of relief you ever take is counted against you anymore...
ОтветитьIt took us a long time, almost 25 years to stand up and revolt this time! Pray 🙏 it takes hold!
ОтветитьThis is THE song for November 5, 2024!!! ♥45-47!!!!
ОтветитьSeems the OWD, the “Old World Destroyer” Not the lie of now they bragged about before they put their symbol at CERN. We have to pry yourself out of their grip, how will be slow hard and long time, but we can and we do succeed. After all every country world across are living on credit and are bankrupt. “Mankind Membership Colony Clubs” built on the same method with an added 1 hr @ wk to run the Colony, Based on Votes majority wins, after the Dues for the MMCC any working hr after Dues that like tod ays taxes build and maintain roads and bridges, dams and energy production (Troy Reid engine in @ home, car and semi, factory, shops.) Stop the federal governments departments, like states @ colony will be designed by it's members, including making and removing laws and policies.
Its been said that an army marches on its belly, and we now know how to use plants like = Hemp, Bamboo, and precious metals can replace ALL that means Every modern machine, device that is used today and tomorrow And explains why the Old World Destroyers, OWD are trying to run the farmers that ae0rent part of their OWD out of farms. And are pushing your retirement funds into stocks they control & use of those invested funds = Black Rock, Vanguard, State Street making you pay for your own demise, AGAIN.
Still so relevant.....
ОтветитьThey couldve sang this in the 1800s and it wouldve been just as important. They failed to change the world, and they had every opportunity not to fuck it up
ОтветитьYes …. Never fooled, 😂😂😂keep smiling🙏🏼
Ответитьwho, most over rated band. not counting child porn guy.
ОтветитьSo fitting for these times 2025 rock on lol
Ответить2025... here we go again. Question everything. 🤔😉
New boss is Trump. Depopulation will continue, debt will increase, fake plandemics will continue, deliberate fires and floods will continue, fake shortages, til state of emergency and complete removal of rights and freedom
ОтветитьWhite Sox, Anyone?
ОтветитьI've tried to explain to my family that this issue has never been about right or left politics, but rather the influence of billionaires who have essentially taken over. And here we are again.
ОтветитьIt's 2025, and we have been fooled again.
ОтветитьAlways loved this song. Always seemed comforting politically. However, today it kinda scares me.
Ответитьstill listening in 2025.
ОтветитьPerfect sound track for a Patriotic Movie 🎉
Ответить❤awesome British Bands❤
ОтветитьTalley ho❤
ОтветитьSame, Political BS all over the world, won't get fooled again?