Monophasic vs Biphasic Sleep - Which Is Healthier?

Monophasic vs Biphasic Sleep - Which Is Healthier?


4 года назад

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Jaguar Priest
Jaguar Priest - 13.09.2023 09:43

Mono is absolutely terrible for you. I wakeup dehydrated and feeling terrible and almost in a drugged like state that takes an hour to recover from. Naturally I always resort to biphasic. Mono is unnatural and feels forced and is hard for me to even do in the first place.

Momma Lion
Momma Lion - 08.09.2023 15:26

My toddlers have both been biphasic and turned me into one too. I need my siesta! 😮

scott sherman
scott sherman - 23.08.2023 21:36

I'm biphasic, & I didn't know it was even a thing until a few months ago when my lovely wife heard a story about it on the radio. I'll go to sleep around 11pm, then wake around 3 or 4am. I'll be awake for an hour or so, then pass out on my reclining leather sofa until 7am. I feel great throughout the day & it's just my natural sleep pattern. I typically do not use my hour or so in the middle of the night to be "productive"...I instead use it as my alone time. We have five kids who are all better than everyone else's kids...I've got a challenging career, so I don't get much down time or quiet time, certainly not M -- F. I find that time I get after first waking is freaking amazing...I typically just sit there with the slider open into our large backyard so I can feel the breeze & hear nature doing it's nature thing, & it's my form of meditation I suppose. I highly recommend it, because if I'm doing it, it must be right. I know, my wife is a saint...I'm not sure how she deals with me either.

Trevor Dodd
Trevor Dodd - 13.08.2023 00:09

I am biphasic I sleep 1 am to 6 am and then 2 hours from 2 - 4 pm

the_lunatic_girl - 01.08.2023 19:44

Iam 16 years old girl I can follow all this biphasic...etc

Dan Houston
Dan Houston - 26.07.2023 01:53

I couldn't sleep but now after watching your video, I'm ok with it. And you're freaking hot to.

Chiko Kishi
Chiko Kishi - 20.06.2023 00:44

"they may have read, worked, or reproduced during their time awake"


Ksavier Krajewski
Ksavier Krajewski - 19.05.2023 00:28

Im nullphasic

eric - 27.04.2023 05:22

dam 😻

Voice of the Dragons
Voice of the Dragons - 25.04.2023 15:49

I use to be biphasic, and honestly felt great and was the most productive I've ever been in my life. I'm currently a hybrid between biphasic and monophasic. I use to suffer from chronic insomnia so my sleep is still wonky

Jack - 10.04.2023 23:44

Can I politely ask what your credentials are? Curious

Akshay's POETRY And Motivational  videos
Akshay's POETRY And Motivational videos - 30.03.2023 19:45

Thank you and Sister Your voice is so much sweet 😊

Marty - 23.03.2023 09:08

Bad thing about Biphasic is people don't really understand you need that afternoon nap or think you are a sis or something. Like, I slept four hours last night, I got to sleep now too lol, it's not an optional nap, I got to go to the bed now.

Jaffar Arif
Jaffar Arif - 02.03.2023 18:38

Wth is a maybe give me an answer, broo stop saying talk to ur doc i came here for a reason 😑

Alkimachos - 25.02.2023 21:45

What about monophasic sleep during the weekend, and biphasic, or even triphasic sleep during the week?

I am a monophasic sleeper, but my genedics are telling me to stay up late

I'm tired of trying to go to bed early

FN Lore Archive
FN Lore Archive - 31.12.2022 13:20

Recently, because of some personal projects I've converted to biphasic sleep, instead of sleeping from 11pm to 6am, I now sleep from 9pm to 12am and wake for 3 to 4 hours and fall asleep normally at 4am waking up at 6am or 7am. It's really helpful for people who don't work jobs but are still productive!

K L - 27.12.2022 14:51

What are the benefits of botox and collagen on the circadian rhythm? Thanks

Anne's Adventures
Anne's Adventures - 11.12.2022 04:25

I'm a monophasic sleeper

M S - 13.11.2022 15:32

working night shift turned me into a biphasic sleeper lool

Maple Leaf
Maple Leaf - 16.10.2022 17:00

are you chilean

Z - 19.08.2022 04:21

I sleep from 1 am to 6 am and I sleep again during 5 pm to 8 pm basically 8 hours. Basically 8 hours in total.

AL Mohsin
AL Mohsin - 05.08.2022 22:28

What if you sleep 4 hours at night and take two naps of 30 mins during your comfortable time what is it called?

David Kelly Mitchell
David Kelly Mitchell - 31.07.2022 20:26

I sleep for 3 to 4 hours then up for 7 to 8 hours and that's my continous cycle. After I retired and no more alarms that's what my body gravitated to. I feel totally rested after each sleep cycle. I don't experience that totally exhausted feeling anymore.

Andre Gurrea
Andre Gurrea - 16.07.2022 00:26

Girl, I f&$ love you!

Avery Thompkins
Avery Thompkins - 24.05.2022 07:49

GOD Loved you enough too send His Son JESUS for you and if you will believe in Him and at baptized in THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON and THE HOLY SPIRIT and turn from your sins you will be saved

G 625
G 625 - 22.05.2022 19:42

when i was a freshman in college, i would take midday naps for 1-2 hours and feel great. lately, i’ve noticed that my body tends to want to wake up after about 6 hours in bed, even though i know i need more sleep and will be tired. i also enjoy both late nights and early mornings and i’ve been sad to lose late nights because i wanted to get up earlier. i’m definitely going to intentionally try out biphasic sleep since i currently have a schedule that will allow it 😌

MysteriusBhoice - 22.05.2022 15:26

more like how to ruin your brain chemistry basically it works well for like 7 years or so then your brain just shits itself and you get irregular sleep schedules and days of severe insomnia!!

Mr.Knight The Detective
Mr.Knight The Detective - 20.05.2022 14:41

We should return to our natural sleep cycle (biphasic) since multiple other cultures around the world practice is it. Biphasic sleep cycle would also go well with new work schedules shortened to increase work productivity and reduce stress

TheMemesSuite - 03.05.2022 20:24

she bad ngl

vedantsingh - 27.04.2022 21:01

Does bi phosic sleep affect the height of growing boy

Lighthearted - 21.04.2022 21:46

"Common in people but not in other animals"........
People are not animals.

Titan - 06.04.2022 19:29

I’m a monophasic sleeper. I like to go to bed earlier (around 9 :30) and try to get up at 6am but usually lie in bed and struggle for 30 min.

I am also a university student and like to get early starts to the day. I think that I will try and change my sleep schedule to biphasic to see whether it works.
The only thing I’m worried about is not getting enough sleep (I usually shoot for 7.5 hours a night) if I do switch over to biphasic and it possibly making me tired during the day.

Eboni Majek
Eboni Majek - 15.02.2022 11:20

I don't think I'm either, I'm all over the place 😆

Chris Matthew
Chris Matthew - 29.01.2022 18:38

I am biphasic, mostly and mainly because it makes me more fierce, ready and confident to undertake the challenges of the day AND night. I can be up, being productive WAY before anyone ever wakes up. It's the most peaceful time of the 24hrs of a day-cycle and when am actually up, I don't feel nearly as tired, had I been mono. I prefer woke, but comfortable woke. Whereby am not suffering from fatigue and exhaustion.

AK Pro
AK Pro - 16.01.2022 22:03

I chose biphasic sleep, and it I have a positive experience with my energy, activity, and even mental health. I sleep 4 hours between usually 7-8 PM to 11-12 PM, and again between 6-7 AM to 10-11 AM. I also have a friend with this sleep pattern. Thanks to my flexible work hours, I feel like having a very healthy life. Not even feeling exhausted after waking up in each shift, feeling totally fresh.

Linda McNeil
Linda McNeil - 16.01.2022 18:10

I am definitely biphased . I typically sleep around 4, up for 1 to 2 hours (sometimes 4j. I have done this for 50 years. Sometimes it clashes with regular work. If I wake up, I am up. That means if I get 4 or 5 hours and I haven’t gone back to sleep before work, I work with less sleep. So does this mean I should get out of bed when I wake up? 👍. I used to do that when I was younger. If worked great when I had kids at home.

I do t drink alcohol.

Hubs is definitely a mono phase and does not wake up after his head hits the pillow until, he wakes up in the morning. We don’t use alarms.

Robert Mertens
Robert Mertens - 14.01.2022 06:45

Middle of the afternoon my eyelids start to droop and I start dozing off - means it's about time for a nap. Afterwards I wake up ready to conquer the world. It's pretty consistently about one hour long.

Tamara Moxham
Tamara Moxham - 12.01.2022 04:16

Biphasic has always worked better for me

Braindead Society
Braindead Society - 05.01.2022 12:23

I sleep from 12 pm to 6 pm then from 4 am to 6 am i am 17 so i take the 2 hour nap b4 school i go to school and sleep and then i wake up at 6 and have time to myself

tourmi - 03.12.2021 16:45

Right now my sleep schedule is totally set. I wake up no matter what at 5 am and am normally asleep around 8-10pm depending on the day but even with a full nights sleep I have to take a nap. If I don't take a nap I'll go to sleep by 6-7pm lol but I'm about to start working third shift so I'm going to try a biphasic sleep schedule. My last day on first shift is 12/6 then I start third shift 12/8. Let's see how this goes!! lol

Saivite - 22.11.2021 19:51

monophasic in winter and biphasic in summers.

J Thom
J Thom - 16.11.2021 12:01

I'm biphasic my necessity with shift work and running small businesses. Which is why I'm watching this video at 4am trying to hack my sleep schedule even more lol.

Freddy Atton
Freddy Atton - 30.10.2021 00:34

I suspect that the monophasic sleep pattern is a relatively NEW sleep pattern for humans.

Why is a bi-Phasic sleep pattern more natural for a hunter-gatherer (pre-agriculture) society (i.e. tribe)?
— Because they didn't have 4 things:
1) light bulbs
2) clocks (they didn't even have the word "hour")
3) houses to protect from predators
4) beds to sleep in

"Why did we stop sleeping that way?"
— Because now we have:
1) light bulbs
2) clocks (and the word "hour")
3) houses
4) beds, blankets and pillows

Also, primitive tribes didn't need as much sleep because they didn't consume poison every day (sugar & salt / processed food). They also didn't eat meat every day (which requires more sleep time).

Also, primitive tribes didn't need as much sleep because they didn't eat 3 to 6 times per day — because they didn't have:
a) refrigerators
b) restaurants
c) grocery stores

The proper way to study natural human sleep patterns is to observe primitive tribes that still exist today.

Bronwen Baker
Bronwen Baker - 21.10.2021 00:54

Very interesting and I'll definitely watch more of your videos. I wonder if you can help me, or offer some advice? I have no idea whether I am monophasic or biphasic - I seem to be both... in that I need to sleep at least 10 hours overnight (I wake a couple of times, sometimes for ages but usually not), then most days I STILL get so tired around 2 - 3pm that I have to go back to bed and crash for 2 - 3 hours... sometimes I can go for a 3pm nap, and could seriously sleep right through until the next morning except I set an alarm for around 6pm to get up and feed and walk my dogs. Sometimes it's all I can do to get up and feed them then I have to go back to bed, and can't get up again until the next morning (and not early, it's usually like 9.30 - 10am before I can wake up enough and find the energy to even get out of bed and shower, etc.)
I do have a couple of autoimmune diseases which can cause severe fatigue, so maybe that's why I need so much sleep? I also struggle with low iron, Vit D and B12 (because of one of the autoimmune disorders that stops my body absorbing nutrients properly from food), but I take large dose vit D supplements daily (as recommended by my Dr and specialist), and have monthly B12 injections and regular (approximately 2 - 3 monthly) iron infusions to keep on top of this, yet I am still ALWAYS exhausted and fatigued, and no amount of sleep is ever enough 😔
I do have a sleep disorder as well (OSA), but that is treated with CPAP therapy for the last 15 years, which I always adhere to... the mask and machine don't bother me at all (I mention that because I know some people have trouble sticking to using their cpap machine, but I have never had a problem with it) and my sleep studies indicate that I'm not having excessive apnoeas when using the machine.
It's super frustrating and depressing because I used to be kind of a high achiever, super energetic, worked a fairly demanding full time job plus a heap of volunteer work in animal rescue, while raising 3 amazing kids (well they're adults now) on my own as a single mum - AND I kept a regular gym routine and had a couple of hobbies, etc... but now I can't even keep on top of basic housework (my house looks like a tip atm 😔), let alone work (have been off work for over 2 years now) or volunteer or have hobbies or exercise... Most of my Lupus, Myasthenia Gravis and Pernicious Anaemia symptoms are under control since being diagnosed and treated; but the endless exhaustion and need to sleep so much is crazy and debilitating and nothing seems to help 😔
Don't get me wrong, I know I am lucky and that there are much worse health problems that many people have to live/cope with; I'm not dying, or in terrible pain, or severely disabled or anything and I am grateful for that, but if there is any way you (or anybody) know of that I could get more "value" out of my sleep (if you know what I mean?) so I could get away with a few less hours sleeping and have a bit more awake time and energy, like even enough to be able to keep up with washing and housework, and a little time to do something enjoyable, (even if it was just watching a movie or some TV a couple of times a week without falling asleep...) I would very much love to know about it.
Sorry for the ridiculously long post... the video piqued my interest and I was going to comment saying pretty much that... but I started typing and before I realised it I'd written a small novel... 🙄

MarlbroShorts - 28.09.2021 06:00

I sleep once every 2 days

Anticrop - 08.09.2021 02:34

Anyone else here from the "half as interesting" video

dugfriendly - 06.09.2021 02:20

"reproduce" is a cute word to throw in there ;)

lit2021 - 31.08.2021 23:41

After struggling with what I thought was "insomnia" (waking up in the middle of the night and being unable to continue sleeping), I tried simply getting up, turning the light on, walking to the kitchen to get some water and then returning to bed. After that, I would continue sleeping with no problems. 😁
