Another great video! Thanks Brett! 4 out 5 games are on the Colecovision Flashback (BC's Quest for Tires is the only one not on there)
ОтветитьHave you try the atari joy sticks they work great, the both use the same 9 pins.
ОтветитьBC's Quest was great, clocked so much time on it. Didn't play Grog's Revenge til much later and I found it way too difficult. My CV hidden faves back then were Sewer Sam, Roc N' Rope, Tarzan, 2010, and Montezuma's Revenge.
ОтветитьMoonsweeper reminds me a lot of solaris
ОтветитьRoc n bolt...
ОтветитьFlipper Slipper reminds me of that second to top table in Revenge of the Gator, may need to snag that
ОтветитьMy first console. BC's was fun but tough!! I also liked Victory which used the roller controller.
ОтветитьKeep the Colecovision hidden gems coming!
ОтветитьThe Heist is too damn hard and the controls are clunky, I did not last long at all on it, got game over way too fast. It's too easy to die. I play it on the Wii Colecovision emulator but I don't think that has anything to do with the control of the game because other games don't have any control problems.
It kind of reminds me of Mappy with the paintings you have to pick up.
BC’s is excellent! A few of my other faves on Colecovision are Antarctic Adventure, Looping, Space Panic, and Cosmic Avenger.
Ответить"Takes too much time" and "too frustrating" sounds like "boss fights" in more modern games to me. 😁
ОтветитьThe Colecovision was my first console, played it a TON!! I wasn't even aware of companies such as IMAGIC and Micro Fun. Wow. My hidden gem was the game 2010.
ОтветитьThanks for the memories of BC and Heist on C-64 and 2049er on 5200. Colecovision looked almost identical.
ОтветитьThis was the era I grew up in (1982-1986), playing games before the NES, 7800, Master System all were fighting it out for American television play.
ОтветитьNice Job, Brett!
ОтветитьGreat video, and great games Brett! I've tried, and my channel has reviewed Nova Blast. Very interesting game. Still need to get more familiar with the others.
ОтветитьI agree with all 5. Solid games!
ОтветитьI have to agree with you Brett, the Coleco was my favorite console and also the second console my twin brother and I got back in 84' after our 2600 and always loved mouse trap and Sammy lightfoot and always laughed at the dog barking and cats meow ! also just wondering if your new book is available in Australia? , and thanks for another awesome trip down memory lane man.
ОтветитьFlipper Slipper? Was expecting you to say it has nothing to do with Flipper the dolphins slippers :P
I wonder if they will include colecovision classics on the Amico?