The 5 MOST Common Low Elo Mistakes EVERY ADC Makes! - LoL ADC Guide

The 5 MOST Common Low Elo Mistakes EVERY ADC Makes! - LoL ADC Guide

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@yumetime159 - 03.02.2023 02:17

Me as an low elo Adc go farming camps and missed a team fight, teammates dead and I got question marks spamming at my location

@ophbmystik8721 - 04.11.2022 13:17

what about if your whole team feeds 0/10 in 10 minutes?

@florianstraub72 - 14.07.2022 15:05

Well not helping jgl at inting drake, it woud mean that you never see a gank no matter how good it woud be. Secondly i cant prob farm anyway when my jgl does this becouse thats also exactly where my support will be, so i have to stay back a bit anyway.

@UN1VER5UM - 13.07.2022 07:06

Sticking to the advices in this video I literally got much better in League. I peaked Gold III in Season 3. There are still some kind of problems. „ADC not taking jungle camps“ - I‘m taking Gromp, Jungler is on Red Buff - he spam pings me „missing“ and starts to rage. Follows me up whole game, take every CS and even Smites some jungle camps if he is there fast enough. - Enemy is always running down base, cause my team went for another 4vs5 when we were behind as hell and then spam pings me for cs‘ing the side lanes. Sometimes I am even 13/3 and still manage to lose the game, cause I am not getting any cover, even though I‘m in the backline trying to deal DMG, or not. It‘s just stupid.

@Guitarmaster7272 - 28.06.2022 04:30

There's 2 huge problems with the "overgrouping" analysis. 1st of all, if your team is taking dragon and a fight breaks out while you're farming the bot lane, You will get flamed by at least 2 teammates, and potentially one of your teammates will give up and start griefing. 2nd of all, if you go to a side lane to get solo farm, the jungle or mid will come to solo kill you for sure. Sure you can ward, but they have Zed or Evelyn specifically designed to kill adcs that decide to farm a solo lane even if they ward and play safe. If you die to their mid while you're farming a lane solo, you'll then be behind the entire game from then on, too weak to be more than useless.

9 times out of 10, you're better off sticking with your team than to get solo lane farm, unless of course they have 2 dead and your team is 4v3 or better in mid lane where everyone is accounted for.

I get that the goal is a higher creep score, but you can have good cs if you don't miss so many in lane.

@turbanheadless - 25.04.2022 12:46

i can win lane and all that stuff, but lategame teamfights always feel like a coinflip when im adc

@akiyamamoto3311 - 04.04.2022 21:40

Junglers be like: boi why did u take my red!/??!?!?!?@#4#$@!@$@$

@itzicyzyt3932 - 24.02.2022 01:20

If you say don’t go and help get drag what do you do if they spam ping you

@_Baleful - 23.02.2022 23:39

Uhhh, point 2?

They took dragon for free while enemy botlane reset and got a kill, no less against an olaf lucian comp who absolutely relies on stacking dragons as a wincon.

Yes, their back timing is bad now. Amumu can help them shove and reset, they can just take a rough lane for a couple minutes, or they can just back and give up a single plate?

It's hard to believe challenger players on your staff watched that ezreal/morg play like silver 4's into lucian nami and said "this is the clip we will use to illustrate how taking dragon can throw your lane"

@N0mil - 11.02.2022 07:58

After playing in Bronze and Iron adc for a month the thing I noticed most is that when both teams start ARAM mid and you want to farm a different lane, the moment you do, the entire enemy team jumps you and doesn't allow you to do anything except stay grouped. It's even worse when you play a low mobility adc and can't even farm safe and run away before they can catch you. Don't even get me started on your team stealing your cs

@joojoofoo - 07.02.2022 22:35

My jungler flames me every fuckin time I take his camps as adc. Even late game. It's madness.

@m4m4m4m4 - 28.01.2022 15:06

Don’t push lane too hard? Tell that to my auto attacking aoe spamming support...

@Sami-rj2lf - 11.01.2022 19:14

Thanks Ezreal

@moonage_ - 21.12.2021 02:52

I just realized, the guy speaking in this guide is Ezreal's voice actor!

@renegadeg3364 - 15.12.2021 12:06

The first two tips you made is beta af. I hate you are training ADCs to be so basic. Take these first 2 tips with a grain of salt. A good adc and support can make any build work, and tailor a win condition to any wave management issues. You can't do damage if you are dead Adc's. And since you are ADC everyone is trying to kill you. You are the worst kind of player if you're 0/5 with glass cannon. Get a good resistance item..stay alive, and don't troll your team by creating creating monsters unnecessarily. Learn matchups and good mitigation items for the team you are versus. Don't be a basic bitch like this guy is suggesting. Flex that knowledge. Macro is king even in a micro heavy role like ADC.

@zenyatta5064 - 10.12.2021 18:44

I don't even play anymore i just like this guy's voice

@strugsi - 08.12.2021 13:42

When do you bring up an app for your service?

@allmusicplays - 04.11.2021 12:42

Building defensively means you have a pistol against an m16.

@FinlayDaG33k - 02.11.2021 22:30

The reason I have low farm as an ADC is not because I follow my team a lot... It's because I'm just retarded and can't last hit :^)

@DivideandConquerAnti-WEF - 01.11.2021 14:34

This is true can confirm. Don't buy defensive, buy tear

@littledemon7652 - 29.10.2021 08:25

here as a support main so i can show my adcs this

@h3rity39 - 26.10.2021 19:37

Do you know why the adc follows the team in low elo? Because if they go and farm in a situation shown in the videon you will get flamed...hard.

@n0vellette - 05.10.2021 20:44

Let Ezreal out of SkillCapped's basement

@burritogod59 - 04.10.2021 17:03

So yes, low elo ADC's should be picking up more farm, but they also need to learn how to pick up farm safely. I feel like the ones who do try to pick up more farm then severely overextend and throw the whole game.

@lLustfulness - 04.10.2021 02:08

Aight that raptor camp thing my work in high elo, but anything below masters and people(junglers) run it. LMFAO.

@michaelgalban8062 - 03.10.2021 02:44

He says “fortnite” is a strategy game 😂🤣

@ChooaBunny - 02.10.2021 04:25

I feel that junglers get really mad when anyone takes a camp even if it's late game and they haven't killed the camp in a long time. That's the reason why a lot of the adcs I know don't take the camps, getting a camp usually leads to a lot of drama within the team and it's just not worth it :/

@AsarielTnG - 28.09.2021 21:55

this video is full of shit if i took the jungle camps the junglers is gonna dc

@cassianolins7198 - 28.09.2021 02:13

You are a such great teachers

@nathanaelsallhageriksson1719 - 26.09.2021 17:09

The first point is like how knights in armour 600 years ago could almost throw themselves into enemy armies. But todays soldiers hide behind mountains of cover with their machine guns and granades.

Defence on the micro-scale translates to offence on the tactical scale. And vise versa.

@phille9467 - 25.09.2021 23:31

So basically he said:
1. Keep building damage unless u're snowballing and u can build some armor/mr
2.F*** off early drake and focus lane phase more
3. Don't aram mid
4. Farm jungle camps as much as u can
5. Don't push level 2 fast

Am i right?

@TheAzorg - 25.09.2021 14:29

Do you think giving up your red for your ADC would be a good idea for a new meta? You have less gold and experience but your ADC wouldn't need a gank and would stomp botlane easier. (Or maybe give it to support since it's better carry early game?) And then you could do chickens and go for enemy red maybe?

@SadToffee - 25.09.2021 13:05

1. Picking the worst role
2. Flaming JG after inting
3. Constantly over extending for literally no reason
4. Making the minions into freelance workers because you won't manage the FUCKING WAVE.

@thestarsplayer5248 - 25.09.2021 09:47

URF tier list

@anselmx3 - 25.09.2021 06:28

Not being able to itemize defensively is why NA ladder just runs it down any time the slightest mishap occurs. If MR actually prevented 100-0s, then maybe it would be a viable option, but as it stands you're just throwing gold into the toilet to still get 1 shot.

@juris-macto5954 - 25.09.2021 06:17

how can acquire the song in the background? its fantastic

@lumenblade1975 - 25.09.2021 03:43

but what if the enemy overextends beacuse i was harder to kill with my def item leading to them geting shut down and throwing?

@barcalounger10 - 25.09.2021 00:24

As a jungler, I would contest the dragon take is fine, but Ez should've based after that kill and sprinted to lane while Amumu holds the tower.

@westenev - 24.09.2021 23:40

I feel like more supports and junglers need to see this guide. Junglers go stupid over dragon and skuttle and expect adc's to drop cannon waves to help, and supports only know how to fastpush and steal cs :/

@MrRalfnader - 24.09.2021 23:23

Idk man. Buying qss against malz and fed eve isn't bad. It builds into an ad item. I get what you're saying but I think it's a bad example. Secondly getting early drag isn't useless. It gives gold xp and a slight buff dependent on the drag. The mistake was going back to lane not realizing Lucian was stronger. Yes he could've gotten a better recall time, but he could've also just stayed safe and pushed a few waves to get a decent back with an overall lead! Getting drag isn't always the problem, sometimes the drag fight doesn't need the adc so they should back, but this example ez just misplayed! He went for a fight, not playing safe.

@root_4437 - 24.09.2021 22:59

i just realized i saw hector against doublelift yesterday lol

@douwemusic - 24.09.2021 22:57

I don't know, I've tried the farm-over-grouping strategy with sidelaning and even varied it a bit (e.g. just pushing 1 wave and rotate mid vs. pushing all the way to/past the middle of the lane) and just grouping a lot had better outcomes most of the time

@13YoJest13 - 24.09.2021 22:55

I feel the dragon call so fucking much in low elo. I'm sitting in an empty lane with 2 1/2 waves stacked up to farm and my jg wants dragon help and if I dont go they refuse to help bot anymore and just start inting the game. It's so dumb being punished for making the right call cause other people get salty

@jjjjjj429 - 24.09.2021 22:36

Im adc main and thos guide was totally useless for me.. silver stuff

@F2P-IS-HARD - 24.09.2021 22:06

in other video u said that adc have to perma push and gg????

@aaronmcconkey1062 - 24.09.2021 22:02

Idgaf if i see infernal first im helping

@tomekbukoski9912 - 24.09.2021 21:38


@riverfu889 - 24.09.2021 21:11

Oh boy my favorite topic: dragon

@solidaritytime3650 - 24.09.2021 20:44

Was learning about Afghanistan, and nascent women's movements there. But then League called.

Why are digital hallucinations so fucking potent?
