How Gaijin Ruined One of The Best SPAA in War Thunder

How Gaijin Ruined One of The Best SPAA in War Thunder


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@eli_the_femboy9011 - 03.12.2023 19:19

I think it's just further proof of the catered gameplay to Russian Vehicles. Gaijin is quick to make changes and adjust Russian vehicles to ensure their performance is not heavily effected, but actively screw over other nations for reasons unknown(short of just simply calling it Russian Bias).

@torborgarfsten9480 - 03.12.2023 00:41

Bro the editing on this video just make it infinitely better

@Julio-wc3vg - 01.12.2023 05:31

german main? :((((

@Jean_LucLikeTheCaptain - 27.11.2023 16:24

its an absurdly overly complex design mechanically as well. the auto loader just WASTES internal space and is stupidly complex instead of simply strapping all the missiles on the turret. in short ITS VERY GERMAN lol.

@paul.facciolo6985 - 03.11.2023 04:52

Truly brings a tear to my eye. Ive slaughtered so much skycancer in the past with this beauty. But i will never get that pleasure again.

@RussiaChinaAustria - 02.11.2023 15:30


@maozedong7821 - 01.11.2023 10:18

I understand why warthunder players leak government documents now

@creepynight5386 - 25.10.2023 14:15

Calme down and don't exagerate things:
1. CAS is NOT overpowered in this game. In Real life IS way more effectif than pictured here.
2. There is no chopper in this game that have missiles to shoot from 20km away! What are you talking about?? The farthest in range missile has 10km of range.

However what is really wrong made in this game is that IR guided Ground -to-air missiles are immune to flaire.

@jakobusjohannes2195 - 16.10.2023 16:06

I get it’s ruined, but when it first came out I quit playing cas altogether as it was too powerful to get even 1 kill.

@flak88_yay - 16.10.2023 16:03

Fucking hell man, why did I think choosing Germany was a good idea and now it’s too late to go back

@randomguyingasmask - 08.10.2023 18:53

Tunguska's missile is also barely any useful, I rather play the much shorter range Strela because at least it can hit targets reliably.

@spookybizz2418 - 06.10.2023 20:05

What a shit video

@harellevi3810 - 05.10.2023 22:16

That’s actually itentional. In fact ALL top tier sams have received a nerf. This is because gayjin makes a fortune selling premium cas choppers and planes (ka 50, su 25 and so on), So they made it attractive by nerfing it’s opponent, so these aircrafts are more “fun” to play.
Also note that there is not a single one premium spaa - for the very same reason

@jimpenjao594 - 05.10.2023 07:21

Nooo my meta destroyed these bastarda dont understand fuuuun...

For me!!!

-I have no clue and unbiased, and dont know what I say.

@sopix7980 - 05.10.2023 05:33

You just did not talk about its range.... a true politician 😂 pointing only what you want

@GameChannelMini - 04.10.2023 22:22

Думаю, разработчикам нужно увидеть это видео. Я давно обратил внимание, что эта зенитка просто не может конкурировать с другими на 11.7, но чтобы настолько..

@vadimblyat7482 - 01.10.2023 20:04

Yea powerful for usa france and germany dude
spaa top tier is so op you cant do anything

@Grinzlow - 30.09.2023 06:50

Another German main crying

@alpharanger4944 - 25.09.2023 06:33

WT BR balance is a shit , gen 2 jet like su17/su22 can get in br 11 room with all gen 4 jet and same what this video say, BR balance is crap

@jacospies7418 - 21.09.2023 21:03

Of course they ruin german and american spaa, since all of gaijin is russian

@kennethvanc9745 - 21.09.2023 07:59

the flakrad was to powerfull it had to get nerfed, litterly every match there was someone sitting in spawn from the start with a flakrad and air couldnt do anything at all, not its atleast a bit balanced

@matchedplayer979 - 21.09.2023 01:46

As a Swedish player it’s a pain using spaa

@robiagacitei5487 - 19.09.2023 14:55

crazy thing is that we are just at the early F-16 and MiG-29, just imagine when gaijin will add modern aircraft

@republican9320 - 18.09.2023 15:52

They really messed up aa the pansir is horrible now the flackrad is horrible the best now the ito

@missilemans6688 - 18.09.2023 05:37

How do you blur the background in real time in a War Thunder game to get that cinematic feel?

@sebvv5219 - 17.09.2023 12:30

What has Gaijin done about this issue?

@user-xw4pl6fr6p - 16.09.2023 23:19

i still think they should nerf pantsir S1, ADATS and ito 90m. the one millisecond i try to spawn my well earned drone. i just get hit from their spawn while i am at MY spawn

@skynet9688 - 16.09.2023 05:49

Gaijin nerfing SPAA so that CAS can stay supreme? Who could have guessed.

@mogus9155 - 15.09.2023 21:40


@chrastopherhomo5507 - 14.09.2023 16:50

gajin needs to nerf spaa and buff aircraft this video is a damn joke

@lc5034 - 11.09.2023 20:47

Imagine being dogsht from 1.0 to 11.7

- Cavalier of the order of the Red Banner

@nonsensewt1572 - 09.09.2023 22:22

Thats funny that some guys like you still expecting something logical from gaijin, but they are really dumb.

@factsforlife0O0 - 06.09.2023 04:19

FYI these Guided missiles in the game are wrong most missile systems like the 2s6 can only hit targets 6km away they fixed that issue by making the patriot and S500 missile systems Play DCS if you really want to see how these SPAA systems really would work IRL because we know Warthunder is super unrealistic when it comes to modeling DCS makes sure everything is modeled right the Salco changes you were talking about was the right thing to do because SPAA in warthunder were way TO OP for what IRL they could do They need to add the patriot system and S300 for lets nerf them and make them have a 20km range for anything above 1k feet with a 40G We need modern era AA systems or warthunder will phase out to be very very unrealistic people cant say its not a SIM game when in the steam store the warthunder devs put this info for the GENRE: Action, Free to Play, Massively Multiplayer, Simulation

@therealdohos2607 - 05.09.2023 22:38

fun fact is when i started playing warthunder, i chose germany because of this vehicle.

@lucascousins6934 - 04.09.2023 15:22

They could always give it the Roland 3 turret, with 2 more launch tubes that have to be reloaded manually. This way you could carry 2 types of missiles. They could also give it the SARH Roland 2 missile for fun

@stealth4427 - 02.09.2023 00:02

Gonna skip over the adats having gen 1 thermals arguably the worse missile at top tier cant fire on the move and doesnt get a stablizer either and is the slowest spaa in game if i remember correctly

@ivanbnv8354 - 29.08.2023 11:06

thank you!..

@leonmoran9323 - 28.08.2023 08:42

Hey did they fix the flarakrad vt1

@veritusahriman9720 - 27.08.2023 22:49

These changes were beyond baffling. Why in gods name did overall SPAA get nerfed (except for the bloody Pant-shitsir) in an update themed around anti-air.

@RaikoTechnologies - 25.08.2023 23:18

You mean balanced it to be on par with others? Cry more, because spam of it by the players is the reason why.

@LocalDeepstateAgent - 25.08.2023 22:19

Germany pretty much switched entirely to mobile patriot platforms due to them being able to cover front line troops from the rear, so either gajin adds the fucking patriot as the 12.0 german SAM or they buff the FlaRakRad. We know that wont happen thought due to gajin and germany as a whole.

@KaiDidumaNx - 25.08.2023 18:20

Well lets begin by fact that this shit was not supposed to be added in the first place

@romzes576channel - 25.08.2023 01:35

after update of missiles anything that is not pantsir seems useless

@mahd7815 - 24.08.2023 09:50

The reason why it's 11.7 is because gaijin want to say germany has 11.7 spaa. When they introduced rank 8 for aircraft they moved some rank 7 jets to rank 8 so peoples don't complain rank 8 has not enough aircrafts. Faking is gaijin way and this actually worked many times. Much like those fake rank 8 jets, position of flarakrad is also fake but it satisfy peoples when they know in those position there is something even if they are not capable for that position.

@swagbelly7740 - 23.08.2023 20:12

btw in raw numbers vt 1 have highes missle overload but the system suck so much ass it just doesnt even do like 20

@oversizedspeedbump9375 - 23.08.2023 18:46


@LDZMarder - 23.08.2023 15:43

fun fact the Roland system is not having even half of its capability's that makes it quite uniqe and very dangerous.

@rr-angels - 22.08.2023 16:53

FlaRakRad is just FlaRakPz 1 (the prior AA) in worse. But it looks much Cooler.

Because Coolness is how everyone knows very important for Combat Situations, it got an higher BR.
Germany should get the Oerlikon Skyranger to get a proper max tier AA

@peterrudenko4496 - 22.08.2023 01:56

FlaRakRad is shit, but dayum... I want to have that chassis IRL!
