Being Non-Mormon in Utah - What You Should Know

Being Non-Mormon in Utah - What You Should Know

Welcome To Salt Lake City

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Being Non-Mormon in Utah - What You Should Know

For today’s video we’re talking about what sort of impact does the Mormon religion actually have on your life living in Salt Lake City. This is a very common question filled with plenty of misconceptions and pre-conceived notions. You may be surprised, so stick around to find out more of what it's like being non-mormon in Utah!

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We can't wait to help you make yourself at home in Salt Lake City!


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@stevenpike1048 - 27.12.2023 00:24

Men don't have any rights just what they want to give you

@haxxorsheep - 22.12.2023 06:17


@jeffsaxton716 - 19.12.2023 07:45

I've lived in Utah County for 60 years. I love it! But it's a good thing I'm an introvert, because you lose a lot of "friends" when you become an ex-Mormon 😂

@maisies927 - 06.12.2023 03:19

Mormons are the worst of the worst. Christians are self righteous but the Mormons are the worse of the self righteous Christians.

@iamYazeedd - 30.11.2023 01:08

bro utah population is 3m and 2m of them are mormons .....

@1flybyguy - 28.11.2023 09:59

Looooooooooooooooooooong intro.

@hahafalseflag5090 - 21.11.2023 07:07

can you get a good job in Utah not being mormon?

@leonation6687 - 20.11.2023 07:42

Dude seriously who cares there are nice people and there are turds religion doesn’t define personality

@Leescreativeart - 28.10.2023 05:23

You can get into a place for 3.5 to 5% however if you’re looking to avoid PMI you need that 20%. It just depends on each person situation and they should get prequalified first. My brother lives near Fort Hill Air Force Base and there’s not really an issue being a non-Mormon but you will be talked to about it for surerr asked about it. I’m actually contemplating on moving in the next six months to a year myself.

@JoshuaJulyCaRealtor - 26.10.2023 18:48

I want to commend you for putting on such an amazing video!

@pattisonpattison3639 - 05.10.2023 03:38

I believe most Mormons live outside of Salt Lake City.

@albertaoridge - 01.10.2023 18:05

Great video!!

@musicguy20 - 30.09.2023 14:22

I lived in SLC and never saw any Mormons… just friendly Mexicans building the city up

@slhanks4 - 20.09.2023 23:11

I grew up in Salt Lake City and lived there for 39 years, but relocated to Arizona in 1999. Salt Lake City - and Utah in general, is a beautiful place to live. But I have found I prefer not having to deal with snow, so I'll probably never move back. I do visit ever couple of years, and things have really changed in the past 20 years! It would be nice if the LDS Church kept its nose out of the lives on non-members, but the liquor laws, and lack of gambling (even lottery tickets) is ridiculous. To some people, that's probably just fine, but I like having the opportunity to make adult decisions for myself. As a non-LDS kid growing up in Utah, I was excluded from a lot of things because I didn't go to the neighborhood ward (church), like some kids parents wouldn't let them play with me. I saw some of the same things happening to my own kids years later, which helped my decision to relocate.

@gordonbaker9412 - 15.09.2023 05:56

lived in Layton for 4 years in early 2000s. We loved it and wonder sometimes why we moved back to the east coast. Aside from a few odd balls, people were very friendly and happy. Winter could be harsh.

@rachelcampbell4419 - 12.09.2023 05:26

If you are living downtown, is it possible to live comfortably without a car? I'm trying to decide if it's worth keeping my car. I will be relocating there in a couple of months.

@alybrinley3175 - 05.09.2023 00:14

This dude has such good vibes. I feel like Salt Lake City is a little bit of southern charm and friendliness in the West.

@harryknickerbocker9889 - 03.09.2023 03:27

Utah is a theocracy run by the Mormon church. If you're not a Mormon you'll never be elected to any office. The Mormons control everything...politics, the universities, and businesses. There are really two states in Utah: there is the Mormon state, and a state that belongs to everyone who is not a Mormon. And the two states will never mix. The Mormons tolerate outsiders but to protect their religious belief they will always maintain a distance.

@tammyhayden2276 - 29.08.2023 14:26

As a native of SLC, Utah, I can remember experiencing a difficult time in getting hired for a position due to being a non mormon or not belonging to a ward back in the day of 90's. I have since moved to the state of TN due to this fact. I found my home state very biased and discrimative. Utah is a beautiful state, but for a religion that states they believe in Jesus Christ definitely lacked the commandment of Love your neighbors did not exist. I seen a lot of suffering of families that never received help from the cingrtional care minister or their benevolence team. Thank you for providing this update on my home state.

@wingberry123 - 17.08.2023 14:27

Utah reminds me so much of my city Vancouver. I feel like I could live there.

@utahexplorer6512 - 04.08.2023 19:57

My wife got starred at a few times at restaurants by older Mormon men when she was drinking a beer. Also, working in an office with a majority of Mormons is really challenging. They don't talk about much. They mostly care about their church and their family and church events. They don't cuss, and they are always "fake nice" not to ever offend anyone and everything is "always great" attitude, which is not the case in a real world. The fact that their kids are being shielded from the real world (can't watch a lot of movies or TV shows, can't listen to certain music etc...) makes the Mormon kids seem kinda weird and unrelatable to kids that grew up in a different state. We know that there are several neighbors that do not talk to us because we are not Mormon! We know that there are kids that don't talk or are not allowed to talk to our kids because we are not Mormon! That's the kind of stuff you will experience here in Utah. Makes us think what kind of future our kids can have here? Most colleges are Mormon, how about relationships and dating? Mormon kids can date and marry only to another Mormon! We moved from GA 2 years ago and the culture here is really the main issue. To a non-Mormon who never experienced it it's a huge and real shock to the system. It is slowly changing because of so many people moving here but it will take a very long time in my opinion for the culture here to be somewhat normal. Or you can just move to less Mormon places like Park City or Ogden but that will get you more crime (Ogden) or super expensive living (Park City). But the mountains and outdoor activities here are what's keeping us here! The best skying, the best camping, hiking, national parks everywhere....just gorgeous

@myjeanification - 22.07.2023 15:24

I have had a few extended visits in utah and you are not accurate. My friends daughter was harassed badly by teens in her school for not being Mormon. perhaps SLC is better than the rest of the state but I doubt it. Neighbors if my sister would ask me about my religion and feigned shock when I responded.

@robinchesterfield42 - 22.07.2023 00:23

Oh, another thing I forgot to mention is--Utah is, surprisingly, becoming more and more of a bilingual state. Where I live, signs all OVER the place are almost always in both English and Spanish, and there are Mexican brands available in the grocery store. I find this kinda charming and interesting, myself. It's a chance to brush up on my high-school Spanish, and it's nice to be able to try foods from other countries without having to personally import them. :) (Want soda with real sugar, that also comes in cool fruit flavors? We got that!)

@robinchesterfield42 - 22.07.2023 00:12

First impressions--there's something so oddly charming about seeing YOUR place shown all DRAMATIC with like COOL MONTAGE and BADASS MUSIC while it shows familiar store chains that YOU have shopped at/driven past for decades...when it's not a famous part of the country that already gets mentioned in mainstream media all the time. :) Awww.

Secondly--you're exactly right about how Utah Valley is WAY WAY WAY more Mormon. I think it might be slightly less than when I first moved here, but it's still.....a lot. Provo is more the stereotype of what non-Utahns think Salt Lake City is, and growing up here, as a girl whom everybody expected to get married and start poppin' out babies as soon as possible just because of how I was born was...hoo boy. I knew a whole lot of people who had never even considered the EXISTENCE of other points of view/religions/etc, and some for whom they'd never been outside of Utah, to the point where the rest of the map was...a void. Just a big white void.

It can get VERY VERY VERY culty here in Utah Valley--I know they don't like that word, but it's true--I"ve had cases where I've been going home on a school bus, a SECULAR, state, schoolbus--and someone sang a bit of a Mormon hymn and literally EVERYBODY ON THE ENTIRE BUS EXCEPT ME started singing along perfectly. I felt like I was in a Twilight Zone episode. It was like being the one person in a scene in a Disney musical who doesn't know the song everybody is suddenly breaking into. ("Why does EVERYBODY know this song?!")

Now don't get me wrong, Provo/Orem is kind of a charming town of just the right size--big enough to have SOME city-esque elements, small enough to where you can freely walk down the street at whatever pace you want and breathe the fresh air, and I can see a mountain sunset/sunrise like out of literal oldschool paintings by just standing on my front porch, EVERY DAY (unless it's super cloudy). Some other pluses (in my opinion, anyway) include things like the Frontrunner train (it's a double-decker! And they allow you to eat on it! Some seats have outlets next to them!), the library, which is still active and has a lot of fun free activities, and the local restaurant chain, Village Inn, which is kinda like Dennys but the food is WAY better.

But, the times I've been to Salt Lake itself, I have been impressed. For all of its reputation as the Mormon Capital (which is POLITICALLY true, if not culturally), it seems every time I go there it's to look at a cool international festival or an awesome science thing. The Natural History Museum of Utah is FREAKING. HUGE and covers literally every part of the Earth, from down into the core and how plate tectonics work, up into the literal clouds, with all kinds of human cultural stuff and yes, dinosaurs! along the way. There's also an awesome rocks and crystals part, including some crystals taller than me. (Admittedly, I am pretty short. :P)

For me, as a Provoan, Salt Lake City is where I go to feel a LESS religiousy atmosphere, and enjoy some more mix of attitudes and culture.
(I realise that from what I said earlier, that kinda sounds like "Wow, it is SO much nicer here in the prison yard than it is in my cell!" but seriously, SLC is actually kinda cool.)

@MaybejustNarbe - 16.07.2023 02:08

Is it weird if none of these things sound like a bad thing to me? 😂 Just sounds like a nice society! There are PLENTY of places to live if you want to dabble in alcohol, drugs and lotto tickets 😂 I’m from the East Coast and I’m doing EVERYTHING I can to get to Utah ❤️

@michaelrodriguez9325 - 16.07.2023 00:11

Anyone is welcome to reply to my comment. Prior to losing my to covid on 12/18/21, we were planning on relocating to Utah. I'm 38, single now and I can careless about drinking at all and I don't do drugs either. If the dating scene sucks, then so be it, especially since im latino. I don't cause trouble and I keep to myself pretty much. I've done a little bit research and Utah seems to have a low crime rate, which is a plus. It'll be a new experience indeed. Not that it matters but I'm coming from Arizona, which is a red state as well.

@MichaelLindsay-uo7tg - 02.07.2023 02:49

More than half the population ain’t Mormon

@jennyhouston4858 - 09.06.2023 12:08

Friendliness from mormons absolutely has motive. Be careful. Youll find out.

@slotkillah6586 - 04.06.2023 20:36

Mormons are incredibly misled. I pray for the cultists often.

@debbiebea56 - 04.06.2023 13:47

I’ve lived here my whole life and you’re right there’s not that much traffic on Sundays etc. but if you keep bringing people here it won’t be that way no more what are you thinking about

@debbiebea56 - 04.06.2023 13:43

It has nothing to do with LDS that has to deal with if you keep bringing people, then Utah will be ruined because there will be nothing but smog and pollution. I’ve seen this place go from no pollution to nothing but pollution.

@brendalee798 - 03.06.2023 03:20

I would cut down a bit explaining about the LDS which I understand since I’m one and lived there a portion of my life but what the world needs to know is our outdoor year round recreation. Anything you can imagine doing in the summer is endless, winter is spectacular. So much to do there is no time for couch surfing. ❤

@nosdie1368 - 30.05.2023 01:48

Don't you live in Minnesota? I could have sworn I watched some of your videos before moving to Minnesota!

@DerickRochette - 29.05.2023 01:37

You can get "cannabis cards" in Utah for about $200. So that ain't bad if that's your thing.

@krugerfuchs - 29.05.2023 01:30

You're really cool greetings from Ireland

@notreallyme425 - 27.05.2023 06:37

Try being non-Mormon and work in sales. Better have a good base salary and not be on commission.

@suicideinamerica - 26.05.2023 01:04

Moving to Utah State, USA is like an American family moving to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia!

For those American who are working at Saudi Aramco they are probably going to complain because Americans are not used to do Ramadan fasting for a month! Americans don’t like wearing the Arab cultural dress as well! I’m not sure if Americans wanted to convert to Muslim! Americans are also not allowed to eat pork! Also it is not allowed to drink alcohol! I bet if you are not born or did not grow up in Saudi Arabia it is not fun and it’s dangerous!

You can get sued in Saudi Arabia if you will not follow their rules! It’s not easy right!

@yvettequiroz4706 - 25.05.2023 08:26

I lived in Salt Lake City for 3 years. I am Catholic. There are many Catholic churches. Salt Lake City is like Vatican City for Mormons. Everyone at work was Mormon. People are nice. General Conference is covered on the news. My friends are, Mormons, Catholics, Pentecostal, and atheist. Salt Lake City is not judgy, it has a California attitude. People mind their own business. Salt Lake City is a Western state, meaning rent and homes for sale are expensive compared to Texas. Everyone enjoys outdoor activities. The Parks and Mountains are amazing. Utah is beautiful. I cried when I left during the Pandemic. I will always love Utah.

@katiedid1851 - 24.05.2023 07:48

I think all churches should lose their non-profit status.

@cedricwilford - 22.05.2023 00:49

Great video

@goldengnome1951 - 20.05.2023 06:48

non mormon living in Sandy, UT. I've been here since 2005 from Austin, Tx. Yes, a culture shock for sure, but when I first moved here I absolutely LOVED Sundays. No one on the roads, etc. But nowadays? No. Sandy is pretty Mormon and my Target is PACKED on a Sunday. Grrr.. Sandy is always bustling.

@nightswingblue6394 - 19.05.2023 16:18

My husband and i were born and raised in the Salt Lake valley, and were not raised LDS. Yes, all these little things that you think might not bother you much, when lumped all together make life there a pain in neck. Yes, the first question they will ask you (are you LDS). Second question where are you from. If from SLC they figure you a lost cause and dont bother you much, but if from somewhere else, new friends, the couple next door they do want to convert you. There not just being extra nice. Unless your this guy with (body modifications) they may not say anything, but will judge him. Even where i lived in Draper the Saints lived at the top of the steet the sinners at the bottom of the street. Nobodys plan, just worked out that way. The bottom of the street had the best parties. The saints couldnt do much about it because most of us were cops. If your thinking about moving here you may need this guy to knock on doors and try to get you on a street with more sinners especially if you have a tatoo.( yes that makes you a sinner).
We moved 15 years ago to another state before our children thought they needed to get married before they were 20. One of those little things that when added up makes you lose your mind. The freedom of walking into a grocery store picking up a bottle of wine to go with your special dinner will never happen in Utah.

@agnesvic1863 - 13.05.2023 09:25

I've been living in Utah for 15 yrs as non Mormon, I can do whatever I want. There's more places that open on Sunday now. More events too now

@lamontejohn6244 - 12.05.2023 23:05

I grew up in Idaho but lived in Utah for 11 years before moving to the east coast. My former business partner grew up in NYC but came to Utah for college and is still there now in retirement. He is not Mormon (I am) but lives living there because the grocery stores are not crowded on Sunday and other venues have similar circumstances and he loves the environment - clean city, close to the mountains and ski resorts etc.

@PrimitiveOverland - 07.05.2023 18:07

A mean 1😂

@hunterlange5973 - 07.05.2023 03:25

Intetesting video,
For first time i saw Utah.
Sending respect to Utah.
Just its not a city I like to live there.
I think there is too much Laws when you live in Utah.
I live in San Diego,
Here is very expensive but I prefer live here or move back to Pasadena and live near by L.A

@bigears5809 - 02.05.2023 13:56

I enjoyed this. We have nothing like this in the UK. Thank you for putting this together.

@nordicvolkan8589 - 28.03.2023 20:42

