How to Lose Weight WITHOUT Counting Calories!!

How to Lose Weight WITHOUT Counting Calories!!


5 лет назад

2,256,744 Просмотров

In this video, I’m going to show you how to lose weight without ever having to count calories again. One thing I hear all the time is “how do you stay so lean year round”. People assume you have to eat like a bird or be hunched over a scale calculating every crumb you put onto your plate. The reality of the situation couldn’t be any further from that. I don’t really give nutrition that much thought anymore because I’ve been using the same effective approach for the past decade and it has allowed me to stay lean and ripped year in and year out for over 20 years now.

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One of the reasons people get nutrition wrong is that they are overwhelmed by choices. Low carb, low fat, Keto, IF, IIFYM, the carnivore diet. Which is the best? What about calories in / calories out? Just measuring everything and entering it into an app? Where do you start? Which one works…and which one works the fastest? The truth is, they all ‘work’. From a purely scientific perspective they’re all accomplishing the same goal, limiting the amount of calories that you consume. They’re just doing it different ways.

The problem creeps in when you’re stuck with an eating plan that doesn’t really fit your lifestyle for the long term and you end up abandoning it for your old, unhealthy way of eating. You know, the one which got you out of shape in the first place.

I realize that there are people who choose to do specific diet plans because of potential health benefits that they might enjoy. For example, some people who suffer from inflammation have reported having relief with a Ketogenic approach. If your meal plan is meeting your personal needs and your health goals; it’s fine with me. More power to you. I’m not trying to convert people to my way of eating.

For the majority of people out there however, they just want to look good, get leaner and maybe even carve out a six pack. For them, no matter what they do they often end up right back to where they started from often with an additional few extra pounds. If that’s you, you should give my easy to follow approach a try. It’s worked for me and it’s what I have all of my pro athletes doing.

To start I divide my plate into thirds and dedicate a full third to my preferred protein. The remainder of the plate is divided up again for carbs with twice as many fibrous carbs occupying space compared to starchy carbs. For an example of this, be sure and check out the video where I demonstrate how I divide the plate and also show some specific meals I eat. It’s also important to mention that just because you’ve divided your plate up correctly doesn’t give you license to start stacking it higher and higher. That would defeat the purpose.

You might be wondering how this could possibly work, how could he be eating pasta and rice without measuring or entering data into a calorie counting app to ensure he’s staying up on his macros. The fact is, if you’re making a conscious effort to fill your plate the way I describe, the rest sort of automatically falls into place.

Fibrous carbs will provide you with the vitamins and minerals, your protein needs as an athlete are going to be met as we’ve prioritized protein by giving it the most real estate on our plate. To ensure you have plenty of energy (and your sanity) you’re still getting plenty of access to delicious carbs like rice, potatoes, pasta, couscous etc…

Eating to be healthy and lean doesn’t have to be complicated, if you’ve found yourself banging your head against the wall trying to decide between wether you can eat breakfast or you should be writing off rice for the rest of your life, give my approach a shot. In even a few short weeks I bet you start to see a difference. What’s best, your going to get results without having to put forth all that much effort.

If you’re looking for the latest in sports nutrition to assist your ab getting goals, be sure to head to or head to at the link below and get access to the same if you meal plan I use for building muscle and staying lean year round.

For more muscle building meal plans and diet tips to getting 6 pack abs, be sure to subscribe to our videos here on youtube at the link below and turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.


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ATHLEAN-X™ - 28.06.2019 00:24

Did two takes of this video and somehow my fat recommendations didn't make this cut. As always recommended, healthy fats are essential to a balanced nutrition plan. One of the biggest mistakes I made earlier in my youth (as I stated in a video on the topic) was following a no-fat diet. Now, I am sure to include them in every meal. In the example provided, you want to either cook with them (pasta in a cracked red pepper and olive oil red sauce) or add them directly (sweet potato mash with added butter). If fibrous carbs were spinach for instance, I would never eat them raw. I'd instead sautée with garlic and oil and mushrooms for more flavor. Remember, if it's not tasty you won't eat it long term. This defeats the purpose of establishing a game plan for PERMANENT healthy eating! I'll publish the unseen footage on my instagram @athleanx for those interested in watching!

Al Forlini Teaching
Al Forlini Teaching - 09.09.2023 01:51


Alan Azargushasb
Alan Azargushasb - 31.08.2023 01:18

This is stupid. Super stupid. That which you measure you manage, That which you manage you control. Not counting your calories is like driving without an odometer and mirrors.

Roman Gulya
Roman Gulya - 27.08.2023 17:22

Where are fats ?

Jeff S
Jeff S - 16.08.2023 08:00

what really struck me was the total portion size on that plate. i'd probably eat like 1/2 that amount.

lone eagle
lone eagle - 12.08.2023 13:11

this method was a game changer for me. been working out for 8 months now 5 days a week, and for 2+ years ive been stuck at 80kg, 5'5". thats overweight. after this for 1 full month, ive finally broken the curse and come down to 72kg and feels like im finally able to see the muscles slowly shaping out :D thanks man, this why i always refer this channel to all my friends and even strangers

Christopher Parrish
Christopher Parrish - 02.08.2023 01:41

Dude, I watch a lot of training videos of the period of many years.. in case you do not already know, you are the absolute best at describing what to do and not to do.. in the gym and outside of the gym. Thank you sir!!!

Kyle Sayler
Kyle Sayler - 31.07.2023 05:44

How many meals per day?

Towa kun
Towa kun - 18.07.2023 15:33

Hmm, I put 90% of my meals in a bowl lol

Also I noticed, I've been really paranoid about eating anything BUT protein and fibre latey- I've always been pretty lean even when eating a lot of crap and only sitting around (with a lifestyle like that totally should have been overweight but I was still pretty skinny and I'm not a teenager anymore) but ever since I started taking working out seriously I've been really worried about my diet... TOO worried. I'm starting to think I might be under-eating at this point - today's lunch was literally 90% peas with some green beans and mushrooms and it was a very small portion (about a handful or less). Jeff's example plate (the one with the chicken etc) looks like three-course menu in comparison, haha. My paranoia may come from not being able to do crazy long workouts yet because I'm still working on reversing some muscle atrophy but I do get pretty worn out and push myself as much as I can. I can definitely see my muscles getting bigger, albeit very slowly due to my past lifestyle but maybe eating more could speed it up at this point since there's not actually that much fat to lose... (oh yeah, and I only eat twice a day, breakfast and a small lunch))

I know no one cares but I just felt like writing this down lol

Andrew Kozar
Andrew Kozar - 17.07.2023 00:40

This is awesome

malv0e - 15.07.2023 22:32

you eat the edamame beans not the fkn leaves right? lmao

dennis murphy
dennis murphy - 10.07.2023 17:28

I know this is old video but how many meals per day.

davefiver - 04.07.2023 14:22

Would you do this for every meal, breakfast included?

Snupe WavyDon
Snupe WavyDon - 29.06.2023 08:13

I will do this

Valerie Sanchez
Valerie Sanchez - 25.06.2023 21:48

I would feel guilty omitting my serving of fruit.
Gott have my grapes, peaches, strawberries, watermelon

Peter Anthonie
Peter Anthonie - 17.06.2023 21:56

Fryzz - 13.06.2023 17:59

Lentil Soup and Chicken / Turkey Breat, I've been eating this from Monday - Friday, with Salat and some Fruits on the Side, for a while now.
It tastes good and got everything

Danny Lloyd
Danny Lloyd - 06.06.2023 07:40

Great stuff. Thanks

Has Has
Has Has - 01.06.2023 06:23

I love your videos. They educate me and relax me at the same time.

Erin M
Erin M - 01.06.2023 03:32

Question: how would you put beans/lentils? They have starchy carbs but are also good protein (and fiber) sources. Would you have them count as both the carb and protein section? Maybe have them be 1/3+, and then just have fibrous carbs for the rest of the plate? I'm primarily wfpb, and I'm female, so beans/lentils are a major part of my diet.

RECLess - 30.05.2023 20:15

Pro tip: You can supplement starchy carbs with fibrous carbs without noticing.

Eating a rice dish? 40% rice, 60% riced cauliflower.
Eating a pasta dish? 40% noodles, 60% spiralized zucchini or spaghetti squash.

dadbod_way - 13.05.2023 14:55

Good chit!

Elixir of Immortality
Elixir of Immortality - 26.04.2023 22:29


Kelly Sanders
Kelly Sanders - 25.04.2023 03:58

Good way to load up...I feel thT I've been less than need to which is why I'm stagnant

Gary Michael Flanagan
Gary Michael Flanagan - 21.04.2023 21:51

If any of you want to really crank up things to get absolutely shredded, my plan works!!

Cut fiberous carbs down 2/3 of what Jeff suggests and replace the protein with very lean meats. I’m talking 98 or 99 lean Turkey burgers with some 30 calorie laughing cow cheese wedge on top. Or a lean steak, like a whole London broil. You will be super full and the thermic affect of food really allows you to eat more while your body works harder to break it down. You will see. Report back when you get diced. It’s working great for me!!

Appleboy09 Acting
Appleboy09 Acting - 12.04.2023 13:28

Amazing video!

Phillip Bedel
Phillip Bedel - 04.04.2023 17:35

I can't stress how much of an impact this video had on my life!!! I had tried so many different diets, so many different apps for counting calories and counting macros. I was overweight for the first 18 years of my life, and then spent 10 years yoyoing. This made my life SOOO simple. You mean I can have a bun, or fries, or potatoes, or a bread stick and not be fat??!!?! shocked Yes! as long as it fits in the 20%, so you can't have all at the same meal, but you can have these things if you enjoy them.

I follow this method at home, a salad bar, ordering off a menu, a friends house, a potluck. It works everywhere without scanning foods or avoiding carbs because your diet doesn't allow it. 10 out of 10 would recommend!!!!

dhabya ahmed
dhabya ahmed - 31.03.2023 13:15

That was incredibly helpful. Wow.

SHR - 23.03.2023 18:36

I have a question
In a week if we eat 6 day diet n 1 day eat anything we desire. Is it ok or no.

Frank Rizzo
Frank Rizzo - 21.03.2023 04:39

Now, where exactly do you buy that plate?

Krum - 19.03.2023 00:14

This man should be the eating/health and fitness ambassador of the country

Calum Dawson
Calum Dawson - 16.03.2023 20:54

HI Jeff, Love your videos!

Cristian B
Cristian B - 02.03.2023 15:36

I completly agree with Jeff's recommendation and stategy when it comes of dividing your plate in macronutrients, however I think (at least for some persons), it's very important that you count your calories at the beginning of the losing weight process as it get's you more disciplined and aware about how much food (in terms of grams) should you eat in order to stick with your goals. Once you've learned the portions and caloric "power" of the food that you usually include in your lifetime diet, you can stop counting in apps, and apply Jeff's advice.

Popoye 1928
Popoye 1928 - 02.03.2023 07:56

What about snacks jeff

The Granite Hetman
The Granite Hetman - 25.02.2023 16:51

Do you eat three times a day and do you divide up your food for each meal?

LumoSkendo - 16.02.2023 18:46

One thing i reallt dont get is the calories of cooked meal versus the calories of the uncooked ingredients for that meal. When i count the calories of the ingredients for that meal it seems to low for the acutal meal i eat which makes me full.

Edward Biglang-awa
Edward Biglang-awa - 16.02.2023 02:44

Seasoned frozen vegetables
1 minute rice
Rotisserie chicken
Done 😎

Deagle Studio
Deagle Studio - 14.02.2023 06:09

can this be applied to a bowl cause i rarely use dish to eat

Regina Davis
Regina Davis - 02.02.2023 23:06

I completely agree that simplicity DOES work best and will help ME be more consistent.

Ultimate Shining
Ultimate Shining - 28.01.2023 19:09

This is why every time I try the calorie counting apps I always give up on it.. it’s too much

Tristán82 - 27.01.2023 21:33


SD - 26.01.2023 06:46

this is jeff's best video to be is the foundation for ALL types of training just adjust the foods around based on what you do...a runner may be able to have way more starchy carbs and less fibrous carbs and protein while a powerlifter or bodybuilder can add more protein and tweak the starchy carbs as needed for weight maintenance....

Agnes Polion
Agnes Polion - 01.01.2023 21:26

Traduction en français

KR - 26.12.2022 01:06

Um, ok. But that knife should be turned inward.

ashish rawat
ashish rawat - 17.12.2022 19:14

can we have two such plates like this

Juan C.
Juan C. - 16.12.2022 18:11

He forgot the face pulls

M. Taha
M. Taha - 19.11.2022 21:41

Can I gain weight using this method?
