God Forgives Rapists & Murderers… But Not This?

God Forgives Rapists & Murderers… But Not This?


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@McCherrill - 10.03.2025 02:45

Ray Comfort is a banana. He's a perfectly designed banana.

@freckledandred - 10.03.2025 02:47

The unforgivable sin feels like a Harry Potter spell you gotta train in the dark arts for

@Activation1111 - 10.03.2025 03:06

The fact of the matter is,, a plagiarized, some shit,, and then manipulated some other shit. They made all shit up,, as they went along‼️‼️‼️ They wrote certain shit,, to cover their asses. They wrote in other shit,, to justify whatever they wanted to do,, whenever they wanted to do it, and to whoever they wanted to do it too. I’m just happy to see so many people waking up from the vicious spell that has been cast upon them generation at the generation. Religion is nothing more than a weapon/tool to manipulate & control the people. Most unfortunately,, many will not realize that in their lifetime. Bottom line,, You are an infinite being of the universe‼️‼️ No plagiarized and then manipulated Book, religion, manufactured invisible sky daddy/mommy or deity required‼️‼️ The infinite ‘ALL Lives’ within & surrounds you🔆

@Magik1369 - 10.03.2025 03:07

There isn't a single Christian alive on Earth that at one time was not worried they committed the "unpardonable sin". Jesus obviously did not teach this, that is, if he existed at all in history. Someone inserted this and this deception harmed a lot of people psychologically.

@nati0598 - 10.03.2025 03:32

It seems to me that defining the Unforgivable Sin is the Unforgivable Sin.

@lohsoul - 10.03.2025 03:43

Your doing "god's work" Brandon, thank you for your work.

@franciswalsh8416 - 10.03.2025 03:52

Imperfect Man has created a Religion that has all of the holes we could have expected from our Imperfection. What a surprise!!

@markthomas8766 - 10.03.2025 03:55

Just for those who like to think a bit.

I always imagine the "unforgiveable sin" might be to believe that a loving, forgiving, righteous, omnipotent god could be anything like the asshole described in the bible.

@foresttaniguchi3168 - 10.03.2025 03:58

Jesus’s human sacrifice didn’t forgive anyone. You have to believe it happened to benefit from it.

@Jameywells777 - 10.03.2025 03:59

All Religions are fabricated.

@straycats1256 - 10.03.2025 04:03

Each answer to the question seems spawn additional questions until it becomes like a nuclear chain reaction. It's enough to drive you crazy. Was this God's intent all along? 🤔

@DavidOloninijo-zq3qu - 10.03.2025 04:10

Banger video, watched all of it.

@ladyeowyn42 - 10.03.2025 04:13

I’m atheist but it’s not because I’m rejecting any call or anything like that. I was catholic for years, all the sacraments. I was faking something the whole time and still can as needed. Atheism is my acknowledgment that I was always faking it.

Also, I think the Catholics might have meant the final confession? Like the sacrament. Many people receive last rites days before death, I guess the last few days don’t count.

@TheMrCougarful - 10.03.2025 04:13

I am reasonably confident that 99.999% of Xtians have no concept of anything unforgivable. Being automatically forgiven for all lawlessness is 100% of the attraction of the faith rituals.

@sevenpaulperalta929 - 10.03.2025 04:23

Of all the wonderful contributions humans have made. From the sciences to the arts, religion is regrettably the worst we have set forth.

@crazyprayingmantis5596 - 10.03.2025 04:37

I just asked a few Christians if babies or people who aren't old enough or have the cognitive ability to understand and/or people who live in remote areas and will never even hear about Jesus or the Bible if they die do they go to heaven?

They said, Yes.
Some mention the age of accountability, some mentioned that God was merciful and would punish someone who didn't understand etc.

My reply to this was "so you don't need to believe Jesus is your savior to get to heaven, if people are in heaven without ever hearing a word of the Bible or declaring Jesus as their lord and savior then Jesus sacrifice isn't required and was for nothing then right?"

I didn't get a single reply 😂😂😂😂

@TheRatzor - 10.03.2025 04:47

This make zero sense, Also had me so worried. the most easiest thing to do , the most unforgivable

@FuzTheCat - 10.03.2025 04:56

The Unforgivable Sin: I’d love to hear how others make sense of it. To me, it’s tied to the Holy Spirit’s quiet pull toward goodness and truth—that voice drawing us to the boundless yet secure freedom of God’s love. I think of how Jesus talked about serving two masters: one path leading to life, the other to a slavery that tightens around us. In my mind, the Spirit offers us a way out of sin’s grip, guiding us toward a freedom that grows forever. But if we keep turning away, choosing ourselves over that call, we can end up so bound by our own choices that we lose the ability to hear it altogether.
I don’t see grieving the Spirit as one terrible act, though. It feels more like a slow drift—where we let sin enslave us bit by bit, hardening ourselves until the Spirit’s voice fades completely. God can still reach anyone, I think—even murderers or the worst of us—if that whisper can get through and they choose to listen. He won’t force us back, though; our freedom to choose is too central to who we are.
So, if we’ve locked ourselves in so deep that saving us would mean breaking what we’ve become, that’s where I see this sin landing. It’s not that God can’t forgive—it’s that we’ve gone beyond reach, where pulling us out would turn us into something else, like a reprogrammed shell instead of the person we were meant to be. To me, it’s a place where we’ve traded the Spirit’s lasting, open freedom for a slavery that ends in death. Just my take—what do you think?

@jessicapratt8310 - 10.03.2025 04:58

After growing up Christian this has always bothered me. I'm not religious now mind you. But the fact that you can, as you said, murder, rape and commit horrible crimes against anyone especially children (since that's forgivable), then at the end of it repent and go to heaven? I don't want to go to a place filled the kind of "people" who on their deathbed repent and go to heaven. No thankyou. Technically hell may be filled with just as many criminals too, but these criminals didn't repent for their sins, they know they committed a crime and accepted the consequences for them.

@charlesbadrock - 10.03.2025 05:06

All Nonsense Mythology is very powerful in the human psyche

@adamgd34 - 10.03.2025 05:10

How would you know what God forgives. Are you God?... sinner you're screwed

@richardm654 - 10.03.2025 05:14

No way...contradictions, paradoxes, hypocracies...sounds like perfect Christianity. 😂

@DynTeller - 10.03.2025 05:58

So you read the Bible and instead of trying to understand you just criticize it based off your feelings?

@ForrestDavidDawson - 10.03.2025 06:05

It sounds like no one knows anything

@ForrestDavidDawson - 10.03.2025 06:08

King James who wrote demonology changed the Bible.. I don’t/can’t trust in a 📕 book. God isn’t the Bible, the Bible isn’t what it was originally and the original version may be lost forever because we don’t talk like they did back then, language barriers can exist within the same language being that words are used differently over time.

@ForrestDavidDawson - 10.03.2025 06:11

Maybe it’s unforgivable because there is nothing to forgive.

@ForrestDavidDawson - 10.03.2025 06:12

Maybe it’s impossible to sin against the Holy Spirit.

@Andy-d8i5n - 10.03.2025 06:15

Short and to the point blasphemy of the spirit. Is the road of no return. Yeshua does not hide this fact he never minced His words. Told it like it was was not arrogant about it. Blessed is he who is not offended in me He says. Seems like many are offended anymore. Be humble towards God and not arrogant like Yeshua was. And maybe God will bless you with the knowledge of Him and His Son. That's if you haven't blasphemed the spirit that is. Anyway i would steer away from this subject so that you DON'T...

@danmurphy9480 - 10.03.2025 06:25

I spent several years of emotional agony and self hatred because I bought into this nonsense. Religion is the abomination!!! When one finally realizes that all of this nonsense is made up lies in order to exploit others, it is an incredible relief. The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.

@eduardopelaez9375 - 10.03.2025 06:28

ANY persistent mortal sin without remorse won´t be forgiven. To sin against the Holy Spirit, God´s Spirit, is particularly heinous because without his assistance, his grace, one cannot orient one´s reason to recognize Jesus as the Savior of humanity: as a Spanish religious song tells it: "NOBODY COMES TO ME, IF MY FATHER DIDN´T SEND HIM".

@Redington931 - 10.03.2025 06:39

Christianity is a torture fetish.

The gospel is literally god having his son be brutally tortured so he can save you. If you reject that, then you get tortured.

Either way, there's always torture.

It's not just. An alleged innocent man cannot die for the sins of anyone else, much less all of humany for all time. The punishment must fit the crime and the punishment must be enacted on the perpetrator alone.

They cry about how unbelievers have no moral grounding when the irony is that their very gospel is immoral. The hypocrisy is through the roof.

@Naturewayy - 10.03.2025 06:43

I'am glad brought up this topic. If you don't believe and don't have faith in christianity, I dare you to plasphemy the holy spirit instead of blabbering infront of so many people on the internet and experience it yourself and carry forward to your offspring generation or within your family around. Mean while we the viewers and unbelievers will witness either uplifting our faith or not.

@harveyesquire7523 - 10.03.2025 06:43

Or it may mean whoever wrote Mark 4:10-12 did not know the guy, Jesus, at all. He just interpreted stories he heard into Greek. After all, Mark got the basic geography of the holy land wrong too. He's not creditable.

@PhilP5924 - 10.03.2025 06:45

Shit, I thought the unforgivable sin was su*cide ( because it is killing one of gods children and you technically can't repent for it because, well, you're dead 😅). I have never heard of this and Im glad I never did.

@zazyoy2769 - 10.03.2025 06:51

This shit is fake and gay. Christ is Lord

@CarmineFragione-u1t - 10.03.2025 07:00

The unforgivable sin means the person refuses to accept the offer. So, be you a bad or good person the idea of your refusal can cause absolute things to prevail without using adjectives describing your behavior. If God offers you eternal life and you say no, then that separates you from the offer, and the idea of "separation " in an Alchemy Theorem of God means you are not part of the whole, you are by your own desire, separated , not belonging to a family or to a nation or to a people or in a marriage. So the consequences of refusing, surpasses any sort of mistaken behavior or misguided thought.

@elzoog - 10.03.2025 07:05

There is no general agreement over what this "unforgivable sin" even is. You would think that because this sin is so serious, that God would make it pretty clear what it is so that we can avoid doing it?

@WorshipperOfLife - 10.03.2025 07:09

When you ask for forgiveness, God forgives you. When you refuse to ask God for forgiveness, then don't get mad at Him for not forgiving you.

@elzoog - 10.03.2025 07:25

Also, if a Christian tells you what blasphemy of the holy spirit is, say it's attributing a miracle of God to a demon, and let's say the Shroud of Turin is a miracle, you then say "Well, Satan created the Shroud of Turin to lead people astray!" then you committed blasphemy of the holy spirit right? Except that were you really sincere when you did that, or did you do that just to piss the Christian off?

@26beegee - 10.03.2025 07:31

My brother (who was my pastor for 30+ years) never preached on this topic that I can recall. He is such a loving person I don’t remember his ever teaching about anything negative. He focused on the motto he used for his church: love and forgiveness. That’s really nice except completely ignoring all the negative, hateful, genocidal, misogynistic and sadistic crap we all read in the Bible left us with a lot of unanswered questions about the true nature of God. In a way he created his own version of Christianity but, that’s pretty much what most people do anyway. 🤷🏼‍♀️

@donaldyanson8144 - 10.03.2025 07:44

God did curse Adam and Eve did he not as punishment for disobedience if God was truly kind loving and forgiving he would have just forgiven Adam and Eve and save us all a lot of trouble😂

@ydg2136 - 10.03.2025 07:54

another great one! I love when you compile the different stances on something from various preachers or denominations. this kind of thing goes wildly overlooked so it's awesome to see it come to light each and every time

@Donz168 - 10.03.2025 07:56


@entropytango5348 - 10.03.2025 07:59

Very accurate and well reasoned. You are pointing out the obvious that many believers deny. Thank you

@xxaavviieerrrrr - 10.03.2025 08:41

thank you for making your videos.

@brandon2383 - 10.03.2025 09:16

hi brandon go watch they sold there souls for rock n roll by good fight ministries

@Chris-op7yt - 10.03.2025 10:01

they can keep theor god and religion and fake salvation

@MindShift-Brandon - 09.03.2025 17:02

Excited to finally be covering this one! Thanks for watching.
