Bing Bang Whala Whala Bing Bang - Azu Tower × LHPP (Tumult Lap 4 theme)

Bing Bang Whala Whala Bing Bang - Azu Tower × LHPP (Tumult Lap 4 theme)

DigoWhat or CMD

2 месяца назад

829 Просмотров

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@DigoWhat44 - 21.10.2024 01:04

I really enjoy this song, in my opinion, it's hard for me to say who is better between Oh Yeah Kaboom and this One

@Smashforever65_tuta65 - 21.10.2024 02:13

Azu tower x tumult versus the boots-san

@DigoWhat44 - 21.10.2024 01:02

You thought I was kidding when I said I was going to say this in every video about this Mod Ost?:
This mod is a FanMade Mod of a Mod in another Mod (lol), So canonically saying, this song is FanMade anyway
