Why Most Intelligent People Reject Christianity

Why Most Intelligent People Reject Christianity

Born Again Barbarian

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@oskarvomhimmel6936 - 08.10.2024 06:24

🤔...Not Intelligent Enough I would say? 😌❤️✝️❤️

@Alex-op3vs - 08.10.2024 10:39

And you lost me the moment you desired to answer this question by first looking to the Bible for answers to this question. Just like how far left NPC human Tries to answer the question why Half of the country voted for Donald Trump in 2016 would get his answer by whatever garbage comes out of the moths mouths of The corporate media or The universities.

@DavidMiles-br2dg - 08.10.2024 12:23

Jesus took me out of hell

@lynn-9937 - 08.10.2024 19:08

It’s pride. Logic isn’t the enemy of Christianity. The truth still exists whether the blind can see or not

@ericpitsenberger3134 - 09.10.2024 05:56

Christianity was based on astrothelogy not a literal story

@Saints1890 - 09.10.2024 19:41

Just come across this guy on u tube, talks a lot of sense , what a lovely man , God bless you 🙏

@stevearnold8265 - 09.10.2024 21:11

Imo the first verse means that evil people get ahead in this life and are viewed as wise,mighty, and noble. When in reality, they are not. Would you not consider yourself noble? I’m sure you would. Would a wicked society view you as noble? Probably not. A wicked society would view good people as fools, which they currently do. Just my take.

@anthonydavinci7985 - 09.10.2024 21:21

Why would there be an obstacle for intelligent folks ? I know GOD exists and is always consistent . Thank You for your observations and perspective.

@cwf081166 - 10.10.2024 03:48

It hasn't always been this way.

@mikeboyce21 - 10.10.2024 05:57

Im disabled i cant have children, i cant even work anymore. I cant see a woman wanting to date me let alone marry me. I am destined to be alone. This is the way God made me.

@olivierforget1927 - 10.10.2024 12:21

Don't FORGET the 7th day Sabbath of Christ KJV. REMEMBER exodus 20v8-11KJV
It's for ALL MY PEOPLE... Isaiah56 KJV Hebrews 4v1-11KJV
Revelation 14:12 King James Version12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

@zyxwfish - 11.10.2024 07:53

Intellectual people turn their cleverness into an idol. It’s a pride thing.

@johnCjr4671 - 11.10.2024 16:46

High IQ and Educated are 2 different things as many High IQ people also see through organized Education as just a way to conform in Society . As for me I had an NDE as a Child so I am a believer in Christ but have not found a Church that truly resonates with me ?

@amorlain4316 - 11.10.2024 23:16

I love this channel so much

@blueeyes402 - 12.10.2024 00:22

You can measure the Catholic church by looking at her enemies...by looking at those who stand opposed..
From the globalists/satanists/communists/proddys/atheists/mussos/small caps and so on..
That to me is evidence being in the church is the right place to be! And that's better than standing under
a flagpole saluting a human king.. that's true organized STATE religion...with 7 books removed from our Bible..
'Organized' as in understanding our faith correctly rather than going it alone with a dose of absolute relativism
in one hand and a doctored Bible in the other...
You are receiving relativism here...not truth.. not enlightenment.. divisive Christianity..
If ever there was a time in human history for Christianity to unite against evil this is that day..
And what do we get...division

@Rebecca-bb6od - 12.10.2024 13:40

All the churches of the earth belong to satan. JESUS said on this rock, ( Him being the rock) said I will build my church , and the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against it. He calls His prople out of this world, come out of her my people , less you suffer in her plagues. Its. Ot just the catholic, protestant, Mormon, 7th day adventist, are cults, all churches on this evil falling world belong to satan. JESUS church is a spiritual church made up of his people. His followers of his teachings. The churches of the earth at best only teach half truth to keep people fooled . We need to stay in the word of God and pray and live for God, not the god of this fallen world.

@keithdavis4683 - 12.10.2024 14:21

Get out of the churches that put the preacher as the head he isn't he works for God not himself

@user-zb4wh3ks2e - 12.10.2024 23:21

John 14:1 - Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

The Lord Jesus commands you to believe in Him if you believe in God. He has NEVER commanded anybody to believe in religion.

It is so funny that the term "Christianoty" is NOWHERE in the royal Scripture, yet you believe something God does NOT say.

The Lord Jesus Christ is NOT Christianity. Christianity is the religion of the unholy Roman Empire. The Lord Jesus is coming to destroy the Roman Empire and its christian faith.

The faith of Jesus Christ is the only faith that shall remain for eternity. The Lord Jesus does not have any christian faith neither should anyone else.

@KingDoms-Kingdom - 13.10.2024 08:12

i disagree i think the most intelligent and least intelligent both come to the same conclusion and see God and Jesus as the truth the light and the way i think its usually midwits from what i see those society deems "scholars" not the actual high IQ i think the low IQ find truth in Jesus easier but i find it amazing as someone with a 168 IQ i find much more in common with the simple man than the midwit

@KingDoms-Kingdom - 13.10.2024 08:16

God Bless you always make me laugh

@AbesYoutube - 13.10.2024 17:09

Intelligent people don't reject Christianity. Proud fools who trust in their own wisdom reject the truth for a comforting lie. They only listen to what their itching ears want to hear.
THEY reject Christianity to their own death. They are blinded by their pride. They cling to sin like a monkey clings to meat.

@TruthSeekerSteve - 14.10.2024 05:01

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge

@leojmullins - 14.10.2024 06:03

The pinnacle of creation's truth and goodness lies in living according to the Deposit of Faith expressed in the Catholic Church that Christ founded. Evil is any and all lack of truth and goodness that is measured against the Catholic Church.
For evil to flourish, there must be nothing to measure it against,
hense this age's rage against Catholicism.
PS Protestantism is a denial of the full truth of Christ. It is the core deceit at the centre of the heresies of the end times. Like all of Satan's lies, it is built on half truths and personal subjective interpretations of the scriptures while denying the traditions that brought the scriptures into being from the beginning.
Today, Protestant individuals trying to worship the authentic Christ and his family have little or no protection from the Accuser and Imposter that is provided by the Apostolic Orthodox Catholic Church that carries the faith down the centuries in their commonly held sacrements, scriptures, creeds, liturgies and traditions

@MastersManiacMexico - 14.10.2024 08:15

How you can say that? Only because you are not intelligent at all. I owe 2 Dr. Degrees , one from the Albrects University in Kiel, Germany and one from Cambridge, England! I speak 7 languages and you seem to have troubles with even dominate your mother tounge! You can fool yourself but not a smart believer like me or many others I know! Shame on you! Get a life and more so, some education

@aspirativemusicproduction2135 - 14.10.2024 17:46

There is no logical connection² between someone created the universe and therefore Jesus. This is only Christian doctrine. It is not logical, it doesn't make logical sense. That's what people preach in churches. It's doctrine, dogma. People explain well why it makes no sense. All you can say is "this is true" and point to few sentences in an old book. This is not convincing.

@bobinch4835 - 14.10.2024 18:00

You literally become a fool to this world when you trust in the Lord. Who cares what this world beLIEves.

@hopeinHim5160 - 14.10.2024 19:28

It is pride and misjudgement.

@williamgillette4086 - 15.10.2024 02:39

Because they arnt near as smart as they think.

@benjaminlopez4168 - 15.10.2024 10:59

Everything about Christianity is dumb. Every aspect. Every single nuance & facet is just stupid. It has more holes than a cheese grader. None of it makes sense whatsoever. It’s a bastardization of Greek myth, Judaism, & Zoroastrianism. Multiple books in the Greek New Testament were forged & the ones that are seen as authentic contradict Jesus’ teachings & what is said in the four gospels. Then there is the geographical errors made indicating a lack of familiarity with the land. Then there’s the corruption of scripture by scribes & redactions out the ass. Christianity is the biggest joke & also simultaneously the greatest scam. In a millennia it won’t exist. It will be laughed at as past human folly.

@1flash3571 - 15.10.2024 14:34

It is simple why intelligent people reject Christianity. Their Ego, and their overcomplication of thoughts and ideas.

@naderz4064 - 15.10.2024 14:59

2nd peter 3:19.... he does not chose who gets saved, we chose rather to accept Jesus or not to, he is not against the church, just corrupt ones, Hebrews 10:25,ephesians 5:25-27

@Toikag - 15.10.2024 15:11

You are right about Atheists having higher moral character than the so called Christians...sadly

@AdamBanta-wz8nr - 15.10.2024 15:28

Ive not ever considered the argument you put together in this video. I thought i was agnostic for most of my life. The Lord gave me a beautiful Miracle by healing my son. A silhouetteof His Angelappeared, laid hands on my sons feet and instantly he rebounded from a debilitating sickness. Im so blessedso so so blessed. There are so many faithful, so many humble life long Lovers of the Most High who never see God manifest in person..... There is no doubtGod is real , God is real and He loves us so much, He crys when we cry He sufferswhen we suffer. I continue to live in sin , and the guilt is destroying me. I Love God so much and He send blessings every day... Thanks brother I appreciate you being straight up with your language... we need it thanks

@badhabits1965 - 16.10.2024 05:19

It's more like, dunning-kruger people turn against Christianity. The real geniuses are smart enough to be self aware that they need Jesus. Midwits who think they're all that and a bag of chips turn against Christ.

@shiftybroccoli8891 - 16.10.2024 07:41

Neanderthals used resin from boiled birch bark to make a glue for gluing tools together.
The sons of Japheth were smart.

@ekbanjosworld4926 - 16.10.2024 16:49

Every young person should be told to read the book of Proverbs ! I wish I had ! I have recently read the entire Bible! I have started to read it again !

@don_quijote_delamancha - 16.10.2024 18:27

Most intelligent people do not reject Christianity.

@stephenburris3543 - 16.10.2024 19:50

Christianity is about salvation (eternal life) not about how intelligent you are.

@Priyadarshan_Nag - 17.10.2024 00:15

Excellent content 👌
God bless you brother!

@kennethcole9896 - 17.10.2024 00:20

Post the brand of your Bible and where We can order it

@Stoicbeast33 - 17.10.2024 01:20

Intelligent people don't completely reject anything because they know truth ever grows. I was an atheist and of very high intellect.

@brotherbrovet1881 - 17.10.2024 02:17

Your arrogance damns you. Do you think any religion in the West has been Christian the last 1,000yrs?

@JC57515 - 17.10.2024 05:51

Most intelligent Germans were Nazis

@tyrooneyfromdababooney7585 - 17.10.2024 06:32

First of all Heaven is going to be filled with x-sinners, or people getting right with The Living God. Most so-called Christians will be in hell. Christianity has a bloody history .Not only for real saved folks being crucified, but some of those Christats( deniers of the power thereof) has bloody hands. Get to know THE LIVING GOD & get a covenant with him. You will have a less of a chance of going to hell. ✌️_Not Really.

@andrewharmon3653 - 17.10.2024 08:38

.....why most stupid people believe most intelligent people reject Christianity....

@timfargo4869 - 17.10.2024 15:30

Watched the video for 12 minutes but there is a major flaw in your argument. With no Catholic/Orthodox Church, there would be no King James Bible. You can't have the Bible without the Church. The Church was the institution that assembled the books of the Bible. Without the Church, you would have hundreds of random texts and no way to discern what was legitimate and what was not.

@sasoriko - 17.10.2024 18:52

If you look there are many people that are looking for the evidence and don't find it. They'll look for evidence of the flood and not find it. They'll look for evidence of the plagues in Egypt and not find it. They'll look for evidence of the Exodus and not find it. They'll look for evidence of the 40 years in the desert and not find it. They'll look for evidence of the conquest of Canaan and not find it. They'll look for the origins of Yahweh and be surprised. They'll find out about Asherah. They'll look for evidence of Daniel and find that scholars date Daniel late and invalidate the prophecy. They'll look for evidence for Jesus and find that no contemporary writers wrote about him until after he died and none corroborate him rising from the dead. Intelligent people ask intelligent questions and then look for the evidence. If you're asking a person to have faith in spite of the evidence, you'd be an awesome prosecutor.

@YESHUA_is_king_21 - 17.10.2024 23:14

For it is written i will destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring nothing to the understanding of the prudent

@brooks3376 - 18.10.2024 02:00

I’m an atheist. Ask me anything.

@brooks3376 - 18.10.2024 02:01

This dude is calling all Christians stupid and you’re all clapping…wow. He’s right though😂. He doesn’t understand evolution obviously.
