How To Discipline Children As Christians #biblicaldiscipline #biblicalparenting

How To Discipline Children As Christians #biblicaldiscipline #biblicalparenting

connie k yom

2 года назад

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@MDath716 - 26.06.2024 21:09

Discipline for children is important, but don't make the mistake of many Christians who take it too far and discipline their kids like peasants in ancient Judea; justifying it with what's written in the bible.

Whipping children with rods was the norm 2000 years ago, but today, it's considered abuse.

And remember, your soul is in your own keeping. You are responsible for your own actions and how you treat your children. Be careful who you take advice from. When you stand before St Peter, it will not suffice to say you were told to do thus.

Remember to be compassionate and merciful with little kids. They're just learning.

@julielocken6927 - 25.04.2024 01:51

You people are fucking sick.

@declanmurphy417 - 04.03.2024 01:51

That's a good mom there

@askfortheoldpaths - 27.07.2023 08:08

What a great video with an outstanding Christian perspective! Keep up the good work! 👍You mentioned you hadn't had to whack yet on the butt. Have you had to by now, since this video is over a year old now?

@Poodlemama1234 - 06.07.2023 16:59

You PINCH your child? For heavens sake grow up.

@J0ELLEx - 11.06.2023 02:42

I hope your husband never pulls your pants down and whacks you. I hope he's not thinking "I don't have to do that.. yet"

@newconservative7357 - 15.10.2022 10:07

I am just not realizing what a horrible disservice I have been doing for my 3 year old by not disciplining him. This video is really going to help me set a foundation for how we will handle things from here on in our home as Christians. Thank you for taking the time!

@ultimatesharpzgaming3186 - 27.08.2022 19:52

@Connie K yom why does every Christian believe we should spark our child what the heck

@patrickvance959 - 12.06.2022 14:11

Connie I am Sorry Holloween Is Not Of God I Saw On Another Of Your Channels I don't Their Are going To Be Christians That Are going To disagree With me But Please Read Up About It The Feast Of Holloween Came from Our pagan Ancestors from Europe And They Wore Mask To hide from Ungodly Spirits.
And I Can Even Tell You What The Phrase means Trick Or Teat.
You have To look It Up
Please Don't celebrate Holloween.

@patrickvance959 - 12.06.2022 13:46

That Comment The Strwerberry Cake made About You getting In Trouble With The Authorities If You Take Your Son's Pants down And give him a Wack Is Wrong only If The Spank You give him leaves a mark. doctors get in Trouble When Babies Come Out Of The Wound
And The doctor give Them a spank.
And The Babies Aren't even a year old yet. also The spank needs To hurt A little and if the spank is on the seat of pants or back of The dress If it is a girl
you have To spank harder to make it hurt.If the spank is on The.bare bottom even A tap will hurt the child.
And when the child knows that they are going to get Spanked on their bare bottom that will cause them to beheave better know That the spank will be the bare bottom because it will hurt more.
Because it was on the bare Bottom
And not on their cothed bottom

@patrickvance959 - 12.06.2022 12:59

That Should Be There Is Such Thing As Christian Yoga Unfortunately many Christians Would disagree With me On
But I figured That Would Be too Confusing To leave That Sentence In My
Comment But I By mistake left The Unfortunately In My Last Comment.
That Is Why I Wrote Another Comment To Explain The mistake.Once Again
I didn't mean Any Offense By The Comments I made in my Last Comments Keep Loving Jesus Christ
The Eternal Son Of God.

@Smile56329 - 07.06.2022 09:53

You do know that the a LOT of proceeds are METAPHORS!!!!! “Rod” can mean do not spare discipline in general!!! I wish people could actually use their brains when reading. By the way, you saying haven’t had to pull his pants down and swat him implies you WOULD do that! I just want you to know if someone finds out you pulled your kids pants down and spanked them you could get in BIG trouble with Child Protective Services! If you don’t change I hope you are held accountable for your actions if you do such things.

@prisilacecile6731 - 24.05.2022 17:25

Thank you Connie for this video.

@mattgerald2460 - 09.03.2022 12:54

so your Asian and a Christian, I don't see that very often

@saschakalski9034 - 05.02.2022 16:26

Thank you for this video. Do you belive in spanking? And what do you use for spanking?

@rumham3070 - 09.11.2021 22:23

My rod is a long wooden paddle. 3 swats across the backside does wonders.

@raykidder906 - 06.11.2021 18:04

Connie, you said this about the doctrine of Original Sin, “Because of the fall of Adam and Eve in their disobedience to God, all of humanity is fallen.” To me, this is like saying that because of the terrible accidents committed by the original drunk drivers, all future drunk drivers operate automobiles in a fallen state of dangerous driving such that the blame for this bad driving is to be placed on the original drunk drivers. I look on the original drunk driving as an orientation session that causes a prejudice and stigma against future drunk drivers. The original drunk drivers did not create the drunk driving problem. Likewise the original sin of Adam and Eve only oriented us to the trickery of the devil, how the law is weak through the flesh, and how people need to turn to God for help in combating the devil.

You mentioned Psalm 51:5 which says, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” It does not make sense that a woman conceives her baby, except when the father is a carnally minded man who can’t help himself when obeying his sexual libido. There is no mention of the original sin, Adam, or Eve in this Psalm. I suspect that this passage teaches how it is sinful for men to conceive their babies in a non-spiritual way without moral responsibilities. Jesus was not conceived through carnal lusts. With King David, he was acting according to carnal mindedness when he got Bathsheba pregnant within the sin of adultery. Perhaps this verse is one where King David lamented the lack of spiritual responsibility from his father such that it contributed to his adultery?

@nadinebeyeli - 29.10.2021 10:30

Thank you so much Connie I m taking a lot with me today
God bless you

@2010sjay - 28.10.2021 02:07

My mom would rebuke me too when I'd act out, your story brought back memories lol! I'm enjoying your ministry, keep it up!

@kuulei1205 - 27.10.2021 23:19

I love your videos. Do you have a video by chance on why Christians should or shouldn’t celebrate Halloween. I recently stopped partaking in Trunk or Treat and Fall Festival. I’m hoping I’m making the right decision. So many disagree saying Halloween is Still a day the Lord has made and we should rejoice and celebrate and do the Halloween activities that honor God. My sister said Dress up as super hero’s and princesses and go to church which is the Halloween alternative. She said I’m taking away their childhood, but my spirit says otherwise. I did the research and discovered the rituals they did. I can’t justify pumpkin carving anymore. I can’t let them dress up for Halloween purposes. I just wondered your thoughts on the month of October, Harvest/Halloween. My son was born early in the middle of October, I remember praying that he wouldn’t be born on Halloween. I feel so bad because for his 1st birthday I carved out a giant pumpkin and put him inside to take pics. I repented for unknowingly celebrating.

@carefulcarpenter - 27.10.2021 21:36

A question that I asked the pastor: "What is a christian?"
His answer was very enlightening.
I attended church and bible study for 4.7 years.

Do all christians have a conscience?
