I Reviewed EVERY Historical Total War Since Rome

I Reviewed EVERY Historical Total War Since Rome

Andy's Take

1 год назад

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Ben Leo
Ben Leo - 19.09.2023 19:48

I'm a little late to the discussion here but, if you enjoyed empire, the time period or scope of the game - I HIGHLY recommend checking out a mod called "Empire total war 2" its such an awesome mod (that also recently just updated) it introduces 4000+ units, 48 playable factions, reworked multiplayer and COOP campaigns, new religion system, new ai, new ballistics/projectiles and combines a bunch of other much loved empire mods into one. I had been having the itch to play empire again for years and every time I tried I just couldn't enjoy it even with darthmod. But Empire II mod is amazing and I have been having a blast with it. I also added in a HD texture mod and reshade to touch of the graphics and its been so nice to sit down and play.

paulthegaul - 19.09.2023 00:58

my guy has never been to britain. For being 1 island it has an incredibly diverse geology

Domestic Cat
Domestic Cat - 18.09.2023 04:00

The best part of empire total war is the realistic france. Of course you only need to take Paris for the whole country to fall. Of course their flag is white

Dmitriy Samusenko
Dmitriy Samusenko - 16.09.2023 23:38

This was the greatest historical review montage I've ever seen. Make another one in twenty years when we have Empire 2, Medieval 3, Rome 3, and much more.

John Ryder
John Ryder - 16.09.2023 01:36

I dont know if I should watch this guy, how can I know I can trust his opinions?

"I grew up with RTS campaigns like Empire at War and Battle for Middle Earth"

Oh yeah, we're going to get along just fine

removeplasticfirst - 15.09.2023 10:14

bring back the speeches!!!!!!

Jim Ps
Jim Ps - 15.09.2023 09:57

Missing the first shogun and medievel one's, so not every historical game then

KKona - 14.09.2023 22:34

My top 3 are Medieval 2 Total War, Napoleon and Warhammer. I'm biased because napoleonic era is essentially my favourite time period (it's actually 17th century but I will never geta thirty years total war, so I'll have to make due) so It will always have a soft spot in my heart. I'm a warhammer fan since I was a child so same bias there. Medieval 2 is just the unchallenged greatest Total War ever made, Rome is great and all but for me it didn't hold up after all this time. I can start up a Medieval 2 campaign right now and I will enjoy every second of it.

Ryan Owens
Ryan Owens - 14.09.2023 20:19

Can we just take a minute to talk about the Rome:Total War soundtrack? Literally makes me cry from the nostalgia.

Tee Cee
Tee Cee - 09.09.2023 02:32

You sure you have enough subscribe pop ups there? Really detracts from the experience, maybe you should add more of them, especially when you say something is beautiful, we wouldn't wanna mud your beautiful pop ups.

Matthew Arant
Matthew Arant - 08.09.2023 08:46

Medieval 2 just hits different compared to all other total wars. I still have never seen siege battles done as well. You can still find people online doing 5v3 siege battles with thousands of troops. By the end the battlefield is littered with the corpses of different nations. The multiwalled cities make it even better.

Also the absolute miracle defenses you can pull off in Medieval 2.

The sheer amount of content.

And then... the mods... Third Age: Divide and Conquer is better than any other total war game just as a mod. It's pure LOTR fan bliss. I have easily put 1000 hours just into the third age mod.

Nothing else scratches the itch that Medieval 2 scratches.

Daedalus - 07.09.2023 22:33

Realm Divide is complete garbage and runs in direct face of what historically happened. Oda, Toyotomi, and then, ultimately, Tokugawa, all got where they did via alliances AS WELL as conquest on the battlefield. Making your alliances and trade completely irrelevant, and worse, a very real weakness, ruins the entire game.

One Who Dares
One Who Dares - 04.09.2023 12:04

Wow, I want to try this chocolate Monster!!!!!

SÄINHundehauer - 02.09.2023 23:36

I just want an empire total war map with the polish graphics and sound design of napoleon

Yousef - 27.08.2023 15:57

I played most total war games at least the most fun title i have played is three kindoms , there are a lot of things need to fix that is right but, for all what saying about the game is prattle

DukeOfTennessee117 - 27.08.2023 07:38

I respect everyone’s opinions, but if you don’t agree that Med 2 is the best TW game you’re wrong

Figgy - Weed Wizard
Figgy - Weed Wizard - 25.08.2023 02:38

Fuck this it’s pissing me off just thinking about it

Why can’t these fucks just make a game that doesn’t suck and is historical… I don’t understand the gaming industry anymore, why’re we at a point where a “good” game or even an ok one is a rarity

ahsdjas ashdahs
ahsdjas ashdahs - 24.08.2023 22:54

We need an Empire 2 Total War

Provocateur SK
Provocateur SK - 24.08.2023 15:36

Rome II city icons are amazing and easy to understand.

GoldenFinn - 23.08.2023 05:32

I’ve always wanted a US civil war total war. They wouldn’t do it as a full game, but maybe a saga.

Tovarish Lumberjack
Tovarish Lumberjack - 21.08.2023 22:30

I want empire 2 :(

Brian Mardiney
Brian Mardiney - 21.08.2023 04:48

You know, since I've been playing Civilization since the first game, I guess I wasn't all that blown-away by the open campaign map as this guy was :p

Lucas Young
Lucas Young - 19.08.2023 10:50

To be honest Rome 2 is my favourite

BreezySanti - 18.08.2023 02:00

Even Pharoah doesn't look all that interesting as of now

Edit: what I hated most about the Civil War mechanic was playing as a faction with a lot of satraps. When you have a civil war they take some settlements and there is not way to get them back without going to war with your own satrap.

Tyler Banns
Tyler Banns - 17.08.2023 23:03

I remember doing chores to play Shogun OG for longer as a kid… my parents realized later how educational these games were and regretted not letting me play them more

M H IV - 17.08.2023 13:41

Best: Rome, med2, empire, and the peak shogun 2
Worst: Rome 2 and napoleon
Can't stand whatt they did with these. I like napoleon but it's the campaigns over restrictive feel I don't like.
Rome 2 I hate the aesthetics, general/army system and diplomacy. I simply can't enjoy it.

Triturate - 17.08.2023 13:25

Dude capitalized EVERY but didn't review Shogun 1 and Medieval 1

Marcin K
Marcin K - 17.08.2023 04:48

"EVERY" no Shogun 1 and Medieval 1.

Rehabx - 15.08.2023 16:25

I feel like the review on tw3k is kinda lack luster due to the lack of understanding of the chinese culture. The game is deep rooted and centred on the chinese culture. The black and white UI is inspired from chinese calligraphy where it is still living art to this day. The five main colors you see on the UI (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple) come from the ancient chinese beliefs that eveything is governed by the fundamental elements (Fire, Earth, Wood, Water, Metal) each having their attributes and personality. This is reflected in the game where you can tell what kond of personality your generals have, your building choice, unit types, techonology and even the faction playstyle based on the color your starting faction leader.

ownij0885 - 14.08.2023 23:22

Shogun total war is what first got me into the total war franchise. Medieval total war still holds a special place in my heart

Donald McQuoid
Donald McQuoid - 13.08.2023 11:24

Medieval 1 was the first total war game I ever played

S Tire
S Tire - 11.08.2023 04:55

Seriously, what a masterpiece ❤

SIDA - 09.08.2023 22:39

Age of Charlemagne is just a slightly better version of thrones of Britannia

luggi lu
luggi lu - 09.08.2023 22:32

empire was good, but aside from a few things, napoleon improved on almost every aspect of it. NTW to this day is my favorite total war. granted, the ai is kinda stupid, especially with some mods that add things the ai cant deal with, but the line battle blackpowder musket gameplay works so great with the way you control units in total war games. love it still hope for a part two or a remaster

Blackwater Merc
Blackwater Merc - 06.08.2023 16:01

1 little thing was how you could edit the desc_strat file of Rome 1 to play as unplayable factions adding to the challenges you can face as the rebels around the world

Forrest Lin
Forrest Lin - 06.08.2023 09:55

Yeah, Three Kingdoms, to its own greatest benefit and detriment, is really meant for East Asian player base, especially, strangely, the Japanese. So completely understandable when you’re not hyped for it, rest assured and sleep well, you’re no bigot or anything like that Lol

Emmanuel Medina
Emmanuel Medina - 05.08.2023 18:37

Andy:"Empire keeps the realistic population numbers from the last game"
France in empire with a pop of 125 Million😐

Канат Сагадиев
Канат Сагадиев - 03.08.2023 22:14

ya my kaiser!!!

Temblor, James Ronald
Temblor, James Ronald - 03.08.2023 00:21

I really like how the Most Played is Total War Napoleon because its that good

MacMich21 - 02.08.2023 18:16

I vote for .. hotseat

Tio Stroncio
Tio Stroncio - 02.08.2023 18:16

Couldn't see more than the part about Rome. Nothing for experienced players here, just a superficial description.

Ramsay Snow
Ramsay Snow - 31.07.2023 07:06

rome 2 is desperate,battles are all about numbers! flanking does not play any role,archers are like machineguns and so on...

Theparadoxd - 30.07.2023 20:34

Rome 1 is still the best, simply due to unit diversity. If Med II had the same unit diversity it would be the winner, though it does win with mods because obviously Third Age Total War was insane. So many hours were spent there and I distinctly remember still playing it around the time of the SA World Cup? Pretty sure it was the one with Vuvuzuela's. Good times.

El Basto
El Basto - 30.07.2023 08:38

Medieval Total War: Viking invasion was awesome. And the most revolutionary was of course, Shogun (1), which invented the genre where strat and ops interact significantly.

Byzantiphile76 - 28.07.2023 16:24

Your Byzantine love is much loved and respected. Also a great video. As someone who started with Rome 2 and Shogun 2, you've convinced me to give some of the older titles a try.

viperswhip - 28.07.2023 05:16

It is the Medieval 2 mods that I enjoy, like Third Age.

joseph A
joseph A - 26.07.2023 12:35

Civilization should make war like this and better quality of a city

Derpydogz025 - 23.07.2023 20:07

I've never played medieval due to it being outdated, but as an empire fan I would for sure buy a medieval 3. Pharoah seems cool, but nothing beats the age of discovery, religion, chainmail, and gunpowder.
