Why Africa is Doomed to Stay Poor

Why Africa is Doomed to Stay Poor

Casual Scholar

2 года назад

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Luna🐱💞 - 28.09.2023 21:46

videos like this are so doom and gloom🙄

Vlad: The impaler of overproud Indian nationalists
Vlad: The impaler of overproud Indian nationalists - 22.09.2023 22:56

May Africa grow so rich that desperate Indians will come to beg for jobs and residency.

أميرة أنس
أميرة أنس - 19.09.2023 17:31

المغرب أولهم ليس له تسيير محلي مغربي مغربي صرف وإنما أجنبي وسياسة وقانون وممات ومحيا استعماري القيادة عكس البلاد والعباد وأهلها منذ الأزل الى الآن...... بل حياة أهلها كعبيد بأرضدهم وخارجها...ولا حكم داتي ولا ملك ولا تملك ولا أحد سيد نفسه بجميع المقاييس والألوان والتعابير والأوجه مسيرون بالقهر والعبودية والإستنزاف وغيرها كثير وليسو مخيرين في شؤنهم المحلية ولا الجهوية ولا الخارجية ولا في ثرواتها ولا في شيء سوى المسمى أنهم مغاربة أو مواطنون صوريا فقط.....حبر على ورق ودعاية فقط...الواقع عكس الحقيقة الدكتاتورية الإستعمارية لنضامها وناسها وأرضهم أبا عن جد عن ولد أجيال بعد أجيال......بقيادة ليست مغربية بل تدعي إشهاريا فقط.أو في مناسبات لشهرة والتشهير والتطبيل لربها الأعلى الألوهي وراثيا قصريا ....لا أحد يعيش ويشعر أنه في بلده تحت النضام الدكتاتوري الوراثي...والهجرة الدائمة نضامية أو غيرها تجسد معنى البلاد والعباد والنضام الدكتاتوري الفرعوني الإلاهي المستعمر لها دائما.....حكم عسكري ضد أهلها المدنيين المسلوبة حقوقهم وثرواتهم وسيادتهم الشخصية والفردية الخاصة والعامة وليس العكس

The guy
The guy - 17.09.2023 19:20

Im searching for victim cards here

Timothy Tumusiime
Timothy Tumusiime - 16.09.2023 15:50

Thank you for talking about my country UG. Also, Kenya's our Eastern neighbour not southern.

Its practically a meme now. When the news came about that we could lose our bloody airport, we were angry, disappointed but ultimately not surprised.
We've sort of just, come to accept our situation (of bad political leader) and just work around it.

I can't tell anyone that we have a future regardless of whatever statistics there may be of economic growth. Voz we've had our guy and his cronies for 3 decades with no real plan economy wise and no real viable alternatives coz even if we have elections, replacing him politically would require the police and army not to be in his pocket. Which they are. The new guy will suffer a military coup, and elections are just 5 yearly dramas between the establishment and the youth who are still optimistic without really understanding the obstacles (they'll learn to be pessimistic soon).
The majority of the population doesn't bother so.....

Yeah, we're basically fu**ed 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷

Doodelay - 08.09.2023 14:11

It'll only take a few African successes to inspire other African nations and intellectuals to work harder to get it together. The title really bothers me

steve smith
steve smith - 08.09.2023 03:03

The CIA, NED, USAID, IMF and World Bank among other "insidious" western imperialist organisations, "think" (propaganda) tanks and corporations approve this message including it's inclusion of the easily and repeatedly debunked "debt trap diplomacy" narrative.

beth philip
beth philip - 08.09.2023 02:15

Annoying to have to listen through music!!

Narwhal Fernandez
Narwhal Fernandez - 07.09.2023 10:46

I wonder what goes through the corrupted leader's head when they take all the profits and watch as the world advances while their people are suffering. Driving their luxury cars in a shitty city and cheap "suburbs". Makes me depressed but also wonder if the money is even worth it. Because theyre not even THAT rich so i dont get how they convince themselves

Ofentse Mercy Hajane
Ofentse Mercy Hajane - 07.09.2023 03:44

In a world where certain Western powers continue to exploit Africa's abundant resources, it remains an unfortunate reality that Africa faces persistent poverty. It is crucial not to overlook the fact that many of Africa's challenges are intricately designed to perpetuate the continent as a source of wealth for the West.
While I've realised that discussions often revolve around "Western aid to Africa", it is apparent that such assistance is not solely motivated by the western countries capacity for altruism- nope. The truth is that, for every dollar extended to African nations in the name of "aid", a substantial portion of riches of Africa finds its way back to fill the voracious coffers of the West.

While I earnestly hope for a brighter future and believe in the resilience and potential of African nations, it is prudent to acknowledge that genuine intentions for Africa's prosperity are a rare commodity, primarily this is only vested in the hands of Africans themselves.

🙄🙄🙄 Humans- we still to primitive to forego our tribalistic tendencies🙄

Leonardo Askia
Leonardo Askia - 06.09.2023 13:34

Sounds like a playbook out of the IMF and the World bank...

Alexander Lisovsky
Alexander Lisovsky - 04.09.2023 18:02

I'm really impressed by this logic.
China funds Africa: — Boo! Dept Trap diplomacy!
China stops funding Africa: — Boo! China suffocates African economic growth!
Either way Africa will remain forever poor, and it's China's fault (who's actually quite late at the party).

Rock Fresh
Rock Fresh - 04.09.2023 06:05

Because whypepo and yellow pepo are devils

Julie Ball
Julie Ball - 28.08.2023 04:47

China bad guy, IMF is all good? OK........

Andreas Sitompul
Andreas Sitompul - 25.08.2023 15:07

Well well well

Black Dog
Black Dog - 21.08.2023 05:59

The people

Dex - 13.08.2023 18:46

It's crazy how the rich use monetary policy to steal. Straight up steal. It's even crazier how countries sign these agreements.

Hannes - 30.07.2023 21:13

because incompetent leaders are installed and those who actually change things get assassinated

ThickGlassesInc - 28.07.2023 15:04

Crazy how africans speak on Americans but got a big problem of they own, they cant rid of outsiders

dai san gen
dai san gen - 27.07.2023 19:26

so this video is more about china than africa

Honest Cat
Honest Cat - 22.07.2023 04:40

I think you forgot to mention the most important problem, European imperialism. China worsens the effects.

Mustafa Ali
Mustafa Ali - 18.07.2023 12:37

How to prosper according to Islam (Even though I am not relgious):

1. Dont be a nationalist. Nationalism is cancer. It divides people. It's the first step of descriminiation where one think that if he is American or Algerian, then he is superior to others. Be a humanist and be united. Europe and South Middle East is united. That's why they are prosperous.

2. People should promise themselves not to lie, cheat, steal. God says if you do your part, I will grant you good leaders. Otherwise if the people are ignorant, they will suffer as bad leaders are a punishment from God.

If Africa and other Muslim nations follow these rules, then God will reward is with good rulers. Then no one can harm us.

Arthur Wilson Fonseca Coelho
Arthur Wilson Fonseca Coelho - 13.07.2023 23:36

The problem is because Europe has been fucking Africa for at least 500 yrs ago.

frostchris - 13.07.2023 10:33

Why is Africa poor and will likely stay poor?
Because if it were rich and industrialized, the advanced countries would no longer have access to dirt cheap raw materials.

There's an obvious conflict of interest here, this isn't particularly an African problem because most resource rich countries are poor...and they're poor because it actually in the interest of the advanced countries that the resource rich regions of the world remained poor and underdeveloped because otherwise those natural resources won't be cheap and easily accessible.

It's no coincidence that resources rich countries have been the biggest victims of political assassinations, coup d'etat, military invasions and proxy wars and are also debt trapped by the likes of IMF and china.
Propagandists like you never discuss the truth about how it is actually in the best interest of the advanced countries that resource rich developing countries stay poor and relatively unindustrialized just so that the advanced countries can keep having access to cheap raw inputs.

It's just basic economics and capitalism, what do you think would happen to the price of lithium if the congo, mexico or any other country with most of the world's lithium reserves had vibrant manufacturing industries that actually used their natural resource??

This dynamic is rarely talked about if at all, Instead the prevailing narrative is usually a mix of victim blaming, racist stereotypes, or simply blaming bad geography lol.

frostchris - 13.07.2023 10:12

Americans and anti-china propaganda.🤝

Samuel Lolango
Samuel Lolango - 07.07.2023 11:57

Personally I don't think the entirety of Africa will develop, I think it will be more so individual countries that will move forward while others will deteriorate and collapse

Critical Observer
Critical Observer - 05.07.2023 16:48

I actually met Idi Amin in Uganda many decades ago.

赵梦雨 - 28.06.2023 20:32

because the colonised and killing from western country 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Roman Silent Empire
Roman Silent Empire - 23.06.2023 18:05

Jeans they have is a issue

Sigma Black
Sigma Black - 21.06.2023 20:28

Well, good luck with joining Brics Africa. Chinese colonizer by contract

David-Arthur - 16.06.2023 10:35

it is the richest continent what are you talking

David Krane
David Krane - 15.06.2023 04:44

I made a charity orphan spirulina farm in Fort Portal, Uganda, now serving five schools. I wonder how we can leverage this information

Bill Piunti
Bill Piunti - 14.06.2023 03:21

Like Thomas sowell said Africa has geography problems,raging rivers and hardly any deep water ports on the whole continent. The only river that's really navigable is the Nile.

J.Manuel P.Vicens
J.Manuel P.Vicens - 11.06.2023 17:13

China does not assess the countries capabilities to pay back the loan... LOL HAhahahahhaha!!! They do!, they do not want them to pay back the loans so they can extort them! That's the plan.

Andrew Alexeff
Andrew Alexeff - 11.06.2023 16:05

I told you this about IQ. Even if you send Africans to other continents, they will never build a good civilization.

Anthony M Anderson
Anthony M Anderson - 11.06.2023 14:01

I'm from africa and the continent itself is poorly managed mainly because of incompetent ruling leaderships and massive corruption which occurs everywhere especially when foreign aid is given to some countries then you'd it doesn't go the people instead ends up going to the corrupt individuals in power.

Miguel Balisi
Miguel Balisi - 09.06.2023 07:00

I personally think besides poor governance and the absence of transparency in governments, the jobs are what they're lacking in the most. The multinationals, look to Asia mostly or South America to bring their companies. These are the job creators. Sad, but it's now the 23rd century. What they call Africa's giant, Nigeria--meaning, the best of Africa still is very poor. The owners if big world corporations can turn it around if they locate to Africa. But they prefer Asia and South America. So far.

Damon Melendez
Damon Melendez - 08.06.2023 08:11

Africa has millions of blacks

Ava Grego
Ava Grego - 05.06.2023 17:43

Sounds like China has a good strategy.

Walter Springer
Walter Springer - 05.06.2023 16:38

Uganda did this to themselves when They nationalized foreign owned companies in the past. This is why there are so many strings on their investments.

S.D. Haskins
S.D. Haskins - 03.06.2023 18:12

The poor myth has already been debunked and disproven. There would be no multinational trade and investment, let alone corporations based in Africa if it were 'poor'. The only questions is, how do we stop the annual illicit outflows of Africa's wealth and resources by the Europeans to the tune of $84 billion, but also the supposed legal tenders involving Western corporations that sees substantial profits leaving the nations of Africa. Sidenote: $500 billion in 'colonial tax' is collected from Francophone African countries year on year by France. Now is that poor?!

James Eldridge
James Eldridge - 02.06.2023 15:38

I didn’t even start the video yet but I assume you’re blaming China and that’s hilarious😂

Alex Sveles
Alex Sveles - 01.06.2023 22:32

U cant stay rich forever.American dollare is rhe global reserce curency and atill some states are poor.
The more wealthy u are the more the state profits from
Remeber capitalism simplu dosent last forever.Look at europe.Southern europe litlerally looks like thirc world.Even france.If not for the Eu france today would be a third world

ÆzterX* - 30.05.2023 00:32

No Mate, No! You have no love for humanity. Life on earth is not just economic. Too many of your videos leave out the total destruction of the native inhabitants. The world you present magically starts after european colonization without discussing the long term impact of invasion. Cuba, Haiti, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, USA, Australia, India, Africa etc. You should also mention "why".Christianity, the vatican and capitalism are at the center of this global destruction. You need to name names for these well documented horrors. To leave them out is a gross distortion of reality.

Mark leland De leon
Mark leland De leon - 27.05.2023 03:53

China: provides infrastructure and Loans
Western people reacts: its a death trap!
Meanwhile US and EU: provides financial and military support for Ukraine
Western people reacts: its for their Democracy!

ME: 🤦‍♂️🙄

Angry Britches
Angry Britches - 20.05.2023 23:55

Most African countries that are poor have no one else to blame except for themselves. Africans are not lazy people, but their minds are so crippled, they don't even know how to properly care for themselves or how to improve their own lives. A thousand people will walk by the same trash everyday and not even consider picking it up. They are prisoners in a cell with the key to freedom tied around their necks.

Tasty Pies
Tasty Pies - 20.05.2023 21:06

Without outside influence, nothing gets done. The leaders do tend to fight their own people.
