I don't want to be a physician assistant anymore...and this is why

I don't want to be a physician assistant anymore...and this is why

Aniyah Nashée

1 год назад

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@aniyah_nashee - 28.01.2023 21:09

PSA: I understand some careers in the creative space are difficult to find success in, but it is not impossible! You have to work at it just as you would for any other thing.

I don’t believe anyone should go into healthcare for the sole purpose of it providing you a livable wage. You don’t want to find yourself 2 years into a career you actually hate, crippled by student loan debt! Additionally, patients suffer a lot when healthcare workers don’t enjoy what they’re doing, these are peoples actual lives were talking about!

Your actual passion is worth going for and will be more rewarding in the end because you’re doing what you love, not what you feel forced into doing for money! Take a chance on yourself you might be surprised what you find🫶🏾

@miguelsandoval8203 - 15.01.2024 10:30

I use to work in administration at a local health care system, and working with Doctors is the most toxic environment. They are very egotistical, sociopath, toxic people.

@damilohunopeaye9767 - 18.09.2023 09:30

this video has been so helpful since I'm trying to figure out what I want to do careerwise. And the planner is gorgeous!!! can you make a digital one?

@Imagin0386 - 16.08.2023 21:37

That's an awesome discovery. Congrats, girl 🙌🏾!!!

@Holistichart868 - 28.06.2023 00:15

It depends on the state. NPs have a lot more power as a group. We have full authority in my state and I get to be a creative as I want to be.

@moondancerlady4803 - 22.06.2023 06:00

Aniyah you are going to be an amazing healthcare leader. I have been a PA leader for over 25 years. I went from being a PA on a unit to a program direct to academia! My first career was as a landscape architect and I found my artistic side helped me see the big picture in healthcare! Good luck on your journey and yes we need more diversity in healthcare! Good luck and support PAs when you get there! Thanks for sharing your story! ❤

@septicvortex8114 - 20.06.2023 23:57

Left this video feeling more confident

@septicvortex8114 - 20.06.2023 23:46

It’s so hard to pick so I’m minoring in business and legal reasoning rn but hey that’s college😭 trying to think smart

@poojaashok9570 - 14.06.2023 15:32

I completed bsc physician assistant in India, and don't know how to get a job in uk bcz since from high school i am interested in medical field. Can Indian PA work in UK?

@gilbert3922 - 10.06.2023 14:05

What are the conditions for applying for a job as a physician assistant in the United States? Do they accept the certificate of the institute?

@coreas9996 - 30.05.2023 04:12

For me o love helping people making prople smile. I love feeding oeople and seeing people love my food but i font cook like a chef i cook with love but i font want to ho to school for Culinary Arts. Im still not sure i know i want freedom i want to be able to work for myself whenever n wherever i want n still make good money

@troyc333 - 27.05.2023 16:58

She sounds like she might be more suitable for running a hospital or healthcare facility on the administrative side.

@mhenderson3407 - 29.04.2023 11:34

Great video! Wish you all the best in your new career path!

@ag2158 - 24.04.2023 20:57

Need some advice here I have bachelors degree in a unrelated field. I need to know if I should go get a direct route MSN and then go the NP route or go and get some prereqs first at a community college and do PA? The only thing that worries me is PA seems very competitive with patient care hours...

@BarelySaneGenius - 22.04.2023 04:05

Your journal idea is perfect for people like me. The thought of an hour by hour breakdown for the week is stressful to me. And just like you said, some months are super planned and some aren’t.

I’m finishing my first year of medical school and when I tell you I dream about kidney physiology it’s not an exaggeration. We’ve peen learning all about pee for weeks. I find it fascinating because I just love science. But no body really understands the time and emotional investment it takes to get through medical school. I’m not taking care of my body, I never know what day it is and I’m supposed to be somewhere or doing something at ALL times.

It’s not for most people (some days I question if it’s even for me). It’s not a matter of can because anyone with enough will power and enough money CAN become a doctor. But medical school sucks no matter what and I don’t recommend it to 97% of people who ask me

@fionaquinn8777 - 18.04.2023 03:00

You are completely right, I'm 40years old now, and in my 20s I studied marketing and I hated it but my parents convinced me that it was the right thing to do, the adulthood to do, guess what, I quit my job in 2017, I went to sell cloths as a store member at target, (it was so much better and so so so sooooo much less stressful) all the way to 2019, now in 2023, I'll turn 40years old in jun and I am sitting in my loungroom watching you feeling like completely understood (I wish I had a sister like you), now thinking about becoming naturopath or a PA, while I live in Australia I'm even thinking about moving to the USA. I've only been to San Francisco once in late 90s while I was a teenager I'm still dreaming about it even if you have guns and violence and no health care system (Australia is trying to imitate your healthcare system). Ps: why were you not my sister, because my oldest sister is a doctor specialised in nephrology, my second sister is a lawyer and I have to say she is a great manipulatris, I'm the third one and guess what... I'm in business marketing, all what you are talking about and I wanna have a sister like you, understanding my needs not juge mental. Anyway thank you for your insight 😊😊

@jessicaembers924 - 17.04.2023 22:22

Do you know where i can find a black market surgeon?

@ObeyAmmalol - 17.03.2023 20:04

Omg I hate how relatable some of this is for me lol

@Samantha-km2ie - 14.03.2023 17:31

Currently in PA school, I like medicine but I know I’m definitely more interested in business, so hopefully I can perhaps become a partner in a GP so I can mesh both worlds 😂

@dillman4170 - 04.02.2023 05:30

Thank you for this video. I'm having to make this decision right now. I've been preparing to be a doctor my whole life, and recently I realized it's not something I can get myself to love. I feel the financial pressure of taking the stable route and becoming a PA or a doctor. I feel scared of doing what I want and risking the shame of never making money and being a failure. However, I rather do what I enjoy than being a miserable and safe.

@veronicasarabia3821 - 03.02.2023 06:38

For me it was accounting! My parents told me to study that 😢. I hated it the whole 5 years in university. I only graduated because I felt the pressure of my parents. Now I have been working with patients and taking my pre requisites to get into the Physician Assistant master degree. I love working with patients.

@Missypeachy - 28.01.2023 19:36

How did you design this journal? I love this! My husband and stated a canine store, we would love to create a dog training book

@biancamontgomery4462 - 25.12.2022 04:40

Science is my favorite subject, I’ll be getting my bachelors in human biology in 2023; I’ve worked in healthcare for 17 years. I’m excited to be a PA!

@_ami95 - 20.12.2022 23:32

Aniyah, we are the same person!! I am a PA, unhappy, with a real passion for writing and literature. But I couldn't see a way to make money from it when I was younger, and I also didn't think it was a practical career. But now I'm seriously looking into getting into writing, editing and publishing. Glad to know I'm not the only one!

@lbryanmillanl - 20.12.2022 09:33

I’m a physician in colombia . After 5 years working in primary healthcare I realised I was not happy with How my life was going , I didnt enjoy medicine anymore. I tried to match into a residency program but here is almost impossible due to the very few positions and very competitive environment. To be honest I’m not sure I actually did want to match into a residency program. I feel like I want another way of life. I dont want night shifts I want free holydays, I want time to myself. I quit my job 3 months ago because I felt exhausted, now I’m living of my savings. I’m thinking very seriously a career change. Now I’m trying to learn programming by myself , because I have a genuine interest in tech, but also I’m very Intersted in the kind of live you can have in that field ( I know it from first hand, my brother is a software engineer and he is so happy, he has time, works from home, free holidays , and he makes more than I did as an emergency physician!) . Anyway.. I dont really know whats gonna happen with me 😞 I’ll try my best.

@Jh-uc3uo - 18.12.2022 01:33

Thank you so much for making this video. I loved how you focused on your own self discovery and congrats on going through the struggles on figuring out what you really wanted and what you're passionate about. Recently, I was thinking about PA school, but watching this video opened my mind, and I had to REALLY question myself in why I want to pursue PA. Just like you I was taught and raised by old generation beliefs that you only can have a profitible career by being a lawyer or a doctor, etc.

@nellieatkins2 - 16.12.2022 12:28

I agree medicine isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I’m becoming a paramedic and I was thinking about going back to school afterwards to become a PA

@moomak8920 - 05.12.2022 03:01

Watching this because I’m a senior and a dance major trying to figure out what in healthcare my major would be good for aside from physical therapy.

@deearis9457 - 01.12.2022 00:38


Nice video

Please what are the placement hours like ?

Long days or short shifts ?

@josephpeters7076 - 30.11.2022 20:11

You missed Firefighter haha

@KorinaVouniozos - 11.11.2022 07:57

The way I see it, you definitely do need some sort of passion for medicine and helping people. I'm big into being creative and worried a lot about whether or not this career would be for me. I believe you can have both and if anything it would be an amazing cushion to have in order to explore your other passions and sustain them. It's all about having balance. You got this girl! There's many avenues!

@shirleynelson6676 - 07.11.2022 12:19

from Joel: Aniyah, I was fascinated by the career choices you had in high school. You are very fortunate to have been born when you were. I was born in the late 1930s and graduated from HS in New England in1955, 62 years before you did. The choices for women back then were MUCH more limited: teacher; nurse; secretary; nun; housewife. That was about it... In my graduating class of 400, we had one girl who publicly said she wanted to be an engineer. She took a lot of ridicule for that, as "everyone knew that chicks didn't have the brain power to do that kind of work"! What a shame! I'm so glad that in the intervening 6 decades, so many more opportunities have opened to women, and that I've lived long enough to see them. 😃

@emazaxiix5177 - 04.11.2022 21:39


@nikiedmonds6236 - 03.11.2022 20:39

I've been a PA for many years and it was a mistake...my passion is literature and I should have focused on a career in writing and publishing instead...I am currently working on transitioning my PA career to make it at least more palatable...my advice to everyone is always follow your passion

@nomvelomtshali4386 - 31.10.2022 12:30

I'm also a PA in South Africa and I don't like it anymore. It's depressing.

@Kellyjcamp - 24.10.2022 20:26

I get a lot of what your saying. I do want to mention though , working in the arts is very hard. Even when your super talented, that’s coming from someone who was pushed to do art in undergrad.
I have to go back to school because there are no jobs , the ones that do basically pay minimum wage.
The only ones making a livable wage are a very small small percentage.

@Ashley-un1ge - 19.10.2022 16:31

Do you have a digital planner?

@ngocmai7588 - 10.10.2022 17:09

Hay quá

@abrakadabranails3232 - 02.10.2022 01:14

And im thinking about this

@justinabenson7229 - 01.10.2022 01:55

Not us living the same lives. I've put PA school to halt and am trying to focus on Healthcare Administration and grow myself in the Healthcare tech industry. I've not completely let go of the Idea of being a PA yet, but I've been pushing it back for a while now.

@jahariporter4521 - 27.09.2022 02:34

As a senior this year. I can tell you that anything STEM is what is being promoted. Engineering,Math, Sciences and definitely Technology (Business if you don’t know what to do). When speaking about careers nothing in the arts or creative lead careers are talked about. Maybe creative college majors are mentioned, but the idea is quickly shot down with some half truth about there being no jobs or money in those fields. This is in my district and those surrounded me, but I’ve seen similar around the states.

@jxxxvii - 26.09.2022 07:55

“Thug it out” hehe

@audriec5138 - 26.09.2022 04:02

Love ur videos

@ronaldsmith1985 - 25.09.2022 04:45

I feel you on being a pa all the paperwork to deal with ..it took all my time and had no relationship the in nursing cause there is now love life study tests etc..and you have to function financially on your own and very tired 😫 I had to pay my way, no student loans 🙃 so good night I got to get some rest 😴

@ronaldsmith1985 - 25.09.2022 04:34

Hello pretty lady, I tried to go in arm forces but they didn't talk only son's and was heading down to getting to join that was disappointing 😕 so next I was postal clerk army but in service..so next I started going be a doctor but I remember my 5th grade teacher told me to be a lawyer then pa , not I'm in nurse plus to ems ..cause I was always a people person, I had a good career

@maryrap246 - 24.09.2022 02:03

I feel this so hard! Also I love that planner!

@dulceaidavp9716 - 24.09.2022 01:41

I feel for you. I work in the Medical field and I feel like people are not fully honest with what it will entail.
