The Six Wives of Henry VIII Documentary

The Six Wives of Henry VIII Documentary

The People Profiles

2 года назад

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Lulu's & Lilah's Mom
Lulu's & Lilah's Mom - 18.10.2023 10:43

8 years this March. I always said this song was me back then for 15 long excruciating years. I got out right when fentenyal was hitting the streets. Praise God I'm out!!!!

Thanh Tân
Thanh Tân - 14.10.2023 00:48

21/10/1994 0.25.00

Rose Anne Main
Rose Anne Main - 07.10.2023 12:09

If Holbein was always the artist, did the sitters actually wear the jewels or did he knowing how to paint these just add them on?

Rose Anne Main
Rose Anne Main - 07.10.2023 11:58

I think it must have been the fear of god to be smiled on by Henry. Women did not fare well in childbirth in those times and had no freedom to speak of, no education, no economic opportunity. Anne of Cleeves certainly faired better than many of her contemporaries.

Rose Anne Main
Rose Anne Main - 07.10.2023 10:44

What I have never been able to understand is why the religion in England's Church is referred to Protestantism when in fact it is Anglo-catholicism. Protestantism is what the church in Scotland follows. The Lutherians and Calvanists are Protestants. Having the monarch of the English throne as head of a church which continues to be Catholic in everything else does not make it Protestant.

Karen Tilbury
Karen Tilbury - 02.10.2023 16:46

What a load of crap!

Danielle Fleetwood
Danielle Fleetwood - 28.09.2023 13:42

I'd love to meet Katherine of Aragon. She was undeniably a "tough cookie". A proud, intelligent woman who would have supported Henry without fail if circumstances had been different.

flippyflopp - 27.09.2023 04:44

Hmm, Interesting.

J B - 22.09.2023 21:37

These are great vids. You should add reading lists.

Saintly Beginnings
Saintly Beginnings - 17.09.2023 08:07

Sure seems like women weren’t as weak or even neglected in training as we are made to believe..

All of these women spoken of were educated, many being highly educated (Catherine clearly had education in languages, governance, customs, culture, theology, as well as in politics, war tactics-> and was obeyed by the soldiers)..

Both Mary of Tudor & Elizabeth I became Queens (Mary defeating 2 attempts to overthrow her succession)-> they were not the 1st Ruling Queens of England, either; nor was England the only country that had a female ruler, which dates back Millenia.

Academic Education had far more to do w/ the wealth of a family, as public education wasn’t available (nor would many be willing to send their children to learn to read & write over having their children assist in farming & other skills that would provide the family with surging through the winter

Tiffany Prichard
Tiffany Prichard - 16.09.2023 20:35

I have the highest respect of Queen Catherine of Argon, she showed great respect, hope even through her pain in this life. Also, she advised people to pray for King Henry VII. She maintained strong through the hellish torture of her true spouse King Henry the VII. Personally i believe he had syphilis, as well as a lot of head trauma, however that let’s him off easy, in the early years it was fear that began his insanity of having a male heir, and today we all know that it is the man that determines the sex of a baby. Queen Catherine lived in a time of danger, men ruled and women the lesser sex, but she had a magnificent mind, and was very intelligent far more than Henry’s other wives, Queen Anne Boleyn was intelligent especially when it came to knowing a man’s heart and passions and fed him everything he wanted. And Anne of Cleves, she kept her head, and if she heard what Henry thought I imagine I would make it a point to not bathe while at the English court. Never underestimate a woman.

Badafejunuma - 12.09.2023 12:36

Wow beautiful six names

CWG0309 - 08.09.2023 00:46

Better for Elizebeth that Jane Seymour died as she wouldn’t have been a nice stepmom to her. Seymour told Henry that she shouldn’t be a princess. Also, Chapuys said that she was haughty & proud. Jane was a snake in disguise.

Alwyn Byrne
Alwyn Byrne - 05.09.2023 13:47

He was a serial killer who propagated protestantism.

Shannon Flaherty
Shannon Flaherty - 26.08.2023 14:27

Calling kathreen Howard a goodntime girl is hilarious Henry slept with far more women then she did men and cheated on almost all his life.

Paul Brown
Paul Brown - 22.08.2023 05:06

When Henry was young and handsome and athletic and talented one can understand what an attractive prospect he must have seemed. By the time Catherine of Aragon was to be discarded there was not much of THAT Henry VIII left standing. One has to wonder, "What was the appeal that drew so many woman to him". I would think they would all run as fast as their legs would carry them in the opposite direction.

THROAT JAMMA - 17.08.2023 01:42

NYT NYT wife

Lillian McGrew
Lillian McGrew - 13.08.2023 23:42


Teresa Castillo
Teresa Castillo - 13.08.2023 12:35

Catherine just had a boy from henry and escape king henry she lecture king henry by reading him no adultery she was engage bible teacher to king jenry thus he led her escape to her boyfriend

Teresa Castillo
Teresa Castillo - 13.08.2023 12:30

King g henry had thousands wifes he beheaded them he wanted a boy

Chloe Miller
Chloe Miller - 12.08.2023 07:29

I love your view of K Howard, shes my by far, my favorite Tudor queen and I relate to her so much, I very much am like her who have been taken advantage by men my whole life and just a young girl whos been used and abused by every man in my life. So respecful and graceful in her description and such a respectful opinion of her. I hate when people view her as a whore. I definitely sympathize with her and it absolutely DEVASTATES me hearing her story and if you haven't, I highly recommend you listen to her song from SIX the Musical All You Wanna Do sung by Samantha Pauly its SOOO good and she brings so much emotion to the song that no one else does.

Dawna R
Dawna R - 09.08.2023 15:52

Henry VIII —often touted in history books as a “strong leader”—appears to be a thorough crackpot and a lousy leader; unscrupulous, unimaginative, egotistic. We have been taught to be sympathetic to his untenable situation re: heirs. The Spanish handled daughters far more gracefully, and he could have followed their example. Meanwhile, his jousting, over eating, hedonistic life ruined his health, mentally and physically. He morphed into a disgusting character. That should be the highlight of this scenario. And, as always, the Catholic Church stood in the background, meddling in ways to further its own interests; talk about an abomination . . . To this day, the Church is in cahoots with neo nazi, “Christian nationalists” who seek to undermine our own democracy, and they unrepentantly accept $$$$Millions from the likes of Lenard Leo.

JE Orjiekwe
JE Orjiekwe - 08.08.2023 18:13

Catherine was right to have resisted Henry's divorce desire and being a foreigner in England also did not get deserved support. by the English

Ray Love
Ray Love - 05.08.2023 16:23

Why is the Narrator rolling some r's and not others? It's weird

Christine B
Christine B - 01.08.2023 12:42

First, thank you for this documentary, it is without a doubt one of the best I have seen. I dont believe these amazing 6 women were only known because they were King Henry's wives. I believe the only real reason why King Henry has stood out in history was because of these strong 6 women, especially Anna of Cleves. She showe Henry that not all women could be pushed around by him, nor did every woman drool over him. Without them he would just have been a blip in the British Monarchs history. Aside from his wives, he is historically known as the worst monarch in history, and ruled with fear. His only real achievements were, 1- he broke with the Roman Catholic Church and had Parliament declare him supreme head of the Church of England, starting the English Reformation. 2- He is also credited with establishing the Royal Navy, encouraging shipbuilding and the creation of anchorages and dockyards. If you think about it, that's not a whole lot to have achieved during his 36 years of ruling. We all know he ruled himself by using his head, but not the one on his shoulders. Now, back to the 6 Queens, out of all them, the one I really didn't admire is Katherine Parr. The way she and Thomas treated the future Queen Elizabeth the first was horrible and abusive. Now, if we are going to remeber a shining era in the Tudor Monarchs history, Queen Elizabet the first is the one to admire and remember!

Michael Kottler
Michael Kottler - 31.07.2023 10:35

Equal parts edifying and entertaining, this compilation of biographies detailing the lives of King Henry the VIII's six wives is a worthwhile, information-rich documentary that although remarkably uneven visually still transcends its title via high-detail examination of featured historical figures within a broader historical context to compelling effect. Thanks, The People Profiles.

Brian Johnson
Brian Johnson - 29.07.2023 11:30

Talking about six women for four and a half hours........

César García Ayala
César García Ayala - 26.07.2023 21:29

Excellent documentry. You gained a new subscriber, and of course a like.

morgan le Fay
morgan le Fay - 26.07.2023 09:07

Wow, walk down memory lane, my latina side would, does go stronger, still...😊

teknoäijä - 26.07.2023 04:24

Henry is quoted saying that Catherine had surprisingly big boobs and that Anne of Cleves had bad breath and saggy boobs.

Adriana Smentek
Adriana Smentek - 23.07.2023 21:43

Maybe he did not behead Katherine of Aragon because he knew her uncle will attack England as revenge..

Monika Grosch
Monika Grosch - 23.07.2023 05:50

I always thought Anne of Cleves Brother was a staunch Protestant

Bernice F.
Bernice F. - 12.07.2023 15:11

I recently learned that Catherine Parr is my 12th great grandmother. I've been searching for information about her since, and this documentary is the most informative source I've found. Thank you!

Barry Smith
Barry Smith - 10.07.2023 23:38

How not to teach history. A litany of dates about royal leaders. Impossible to follow and boring. Who gives a monkey's about some rich over privileged toffs?

Joss Castillo
Joss Castillo - 09.07.2023 02:50

Sería bueno que lo tradujeran al español habemos muchos lectores hispánicos y es una excelente información

Amy-Jane Elizabeth Greenacre
Amy-Jane Elizabeth Greenacre - 07.07.2023 17:26

This was brilliant thank you

Juli-Ann B. Anderson
Juli-Ann B. Anderson - 05.07.2023 15:10

I think Henry would have respected the long history he had with Katherine of Aragon as well as the power that stood behind her. Of course, as a King, he would want to produce a male heir, it must have been frustrating and complicated for them all... but after the tragic Mary, Elizabeth proved conclusively, that his kingdom was alway's in better hands than he had ever imagined.

Jenna Storr
Jenna Storr - 27.06.2023 09:16

Catherine of Aragon and Anne of Cleves are my favourites of Henry viii wives.

Meg Moonsdóttir
Meg Moonsdóttir - 22.06.2023 23:44

I feel bad for all the wives, but for Catherine of Aragon the most. Men of the time said that had she been born male she would have been a powerhouse on the royal playing field. This woman was so underrated - she and henry were a power couple at one point but Henry's paranoia over Matlida's history and his Father's poor claims to the throne ruined a lot. Not to mention, doctors used a lot of lead and mercury during this time and Henry got injuried A LOT - so he was treated with these substances and this may have made him go off the deep end faster.

I always wonder what would have happened if Arthur had survived. Or if Henry had not been so inclined to injury and so exposed to dangerous chemicals- would he have remained loyal to Catherine? There are just so many things i wonder.

Now none of these women deserved their treatment, even though i am not the biggest fan of ann bolynn, she didn't deserve the abuse and the false accusations.

Ann of Cleeves being a boss though. She had it made. 😂😂😂

TheLadyBeatrice - 20.06.2023 17:59

Anne was a terrible stepmother. Can we say “ wicked stepmother “? I’m like, how stupid was Anne to think that Mary would be her friend so easily? She didn’t know her stepdaughter at all. Her quid pro quo deal was BS, I would have been like “ try again, B**” at least bring a peace offering like HELLO!

Heather Racho
Heather Racho - 20.06.2023 11:24

Does anyone else feel bad for Wana aka the mad. Word on the street was she just wasn't atheist and she left her husband and her dad was just hungry for power but the poor woman lived out her life being treated like an insane woman locked up in prison The annoying thing is there's not many books written about her and the only movies I can find are in Spanish made in Spain why has America never made a movie about her or a TV show and shown her for what she really was a woman who was not mad.

susan webber
susan webber - 19.06.2023 21:37

Catherine of Aragon was a Red Head, not black.

Heather - 19.06.2023 18:29

I’m just gonna say it
Henry the 8th was a pig

Cali Born
Cali Born - 17.06.2023 00:23

Katherine was the foolish wife who refused to let go. She made herself miserable by hanging on to a man who was not worthy of her. Had she capitulated in the beginning when Henry was generous with her she would have had a comfortable life with her daughter and perhaps married again. Who wants to be queen anyway? It seems like a dangerous occupation.

Sara Seaworthy
Sara Seaworthy - 16.06.2023 20:19

There should be a documentary on Anna of Cleves. She was definitely the smartest of all.

L porquai
L porquai - 16.06.2023 06:01

Terrible narration

Keith Floyd Jr
Keith Floyd Jr - 12.06.2023 04:46

Catherine of Aragon deserves huge props for standing up for herself, her faith, and her heritage. She came from ambitious parents, strong parents, so she had the genes. Back then, if she had been born a man, what a Sovereign she would've been. Its wild to think about the fact that the only reason why England is mostly Protestant today, was that H8 wanted an "upgrade" and a younger woman to possibly have a son with- you never know what happens later, but I wonder if England would've ever adopted the Protestant religion if H8 had a son with C of A? Great videos!
