Why are Shia Muslim Considered inferior, Dr. Zakir Naik

Why are Shia Muslim Considered inferior, Dr. Zakir Naik

Fahim Akthar Ullal

2 года назад

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Marium Fatima
Marium Fatima - 29.10.2023 01:54

The guy got roasted brutally by Dr Zakir by pointing finger on other religion😂 MashAllah Sir incredible 🙏 🙏 Apna prh ly pehlay😅

Mr Grunt
Mr Grunt - 26.10.2023 00:36

The young man asked a question, why is Naik embarrassing him. This is a display of ego taking over. He shouldn't have embarrassed the young man in front of all those people. That is only my opinion

Buddh - Shiv
Buddh - Shiv - 25.10.2023 08:44

His answer is not on point, instead of giving a proper explanation, zakir asks a question to this boy, this is turning the tables around, why sunni hates shia is the question and give the answer respectively thats it.

Hasan Rizvi
Hasan Rizvi - 24.10.2023 19:13

Hold fast to the rope of Allah and that is the Quran and Ahlul-Bait and not the Shahi Hadith.

FURIOUS ZAIDI'S - 21.10.2023 08:33

Can somebody ask him what happened in Hyderabad when he visited 😂😂

Abdullah Javed
Abdullah Javed - 16.10.2023 13:54

In islam there is no shia sunni, surah imran chapter 3 verse 103 “hold to the rope of Allah strongly and be not divided”, shia sunni are an innovation and is biddah

Muhammad Anas
Muhammad Anas - 16.10.2023 09:02

أهل السنة أفضل من الوهابية
Sunnism is better than Wahhabism

Tito Gaming
Tito Gaming - 08.10.2023 18:08

Quran says there is only muslim division between in islam is totally wrong

Misra Rashid
Misra Rashid - 30.09.2023 06:26

Assalam u Alaikum.
In my humble opinion, the moment one admits that there is none worthy of worship but Allah (swt) and that Prophet Muhammad (saw) is the messenger from Allah (swt), he/she is a Muslim. Now how a Muslim needs to follow Islam is in the holy Quran and Saheeh Hadees. Remaining matters, if any, are of very little importance. So much so that they have not been discussed either in holy Quran or in Saheeh Hadees. Means their importance is assigned by Shaitan only in our lives. Thumb rule is that if anything goes against the holy Quran or against Saheeh Hadees, it has to be rejected come what may. Addressing yourself as anything but a Muslim does go against the holy Quran and Saheeh Hadees. Therefore, one must reject calling himself/ herself by any Sect or group. We are Muslims and let Allah (swt) decide whether or not we are part of that one group that will enter the Jannat.

desperado - 28.09.2023 09:17

Thank Jesus for the people who believed you. Please dont listen zakir because he was an atheist of satan

Nusrat Ali
Nusrat Ali - 20.09.2023 06:32

He said” follow quran and the authentic Hadiths” well then how r Shias not Muslims.
narrated by at-Tirmidhi: “I am leaving among you that which, if you hold fast to it, you will never go astray after I am gone, and one of the two is greater than the other: the Book of Allah, which is a rope extended from heaven to earth, and my family, the people of my household (ahl bayti). These two will never be separated until they come to me at the Cistern, so watch how you deal with them after I am gone.

oljasbey - 17.09.2023 13:42

inferior are you

Cyanatic - 16.09.2023 06:13

he didnt give a clear answer tbh

Stories From Everywhere
Stories From Everywhere - 14.09.2023 00:14

There's no Hadith of Prophet Mohammad where he said that follow Quran and my sahaba . In his last sermon, He said 'I am leaving you two things. Quran & my AhlulBait (my house people) & they will not seprate unless they both meet me at the pond of Kauser on judgment day..

Aafiyah - 10.09.2023 18:18

Zakir Naik misleading
He has iranian agenda
Here its clear he denies Quran Sunnah
Islam is Quran + Sunnah
And shias dont follow
Shias dont follow sunnah
They curse quran
They fought with sahabas
They actually fought with Ali ..
When they killed imaam hussain they made new religion shia to escape from punishment
Ur eeman is weak
We are sunni we follow sunnah
Shias curse son in law of prophet peace be upon him usmaan they celebrate his death anniversary as eid
They curse umer abu bakr who were father in laws of Prophet peace be upon him ..
Hazrat hafsa they curse her and their children
They are allies of jews
They are illogical they lie
Shias r human worshipers...
Shias curse all Sahaba
They curse brother in law of prophet peace be upon him ..Abu muaawiya his father abu sufyan ..
Abu muaawiyaa was honoured to write revelations ..of Quran ..
Shias curse muslims n call us terrorists .
Shias joined romans when romans were defeated
Shias romans again fought with sahabas and muslims won.
They worship political leaders of iran and they say khanmoie leaders talk to allah and know unseen.
Shias Blame angel jibreal of giving prophecy to Muhammad
Shias pray differently
Their call to prayer does not mention Name of Muhammad ..
Shia tell everything illogical as if u r talking to child who imagines
They say had usman not been murdered Ali would not hv been given khilafat ..

Then they say y did nt abu bakr umer usmaan save imaaam husssain when he was murdered..
And attack was sudden
Ali was not alive
How usman umer abu bakr would hv been alive when hussain was killed
And in war ..
Prophet Muhammad himself fought with enemies he did nt tell muslims to shield him .
If abu bakr umer usman would hv been alive ...when hussain was killed ..
Still its illogical to say they did nt ..
Everyone fights ..some die
And when enemy attacks during prayer ...like umer Ali were attacked ..
At the same time thay say had umer usmaan not being murdered Ali would nt hv been given khilafat ..illogical then blaming them for imam hussains death .
It would hv been possible that umer abu bakr usmaan would not hv been there
I told them y could nt family of hussain saved him ..his son zain ul aabideen ..his relatives were in medina
Ali was offered khilafat by abu bakr umer usmaan he refused
Shia total world population is 8 percent ..
Shias destroyed palestine homeland resting place of Prophets sahabas
Iran n so called israel were friends ..
Now iran changed policy
Secretly helps jews
Shias iran and shia leader basha rul asad who got settled in syria and captured syria attacked syria used chemical weapons
Russia destroyed syria with the help of shias
Terrorist shia organisation hizbullah of lebanon ( 55 percent sunni population) attacked men women children in syria ..
Shias illogical ..remember hussain during muharram only ..
Fake love
We remember sahabas prophets their families throught out the year ..
And whenever we mention them hadeeth ..and hadeeth mentioned by sahabas , ., Sahaba imaam hussain ...we r rewarded.
We celebrate muharram as per Quran Sunnah ...
Islam was completed in the life time of Prophet peace be upon him ..
Nothing can be added
Shias day starts by cursing Sahabas family of Prophet peace be upon him , Muslims, ...they dont accept makkah medina
They hv problem with Quran
If non muslims burn every quran and keep one copy with themselves we will produce the same Quran
If u say there is no sunni shia ..
U dont know the meaning of sunni n u accept shia beliefs
How can u tell themselves ? What if they think
U r shia beating chest , horse zuljinnah ..
We followers of islam which is Quran sunnah call ourselves Sunnis
Shias dont consider hajj
They ask help from ali
They worship hussain
They made shia religion after many years of death of hussain ..to settle down at one place ..and show fake love to escape from punishment ..
Shias worship iran
We criticise saudi leaders ...saudi govt
We hv no religious relation with them
They are humans muslims
We condemn their wrong doings ..., we are one ummah
But u can not utter a single word against iran
Makkah Medina blessed places for muslim ummah , and also Masjid al aqsa ..(whole compound )..

Shias are heartless ..
One shia told me if u say any thing wrong about issa christians will ..
That kafir how could he think
Yes shias say messengers prophets are below their imaams .
And christians blame jesus for killing one family ..
They say it happily ..
Jesus's mother named him issa n not jesus
They themselves say jesus was arrested ..he died
Who is running the universe
Universe is expanding
They say jesus was born ..
Where was he born who made sky earth where was he born
Earth shy ..
Then they say marry
They say jesus is son of god and also say jesus is God ..
Does god worship god
Shias worship imaam Ali and their iranian political leaders .
They keep their photos of iranian leaders in their homes bedrooms streets walls ..
They r human worshipers
These people fought with Hazrat Ali ..
And later formed shia religion after the death of Imaam hussain ...
They show fake love ..
They never had beef with jews..
Iran They looted Iraq and drained its resources.
Shias are always with kafirs
They support indian army attrocities in kashmir
They say sunnis are terrorist.
We say we r sunnis to distinguish from shia kafirs who call themselves muslims ..
They are enemies of Islam
They found shia religion to eradicate Islam
They hv an agenda
Lying is permissible in shia religion
Islam tells us circumstances when lying is permissible
Shias hv no such condition ..

Chrstians jews are better than them
And we are allowed to marry them mentioned in Quran
But not idol worshipers ..
Shias do the same
They worship ayatullah khanmoei iranian political leaders stone .. karballa mud ..
They ask help from Ali though they fought with him
Christians and jews are people of book ..
Shias curse Quran
They say actual Quran was burned by usmaan
Then y Did nt Ali produce the same ..
How god could nt preserve the Quran
Burn every Quran and keep one
We will produce the same
And Almighty Allah has promised to preserve it till judgement day
Those who reject even one word of Quran are kafirs.
Shias disrespect all messengers and Prophets ..
And they say Imaams are above them..
Shia is not a sect ...
Its newly formed religion
They hv an agenda
Shias want to eradicate followers of Quran Sunnah and be with jews
: shias joined hands with romans to kill muslims and fought with sahabas Khalid bin waleed
shias in iran killed almost all sunnis
: Shia is a man made religion full of lies
Lying is permissible in shia religion

Hass - 04.09.2023 13:03

"Dont make sects" but the damage has already been done around 1300 years ago, Muslims now are automatically a part of a sect. Even Zakir Naik is also a part of a sect

Cataphract_7 - 30.08.2023 21:40

those who follow me and sahabas joker where is it written to follow sahaba it is written to follow quran and ahlebait after the prophet son of mauviya lie more

Rajat Naz
Rajat Naz - 29.08.2023 17:17

We don't follow usman,umar,farooq etc who don't have any relationship with rasulallah but we follow hazrat ali who is cousin ,son in law and selected as first khalifa by prophet Mohammad SAW so shias are better than sunnis

Juned Alam Mansuri
Juned Alam Mansuri - 27.08.2023 12:30

Bhai kyoo behas kr raha hai. Aur Dr. Zakir Naik na hote to eese koi baat hi nahi krte.
