10 Popular ️‍ LGBTQ+ Members in Kenya

10 Popular ️‍ LGBTQ+ Members in Kenya


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@ofivibglogogovov - 18.11.2023 19:06

Much love towards them esspetially the gospel musician may God bless him if he hasn't act upon his feelings it's not a son but people who do act upon it have every right to do so

@crossvinburn831 - 19.08.2023 14:59

How to get saved and be right with God,who loved us all, for eternal life!
1-Realize that all have sinned before God.
Romans 3:10-12+23 (KJB)
10. "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:"
11."There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God."
12."They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one."
23. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”

2-Realize that God loved us, even as sinners enough to allow Jesus to pay the price for our sins, as a free gift to whosoever accepts it.

Romans 5:8-9+12 (KJB)
8. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
9."Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him."
12. “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for all that have sinned:”

Romans 6:23 (KJB)
“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

3-Confess unto God to ask to be forgiven of your sins, by accepting this freely given gift of forgiveness.

Romans 10:9-10+13 (KJB)
9. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
10."For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
13."For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Hebrews 9:27-28 (KJB)
27."And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:"
28."So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.”

Revelation 21:8 (KJB)
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

(An example of what to pray to God to get saved and forgiven of your sins.)
“Dear God, I am a sinner and need saving.
I know I’m not good enough to get to heaven and I need you to save me.
I need the righteousness of your son, Jesus Christ.
I believe that Jesus is the Lord, who died, was buried and resurrected so that his precious blood can wash away my sins.
I trust in him alone to save me.
Nothing else.
Not my good works or anything else.
Only Jesus.
I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

@erenyearger155 - 26.05.2023 19:01

What about God's promise 😢

@loveandfaithfulness4479 - 10.05.2023 14:01

Satan, also called the adversary or the devil, is the enemy of all righteousness and of those who seek to follow God. he and his followers try to lead us away from righteousness. he has many schemes to mislead and turn man from God. satan attempts to undermine us by confusing gender, promoting sexual relations outside of marriage, ridiculing marriage, and discouraging childbearing by married adults who would otherwise raise children in righteousness. The Bible condemns any form of sexual act that is considered “worthless” in God's eyes. homosexuality, beastiality, fornication, and adultery. They say it’s all love and everything, but really they are just looking for lust. There is no true love but lust. God made man & women as a perfect couple to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth. This was given by God not freely chosen. going against His image & His design is going against Him. We aren't here to change the word of God the word of God is here to change us, What are the actual "fruits"—the results—of the homosexual lifestyle? Suffering, Unfulfillment, Nothingness! homosexual activity leads to a host of serious diseases (STDs) HIV, transmitted Infections, and other physical problems,  mental health problems, major depression, anxiety, substance abuse and greater risk of suicidal and a greatly shortened lifespan and the suffering list goes on. Why are there so many diseases?  Why such young deaths?  It has to do with the sexual practices. It goes against how God created bodies to work. And when you violate God’s design, there are always consequences. Same-sex attraction is always an expression of the fallen nature. But if you repent now, God forgiveness starts the process and His power continues to work in us, when we say yes to Him. But when we fail to listen to God, then problems, affliction and suffering will be the consequence of disobedience. I say this lovingly and to say truth in love is to love one another. Do not value your homosexuality Sin more than you value God. The only hope for the homosexual and all people who break God's laws is to turn to Christ. If we want to walk with Christ we must repent and reject our fleshly desires and deny ourselves. God promises the strength for victory over sin, including homosexuality, to all those who will believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation.

@christineakoth8089 - 21.04.2023 15:44


@saadomar2480 - 08.04.2023 10:43

Mwenyezimungu awalaani makafiri wakubwa ninyi.

@christinemunyao1803 - 22.03.2023 16:31


@martinmaina4085 - 19.03.2023 14:15

Useless, disgusting, abominable pervasive, crooked, wicked devils. Get out of our country or repent and seek deliverance. You are in deception and demonic bondage.

@hannahsavage9013 - 15.03.2023 00:04

Jesus Is Lord.
He is the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Do not play with your life by continuing in wickedness. For what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and loses his soul.
Do not live your life anyhow.
Accept the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth now and He will forgive, save and give you a new life full of peace as He is the Prince of Peace. God loves you dearly.

@artisthusnatalal3099 - 10.03.2023 12:42

May Allah guide them and us to the straight path! 🤲

@Valhala0786 - 09.03.2023 11:59

Am stuck at #10

@djlaxa254 - 08.03.2023 10:22

Na wako na midomo kubwa kubwa kweli ...hawa ndio watakua Kuni 🤣

@isaackbuudi5417 - 07.03.2023 09:37

Ooooh my my God agent helped this beautiful generation

@Kabiruwanjuki - 07.03.2023 09:30

Modern members of Sodom and Gomorrah=LGBTQ

@suzanwang7654 - 07.03.2023 08:20

May their Guardian Angels help and counsel them. This is devils work. Devil is aliar. . The wages of this is etternal fire eith the satan.God of Mercy convert them. . They are your beloved children You created them in Your Likeness . Help them to repent. Flow Blood of Jesus Flow.

@rosegesicho6212 - 07.03.2023 00:10

Philippians 2:10 read the bible

@tsunamidigital5431 - 04.03.2023 23:11

Hii upuzi huu..ati ooh i feel more of a lady trapped in a mans body, juzi nmeskia ujinga ingine ati ooh i feel am a baby trapped in an adult body, mwingine kajitoa macho because he feels like he should have been born disbled..kuna wengine wanajiita transwealth(poor who feel like they are rich) like wtf 😂😂 upuzi wa kijiekelea cz the world allowed it to happen

@florencemungai9664 - 04.03.2023 15:17

We are in the world of Sodom n gomora....may Lord forgive us....cjui tutalelea watoto wapi?so sad....

@fauziasheikh8477 - 03.03.2023 16:16

Majority of the list are men......mumekosea wapi😅

@marthakinya305 - 02.03.2023 19:55

Descendants of Sodom and Gomorrah.Rupture ifike please

@kalu2016 - 02.03.2023 11:29

Kama serikali imeshindwa kuwaangamiza ..tutachukua sheria mikononi

@mikeygeorge - 02.03.2023 01:24

Don't support stupidity

@wambuaphianah1874 - 01.03.2023 05:09

Kenya kwisha the country of satan Walah mbinguni mtafika kama mumechoka na huyo president evil

@rosewambui3255 - 28.02.2023 13:53

Transgender tutaelewa Ile sitaelewe ni these men who want to become women for nothing smmh

@WaziriAlbertoWangamati - 27.02.2023 15:00

love is a habit, girls & boys school must be abolished.

@steveirungu3132 - 12.02.2023 19:47

Dear Lord Jesus Christ help me to make the right decisions in life so help me God in Jesus Christ name Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 by Steve Irungu Jermaine

@lucyimali5879 - 06.02.2023 16:08

God judges sin
HOMOSEXUALITY is sin, flee from it, repent before the MESSIAH cones to take HIS HOLY CHURCH

@rosefavour - 04.02.2023 15:11

Hell awaits you. Sodom and Gomorrah reloading. You will be consumed by Divine fierce fire. God does make any mistake in all His creation work.
Genesis 1 : 27, then 31

@firstvisual5404 - 02.02.2023 20:58

Sasa ni nani tuta chunga , our daughters or our sons ??

@debbsmwangi7542 - 30.01.2023 21:03


@maureenmis5852 - 18.01.2023 02:12

The son of Luis Otieno???mtangazaji ama?

@justloveokay - 17.01.2023 09:38

Wow 😍😍😍

@mellenondieki6329 - 13.01.2023 08:00

I can like RUBBISH,,God created Aman and Awoman, Adam and Eve.,RUBBISH things going on if your mom didn't not give birth to those guys to become lesbianism, where were,they to come to do RUBBISH, stop that marry straight women, you mentally boys,Rugged, l hate people do RUBBISH, l in USA 🇺🇸

@trending3563 - 13.01.2023 05:23

Na hao ni kumi tu..... hamjangezea kina chiloba

@ruthlagat8711 - 09.01.2023 15:34

God forbid!....this is so disgusting

@steveirungu3132 - 11.11.2022 18:41

i dont condemnthese guys including myself SteveIrungu Jermaine

@Silvia-rw3qj - 08.08.2022 03:02

Jesus is coming back soon

@sheilamanono3722 - 16.06.2022 15:29

Wow so nice 😍😍😍💖💖💖

@signtheblackrussian - 15.06.2022 03:45

Men advocating good as evil and evil as good.. Bitter as sweet and sweet as bitter... It was written 2000yrs ago... Truly I tell you, these are the last days and such manner will prevail... A time will come, when the nights shall be dark and full of terror and the crows shall come... Hoping people will find Christ Jesus... Otherwise HELL will be their ETERNAL dwelling place... GOD is ETERNAL, and so is His wrath... Truly, this is the very LAST generation.... Sad world ‼️

@levisomari417 - 11.06.2022 15:42

God forbid

@janekikunya8927 - 16.03.2022 23:41

Wajinga na washenzi

@MabawaVocal - 25.01.2022 03:17

Funny how this came with tv an phones, African cans have joined western lifestyle

@DenviQKenya - 25.05.2021 21:02

Very Informative this is a Plus

@LomzySews - 22.05.2021 09:52

Wow good to know

@SiroFits - 22.05.2021 05:59

I didn't know we had so many like this

@nekesawangili2150 - 21.05.2021 22:51

Now I know.
