Which Study Bible is Best? (2023 Reviews of Newer Popular Study Bibles)

Which Study Bible is Best? (2023 Reviews of Newer Popular Study Bibles)

Matt Whitman

1 год назад

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@livingwaterministries9319 - 19.03.2024 03:46

With inflation its probaby is now 100.

@Usui111 - 19.03.2024 19:39

I love my ESV Study Bible

@SandraLily2 - 21.03.2024 05:13

I have a John MacArthur study bible. I highly recommend it.

@yeshuaislord3058 - 21.03.2024 05:29

I bought my wife the ESV women's study Bible which was her first Bible a few years ago. I liked the ESV a lot and really wanted her to have a Bible she could enjoy and get deep theological truth while appealing to her walk with the Lord, and it really is an awesome Bible that does not water down anything but does have some extra things that women may find encouraging as a wife mother and daughter. The notes are not watered down and ive dug it myself

@Whattsup-nr7tv - 22.03.2024 07:03

What do you think about the Reformation bible study by R.C.Sproul?

@realestateunplugged6129 - 25.03.2024 02:14

I told my friend that women like flowers (I'm a man and I like them too so no patronization) and she denied it. 5 days later she asked if i wanted to see her new dress... It was pretty, but completely covered in flowers. I brought that up and we then noticed almost every dress she owned had flower patterns. 😂 I ❤ women(and flowers). I honestly don't know which sex "likes" flowers more but i thought that was funny. Even she laughed.

@reneallen9556 - 26.03.2024 23:10

Great overview of a ton of Study Bibles, many of which I have. I agree with you about your take on the He Reads Truth vs. the She Reads Truth Bibles. I am a woman, and I purchased both, mainly because I definitely was drawn to the He Reads Truth because it contained a lot more content that was in line with what I thought the She Reads Truth should have. They should create a We Read Truth and combine the two Bibles. Waiting for your next fabulous Review!

@intentionallymade - 27.03.2024 05:31

The she reads truth is a devotional bible not a study Bible. There is a csb study Bible but this is not it. I really do love the she reads truth as a copy work bible and and using for prayer. Thank you for these reviews. I really think I’ll try the NLT illustrated bible as well as the enduring voices Bible. I just recently got a NKJV interleaved bible for my main bible and it’s been so nice to have extra space for notes. I don’t like bibles geared towards different people or careers or whatever because if that exact thing. Now I need to go get the men’s version I guess.

@jbeard3390 - 28.03.2024 20:24

I'm looking for a Bible, that is in new english, with detailed maps timelines depictions, tons of study notes and a thumb index

@sanskritprayers - 31.03.2024 05:10

You did well in this review, I learned a thing or two (or three) that are helpful to my decision-making as I expand my study Bibles. Thank you.

@Darren4032 - 05.04.2024 05:53

Defending the Faith study bible NKJV from Apologetics Press

@roberthearn2908 - 06.04.2024 21:10

The problem I'm running into is that my vision is getting worse and worse. Trying to find a giant print study Bible is pretty much impossible. I've ended up getting a giant print Bible for comfort in reading, and Kindle Bible studies (because I can zoom the print easily). Any suggestions are appreciated.

@Majorpain32677 - 08.04.2024 17:42

Stick to the Bible you don’t need man’s writings most of y’all don’t read the Bible that’s the problem

@denisemaryott6014 - 10.04.2024 05:13

I use the CSB Study Bible from 2017 and find the notes are quite thorough. The maps are well done as well as the illustrations.
I have never been drawn to the women's Bibles as I do not feel there should be a difference when reading and interpreting GOD'S word.

@Rain-Dirt - 11.04.2024 19:30

My thoughts are similar to yours, Matt.
Those twin volumes of Halman sound like a horrible choice to make as it seem to want to TELL YOU what to think, instead of allowing to interpret things for yourself. There's an almost a controlling factor coming from it that immediately repels me away from it. Neutrality of information and research is too valuable to me and I think it should be to others as well, but that is up to others ofcourse.
And seriously.. Study Bibles for women (or men) ? No. Just absolutely no. Not in a hundred thousand year. The Bible itself should be for everyone regardless of s3x. "for women" or "for men" just means 'limitations and extra role-rules' which is a toxic distraction that we do not need in the world. Not now, not in the past, not ever.
The ESV Women's Study Bible f.e. as you pointed out has nice art that I as a guy would appreciate as well. But the mere fact that the cover says "women's" makes it look like it is wrong for a guy to like it too, which is just another example of this toxic focus on what some people think "genderroles" should look like, which goes back to the aspect of "controlling others". One may think it minor, but it's a real detail of a bigger picture.

That Ancient Faith Study Bible looks really interesting!

@heisrisen9855 - 11.04.2024 21:27

Just seeing this but as a person who watches bible reviews along with other theology/Christian book, I appreciated your imput. Though I have a pretty solid library I was able to put a few in my cart. God bless

@jonniebox9656 - 12.04.2024 21:13

Spirit-Filled Life Bible 🙌🏼

@visanlala - 13.04.2024 07:56


@CocoRio - 13.04.2024 16:13

That moment when you CALLED THEM OUT!!


"He Reads Truth" vs.
"She Reads Truth"

Holman: -0- // Whitman: Grand Slam!!

I just found your channel today, and WOW!!

Subscribed and liked!!

@soundararajandaniel7054 - 13.04.2024 17:34

Only the kjv Bible is God's word. All others are fake .

@john1verse171 - 17.04.2024 02:16

As a woman, I avoid women's study Bibles like the plague. It is tiring to read dumbed-down versions of study notes. Give me rich theology and deep study!

@dannyiselin - 17.04.2024 04:07

More glutted marketing of Bibles...all of which are produced in the Communist Country of China, because the American publishers are too cheap to have the work done here. Matt didn't mention this. He's got to be on the commission end of these publishers!!!

@JakobMachado - 22.04.2024 05:02

The Orthodox one

@craighatch5262 - 23.04.2024 07:10

Well, if it's not a catholic bible not interested, I DO NOT believe in sola scriptura or sola Fida! Sola Fida is a lazy way of believing in Christ and the Bible speaks that the church does have authority! Outside of that if it teaches you that women can become ministers, priests, or deacons, or have any kind of authority within the church, then you probably should stay away from that kind of bible! Let alone that kind of church! Not picking on anyone who believes in Sola Scriptura or Sola Fida, just believe in the TRUE church of Christ.

@phillipgoodson2057 - 27.04.2024 20:07

The NIV removed 64,000 words from the Bible. God removed their names from the book of life.

All 500+ corrupt modern versions publishers have all had their names blotted out too, if they were ever there.

There is only one word for word translation available in English.

The 1611 Authorized King James Bible.

Perfectly preserved.

@etahhcumosevahi - 28.04.2024 12:31

The one with the most pictures and least amount of words.

@valeyyrm - 29.04.2024 09:01


@lacavilosa2.438 - 05.05.2024 08:34

Feminist bibles

@SoulStarLA - 06.05.2024 20:09

Hi Matt, I was wondering, what is the main bible you are using (the indexed one you had on the table at beginning of this video)? Thank you.

@JordanCrowderFilms - 07.05.2024 04:52

Great overview! I really like “The Open Bible.” Because it’s mostly hands off, but helps bring history and context, but sparks curiosity to dig through on your own with the chain references. I also like how it lays flat. I went ahead and put tabs on mine, because I ain’t fooling anybody, they help me move quickly. Plus my dad had tabs on his when I was a kid, and I thought his Thompson Chain Reference Bible was pretty cool and luxurious then, so it makes me think of him, how he became a Christian when we were kids and lead our whole family to Christ.

@corymccutchan5098 - 08.05.2024 05:49

They only made one Exhaustive Concordance.

@briangronberg6507 - 17.05.2024 06:55

I couldn't agree more about the Ancient Faith Study Bible. It's my first experience with the CSB which I've come to appreciate a great deal and as you said, every page is a crucible and a call to deeper reflection.

@JetADR - 20.05.2024 17:40

Note on Early Church Fathers:
Sadly many of the Early Church Fathers after 135 AD are anti-semetic and Replacement Theology oriented (The Church has replaced Israel and all the Promises to Israel are now given to the Chudch).
It is understandable since the Religious leaders of Judaism rejected Jesus as the Messiah, The Jewish people were killing each other as the Zealots and Other groups were trying to rise up against Rome and as Rome salughtered Jewish in 70 AD through 135 AD. Jewish Believers in Jesus could not side with the other Jewish Sects and many groups died out leaving the Pharisees as the main group to follow.
With the 2nd exile Church Fathers felt it was a punishment from God for Rejecting Jesus and Later the 'Blood Liable' narrative arrose which is ridiculous considering the limited number of people who could fit in court yard before Pilate.
Anyway, I am cautious to certain church Father's writings. The Foundation of Christianity is 1st Century Judaism and If Jesus is the Promised Jewish Messiah, christians need to see Him that way. He is the Messiah 'to the Jew First' (Romans 1) and then it is Expanded to the other Nations.

@sydney.g.sloangammagee8181 - 23.05.2024 19:54

Excellent selection of reviews, immensely helpful - definitely going to view previous review !!!
You have helped me choose for my grandkids, great transition from Bible Stories to easy to read & understand but keep interest for pre-teen to help in these social cultural challenging times!!! THANK YOU.
(I have a granddaughter who will LOVE that bold colorful heavy pointing to Jesus one & her brother will love the Artistic series of the ESV SB - I will be looking for those two specifically.)

HE READS vs. SHE READS as you said were meant to be as a set . . .
Most likely for Husband to lead the Wife & as "let the wife seek knowledge from her husband"
Perhaps in marriage counseling & emphasis on repairing a competitive relationship - extreme & concentrated!

Not saying I agree, but both would have to be in agreement to use these together wisely & for bonding !!!

You had your son helping you - maybe you need your wife to review the women bibles for her perspective.
Otherwise, with SO many other excellent choices . . . I plan to avoid gender specific bibles.

LOVE the Enduring Voices & Ancient Modern - get the best from 2 severe reformation eras in church establishment!!!
Grace & Truth I wouldn't have considered until you gave this review but sounds naturally powerful.
Again, I can't thank you enough for enlightening me to make an informed choice!!!

@mikefitzgerald3524 - 27.05.2024 20:23

Thank you so much for your honest take on the He reads vs She reads Bibles. I think you are 100% spot on. The amount of twaddle marketed to women is astounding.

@darz3829 - 29.05.2024 00:49

The bible is a book mostly written by men who never even met the people they wrote about (many years after). It is also heavily edited and censored by a church that had a power and politics agenda, eliminating around 14 books (the Apocrypha). In addition, there isn't just one Christian bible - there are at least three with different numbers of chapters. There exists no provable, fact-based evidence to support any of the supernatural (spiritual) events in it. Thus, it is pure human belief - a human emotion and dependent on as many human thoughts as there are humans. To believe without factual evidence is like saying a court case should be determined by only hearsay or a feeling. It's hard to think God wouldn't hold humans to a standard that they hold themselves. ANYTHING supernatural or spiritual that is taken from the bible is hearsay, feelings, beliefs, hopes, and tales of imaginations, and not proven with evidence.

@HChartierKJV - 31.05.2024 04:55

King James For the Win. Tried and True for 400 Years, Takes a Licken and Keeps on Tickin.

@victoriatong777 - 31.05.2024 08:14

Thank you! I've gotten the Ancient Faith Study Bible based on your recommendation. It didn't disappoint at all. And I got a lot of new insight from it that changed the way I saw some parts of the Bible!

@PhilipEvang - 02.06.2024 20:43

Let your "go to" Bible be a text Bible - then have a notebook for what you've gleaned in your studies / what God has showed you.
Have as many study Bibles as you want/need, just leave them on your bookshelf. This approach might leave more room for the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart....
Finally, a study Bible is problematic for evangelism - they can get the person you're sharing with distracted.

@Kirkwoodclay - 05.06.2024 16:26

These aren’t Catholic right?

@BuckScrotumn - 10.06.2024 17:49

Imagine being a grown man studying the Bible. 😂

Have fun with your delusion ya’ll.

@FIRE0KING - 14.06.2024 17:33

Blessings to you Matt! Thanks for all your hard work. Can you do a review of the faithlife study bible? The late Dr. Michael Heiser did the translations for genesis or part of genesis so it'll be pretty cool since he was really big on bringing the biblical scholarship to the layman.

@mountuplikeaneagle - 20.06.2024 17:11

You don't need a study Bible. Prayerfully read and study God's word the KjV version and others that agree with KJV. The Holy Ghost is our teacher.

@Christiantalk153 - 27.06.2024 00:28

Anyone have an opinion or checked out the can study Bible? I’ve read through the kjv study Bible by Thomas Nelson and it was meh, I had the esv study Bible before and it was okay. Thoughts?

@user-gx9hk8gt3k - 29.06.2024 16:32

1. gospel transformation study bible
2. grace and truth study bible
3. the enduring voices study bible
4. search the scriptures bible
5. literary study bible
6. NLT illustrated study bible
7. the jesus bible
8. ESV student study blble
9. ESV concise study bible
10. she / he reads truth bible ( 2 volume )
11. NKJV the woman's study bible
12. ESV women's study blble
13. the study bible for women
14. ancient faith study bible
Don't judge a book by its cover!

@jujjuj7676 - 30.06.2024 01:29

Let me fix the subject, which is the best way I can burn money and stay ignorant... As I follow unproven, unverified nonsense 😂😂😂 ( say you the one who never paid attention to science without having to say it) bahaha

@KeanikaLewis - 14.07.2024 11:08

So on point about the SRT and HRT bibles. I bought the one for my hub and noticed right away how much study material was in his, I was bothered. I don’t use mine anymore 🤷🏽‍♀️

@Foxie770 - 17.07.2024 01:52

What about Word on Fire Bible set and the Ascension Adventure Bible?
