Mineral Wool Insulation Guide: Is It Safe? Pros, Cons, and FAQs

Mineral Wool Insulation Guide: Is It Safe? Pros, Cons, and FAQs


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@AndrewKeezer - 06.01.2021 17:43

It was interesting to learn that mineral wool insulation contains as much as 90% recycled content.

@rickmatz1935 - 08.01.2021 07:28

Mineral wool is the best. Cool video. Stay away from spray foam and it unscrupulous installers. With the exception of certain applications and honest installation experts.

@maesterlaemon7743 - 11.01.2021 00:33


@impiriusx - 17.02.2021 04:04

Would Rockwool be a safe material for between studs in a T1-11 built shed, and then covered with sheet-rock? I'm worried about not noticing moisture damage over time.

@ferdicastellano - 02.03.2021 15:16

Hello! Thanks for the video! Is there anything I can do to protect my health from VOC's now that the mineral wool with no green guard certificate is installed in my house? Will the VOC's trespass the walls? Thank you

@developerdeveloper67 - 04.03.2021 20:30

We humans are the only animals capable of completely transforming the environment to better suit our needs, we live we affect our world, all this sustainable talk is bs, your personal footprint is very small. Most significant changes to the environment are done by industry, massive scale industrial production. So if you want to "save the world" start by controlling population growth, that is the only way to reduce industrial activity. In short: I don't care if my insulation is sustainable, my personal footprint is tiny, insignificant.

@kirstyreynolds1170 - 14.03.2021 01:10

if you are using it in a house I guess it would be more environmentally friendly as it has that job forever. In the Horticulture industry, it is used for hydroponic and then just chucked into a landfill and it doesn't biodegrade.

@luisbatista1103 - 17.04.2021 04:16

Can mineral wool (rockwool) be used to insulate an outdoor pizza oven?

@SGSEN - 02.05.2021 00:10

Hi! Would it be safe to use it for acoustic panels in a home studiio? usually the panels get covered with cloth to prevent any particles inhalation. Thanks!

@nodave77 - 31.05.2021 22:21

should i be concerned about breathing these fibers of the only barrier is a sound permeable cotton fabric? normally this stuff is enclosed within a wall and you don’t need to worry about breathing the fibers. i am however looking at an alternative use, due to its soundproofing qualities many people use these to build home made sound absorption panels for home theater.

@billmitchell5805 - 03.08.2021 19:54

No seeing an mention of a vapor barrier on exterior walls in a bathroom remodel project? Is it not needed for the ROXUL product? Thanks

@supermetaltastic - 09.08.2021 06:42

Will mice go through rockwool insulation also know as mineral wool?

@DavidDouglasZach - 09.08.2021 06:54

Hello Rise. I was wandering if you could answer my question pretty please. I live in Des Moines, Iowa. Aka cold winters and hot/ humid summers. I am going to have my siding AND old crappy sheathing removed on my house (due to a hail storm). Can I install mineral wool in my 2 x 4 stud bays and NOT have to worry about adding a vapor varrier??? Mineral wool does not come with a vapor barrier attackes like fiberglass insulation does.... sooooo am I correct in understanding that RockWool doesn't require a vapor barrier even in cold climates??? Thank you for any feedback?

@asmrcindyc6939 - 17.09.2021 21:38

Where can I buy this? Home depot is out

@amdguru34 - 20.09.2021 20:47

How about you discuss the 3 methods of heat transfer and how that is WAY MORE IMPORTANT than R value! This insulation will stop convection heat transfer because mineral wool blocks 100% moisture and air, unlike stupid fiberglass. (I mean, how are we in 2021 and still considering fiberglass as a form of insulation?!!!) You don't have to worry about condensation like you do with fiberglass causing moisture inside your walls. My advice, stop worrying about R value and start thinking about the 3 methods of heat transfer because that will have more of an impact on the thermal envelope of your home. Oh and STOP buying fiberglass insulation! IT'S NOT INSULATION!!!!

@anthonybarbuto6012 - 06.10.2021 03:22

I am interested in building an arched cabin. These are available in kit form from the company......arched cabin in Texas USA. They use metal ribs which are attached to the floor then raised to form two walls and the roof. The exterior is covered with metal sheets from the floor to roof. All the home builder need do is build the two end walls and finish the interior of the house. The company gives you minimal insulation with the kit. This is a large sheet that goes under the exterior metal siding and over the metal ribs. When I asked the company for additional insulation ideas they say most customers spray in foam insulation. I am against foam insulation on several levels......fire propagation.......gods......

@pietropie - 16.10.2021 15:53

Do not use mineral wool insulation, it is toxic.

@ReyShady05 - 19.10.2021 18:58

Do I need a vapor barrier when installing against a concrete block wall?

@donaldhollingsworth3875 - 24.10.2021 00:00

I want to insulate to gable ends in the attic with Rockwool R-22 insulation. There are no vertical studs except the flat studs of the roof truss. also the are a lot of framing & siding nails which can't be cut to put new 2X6 studs. I live in Wilmington, NC & my attic get get up to around 120 degrees in the summer time & about 30 degrees in the winter. My question is: can I use a little construction adhesive to help hold the insulation in place?

@LR-kj8ec - 02.12.2021 03:46

How does it fare if it gets wet?

@asianguy6174 - 24.01.2022 12:07

I have acoustic panels that appear to have rock wool as a backing. For the most part, I wore gloves and a mask, but just moving the panels around without touching the rock wool made my skin itch and irritated my sinuses. I wonder if I should use these at all.

@Im-a-machine - 08.03.2022 00:37

Great video sir! I'm going to use the R30 Rockwool attic insulation batts. Would I just need an N95 mask when installing it, or something better?

@jamescole3152 - 13.03.2022 10:52

I don't care about the energy.. I am not a global warming cultist.

@chadcochran5888 - 26.04.2022 23:42

Do you need a vapor barrier, especially on the warm side of the wall?

@benoitsagnier7853 - 16.05.2022 03:04

Corruption, cupidity, lies, rockwool is toxic

@russmitchellmovement - 29.07.2022 19:50

Is it safe enough to be used as inorganic batting for those allergic to sheepwool, etcetera?

@uog293 - 06.09.2022 19:14

How do you insulate the thermal bridge of the stud

@giseliapereira5914 - 29.10.2022 23:46

Did you say that Mineral Insulation contains small amounts of asbestos? It has been recommended on my building plans and I want to make sure about the asbestos.

@toddjerseyarchitectureinc.8059 - 07.01.2023 08:14

Is it safe? Lol

@alexgg7499 - 13.11.2023 08:32

Why we keep using fiberglass if this is better

@pjeffers0829 - 22.12.2023 13:10

Can I use it under a new metal roof installation over the existing mobile home tin roof? Basically, between the 2 roofs for temperature control.
This old trailer tin roof has been sweating on the under side, which is causing condensation that then drops onto my ceiling insulation, which creates mold in my ceiling panels & ruining my ceiling. I have a panel that is close to falling in from moisture damage.
I don't know exactly how to handle this. I'm thinking a new roof with insulation under it may keep the hot & cold from colliding on my tin roof & causing condensation.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

@vladlabyrinth6335 - 08.02.2024 14:23

I hope no one will listen to a person standing in a room completely filled with harmful dust without a mask... Be smarter, people

@jackibrown8651 - 27.03.2024 16:51

The depth of the framing studs in my old farmhouse attic bathroom is 8”. I’ve got mice to deal with. Rocwool is 6” deep. What do I do about the extra 2” depth? This will go against a slanted exterior wall with slate roof. Do I need a vapor barrier as well? Help! I’m not a carpenter but can’t find one in pretty Vermont. They’re all too busy building new second homes. 😔

@blankslate6393 - 24.05.2024 05:30

This video is a marketing bulshit art. No mention of possible health risks of the particles which can float into the air. When it irritate your skin, how do you expect to not irritate your lung to. This is new asbestos, only without regulation.

@T_157-40 - 03.09.2024 05:51

Can you install it over 2” of closed cell foam without having moisture or other issues?

@ChesneyDigital - 26.01.2025 00:09

What about wool blown in insulation? Rockwool website shows a granulated “loose fill” product but I cannot find this anywhere. Anyone know where you can buy loose fill Rockwool for blown insulation? Do you just rent a machine from Lowe’s or Home Depot and blow the stuff in existing walls or would that require a special blowing machine? I can’t find any info online about Rockwool blown insulation- I have a home that is over 100 years old and all of the existing insulation has now turned to dust- there is literally NO insulation in any of the walls anymore. Plus my home is in an urban area surrounded by low IQ thugs blasting bass so I’d like as much sound dampening as possible. Any recommendations?

@mfwagged - 02.02.2025 07:16

Choose wisely. Owens Corning's formaldehyde-free mineral wool product is not available for the retail market so if you're buying Owens Corning Thermafiber Fire and Sound Guard Plus mineral wool at a big box retailer and thinking its formaldehyde-free, ITS NOT. Rockwool's Comfortbatt retail mineral wool product is also not entirely formaldehyde-free, however the product is GreenGuard certified whereas Owens Corning is not.

@buildwithrise - 06.01.2021 17:33

Are you considering mineral wool insulation for an upcoming project?
