The Mysterious Blue Lotus Ritual Of The Ancient Egyptians | Private Lives Of Pharaohs | Parable

The Mysterious Blue Lotus Ritual Of The Ancient Egyptians | Private Lives Of Pharaohs | Parable

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@mindhunter00789 - 26.11.2023 07:48

There is No narcotic or phycadelic compounds in this plant i have ate the flowers smoked them there is not even a slight head change zero dont waste your money or your time with this plant they had to have mixed this substence with something because on its own even if you ate a pound of the flowers at one time you are not going to get high

@YosefHayimBenAvraham - 09.11.2023 04:21

I bought Egypt blue lotus for a hookah I used to own. I didn’t want to smoke weed or tobacco, so I chose an alternative. And I was super buzzed after I smoked it. It was a nice surprise. I didn’t expect it at all. Lol I roofied myself with a sacred plant.

@ausgepicht - 27.10.2023 03:13

I can't help but think there was quite a bit of myopia going on here. No one considered the idea that the blue lotus was processed? For example, with A. muscaria, two of the active compounds are muscimol and ibotenic acid. However, if you dried them you convert about 30% of the IBO into Muscimol. If you simmer fresh ones or the dried ones, you convert even more. The difference between a freshly picked one and a processed one are monumentally different in terms of concentration, or psychedelic trip. Microdosing you can alleviate PTSD, depression, suicide ideation, anxiety, etc. You can also make a tincture for pain relief. All different uses and effects by simply processing them without adding anything else.

In addition, how about combining them into a draught? For example, if you were to just study Psychotria viridis you may not be too impressed. However, when simmered with the Banisteriopsis caapi vine you get ayahuasca. One simple ingredient and you make the psychedelic experience persist for many hours. Other analogs, i.e. soma, haoma, kykeon, etc. do the same thing. A recipe of ingredients to get a specific result. In fact, what many scientists don't know is that the ancient Egyptians had an ayahuasca analog utilizing a fair number of ingredients, called Didi the main ingredient which was the blue lotus. The supposed "wine goblets" with the blue lotus painted on the interior, was not a wine goblet, but for Didi. Did these scientists know this? Apparently, they didn't. What would be the effects of blue lotus interacting with other compounds just as with ayahuasca, kykeon, soma, etc.?

As for the blue lotus as a "Viagra," the same can be said about Psilocybin mushrooms. You will not only "trip" if you macrodose, but more often than not, you will get "horny," or aroused and the increased focus and concentration only heightens the sexual experience.

Scientists are often myopic and this study would have seriously benefited from having a "psychonaut" or someone with experience in other psychedelic compounds in the study to lend their insight.

@denisegroce7135 - 25.10.2023 08:29

Ancient Egyptians were native Africans, please correct your thumbnail.

@h.sapiens3404 - 24.10.2023 21:57

Amazing 😮

@johndelong5574 - 22.10.2023 02:08

The lotus symbolises the ark of noah. The leaves symbolise the hull of the coricle which was belived to have been constructed with vines and pitch.

@ode6105 - 16.10.2023 19:59

Schistosomiasis is a sexually transmitted amongst people, unless one has sex with snails... Use Prasiquantel for rapid treatment. Symptoms? A genital burn like from Hell, which responds well, to Prasiquantel, blood and excess calcium in the urine, think Ruby Red urine, pain and blood at urination , for YEARS!

@eliseolopez2790 - 28.08.2023 20:38

stimulants are not norcodicts they are not schedule drugs ,drugs are your harmful chemical pills

@anythingeverything1963 - 16.08.2023 11:08

😂 I just had a blue lotus tea and im laughing at them cus I can feel the effects while they are trying too hard to find out😅

@jaydublis - 28.07.2023 18:48

This the forvidden FRUIT that caused Adam and Eve to fall. A fruit to be desired and to make one "wise". The both ate and THEN their EYES were opened and the also both suddenly KNEW they were NAKED

@wyzrd777 - 27.07.2023 02:44

Blue lotus is well known to have psychoactive properties, and is readily available online. It has been suggested that the yellow center inside the blue petals resembles the sun, and carries its power.

@lacemoon8645 - 05.07.2023 04:22

Could be a symbol like our upside down pineapple 🍍😅

@surjit2412 - 26.06.2023 18:45

Anyone selling blue lotus oil or absolute is duping you. He might be selling synthetic oil or the best is fragrant oil immersed in blue lotus for days or months.

@pran7003 - 22.06.2023 04:52

a strong sex is necessary to raise the kundalini force but it must not be used carnally in order to awaken the sleeping kundalini - westerners are attracted to sex which is the very lowest expression of the energy - ultimately the great lotus and the sun refers to the crown center - this will make some angry but sorry thats the truth - you got to endure arasual in order to inflame the sleeping serpent kundalini

@Andgrey - 15.06.2023 14:41

apomorphine and nuciferine are in blue lotus. How did they miss those?

@ifantsaurells3014 - 18.05.2023 03:53

Queen Lily onepiece

@catshepherd3102 - 08.05.2023 11:39

Lotus isn’t narcotic, nor is it intoxicating. It’s a euphoriant. You get high, sometimes get visual effects similar to LSD, you get turned on. When it leaves the bloodstream, you come back to baseline and you’re fine. Not like alcohol, unless you took it in wine.

@jimmylieb5225 - 01.05.2023 04:00

The blue lotus the ancient Egyptians revered is actually a water lilly. Nymphea caerulea. not lotus of the genus Nelumbo.

@lyricz9647 - 20.04.2023 18:29

Blue lotus is not rare you can easily obtain it, I get it from my apothecary and make a tea, it relaxes you, gives lucid dreams and if potent feels very psychedelic

@CatDaddy0327 - 07.04.2023 22:59

Hahahahahahah the covid fund raiser this guy puts up. Who does that fund the WEF? What a stooge

@Jesus-vl2en - 20.03.2023 09:42

I know more about other cultures I think sometimes

@cattymajiv - 10.03.2023 01:33

The makers of this doc + the other 1 about psychoactive properties of the blue lotus in Egypt need to watch each other's shows! They are not aware of each other's research findings.

@sedonawellspring - 08.03.2023 08:15

In my humble opinion, the effects of blue lotus aren't "loud" and in your face, rather it works on your psyche in subtle ways, almost undetectable to empirical analysis, yet nevertheless there. "When the ears of the student are ready to hear, then cometh the lips to fill them with Wisdom."

@sherylhokianga3 - 05.03.2023 00:39

They Grow Everywhere In NQLD!..They look More a Lavender Colour That Accually Blue!..ThankU 4 This Interesting Video!

@jerrythedreamervevo4420 - 03.03.2023 05:18

Funny how when they reconstruct those mummies they always make them white, when the pictures clearly depicts who they really are, that reconstruction looks just like the lady with the glasses, nothing like the actual likeness of what they actually looked like SMH

@twinklebells2813 - 28.02.2023 10:00

They should of have pulled dna off of her to create a beautiful new bloodline or rare individuals. They could of cloned her as well

@Winetunes - 27.02.2023 23:26

Could the chemical compound in the lily or lotus, be confused with the chemical compound that was found in the cocaine mummies? Or maybe the lily / lotus has a cocaine compound?

@RianaAnais - 23.02.2023 06:26

I think they used the lotus to travel to other dimensions to have sex with these other entities to give birth

@MyceliumNet - 21.02.2023 18:17

Drugs are artificially man made. Plants are earths gifts 🎁

@ludovicmarchand5535 - 20.02.2023 06:22

I tried 10gr in a homemade tea but didn't feel anything???/

@louiscle1622 - 12.02.2023 15:56

There are 2 sacred "Lotus" that dwell on water. The sacred blue water lily: Nymphaea caerulea. Egypt
The sacred lotus: Nulembo nucifera. India.(note there are a number of colored cultivars) both have medicinal properties and are usualy culprits of misidentification.

@ericloya93 - 04.02.2023 10:45

How dare they assume the gender of that mummy!

@wendys390 - 01.02.2023 03:27

I've never understood how it's not grave-robbing to unearth and mutilate the mummies. It does not seem right to me.

@verofpv6152 - 27.01.2023 17:21

This is so cringe

@txexmxiii2125 - 26.01.2023 03:03


@ryanbloodandthunder - 25.01.2023 23:44

Now time to do this super sensitive test... no gloves no lab coats lol

@melissajade7717 - 25.01.2023 08:29

I used to smoke blue lotus all the time. It's the most Blissful and relaxing thing ever.

@jerryhouck2237 - 21.01.2023 22:58

Hm....In the in the Pyramids then right??..that's what you keep telling us- the Pyramids were tombs...what was the Valley of the Kings all about then?

@66suntzu - 17.01.2023 12:25

where can i buy this kind of blue lotus narcotic ?

@drippydreya4817 - 16.01.2023 13:04

This reminds me of the avatar movie where they would use the end of their braid to connect

@randombraincell4444 - 15.01.2023 16:48

I was in depression since covid era 2020, now im 3days smoking blue lotus with a little bit of hash. I took off cigarettes since I bought it. And now i feel my serotonin and dopamine coming back n i feel it.

@marcofeola8373 - 13.01.2023 06:39

huge phallus? what is this lady talking about? mine is way bigger then that!! maybe because im italian

@charlessullivan6099 - 11.01.2023 01:15

A sex cult. How original.

@gatkillah2473 - 10.01.2023 11:11

They overthink everything so much what they did was drink / smoke blue lotus, and fukd lol

@ManMountainManX - 09.01.2023 16:11


@candyopal4792 - 29.12.2022 19:59

I smelt a white water lilly, and it was i would say top three best fragrances I have ever experienced in my life, white water lilly, passion flower and mock orange blossom yummy 😋 😍
