Marie Kondo : How To Tidy Your Office Desk

Marie Kondo : How To Tidy Your Office Desk

The Pool

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grytlappar - 18.04.2018 07:27

I have read her book and it is truly transformative. She's such a delightful nut. Whereas her method is about what to keep, the key question being: "Does this give me joy?", other books and "gurus" are all about nifty storage systems and idiot ideas like "Every time you bring a new piece of clothing into your closet you have to throw one away." Oh how wise...

Renata Horackova
Renata Horackova - 26.04.2023 06:57

I cleaning and organize lady this is my job and I love my job special organizing stuff closets office.....

Sergio Santamaria
Sergio Santamaria - 01.02.2023 21:41

It seems that recycling does not spark joy for her

OutcomeAgent - 04.01.2022 09:22

I love how EVERYONE mispronounces Marie's name. Its pronounced "Mar-ee--ay"

im4eva1 - 03.10.2021 13:45

Is that lady in black the Boss? Because only the Boss doesn’t care what her subordinates would think of her being such a messy person, cluttering the table 😂

Alyssa - 22.09.2021 03:11

Where's ilda

Victoria Koerber
Victoria Koerber - 14.06.2021 05:16

Thanking objects is like putting the cart before the horse! Instead, you thank the one who gave you the objects. Everything we make is made out of stuff that was already here that we did not make. That stuff that is already here, was made by God.
We surround ourselves with man made things and start to think too highly of ourselves.
We cannot really "make" anything; we just re-make his stuff!
God is the ultimate creator. He made human kind in his image, which is why we create things in the first place. Give credit to where credit is due! Worship the creator, not the creation!

Ana María Almada
Ana María Almada - 20.04.2021 07:33

Who else lost weight AFTER cleaning your place? If that makes or have any sense

Ana María Almada
Ana María Almada - 20.04.2021 07:31

Why on Earth would you have a pink flamingo in your office? Like.. why??

Ross Kilpatrick
Ross Kilpatrick - 07.04.2021 04:18

Good ideas but the voice over presentation is abysmal.

annie clark
annie clark - 26.03.2021 00:49

Old but Gold

Araliya station
Araliya station - 17.02.2021 20:06

The Different you can find with when you see both the ladys hair.

Simone Barbee
Simone Barbee - 02.02.2021 00:08

Not Marie in the beginning of the video looking at her like wtf is this lady saying :)))) lmaoooo was someone not translating for her then???

Also this poor English woman looks like she was sobbing right before this and then had to get on camera. Shawty looks ROUGH. She really trying to put on a face like she's good but she's clearly not. Her face is smiling but her eyes are dead. It actually makes me uncomfortable to look at cause she lowkey looks like a sociopath....

Jewel Pastöral
Jewel Pastöral - 27.01.2021 12:31

If anyone is trying to find a comment in 2021 HERE IT IS

Josef Shlomi
Josef Shlomi - 27.01.2021 02:26

what a f**ing mess that is. so much crap

Katia Manfredi
Katia Manfredi - 16.01.2021 13:35

She has agrateful heart. Thanking things that hve served us is a concept weare not familiar with

Emily Vance
Emily Vance - 03.01.2021 00:42

I hope you recycled/re-homed those things instead of simply putting them in the garbage :(

Matthew Boy
Matthew Boy - 10.11.2020 11:07

It’s hard to believe that her desk is that messy!

Aletha Cates
Aletha Cates - 27.10.2020 19:18

My challenge is that I let piles of notebooks get stacked up and now I couldn't even have room to sort the stuff, without making a mess!!!

Aletha Cates
Aletha Cates - 27.10.2020 19:16

putting old books in the trash is very heavy ???

Aletha Cates
Aletha Cates - 27.10.2020 19:16

This is hard when you work and study and minister

xAwesomeStarGirl - 11.10.2020 04:41

I love Marie Kondo

Nice Stuff
Nice Stuff - 14.09.2020 07:49

How does she understand the question, but need a translator to answer?

RainMakeR - 13.09.2020 07:10

I always find it weird when they make it look like people talking different languages are talking directly.

Dong Zhou
Dong Zhou - 08.09.2020 05:33

why are they so tense

MsLouisV - 09.08.2020 03:37

Shut up already

Patricia Farrow Boshardy
Patricia Farrow Boshardy - 04.08.2020 18:46

"Thank & Disgard" opps

Aurel  Filip
Aurel Filip - 28.07.2020 21:31

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.
But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

Monedula - 25.07.2020 12:20

japanese is such a beautiful language, why the translator? 🙄 subtitles don‘t disturb human interactions.

Digital Nation
Digital Nation - 19.07.2020 17:48

this sparks joy

Jing MA
Jing MA - 18.07.2020 05:28

Is it just me that feels she looks like ziyi zhang?

Gerson Lopez
Gerson Lopez - 13.07.2020 01:40

I see what you did there. Can I invite Marie Kondo to my office so she can do the same? lol jk

moongonemadmode - 10.07.2020 19:40

petition to upload a new version with subtitles:

M_justm - 08.07.2020 14:20

A senseiiiition

CuddleFish Treasures
CuddleFish Treasures - 27.06.2020 19:21

Thank you Marie!

PinaScreen - 19.06.2020 13:15

Step 1: Decide what you want from your space
Step 2: Divide your items into groups
Step 3: Decide what sparks joy
Step 4: Thank and Disregard
Step 5: Put items back in order

Kuntarini Rahsilawati
Kuntarini Rahsilawati - 14.06.2020 12:06

The comparison Before and After is not visualized well.

Aqueous - 14.06.2020 11:23

Subtitles!! They exist

David vpLinux
David vpLinux - 11.06.2020 20:19

The English woman looks like she was just hysterically crying before filming.

swee yeet
swee yeet - 31.05.2020 19:59

Marie Kondo: do these spark joy?
Me a student looking at textbooks: no but gotta have em anyways rip

收納整理x斷捨離 - 19.05.2020 18:49


Yvanna De Guzman
Yvanna De Guzman - 17.05.2020 22:26

the voice over sucks

Ophelia - 15.05.2020 02:49

I would prefer subtitles. Love hearing her calm voice.

Heather Luna
Heather Luna - 14.05.2020 09:29


Tajmeera Dookhan
Tajmeera Dookhan - 26.04.2020 13:22

i love this woman. She is AMAZING

Toribia Lara
Toribia Lara - 15.04.2020 23:26

Great Video! Forgive me for chiming in, I would appreciate your initial thoughts. Have you researched - Mahorrla Control Clutter Method (do a search on google)? It is an awesome one off guide for decluttering your home minus the normal expense. Ive heard some super things about it and my buddy after many years got amazing success with it.

Theo - 06.04.2020 19:07

The voice over is truly the WORST. How come can she be so cold and passionless? Totally ruined Konmari's wonderful presentation.

Béatrice Pagnoux
Béatrice Pagnoux - 28.03.2020 21:54

Quelqu’un pour sous-titrer en français svp? Merci

ida maya
ida maya - 07.03.2020 18:52

gaming room next

Ruta - 27.02.2020 04:29

Me with my homework and my pile of papers ( i work from home)
Does this spark joy?
Me- No, lets bin it all!
My boss- you fired, lol
