How will Canada's cap on international students impact Saskatchewan?

How will Canada's cap on international students impact Saskatchewan?


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@rishi505 - 02.02.2024 22:15

Home Crisis ,High Crime , High Rent , unlimited International students and refugees and Inflation is gift to Canada by Mr Justin T . He should resign. 8 students in 2 bed room living in Basment Surrey . puppy mills two bedroom college need to close

@gcs9350 - 29.01.2024 14:12

Good luck freezing inCanada ..NB -14 today and getting colder

@gcs9350 - 29.01.2024 14:09

We have no jobs in Canada for the educated ..fact housing either ..

@TT-fq7pl - 29.01.2024 02:01

Moe cuts by the Moe rons

@4fit816 - 29.01.2024 01:47

Should limit all Internationals from a few countries i can think of........... off the top of my head. Southern Ontario is being completely over run.,

@dkell1597 - 29.01.2024 01:47

Less crime, cheaper housing

@larryherdman6579 - 29.01.2024 01:34

How about no international students if they are turning down Canadian students. There should not be a two tier system based on money. They would take the money over our Canadian kids every time.

@TofuBoi_ - 29.01.2024 00:45

International students are here to fund Canadian economy. It is the construction of housing needs to keep up. But instead, they decided to get rid of the students along with a big chunk of funding that came with them... This self harming behaviour is dumb and is gonna hurt Canadians in the long term. The money international students brought to Canada not only enough to support all of the housing projects, but also enough to stimulate local economy. If you want to limit the population growth, you can just tighten the criterias of becoming a permanent resident. You know, to be frankly, the smart way is to limit their stay after they already spent money for a few years here, not before... and don't forget to keep tabs on the housing constructions because we need them fast.

@smokiethebear3334 - 28.01.2024 22:16

The students problems are not important!! Canadians problems are the priority!! Close the borders already

@Cringer101 - 28.01.2024 22:09

Lets face it we all know 95% of the students go to Brampton, Surrey and Richmond, it wont impact Saskatchewan at all

@kateh9768 - 28.01.2024 22:07

Most of these students take bogus classes at bogus schools.We should only accept doctors and trades people. We absolutely do not need anymore fast food workers or skip drivers.

@fatsilver5905 - 28.01.2024 22:05

Next we have to have a serious conversation with people who are popping so many babies...contain yourselves better guys, get a different hobby😉

@ronalddoucet7316 - 28.01.2024 22:04

Stay around for ten years, pay taxes like we do. Then your schooling be cheaper. It a tax Canadian call school tax home owners pay..

@bsmittal2010 - 28.01.2024 21:23

Grapes are sour.. Students don't want to come, they release, it is expensive and Canadian education does not give them jobs, in Canada too. However, it is better in long run for Canada too.

@Lubey4U - 28.01.2024 20:54

'Dont blame international students so much. Its other immigration too'. Ok bro. You arent making the argument you think you are.

@familyb5800 - 28.01.2024 20:51

Food banks, climate crisis.....I know: taxpayer funded journalism 😅

@burtreynolds2969 - 28.01.2024 20:39

They should put a cap on it. Im pretty sure that most of these International "students" have one thing on their minds. Permanent residency. It's a way for them to get their foot in the door, then many more family members are to follow.

@user-uk6jz1yt5m - 28.01.2024 20:31

It is not immigration it is about exploitation. Stop showing dreams to people start acting. There is enough population in Canada who are young and educated get them employment pay them well. Reduce the retirement age to 60 and kick the old out to have some life for themselves while they have some energy. This will creat happiness and productivity and young generation will support their elderly by putting more enthusiasm and energy into the job. Now no wants to stay in Canada they are coming for only one advantage take citizenship and look for green pasture outside. Canada need to rethink of Canadian dream for all that came here or want to come but not the citizenship sale country.

@smashypeople - 28.01.2024 20:29

stop it all

@ajg1616 - 28.01.2024 20:18

We need to take care of Canadian born citizens first , if “ international students” who attend strip mall colleges take up all the housing and apartments what’s left for us ?

@turntablesrockmyworld9315 - 28.01.2024 20:14

I am from an Indian immigrant family from decades ago and even we don't want to see little India here. Why Canada is doing this is simply mind-boggling. The housing crisis in the small town we live in is because of Indians buying and flipping or renting the houses here driving out generations of Canadian families. Most of the lower wage jobs here are filled with Indians who don't live here, buy things here and don't really contribute to the community. I love the fact that International students come here and study and I love diversity in my life but I am old now, and I went to the university campus not far from here and it is almost 40% international students. Something is wrong and money, of course, is involved.

@davidsmith9873 - 28.01.2024 19:58

I am all for immigrating legally. But Canada knew very well of its aging population and had over two decades to taper an influx of immigrants in a controlled way and in the last number of years this looks like panicked replenishment in the name of labour shortage and shrinking tax base. This was the reckless scenario for saturated the country too quickly overwhelming all the health services and social services and of course housing everyone-there was a better way.

@deapthought1156 - 28.01.2024 19:47

We need a mature /honest discussion about immigration.

@newbee2262 - 28.01.2024 19:31

One of the students requested federal government to find another strategy. Hoe about this? Scenario 1: we dont cap international students, and no international students ever get their work visa and PR. If they want their PR, return to your home country and apply again but for PR.
Cannot let people buy their PR.

@DIckbricky - 28.01.2024 19:23

Wouldnt it be cool if actual canadians could buy a house? You guys literally don't have a clue what this really is about.

@olahellasnews1252 - 28.01.2024 19:20

30k for fees 18k for rent 12k for clothes and food that's 60k minimum a year and I ask if I had 60k a year what I'm doing in Canada, I can live like a king in Indian

@madhavsharma8057 - 28.01.2024 19:10

Canada will come down to its knees soon… 😂

@huhujojo1968 - 28.01.2024 19:01

I was hoping some provinces will be spared from this disastrous program that has ruined Ontario , I hope Saskatchewan and other not yet over ran provinces will act before it is too late. The sad fact is these are not students but unskilled economic migrants gaming the system to get PR who won't contribute much to increase productivity other than compete for fewer resources like housing and entry level jobs,

@logiczchance101 - 28.01.2024 18:29

"canada" did not cap anything. instead, it was the decision of one individual. but yeah, anyways...anything to keep provinces and territories held hostage somehow.

@davehowe6734 - 28.01.2024 18:29

Stop refugees til the housing situation is fixed also. Like MORE LOW INCOME HOUSING IS NEEDED.

@tommorton5246 - 28.01.2024 18:28

Disgusting how fast the media jumped onboard with the farce of international bearing blame for the housing crisis. Where are journalists researching housing supply ( 250,000 per year built ) and how many immigrants and refugees per year ( 1000000 ) ? Is the school system in Canada so bad that literally nobody in media can figure out you cannot add over 1 million people without housing ? NO Blame the international student!

@frbrbrgrblgrr7777 - 28.01.2024 17:51

Wait, we will have homes, more affordable housing and less crime?

@LiftingDonuts - 28.01.2024 17:40

You are NOT hosting anything when you exploit international students by charging them 5 to 10x more for the same studies. How many of these students are you willing to take if they don't hit your bottom line and how better will your screening process be? Jokers.

@vividvideos6087 - 28.01.2024 16:57

Excellent news! But leave it to CBC to cry over the international scammer studetns

@StephenLeGresley - 28.01.2024 16:50

If Saskatchewan is so concerned about this are they willing to house all the students? Are they willing to increase provincial funding for housing and health care to deal with the increase in population?

Colleges and Universities are only concerned about their profits and they could care less about how it impacts Canada as a whole.

@kimguy4159 - 28.01.2024 13:43

CBC seems to not understand the issue. It is not about housing for the students, it is about the housing left over for Canadians after the influx of international students and all immigration. Too bad they only care to interview one size of the debate

@bashcalas8146 - 28.01.2024 11:20

Hello there. I am among the aspiring International student from East Africa.

After a very extensive research, I am settling to apply to Saskatchewan University for the fall semester,2024.

As a policy person myself, i was concerned about the hike of tuition for a 12 months Masters program by 100% at once. May be, that would have been done incremental.

Now, one has to go back to the drawing board to adjust thier budget, this might affect many students who might reconsider their move study in Canada.

I chose Canada for its quality in graduate studies. I am interested in becoming a Researcher on matters Politics, social, law and governance.
