Acne – What boys can do about it

Acne – What boys can do about it

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learn_and_earn - 23.07.2023 13:11

No. Why are you guiding people wrongly? Always remember guys ,taking high sugar diets always cause inflammation and inflammation led to acne

SquareBoxHead - 16.07.2023 08:21

my pimples go away in a couple of days but then there is the scarring. it looks like I have more pimples than I actually do on my cheeks

ACEX - 19.06.2023 12:48

Why here in my neighborhood every one thinks acne causes by fapping!!! What the fu** is wrong with some of these people....😫

Sagar 26
Sagar 26 - 09.06.2023 11:17

If you suffer for acne very long time ..only one treatment isotretinoin change your life 🧬

Kora Wild
Kora Wild - 06.06.2023 04:10

I break out in whiteheads every day on forehead plz help because treatment won’t work

MemeQ - 03.04.2023 05:42

i’m lucky i don’t have much acne and its not really visible to people but i suddenly broke out on my left cheek and i don’t want it to become visible

Safeer - 31.03.2023 06:27

I am a 19 year old guy, and i still suffer from severe acne. Even tho I take care . It hurts😢

Adel Alsaleh
Adel Alsaleh - 25.03.2023 21:02

I’m 14 and I have acne on my back and chest and nose and forehead. Is that normal??

Jardon pato
Jardon pato - 15.03.2023 11:58

Most people with acne too are the most handsome or beautiful people if they don’t have dem😢

Janiah Onfroy
Janiah Onfroy - 30.01.2023 00:21

Put black seed oil on ur face and take a tablespoon of it everyday

at least i didn't cheat in Minecraft
at least i didn't cheat in Minecraft - 29.01.2023 18:10

no treatment worked for me i wanna die

Void - 13.01.2023 19:10

Don't know who this will help but go on a Carnivore diet and your acne will go away. Eggs, meat, and raw dairy. Pasteurized Dairy will break you out badly.

David G
David G - 29.12.2022 09:16

I didn’t have acne all high school but now at the age of 18 - 19, I been battling with acne just on my chin and only around the lower part of my face. Very annoying. Starting to try beef liver to get rid of it

Michael Maroof
Michael Maroof - 29.12.2022 05:11

I have so many acne is like in my face check back but have been working I think my acne is clear up by working out then they return

Gorillasack12 - 24.12.2022 22:06

Jesus bro I’ve been having it for about a year now it’s the it’s the most embarrassing thing ever my picture day gone my senior year dances and prom i didn’t go to because how bad it looked

devin dream dust
devin dream dust - 27.11.2022 05:32

Pimple on my fukkn nose

Demon King
Demon King - 17.11.2022 11:17

Acne has ruined my life i hate god and blame god for this . Why give pimple i cant workout nor can i go outside like i used to o cant play soccer nothing . Why god why u never had acne nor did the people around u so why me i feel like swearing god down to the bone

YAHWAx7 - 04.11.2022 13:46

I got acne and unfortunately i pop that now i have dark spots and my acne is worst like every 2 days i got big bumps on face ( can somebody help ?? )

? - 19.10.2022 19:13

Honestly. I would be a very handsome man if my acne cured.

BIKASH SINGH - 07.10.2022 09:39

i have loose my confidence i want to die ..

ONE & WE - 15.09.2022 14:05

I am also suffering from acne ..but now it's fading away, so I am gaining my confidence back ☺️..
But not gonna lie my own mom and brother use to make fun of me , they would be like look at your ugly face , or you look like a monkey...I was seriously dipressed ..
Although I also realised that making friends wasent that difficult as no one really cared about my acne ..ya but I was still not confident.. wearing mask had made it worse ✌️..
But now things are getting kind of better .. and I don't really care about my looks much ..I mean who gives a damm about being lokes by everyone...

Janina Cancino
Janina Cancino - 14.08.2022 07:31

Personality!!It's Everything. Don't confused

Jubair - 13.08.2022 09:06

I have huge crush on a girl because of acne I don't have confidence to talk to her 😑

OMI - 28.07.2022 19:26

😂😂science has not proved that diet is related to acne? Wtf😂😂

Prajwal Gowda
Prajwal Gowda - 19.07.2022 16:12

More than 8 years no improvement

Nalani S
Nalani S - 14.07.2022 12:44

excellent information

odic - 24.06.2022 05:58

its been 5 years since i got my first pimple thinking it was a joke, 5 years later im beyond inscure, acne is genuinely the worst thing thats ever happened to me

Alexandros Jr
Alexandros Jr - 23.06.2022 18:56

Acne It is a diet issue. Diet is the most important

Chand Shah
Chand Shah - 23.05.2022 12:06

How can i fight the acne sir please tell me pleasee

VIRUSFREAK GAMING - 19.05.2022 07:47

I'm 15 years old i have olt acne on forehead ??

TENZIN JAMYANG - 12.05.2022 14:00

It's ok if u have acne i do have also,and sometimes I do feel insecure,but main thing is your personality and heart,cause acne will probably be gone after a time.

Just be yourself, speaking from my heart 💜

Hansi - 25.04.2022 05:32

Fun Fact: Girls have more acne then boys.
Thank me later.

CHURCH of Sacred CACTI - 13.03.2022 01:39

I had acne from 6th through 9th grade then it began getting better. By College I didn't have acne, only occasional pimple. So of you're between 13-18 and reading this...time is your best healer. I had it bad around my Jaw area a day lips

Lion in Gucci Suit
Lion in Gucci Suit - 04.03.2022 15:42

Acne destroyed my youth,i see there are other boys of my age having clear skin ,dating woman ,doing social gatherings,parties just because of their good looks whereas me avoiding all these because whenever i meet people they rather avoid me or don't talk after one meeting
God is not fair for me atall

Nightowl - 16.02.2022 13:16

My skin was very clear and smooth, everyone kept asking me what was your secret and I said absolutely nothing I think my parents don't had acne in their young age but now it's been 4 months I'm suffering from acne. It's not that bad but I would always like to have a perfect and clear skin but now I feel less confidence. I'm here to tell you all that no matter your skin is clear or have no acne now, just have a simple skincare routine for your face. It'll help trust me

TheAresBlade - 10.11.2021 18:24

I'm good with my acne thank you for telling this

Bill Buttlicker
Bill Buttlicker - 30.09.2021 10:54

Quit masturbate, having regular sex, pimples will go away naturally. That’s my experience, I discovered this when I was 18, I was having acne issues, and it’s that year I was having loads of sex with my exgirlfrind, somehow all pimples on my face went away. Then about a year later we broke up, no sex for me anymore, this F pimples reappeared on my face, this was so frustrating and annoying, and I realised it must be the lacking of sex caused this issue, but it’s not easy to find a girl for free sex, so I started visiting brothel regularly, after a while pimple problem resolved, till today I still go to brothel once a week. I just wanna say it’s necessary, don’t let other peoples opinions or judgement ruin your face or your life. P.S I don’t use any skin lotions but soap

Angel Cohen
Angel Cohen - 19.08.2021 03:53

I notice lots of people keep on talking about Fopobiacne Secrets. But I'm uncertain if it is good. Have you ever try this popular acne treatment?

Heath Stanley
Heath Stanley - 19.08.2021 03:40

Do anyone know about Fopobiacne Secrets? Does it really work? I hear lots of people break free from their acne with this popular natural acne remedy.

Infinite Flow
Infinite Flow - 30.07.2021 20:38

Acne is hell

KJ - 24.07.2021 09:41

I can’t comb my hair … I’m in the military and have short hair …

JessaCarra - 19.07.2021 12:25

I take amoxicillin every day ones a day and now I have no pimples

Spider-Boi29 - 25.06.2021 20:54

Thank you very much, im 14

GOUTAM GAMING - 12.06.2021 18:32

When pimple will go

GRIFFITH - 31.05.2021 15:12

at which age puberty ends in boys and got rid of acne

sahil - 30.05.2021 09:47

Whole body is available but it appears only in face most of the time

Claire Divas
Claire Divas - 29.05.2021 17:56

Has anyone used the Fopobiacne Secrets to clear your acne naturally? Just do a google search. On there you will discover a great guidelines about how exactly you can clear your acne naturally. Why not give it a shot? maybe it's going to work for you too.

Grady Tyler
Grady Tyler - 29.05.2021 16:27

Do anyone know about Fopobiacne Secrets? Does it work? I hear lots of people clear their acne naturally with this popular acne remedy.

Alexandra Wall
Alexandra Wall - 29.05.2021 16:25

Hi there, have you considered Fopobiacne Secrets yet? Just do a search engine search. On there you'll discover an awesome tips about how you can cure your acne naturally. Why not give it a shot? maybe it's going to work for you too.

Thomas Van Houten
Thomas Van Houten - 02.05.2021 04:29

Im 14 and I've got acne on my face, chest, shoulders, and back. It's pretty dang ugly on my back and shoulders. I really hate it on my face because it's ugly. My God acne is like a living nightmare and a half.
